I feel like my brain is going into overdrive its's been too long guys. CNA life is not as easy as they make it seem okay.

Mistakes are mine.

Happy reading.

"I.." I try and it comes out scratchy so I cough to clear my throat before trying again, this time looking at Christian and grabbing the hand closest to me. "I love you too." I say, tears in both of our eyes. Before either of us can speak the door burst open and the person I least expected is standing there. Red faced and tear stained face.


"Ana. Oh Ana my poor baby. Are you okay? Well I mean how are you feeling? Are you hurt badly? I got a call from your Aunt Beatrice, saying you had been shot. Ana what happened?"

"Well I got shot. That's pretty much the end of the story." I reply, voice still scratchy sometimes.

"But how? Were you working a case or something?"

"No not really. Mom it's a long story and I don't feel like talking at all."

"Oh. Okay sweetie. You- you just give me a call when you're ready to speak to me." She says and before I can reply she leaves the room closing the roughly behind her.

"She seems nice." Doctor Black says and Christian and I just look at her. " Well. I'm going to go now." She says walking out the door closing it behind her.

"Where were we?" I ask just as a knock sounds through the room. "Oh who is it now?"

"Come in." Christian says with a sigh.

"Agent Steele. Good to see you're still with us." John says as he closes the door back behind him.

"Montgomery! Good to see you."

"I'm glad you think so. I've been beating myself up over this since I heard." He says walking closer to my side not occupied by Christian, grabbing my hand.

"What? Why?"

"If I hadn't told you to leave Grey none of this would have happened." He says wiping at his eye.

"John no. None of this is your fault. That woman was always going to be after me. That has nothing to do with you. And it's not your fault that I'm the best you have." I say with a smile, making him laugh, remembering that first day so long ago.


"And what's with wanting a woman?" By the look he's giving right now I think that was my last outburst.
"Well if you would shut up and let me finish a sentence you would know by now!"
"I apologize, sir, please continue." Well now I feel like a scolded teenager.
"As I was saying my supervisor has a case for you, since you are the best I have, to protect one of the benefactor's sons. His name is Christian Grey, you are his case agent until the threat is

dealt with, we clear?"


"You were then and you are now. Anyway now that the emotions are out of the way. I came here to tell you something in person." John says pausing.

"Do tell. No need for a dramatic pause." Christian says and I smile.

"Well as you know the body we originally thought to be Ella wasn't. We found out that it was actually Elena Lincoln."

"What?" Christian and I say at the same time.

"Her husband recently put in a missing persons report. She matches the, well what's left of the height and weight of the body we have in the morgue. And with the history both of you have with the victim it fits."

"You know about that huh?" I ask, feeling the blush in my ears.

"I work at the FBI, of course I do. But that's not all. We put some undercover agents all over the hospital because I suspected Ella would be by for a visit and I was right."

"What!?" Christian and I yell again at once.

"No need to worry. As of five hours ago Ella Knox was captured by FBI agents." John says and the breath I was holding rushes out of me.

"So it's really finally over? We know for a fact that it was her?" Christian asks.

"Well from the way she was screaming that she 'had to kill that damn Rose'. It was either her or a psych patient." John says, trying to add some comedic relief.

"My god. It's really finally over." I say letting it finally settle in me.

"It is." Christian says, kissing me soundly.

"I'll uh see myself out. And I'll see you whenever the doctor says you can come back to work." John says patting my leg as he leaves. Oh and happy early birthday." Is his last words before walking fully out the door.

"Birthday? Christina what's today?"

"September 5th. When's your birthday?" He asks, accusation clear in his voice.

"In five days." I whisper.

"Your birthday is in five days and I didn't even know. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well with everything going on I just kind of forgot."

"But it's your birthday. You can't spend your birthday in a hospital. I'll have my mom arrange something." Christian says pulling his phone out.

"No, Christian it's fine. It's not the first birthday I've spent in a hospital. I promise I'm fine being here."

"Exactly you are fine with it. I am not. Mom hey, I was wondering if there was any way we could get Ana out of the hospital before the 10th. Yes this Friday the 10th. Because it's her birthday…. Yea that would be fine… I'm sure we could work something out…. Are you sure?"

"What is she saying?" I ask when he pauses.

"Yes. Thank you mom. Love you too. See you Friday."

"What did she say?"

"She said there is but you have to be monitored to make sure you don't get any infections and she's throwing you a birthday dinner on Friday."

"Oh okay tha- wait what? No."

"It was part of her negotiations."

"Fine, I guess. At least now I get to see where you grew up." I say and smile into the kiss. he gives.