Kara was nervous about her first day of school, and not in the normal sense of the word. Alex had more experience with the whole school thing than the kryptonian did which really terrified her because that meant she already has her own group. She was very thankful that Jeremiah had created special glasses for her so that she didn't lose control of her powers at school and stand out to everyone that didn't know her story.

The sound of a door closing snapped her out of the myriad of thoughts and into reality. Her adopted sister Alex stood outside of her window giving her a strange look and then giving a quick hand gesture to hurry up. With a sigh she turned towards Jeremiah.

"Kara, ignore Alex and just try to have a nice day at school. I know it will be hard since you've never had to try and not have attention drawn to you. On the bright side your sister will be there to help you if there seems to be any trouble. Try to make friends too, people might surprise you." A bright smile appeared on her lips and she gave him a very thankful glance since she was so touched by his words and didn't want to speak in case she started to cry. She then turned to the window and inhaled at the same time she opened the door. Alex sighed in relief and started to walk quickly towards the school entrance.

"Wait! Alex, slow down!"

"You'll have to catch up first! I'm not going to wait on you the entire day!" Kara groaned in annoyance by Alex's attitude. It wasn't her fault she never experienced anything like this before and was extremely nervous to be entering an elementary school and learn things about earth she never knew before. As soon as she caught up with her sister, she swore she saw a displeased look on her face. With that she stopped in her tracks, a frown appearing on her face. She then looked at her class schedule again that she had received three days prior. Since Alex didn't want to be around her then she'd just make it easier for her and go to her first class of the day. The room number read 306, so she looked at her surroundings and saw that she was looking at room 303. A questioning expression could be seen by anyone who passed by since she was unsure of what way to go in order to find her class. Her thoughts were interrupted by a not so subtle cough and she turned to where the disruption came from.

Curious green eyes met her startled blue ones and she quickly calmed down.

"I apologize if I startled you. It's just that you kind of look like you're lost. Do you need any help finding anything?" the mystery girl asked. Kara smiled in gratitude and walked over to her.

"I'm looking for room 303. Do you know where it's located?" she asked. The raven haired girl gave a smirk and Kara didn't know why.

"That's where I'm headed," she informed. Kara's eyes grew wide in shock, but didn't have time to say anything because the other girl took her hand and pulled her four doors down the hall and stopped at their destination. She gave a friendly gesture for her to enter first. The blonde haired girl gave a shy smile and walked into the room. It didn't take long for her to have all eyes on her and the girl beside her.

"Guess Lena Luthor has another so called friend brainwashed into believing she is nothing like her brother Lex. She's so full of it. With the way she acts I won't be surprised if she ends up with no friends when she's all grown up," someone snickered. Kara was just about to defend the raven haired girl who she guessed was Lena. Instead she kept her mouth shut realizing she was related to her cousin's enemy. Kal-El would not be happy if he found out she was friends or acquaintances with the girl. So she quickly went into the back of the room and sat down, taking the last empty seat in that row. Meaning Lena wouldn't be able to sit next to her. Even though she was feeling guilty about the whole ordeal she just couldn't have attention drawn to herself.

"Kara Danvers, I hear that you are new to this town and community. Where did you come from before you moved here?" the English teacher asked.

"Umm… I came from up north," she replied. Her voice uneasy since the Danvers didn't really give her an actual cover story. The teacher gave a questioning look her way, but decided not to ask too many questions. Her gaze then moved away from the kryptonian and rested on Lena.

"I understand why miss Kara was late, but I'm not exactly sure why you are late Miss Luthor," she questioned with an unrecognizable tone hidden within. Kara fixated her gaze to the girl and saw that she looked small even though she seemed quite confident earlier when talking to the blonde haired girl moments before.

"I'm late because I was helping… Kara. She seemed lost and like she was in a different world. I thought she might be in need of a guide," she explained. It seemed convincing enough to Kara, but not to anyone else in the class including the teacher. A quiet sigh escaped her lips as she thought of how mistreated Lena was because of how her brother acts. So she decided from that moment on she wouldn't compare the raven haired girl to Lex because she deserved more than that.

The bell finally rang and Kara waited for everyone else to disembark before getting up and walking over to Lena. She was entranced in her drawings and didn't hear the other girl approach her.

"Hey, the bell rang and I don't want you to be called out in your next class for being late," Kara said with a concerned tone. Lena jumped at the sudden interruption and was relieved to see it was just the new girl. However, a disappointed look soon appeared and she looked away. "I don't really care if I'm late. Just go to your next class since you obviously don't trust me like everyone else in this stupid town," she muttered with disappointment. Kara didn't want to leave her with the problem unresolved but she didn't want to make it even worse either. So she slung her backpack over her shoulder and left the room feeling defeated. Her next class was with Mr. Hawthorne who taught science so she looked at the room number which was 301. A sigh of relief escaped her as she realized it was right in front of her. She walked in the room and noticed that not many kids were present yet. That meant any seat was hers to choose from and again she went to the back of the room. It was the only place she could think of where she wouldn't stand out. Moments later ten people rushed into the room and sat down. Kara didn't understand why that happened until the bell rang, signaling that the class had begun. Mr. Hawthorne entered after the last student sat down in their seat before starting the lesson. "Today I'm going to start out with a basic topic today which has to do with-" the sound of the door closing focused everyone's attention onto Lena Luthor. As soon as she entered her green eyes found familiar blue ones.

"You have got to be joking," she stated in disbelief. All eyes then went to Kara to see what had caused Lena to stop midway of entering the room. Then they noticed the empty seat next to her and gave Kara a sympathetic look. She didn't want their sympathy though. This was beneficial for her to get on Lena's side and make things right. It was her first day and she had already made an enemy.