"Lina. Before we go back to the Memory Den, just tell me this." I turn around when Nora speaks up. "What would you do if you were able to keep your memories?"

"I'm honestly not sure. But there must be something I can do!"

The beautiful blonde smiles and chuckles at my response. "You're quite determined, aren't you?"

"Well of course I am!" I pout. "I don't want to forget everything we've been through. And I want to remember everything you've done for me."

"Many synths do, Lina. Many of them do." She rests an arm on my shoulder and leads me out to the hallway. "Come on. Let's go talk to the doctor again."

"Welcome back, Lina. Are you ready to become a new person?" Amira says with a more kinder smile. "Come sit down."

"I don't want to do that." I say in a weak attempt to stand up for myself.

"Nora. I told you to talk to the girl!"

The blonde beside me lets out a huff. "I did. But I don't see the big deal if we let her go on without the memory wipe."

"Have you lost the last of your marbles?" The doctor scowls. "You're risking everything we have all worked for!"

"I believe in her. I'll take her to diamond city and get her face and hair changed. Nick might like the company, maybe she can get start there."

"You and Nick are so alike, I wouldn't be surprised if he agreed." Amari sighs, her eyes rolling off to the side. "If you believe so, then go ahead. You don't need me if that is case. Get out."

"She still has some memories programmed into her that she cannot recall." Nora comebacks

"I'll have to take a look then." The scientist looks at me. "Come over here and sit down so I can take a look in your head. There's probably some wiring problems that are preventing you from accessing the pre-programmed memories."

I hesitate and slowly step forward.

"You won't feel a thing, Lina. Hurry up." The doctor gestures to the couch beside her.

"Are you sure? This isn't the first time someone has tried to get into my head."

"Trust her, Lina." Nora gives me a gentle push. "We don't have many other choices."

"If you say so." I step closer and sit down at the closer end of the couch so Amari has easy access to my head.

"Now hold still." She takes a rubber band out of a pocket in her lab coat and uses it to tie my long hair out of the way. "You won't feel a thing." Using tools from her pockets, she begins to remove the panel on the back of my head. But I begin to panic the moment she opens the little door open to reveal my internal mechanics.

"No no no no no!"

"Lina!" The doctor snaps, grabbing my shoulder. "You won't feel anything you scaredy cat! Sit and stay sat!"

I let out a bit of a whimper and cower into the couch so she can continue. Nora sits next to me and smiles. "Here." She offers me her hand. "Take my hand." I hesitate before taking her hand and holding it firmly. "If you get scared, just squeeze."

"Much better." Amari huffs and begins her work digging inside the numerous wires and pieces within my head.

"This feels violating…" I sigh softly.

Nora can't help but to laugh at my comment. "I'm sure it does. I wouldn't want anyone snooping my head either."

"Your head can't be put back together very easily. I would hope you wouldn't want anyone in it."

She let out another soft chuckle. "You're gonna like Nick."

"Who's Nick? You've mentioned him before."

"He's a synth that lives in Diamond City as a detective."

"You mean he solves crimes and stuff?"

"Yep. It took a while but the people living in the city eventually grew to accept him as a synth. But when you get there I wouldn't suggest telling everyone the truth."

"I mean," Amari started. "You'll only ruin everything I, Nora, and the Railroad have worked for. Not too big of a deal."

"Doctor, you're gonna scare her! The less she has to worry about the better!"

"It's the truth, isn't it?"


I gulp and sigh softly. "I can keep my mouth shut, don't worry. I won't let you down, Nora." I look up at her and smile weakly, only to have my head yanked down again by Amari.

"I told you to hold still!" The doctor shouts angrily. "Or else you won't have any memories after this at all. I found the problem, so let me fix it."

"Sorry…" I shut my mouth and do my best to not focus on the fact that I have a woman digging through my mechanical brain currently.