A few days have passed and Emperor Splero remained a bit depressed over the loss of his beloved consort. Chimpan, Nick and Judy kept on comforting the human monarch. The loss totally etched a psychological and emotional shock that continued to take its toll and Splero remained on brooding silently either in the couch or in his work desk. Everyone felt the sympathy, even Chief Bogo was affected too. As it continued, Splero continued on his service as ZPD's only human high-ranking officer and his reign as Zootopia's first Emperor through with a sad soul that persisted on.

One day, Judy was typing on her desktop computer. She was then slowly interrupted by her partner Nick.

'Hey, Carrots.'


'I feel a bit solemn today.'



The red fox then sighed.

'I feel a bit sorry over Splero's loss.'

'Me too. I can't believe that Michelle was now gone for good.'

'It hurts but that is the rule of life. You born, you live and you die.'

He then leans over the cubicle wall.

'I never expected to see the anguish of a poor human of a large scale before. It really pains me.'

'Same in here.'

A few minutes of silence followed then a wild idea came into Nick's mind.

'I have an idea to motivate him up.'

Judy went curious.

'What's the idea?'

Her question makes Nick shuddered.

'Well...I'm going to...Uhh.'

'Spit it out, Nick.'

'I'm going to motivate him to go for a visit in the Mystic Oasis.'

Judy was surprised.


Just like a cue, someone then spit-takes near Nick. The red fox turned around and saw Regent Chimpan coughing out from drinking the tea cup he was holding.

'Mystic Oasis you say, Nick?'

'That's outrageous!'

Nick tried to explain but Judy cuts him off.

'Why are you going tell him to go there, Nick?'

'I-I going to motivate him to go there because...'

Chimpan then places his hand on his shoulder.

'Nick, that is the craziest thing I heard so far.'

'Wait, guys! Let me explain!'

Both Judy and Chimpan were silenced.

'I want to motivate Splero in going to the Mystic Oasis because he haven't checked the place out yet. In fact, he did really wanted to go there all by himself.'

'He does?'

'Yeah. He even asked me the directions of it as well.'

The rabbit and the primate remained silent for a bit.

'If that's the case, why would he wanted to go there?'

Nick shrugged.

'I don't know, guys but I been thinking is that he wanted to explore the place out because Mystic Oasis is a large place where the other Zootopians were socializing directly, right?'

'Yeah. That's true.'

'That would be a point there, Nick.'

Nick nodded.

'But what about the nudists in there?'

'Don't worry about it, Carrots. I already explained it to Splero in detail.'


'Just a few hours ago.'

Chimpan was slightly stunned.

'For real?!'

'Yep. At first, Splero wasn't so sure about it but now, he already does.'

Both Judy and Chimpan were silent again. Nick's proposition was a bit off the subject but for the sake of the Emperor of Zootopia, they have no other choice.

'Alright, Nick. We'll hope for that one.'

'Only for the sake of the Emperor. Nobody else.'

'Of course, guys. Only for the Emperor. I promise.'

Nick straightened his tie before he left the two and started to approach towards Splero's cubicle.


In his own cubicle, Splero had just finished in typing the reports on his desktop computer. For now, he just gazing on the picture that he was holding in his hand. It was the picture of him and Michelle standing side by side each other near to the old 1900s-era motorized car that was parked beside them. Both of their faces bears smiles that makes Splero's heart ache again. Just as the mourning started, Nick interrupted him.


The red fox's voice reverted Splero back to his original senses.


'What are you doing in there?'

'Oh. Nothing. Just looking on the picture of me and my Michelle again.'

'I can see that.'

Splero sighed.

'I really do missed her.'

'Me too, Sire.'

'We both do, Nick.'

The red fox then leaned on.



'Have you made up your mind already?'

'Made up my mind on what, Nick?'

'About your visit to Mystic Oasis later.'

'Oh. Yes, Nick. I already made up my mine.'

'OK then.'

'Why did you asked?'

'Nothing, Splero except for the fact that Judy and your regent Chimpan were both surprised that I motivating you to go to the nudists' club in Mystic Oasis.'

'I know, Nick. I still remember what Judy said to me long ago.'

'What did she said?'

'She said that she was freaked out upon her entry in Mystic Oasis, Nick.'

'Oh yeah.'

Nick snickered.

'I still remember that time.'


Splero then hid the picture away in his satchel.

'Anyway, I'm going to tell Chief Bogo that I already done in typing the report that he requested.'

'Oh. OK, Splero. Go ahead.'

Splero then stood up and Nick steps out of the way as the human Emperor walked away. Splero turned around and he places his hand on his fur shoulder.

'I'll see you later, Slick.'

Nick nodded.

'Yeah. See ya later too, Sire.'

Splero then departs. Nick then went back to his own cubicle.