A/N: Election night...(so there is a time jump).


18 months later…

"To recap earlier results, Alexandra Cabot has won in a landslide and will be Manhattan's next District Attorney. She upset the incumbent, Mark Clever, in a surprise victory tonight. Ms. Cabot has been with the DA's office for a number of years unit last year when she announced her campaign. She is known as a tough-as-nails prosecutor, but she is most known for coming back from the dead after being shot and placed in witness protection by an international drug dealer. She will take office as of Jan. 1."

Alex reached for the remote and turned the television off. She was still in her suit from the election night hoopla, only taking off her heels when arriving home before collapsing on the couch.

"You sure you don't want to keep watching?" Olivia said. "I can't believe you're not still out celebrating. This is a big deal." The brunette was rubbing Alex's feet. Alex had been in 6-inch heels all night and Olivia knew her feet were killing her.

"It is a big deal, and we can celebrate tomorrow," Alex said. "But, I did my duty, shook hands, kissed babies..."

"You kissed babies?" Olivia said, cutting her off.

"No, not really. I'm just saying, Liv, we had enough post-election fun, but now, I just want to relax," Alex said. "The last 18 months have been hard on all of us. I'm glad it's over."

"You and me both," Olivia said. She had to admit, the campaign had been harder and more work than she ever imagined, especially with running SVU and keeping up with a more active Noah. "You must be starving. You didn't eat any of the food at the event center."

"I actually am," Alex said, tilting her head back.

"How about I go pick up Noah from your dad and I'll bring some food back," Olivia said. "It's late, but I'm sure we can find something open."

"I think our Chinese place stays open until 2 a.m.," Alex said. "But, don't worry about Noah. Dad texted before I finally turned off my phone and said Noah was having a blast with them. He's probably tuckered out by now and fast asleep."

"If you say so," Olivia said. "I'll still go get us some food. The usual?"

Alex nodded and Olivia jumped up, then leaned down to give Alex one more congratulatory kiss, then headed out the door. Once she was gone, Alex sat up, turned her phone on and sent a text message. Once she got a reply, she turned it on silent and made her way to the bedroom to change out of her power suit.


One hour later

"Alex, I texted you, but I guess your phone is still off," Olivia said, trying to make her way through the door with more food than the two of them could eat. "It took them forever, then they messed up your order and I know how picky you are."

Olivia continued into the dark apartment, not seeing Alex and wondering why it was dark. She'd understand if Alex had already fallen asleep. It had been a long day and night, but she had to admit, she was going to be a little disappointed if all their food turned into leftovers instead of a late dinner.

"Alex? Are you asleep?" Olivia said. She looked around the apartment. Alex's phone was still on the coffee table. She was sure the blonde was still there. Olivia turned on a lamp and saw a soft light coming from the bedroom and the door was ajar. It looked like the bedroom lamp.

"She fell asleep," Olivia chuckled to herself. She looked back at the food and considered putting it away, but she decided to go tuck Alex in before she did that. She just knew Alex would be sprawled across the bed. She'd be surprised if she even bothered to change out of her clothes.

"I know I was gone a long time, but I can't believe you're already asleep…" Olivia said as she pushed the door open to the bedroom.

"Alex…" Olivia said, stopping dead in her tracks. "Wha….?"

The light Olivia saw was a lamp. It was candles…a lot of them lit around the bedroom. The bed and floor covered in lillies, Olivia's favorite flower. Alex, now in a satin robe over satin nighty, was on one knee, ring in hand and smiling at the stunned look on Olivia's face.

"Olivia Margaret Benson…I love you. I love how you take care of me. I love how you and Noah make me happier than I've ever been. I love that you love me, that you make me laugh, that you care about the same things I care about, that you challenge me to be better at everything. I love Noah and how his smile lights up a room, just like his mom. I love his mischievous side and his serious side. Mostly, I love what we've created, the future we all have…together."

Olivia edged closer to Alex, slowly, tears falling down her face and letting Alex take her hand.

"I want a future with you and Noah. I want us to be a family. I want to be your wife and Noah's mother. Olivia…Liv…Will you marry me?" Alex said, hands slightly shaking.

Olivia could only nod as she covered her mouth with her right hand and watched as Alex slipped the inset diamond ring on Olivia's left hand.

"Yes…" Olivia finally whispered out. "Yes, I'll marry you."

She knelt down facing Alex and embraced the blonde…her fiancée. Olivia kissed Alex passionately, letting her hands run behind Alex's neck and pulling her closer.

Finally, the separated and stood, moving over to sit on the bed.

"When? How? I mean, how did you plan this with the campaign and everything going on?" Olivia finally asked.

"It…it wasn't hard and I had help. Specifically, from dad and our Chinese place," Alex said.

"Oh! You're the reason they messed everything up tonight," Olivia said, laughing.

"Guilty. I'm sorry, but I needed time to get things together," Alex said. "I first was going to wait and plan some big extravagant proposal, but I figured that's not really us and definitely not you."

"You're right about that," Olivia said. "So, you planned this night all along?"

"I did," Alex said.

"And if you lost?" Olivia said.

"Liv…come on, have some faith. I don't lose," Alex teased. "But to answer your question, yes, win or lose, I want to spend forever with you."

"Maybe I wouldn't have said yes if you lost," Olivia joked, eliciting a bump from Alex. "I mean, who wants to be married to a defense attorney."

"Oh God, thank goodness those days are over," Alex said. "Though I do have a bit more empathy for some of them."

"Oh really? Even Langan? Buchanan?" Olivia said.

"Ha! Never," Alex said. "Anyway, can we get back to me and you…and how overdressed you are right now?"

"I thought you were hungry?" Olivia said.

"Oh, I'm hungry alright…but the Chinese food can wait," Alex said. "I need something else right now. Namely, you."

"Well, you can have me…for the rest of our lives," Olivia said.

So...I know, I threw in a surprise there. And that's where this story ends (sorry, I can't do weddings). This was fun, started as a one-two-shot...and kind of evolved. Some day, I'll write a one-shot and it'll truly be just that. Anyway, I appreciate all the reviews through the whole thing. But now, I need to tie of a few other stories :-) (I'll be back, don't worry).

As always, your reviews are appreciated. Love it, hate it, have ideas? Let me know with a comment or on twitter -rileyclocks!