Code Geass: GATE

Chapter 3

"Lelouch, wake up! I know you were sleeping, your hand stopped moving!"

The boy in question blinked awake the sleep from his eyes and turned to face the blonde she-demon known as Millicent Ashford. "Ah, I must have. I apologize, Madame President."

She looked at him with slight concern in her eyes before shifting the mood to something lighter. "Oh, how honoured I must be to receive the Ice Prince's sympathy. It seems as if he is finally learning his place!"

"That's what you get for ditching me!" Rivalz commented.

"What were you up to yesterday anyway?" asked the normally energetic Shirley Fennette.

"I was captured by terrorists, shot at by the Royal Guard, directed the rebel forces, and was forced to fight my long-lost Japanese friend to the death. Just another Tuesday for me."

You could almost hear the crickets before Milly ruined the moment.

"Wow, it looks like this stick in the mud," she poked him, "has a sense of humour and sarcasm after all! Let's all give him a round of applause." In contrast to her voice and words, Milly's eyes glared at him, knowing that she would have to speak to him later.

Lelouch played along, giving himself a couple short claps. "If anyone lasted as long around you as I have, they would have pick up a few things."

She pouted at him, before leaning over to poor Rivalz and caressing his face teasingly, causing him to blush like crazy. "At least you could be a bit more grateful, like Rivalz over here."

"Madame Prez!"

At least, Lelouch thought, I should be more grateful for the time I have here. I don't want this taken from me.

The Student Council's light banter carried on for the rest of the day.

(Line Break)

"Lelouch, please! I had nothing to do with it, I swear!"


"I know you may hate us, but aren't we blood? Aren't we still brothers?!"


"Please, Lelouch, no, NO!"

"You can't change the world without getting your hands dirty."

He sat up, heaving for breath and covered in sweat. He checked the alarm clock on his beside table. 5:36 A.M. Another nightmare, one to add one to the ever-growing list of days that he woke up, scared and alone, ever since his mother's death. Today's was a new one, however. The battle at Shinjuku had only happened a mere two days ago, and what he had done was still fresh in his mind. My brother…I killed my brother. The reality had sunken in yesterday, and Lelouch had excused himself to go to the bathroom to vomit. While his anger and rage towards Britannia was present, as it always was, the thought of killing someone so once beloved to him and his family sickened him. As much as he would not like to admit it, Lelouch was not as tough as he thought he was.

He got out of bed and went to the washroom. While he would have preferred another hour of sleep, he knew that such a thing was impossible after a dream such as that. Besides, it wasn't too early.

As the hot water wet his back and as steam filled the air, Lelouch's mind drifted away to slightly more positive things. The other day, Viletta Nu had come to visit him as he had instructed, he had skipped class to meet with her, while Nunally was at school and while Sayoko was out doing errands. He had given her a decent amount of money, or so it seemed, to make things believable.

"Are you sure it's…proper for me to accept such compensation?"

"But of course. You saved my life, after all."

"It was my pleasure…Alan."

"Now how about you come again another day and we can have tea? If you have a cell phone I would love to share my contact information with you."

"…That would be quite nice."

Slowly but surely, his plan of winning Viletta over was taking place. He didn't want to turn the woman away from him, in fact. Lelouch sensed that deep at heart, she was a good person, yet too indoctrinated by Britannian Social Darwinism and conquest to entertain the thought of helping foreigners. Fellow Britannians, yes, but certainly not the Japanese. Lelouch hoped to change that.

Even still, he could easily convince the terrorists he had commanded at Shinjuku to join his cause.

He had been laying quite low recently, not even going out to gamble, to the disappointment of Rivalz. Nontheless, he had been counting his finances and assets, and had made sure that everything was secure. Despite being a self-appointed genius, the raven-haired royal was still cautious. He had just started his fight against Britannia, he needed the money to further his endeavours. Good thing he had lots of financial practice by balancing the Student Council's budget.

But despite the messages that Milly's glares were giving him, the usually forward and energetic blonde had yet to meet with him, but he knew that she would eventually hunt him down. Lelouch sighed, his breath fogging up slightly in the steamy air. Milly was his childhood friend and the heiress of the Ashford Foundation, there was nothing he could hide from her. Just another thing to look forward to.

Despite how bleak his future looked so far, Lelouch had taken his first step. The next one would be war.

(Line Break)

Around the same time…

"Kallen, you need to run!"

"But Brother I can't leave you!"

"There's no time to waste, Kallen. You need to go now, okay? You need to protect Mother for me."

"But…but Brot-"

"Kallen, you must live! Just…know that I am always with you, and that I am always proud to be your brother."

She took one last look at Naoto, his eyes still filled with determination despite his useless and bloody leg. Kallen choked back one last sob before she fled from the slowly burning warehouse, to where Ohgi and the others were waiting for her. Waiting for the news about their leader.

Naoto Kouzuki stared at the remains of his team's work, Britannian arms and weapons of destruction burning around him. The plan included all of them getting out alive, but they were betrayed by their mole in the government. Naoto sighed, and looked down at his mangled leg once again. He smiled, a bittersweet smile. "If Japan was free once again…It was a good run, after all."

The warehouse exploded, and Kallen's screams of anguish echoed through the dark midnight air.

The fire kept burning.

And Kallen kept screaming.

When Kallen Kouzuki woke up, she was crying. Crying alone in a mansion with an absent father, a weak mother, a terror for a step-mother, and a brother who was no longer there to stop the tears. She lay there for a second, a rare moment of vulnerability, curled up among the white blankets, so small and lonely in an world that cared nothing for her.

Kallen soon blinked the tears away and sat up with a sigh. It was almost time to get ready for school, wasn't it? As much as she dreaded going back there again, Ohgi had advised her to lay low, and she had accepted. Yet as Kallen made her way through her daily routine, she thought one last, vulnerable thing. Why can't anyone come and save me from all of this?

(Line Break)

"She hasn't come in to school since the term started. It's slightly interesting, that's all," Lelouch reassured a worried Shirley. He offered her a trademark smile "Nothing else, I promise."

The orange-haired girl in front of him blushed heavily and looked away. "Well, if you say so Lulu…"

"Don't worry, Shirley. I'll see you at the meeting later, okay?"

"A-alright Lulu. Don't get in to trouble, all right? I'll see you later!"

Lelouch sighed as he watched her run off. She was so cheerful and innocent in a refreshing way, but sometimes too innocent. She was a good person, but one that Lelouch actively had to put some distance between. Deep down, the violet-eyed teen knew that his activities and his very mindset would bring people pain. He did not want her fall victim to the chaos that would befall Japan.

His musings were interrupted when he spotted a flash of red hair. Ah, just the person I wanted to see. Soon, we'll see whether you will be beneficial to me or not.

He trailed her from a distance, watching as she conversed with her friends. She probably didn't even consider them as friends, more like simply acquaintances. Lelouch watched as the other girls jumped away and ran to avoid a bee, and he decided that soon it would be the perfect time to intervene. As soon she karate chopped the bee out of the air – yep, definitely her – he acted.

"Kallen Stadtfelt."

She turned to him, a shock and a fiery fury quickly masked under a more demure mask of surprise. She started at him, unsure of what to do.

They remained that way, until he stuck out his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you. Even though we have been the same class together in the past, I have never had the chance to introduce myself. My name is Lelouch Lamperouge. I'm the vice-president of the Student Council here at Ashford."

A good portion of her tension disappeared, but he knew that she still held some suspicion. He could tell from the fire he saw buried deep within her blue eyes, a look that he had seen enough to recognize on sight. Lelouch still needed to play it safe.

"Since it has been a while since you've been at school, the President has sent me to extend some good wishes on behalf of the Student Council. She also asks that you come and attend one of our so called 'meetings', if you are available."

She stared at him blankly for a second. He decided to clarify, "You aren't in trouble, if that's what you're wondering. The President simply wants to see how you're doing."

Kallen looked at him again, the fire almost dying down in her eyes. "Well, if the President herself asks, how may I refuse?"

Lelouch gave her a tiny smile. "Unfortunately, I know first-hand that this it how it works. Anyway, I will contact you later on to bring you to the Clubhouse. Would that be alright?"

"It would, thank you."

He nodded at her, his persona of the Ice Prince of Ashford in full effect, before walking away. Behind him, Kallen Stadtfelt sighed, and sat down once again. Lelouch sighed inwardly and thought That was a slightly tougher than I expected, but I lowered her resistance somewhat.

A flash of orange hair disappeared from the window.

(Line Break)

The walk was quiet, for a while. The burning in Kallen's cheeks had slowly died down, remembering how Lelouch asking her to come with him turned in to a social spectacle. This is why I hate Britannians.

The vice-president turned to face her slightly as he continued walking. "I hope you don't mind surprises very much."

"Why is that?" she asked, confused.

His handsome features shifted in to an expression that resembled shame. "The President has some rather…odd tastes. However, please don't let that affect you. In the end, she is a good person."

"You sound as if you know her very well."

If there was a hint of a scandalous accusation there, Lelouch did not register it. "Let's just say that the President and myself are…childhood friends."

"Ah." With that, the rest of the walk to the Student Council clubhouse passed in silence.

Eventually, the duo reached their destination and it took Kallen a good portion of her will power to not let her jaw drop. The club "house" was more like a damn mansion! The whole resistance group could live here comfortable and still have space for ten more people! What does the council do to warrant owning such a large place?

"Most people are quite shocked when they see this for the first time," Lelouch admitted. "It's quite the sight."

They stepped in, and Kallen's jaw threatened to drop again. The place looked even bigger on the inside! It was a nice long hall framed with two gentle, curving staircases on the sides. They led to a balcony overlooking the main space, and that crystal chandelier was simply overkill!

"…Even more of a sight when you come in," Lelouch smiled slightly. Before Kallen could observe the space further, his expression turned serious. "Now Kallen, I know tha-"

"Found it!" came a voice from the balcony. A blue haired teen reached up, clutching something in his hand.

Several other students came from open doors on the balcony level, students that Kallen presumed were the rest of the Student Council. "Thank goodness," one of the said. "I can't believed I misplaced the lab data. Thank you, Rivalz."

"Lulu! Kallen!" Another cried from above, this time with orange hair.

The Vice President frowned in confusion. "Now what is all of this about?"

Another council member made her way down the stairs, a confident blonde teen with flashing blue eyes and a mischievous smile. "You don't know, Lulu? I thought that's why you brought Kallen here, after all." Without missing a beat, she turned to Kallen and smiled. "Nice to meet the elusive Kallen Stadtfelt! My name is Milly Ashford, the President of this wonderful Student Council."

"More like overlord," Lelouch whispered under his breath.

"My name is Shirley!" said the orange haired girl from before. "It's nice to meet you."

"I'm N-Nina. Nice to meet you," the same girl who lost the USB from before introduced herself. It seemed as if she was a lot shyer than Kallen had guess earlier.

Lastly, the blue haired boy introduced himself. "I'm Rivalz, the secretary! Nice to meet ya!"

"A pleasure to meet you all," Kallen smiled at all of them, despite thinking the exact opposite. A bunch of spoiled Britannian teens drunk off of their parents' money.

"Shirley, could you please set this down on a table for me?"

Kallen turned around, and was greeted with the sight of an open door and a brown haired girl in a wheel chair. In a flash, Lelouch moved to stand beside the young girl.

"Nunnally, what are you doing out here? Are you okay?"

She giggled sweetly at him. "Of course, Big Brother! I wanted to help Milly out."

The blond teen whispered in Kallen's ear, "That's Nunnally, Lelouch's little sister."

His little sister, huh? That explained why he was so protective. It was weird, seeing him like this. Before, he had seemed so aloof and cold, like nothing could ever affect him. Now, he seemed as if he would move the entire world just for his sister. A pang hurt Kallen's heart. She just hoped that Nunnally would appreciate her brother just as much as Kallen could have.

"So now that every member is here, we can celebrate with some of this!" cried Rivalz, who had somehow managed to pull out a bottle of champagne out of thin air.

"Rivalz, you know we can't!" protested Shirley.

"Of course we can," he looked at her smugly. "We're Stude – Hey! Get off me! Lelouch, catch!"

Lelouch, who was too distracted by the absurd sight of Shirley attempting to forcibly take the champagne for Rivalz – and almost overpowering him in the process – almost failed to catch the tossed object. He fumbled with it, and with all the pressure built within the bottle, the cork ended up bursting and flying towards Kallen. She managed to hit it away just in time, but even her reflexes could not protect her from the stream of alcohol that followed.

Everybody stared. Kallen sighed.

(Line Break)

At least the warmth of the shower was relaxing, somewhat. But in the guest bathroom located within the Student Council clubhouse/mansion, Kallen could only steam with anger.

Seriously? I have to deal with a bunch of stuck up Britannian brats?! They're not as bad as my so called "friends", but a huge clubhouse and alcohol?! Get real! Kallen huffed. That Lelouch guy, though…he was kind of an asshole, but at least his sister seemed nice. Blind and crippled, huh? I guess some Britannians do have it pretty bad.

But it wasn't him, was it? That Lelouch…he sounded similar to the masked man we saw in Shinjuku; the one who commanded us. It couldn't be him, of course. Lelouch looked like a black haired stick, but maybe he has something to do about it.

A gentle rap on the door interrupted her thoughts. "It's me, Lelouch. I've brought you a change of clothes."

"You can come in," Kallen responded. "The curtains are drawn." She heard the door creak as it opened and the rustle of clothes being placed upon the counter table. "Thank you. Did you run all the way to the boys dorms to bring these to me?"

"Ah, I did not. Me and my sister live here as a favour from the principle. It would be hard for her to live in the female dorms."

"I see…" Kallen trailed off.

"Now if that's everything, I'll be leaving now," he said stiffly.


"Yes, what is it?"

"Could you grab me that pouch on the counter? The pink one?"

He grabbed it, and moved his hand past the shower curtain where hers was waiting. As soon as he did, Kallen grabbed his wrist tightly, knocking the pouch out of his hand.

"You sure are a feisty one," he commented.

"Shut it," she almost growled at him. "Do you know anything about Shinjuku?"

"Shinjuku? I heard that there were gas leaks, and because of that, many Japanese people died," He lied smoothly, managing to leak some sympathy and sadness in there too.

"Bullshit. There was no way gas leaks could have killed that many people without there being a huge scandal and you know it. Tell me what you really know."

"That's all I know, I promise. However, I admit that it did seem suspicious. I was passing by at the time and I saw smoke, but it didn't look like gas to me."

"Why were you passing by?" she questioned him suspiciously.

Lelouch shrugged. "In my spare time, I like to gamble with nobles. It makes my pockets a bit heavier and theirs a bit lighter. And before you ask, its for Nunnally's medicine. I was stuck in a traffic jam at the same time. The Viceroy blocked traffic around the area."

Her hand relaxed. It's not him. Fuck. "I'm sorry that I came across so strong. It's just that…someone I knew was injured. You looked a bit smarter than most of the people I've come across here, so I thought you would have some idea of what really happened."

He saw straight through her lie but played along anyway. "I understand completely. I'll look more in to it when I have the free time."

"Thank you," she whispered and finally let go of his wrist. It wasn't him at all.

Lelouch pulled back his aching arm – she has one hell of a grip! – finally, mostly relaxed. "Actually, now that I have the chance, I would like to ask you something."

"Oh, what would it be?"

She stood there, the light inside the shower illuminating her silhouette through the thin shower curtain, and Lelouch finally remembered that this was a pretty awkward situation. He took a second to admire her form, slim, lithe, and athletic in a way that made his blood flow and in a way that did not belong to a sickly girl at all. He let his eyes roam for a second longer – he was still a teenage boy, after all – before he continued. "Would you like to come for tea with myself and Nunnally? And before you ask, it's merely a friendly visit. Milly will be there, and Nunnally seems to like you."

Kallen was caught very off guard. Why would he be asking her to go anywhere? This was very unexpected. "Um, yes. I would like that," she said shyly, reverting back to her sickly persona.

"Great. Will you be here tomorrow?"


"I'll pick you up in the afternoon, then." He paused for a second and awkwardly coughed. "Um, you know I can see you, right?"

Shit! She drew the cover back as far as it could go while her cheeks burned in shame. He better have not been looking!

"I didn't see anything, I promise!" he said hurriedly. "I'm really sorry, I won't tell anyone. I'm going to leave now, yes."

She heard the door shut quickly and then footsteps. Kallen sighed; he was gone. What an awkward and embarrassing encounter...wait, did he call us Japanese?

Meanwhile, Lelouch was blushing, but his embarrassment was held up by a slight sense of a victory. I'm getting there.

(Line Break)

Lelouch stepped back in with the rest of the Student Council to see a terrible sight. Nunnally was crying. At once, he rushed over to her, ignoring the rest of the room's occupants as he did his best to find the source of her anguish. "Nunnally, what's wrong?"

She sniffled, and Lelouch's heart broke. "The news," she whispered in his ear, "said that Brother Clovis is…dead…and they said that Suzaku…Suzaku killed him!" She broke out in another round of tears.

Lelouch whirled around to face the television. He completely ignored the familiar image of Margrave Gottwald, probably spewing some Social Darwinism bullshit, which was a funny excuse for a Purist power-grab. Instead, he favoured a running headline at the bottom of the screen: "Honourary Britannian Suzaku Kururugi arrested for murder of the late Viceroy."

He paled. He's still with Britannia?! And how did he end up in this mess? The gentle crying of his sister ran through his mind once more, and Lelouch's eyes hardened. Something must be done.

(Line Break)

Author's note:

Um, hello again! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates this summer, and it's all my fault. I've been out of town for a bit in July, then I got sick and couldn't really bring myself to write. Regardless, the chapter is here!

Follows through with episode 3 of the anime very well, with some original scenes included (along with some foreshadowing). A very character development heavy chapter, but it includes some key plot points that will be relevant in the future. Next chapter will have some action, as well as some Suzaku. You all already know what's going to happen, of course. As we can see, Lelouch is taking things very slowly and very differently from canon, due to his lack of Geass. Will this blow up in his face? We have yet to see.

Not much to be said about personal life, I'll just be trying to get out another chapter before the end of the summer. Unlike last year, where I took a break to focus on school, I will be doing my best to keep up with writing. However, expect chapters to show up at a slower pace.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thanks again for all the support. I really appreciate it, and it makes writing a lot easier. Look out for the next one!