Akko Kagari and the Evil Within

Chapter Eighteen: A Hero's Reward

For a moment, there was silence as Akko, Lotte, Diana, and Annabel Crème stood in the doorway, covered in muck and dirt. Then there was a scream.


The cry came from a woman who had been sitting in front of the fire, apparently crying. She was taller than everyone in the room – almost awkwardly so – but she had the aura of dignity and refinement, despite her faded blonde hair and the wrinkles under her eyes. She leapt to her feet and flung herself down to her knees, pulling Diana into a tight hug.

"M-Mother, please," Diana stammered, her cheeks turning red. "You're embarrassing me."

Akko, however, was looking past them. Professor Holbrooke was standing by the mantelpiece, beaming, next to Ursula, who was holding her chest with a relieved sigh, and Professor Finnelan, who was the only one that seemed displeased to see Akko (no surprise there). Annabel Crème walked around the Cavendishs to join the teachers by the fire, Akko found herself and Lotte being swept into Mrs. Cavendish's tight embrace.

"Oh, thank you, Akko! Thank you! You saved my little girl! I had already lost my beloved Bernadette so long ago and I don't know how I would have been able to live on without my Diana! Thank you! You truly are Chariot's daughter!"

"Okay, that's enough, Athena, you're suffocating them," said Ursula, pulling her away from Akko and Lotte. "But it is no less astounding that you returned Diana safe and sound. How did you do it?"

"I think we'd all like to know that," said Professor Finnelan, who was clearly less overjoyed only because it was Akko.

Akko hesitated for a moment, then walked over to the desk and laid upon it the Shiny Rod and Croix's research notes.

Then she started telling them everything. For nearly a quarter of an hour she spoke into the rapt silence. She told them about hearing the disembodied voices, how Diana had realized that it was Eveline who was infecting the students; how she, Lotte, and Blair had followed the Shiny Rod into the forest under Croix's carefully hidden instructions, how the Fuel Spirit Beasts had told them where the last Hive Queen had presumably died; how they had guessed that Alessa had been the victim, and how Croix's old research notes had told them that her body was still lying in the old laboratory….

"Very well," Professor Finnelan prompted her as she paused, "so you found out the source of the virus was – breaking a hundred school rules into pieces along the way, I might add – but how on earth did you all get out of there alive, Kagari?"

So Akko, her voice now growing hoarse from all this talking, told them about how Croix had hidden one of the Stars of Arcturus along with her research notes and how they had helped Akko figure out the Magic Word to unlock the Shiny Blade. But then she faltered. So far she had managed to avoid mentioning anything too specific about Eveline, but Akko knew she would have to tell them everything that had happened, especially how Eveline had managed to sneak inside Luna Nova undetected and how she managed to infect the students. For one horrible moment, Akko considered not saying anything. Despite what she had said before, she really didn't want to be expelled from Luna Nova, where her friends were.

Instinctively, Akko looked at Ursula, who smiled faintly, the firelight glancing off her glasses.

"What has me curious the most," said Ursula gently, "is how Eveline managed to infect Akko when our friends at the BSAA tell us that there shouldn't be any remaining samples of the original virus left."

Relief – warm, sweeping, glorious relief – swept over Akko.

"What is that?" said Professor Finnelan, sweeping around to her. "Are you saying that Miss Kagari was infected? But how could we have not noticed? How did she not tell us?"

"Obviously she was unaware that Eveline was manipulating her," said Ursula calmly. "I can sympathize. Having someone else controlling you without realizing it, being forced to do thing you don't want to. It must have been so hard. But the question is how Akko was infected in the first place. Where would she even contract such a virus."

"There's this store in Silent Hill called Biohazard," said Akko quickly. "I accidentally went there because I didn't know how to use the Teleportation Spell when I was staying with the O'Neills. The owner of the store was keeping a bottle of the stuff, but I knocked it over by accident and didn't know when it touched me."

"I keep telling the Magic Council that place was a bad idea," said Athena, seething. "In what universe is it a good idea to have a market for illegal dark magics and weapons of mass destruction right next to the arts and crafts store? But wait, if Miss Kagari was infected this whole time, does that mean this Eveline girl forced her to kidnap my sweet Diana."

"Actually, Mother…," said Diana awkwardly, taking a deep breath through her teeth. "I may have…sort of…accidentally…tried to confront Eveline when I…kind of…used our family magic to push my essence into the Hive Virus network – "

"Diana Isabella Cavendish!" Athena screamed furiously.

"Diana's initials are D.I.C.?" said Akko, snickering behind her hands.

"That is very unfortunate," said Annabel Crème.

"Have your mother and I taught you nothing?" Athena continued to wail, making Diana cringe like she had just been struck. "What have we always taught you? Never confront anything that can think for itself! You're not ready for that level of magic! You know better than that! You should have contacted me the moment you knew what was happening! Did you think you could handle it by yourself? If your mother were here, she would be very disappointed in you – "

"All right, all right, I think your daughter has been punished enough, Athena," Professor Holbrooke interrupted in a kindly voice. "She really should go up to the hospital wing right away. This has been a terrible ordeal for her. And before you worry, Miss Cavendish" – she raised her hand when Diana opened her mouth – "Miss Kagari will not be punished for any of this. Older and wiser witches than she have been hoodwinked by less." She strode over to the door and opened it. "Bed rest and perhaps a large, steaming mug of hot chocolate. I always find that cheers me up. And when you see Porlyusica, please tell her to let everyone out of quarantine. They should all be in control of themselves again now that Eveline is gone."

"So Nanoha-chan's okay!" said Akko brightly.

"There has been no lasting harm done, Miss Kagari," said Professor Holbrooke.

Athena led Diana out, still looking deeply shaken.

"You know, Anne," Professor Holbrooke said thoughtfully to Professor Finnelan, "I think all this merits a good feast. Might I ask you to go and alert the kitchens?"

"Right," said Professor Finnelan crisply, also moving to the door. "I'll leave you to deal with Kagari, shall I?"

"Certainly," said Professor Holbrooke.

She left, and Akko and Lotte gazed uncertainly between Professor Holbrooke, Ursula, and Annabel Crème. What exactly had Professor Finnelan mean, deal with her? Surely – surely – she wasn't about to be punished. Holbrooke just said she wouldn't. Had she been lying to make Diana feel better?

"I seem to remember telling you, Miss Kagari, that I would have to expel you if you broke any more school rules," said Professor Holbrooke.

Lotte opened her mouth in horror.

"Which goes to show that the best of us must sometimes eat our words," Professor Holbrooke went on, smiling. "You, Miss Jansson, and Miss Cavendish will receive Special Awards for Services to the School for your parts in saving Luna Nova."

Lotte went as brightly pink as Holbrooke's valentine flowers and closed her mouth again.

"But one of us seems to be keeping mightily quiet about her part in this dangerous adventure," Professor Holbrooke added. "Why so modest, Annabel?"

"I didn't contribute much," said Annabel Crème. "All I did was translate a couple of papers."

"Which in turn helped Miss Kagari find the source of the virus that has plagued our school," said Professor Holbrooke. "You deserve to be rewarded as anyone else. If there is anything you wish, if it is within my power, it is yours."

"Well…," said Annabel Crème slowly. "I was wondering…if I could stay on the staff, permanently this time."

"You want to teach full-time?" said Professor Holbrooke, looking pleasantly surprised. "I thought you didn't like teaching very much."

"I didn't at first," Annabel Crème admitted, "but that's only because I didn't want to. Miss Jansson made me realize how ridiculous I've been this whole time and now i can't think of any other place I want to be. I'm still going to keep writing Night Fall in my spare time, but I think stay at Luna Nova will make me an even better writer, and a better person, than I was before."

"Well said, Annabel," said Professor Holbrooke approvingly. "I look forward to working with you from now on, Professor Crème."

"Thank you, headmistress," said Annabel Crème happily. "I'll just head back to my office. I see a lot of unpacking in my future."

"Why don't you take Miss Jansson with you?" Professor Holbrooke suggested. "I'm sure she's loved to spend more time with her idol. And Professor Ursula and I would like a few more words with Miss Kagari…."

Annabel Crème ambled out. Lotte cast a curious look back at Professor Holbrooke, Ursula and Akko as she closed the door.

Professor Holbrooke crossed to one of the chairs by the fire and Ursula stood by her side, hands folded in front of her.

"Sit down, Miss Kagari," she said, and Akko sat, feeling unaccountably nervous. "First of all, Miss Kagari, I want to thank you. Even after everything that has happened to you, you showed true loyalty to Luna Nova, and more importantly, to Professor Croix. You never stopped believing in her. Only that could have allowed you to find the second Star of Arcturus."

Ursula walked over to the desk and picked up the Shiny Rod, the two jewels embedded in its surface reflecting the light of the fire. Akko grinned awkwardly as they watched her.

"I always wondered what Croix did with it," said Ursula, gazing deeply at the second gem. "The second Star of Arcturus – the Star of Destruction. With it, one could obliterate entire nations with a single swing. The ultimate tool of erasure. I guess I can't blame Croix for wanting to hide it in the deepest, darkest parts of the woods."

"How did Professor Croix get the Star in the first place?" asked Akko.

"Long ago, on the day you were born," said Professor Holbrooke, "your mother distributed the Seven Star of Arcturus among her closest and most trusted friends and entrusted me with the Shiny Rod itself, which was why you found it in the depths of Luna Nova exactly one year ago today. I was there when Chariot left the Star of Energy with you when you were only a baby and Croix was trusted with the Star of Destruction for safekeeping."

"So she gave the Seven Stars to her friends?" asked Akko curiously. "Well, who has them?"

"I believe Chariot gave the Stars to – hold on, let me think," Ursula hummed as she started to count her fingers. "She left you with the Star of Energy and Croix with the Star of Destruction, so that makes two. I know Chariot kept one of them for herself, so the other ones were Izetta, Athena Cavendish, Charlotte Jansson – that's Lotte's mother – and Blair – "

"Blair knows where one of the Stars are?" yelled Akko, shooting up. "And she never told me?"

"Because she does not think you are ready for it just yet," said Professor Holbrooke calmly. "As I have also told you one year ago today, when you are ready, they will find you. By now, they all know that you are the only one capable of restoring the Shiny Rod to its former power, so please, just wait patiently.

Akko leaned back in her seat, not at all happy with the arrangement. She wanted to find the Stars now! They were her key to finding her mother!

For a minute, neither of them spoke. Then Professor Holbrooke summoned a pen and paper from one of the drawers in Professor Finnelan's desk.

"What you need, Miss Kagari, is some food and sleep. I suggest you go down to the feast, while I write to Dol Gurdur – we will be needing out Modern Magic teacher back."

Akko got up and crossed to the door. She had just reached for the handle, however, when the door burst open so violently that it bounced back off the wall.

Lord Hanbridge stood there, fury in his face. Standing behind him, hands folded behind with perfect composure, was his son Andrew, and coming up from behind him was their dark-haired maid, Marianna...who looked exactly like the girl from the dining hall this morning. It suddenly hit Akko like a ton of bricks: Andrew's maid was the ninja!

"Good evening, Lord Hanbridge," said Professor Holbrooke pleasantly.

Lord Hanbridge almost knocked Akko over as he swept into the room. Andrew stepped lightly inside while Marianna calmly closed the door behind them, and strode over to the other side of the room so that they could watch the scene play out in front of them. Akko stood rooted in her spot, not sure what to make of this.

Lord Hanbridge looked like he had set out in a great hurry, for his usually tidy hair was disheveled, a button on his coat went through the wrong hole, and his shoes were only half-polished. Stomping over near the fire, he fixed his cold eyes upon Professor Holbrooke while Ursula nervously got out of the way of the line of fire.

"So!" she said. "You've come back. The governors suspended you, but you still saw fit to return to Luna Nova."

"Well, you see, Lord Hanbridge," said Professor Holbrooke, smiling serenely, "the other eleven governors contacted me today. It was something like being caught in a hailstorm of letters, to tell the truth. They'd heard that Diana Cavendish had been killed. As the Cavendish family is one of the oldest and most prominent pure-blooded Demi-human lineages in the world, they naturally wanted me back here at once. They seemed to think I was the best woman for the job after all. Very strange tales they told me, too…. Several of them seemed to think that you had threatened and blackmailed their families if they didn't agree to suspend me in the first place."

Lord Hanbridge went even paler than usual, but his eyes were still slits of fury.

"So – have you stopped the attacks yet?" he sneered. "Have you caught the culprit?"

"We have," said Professor Holbrooke, with a smile.

"Well?" said Lord Hanbridge sharply. "Who is it?"

"A remnant left behind by a man who is no longer among this world," said Professor Holbrooke. "Albert Wesker and his Purifier sect have attempted to attack us from beyond the grave through the means of a virus that had accidentally be released unknowingly."

"Albert Wesker? That psychopath?" said Lord Hanbridge displeasingly. "I don't even want to imagine what other things that lunatic has left lying around. Did you find out who was responsible?"

For a moment, Akko freeze up with fear, which did not go unnoticed by Andrew, who gave her a suspicious glance out of the corner of his eye, but did not say anything.

"A girl named Eveline," said Professor Ursula; Akko let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "She was created by Wesker just shortly before his death and has been hiding for quite some time. Fortunately, Miss Kagari here" – Lord Hanbridge shot Akko a swift, sharp look – "and her friends had discovered Eveline's plot before it could get too far."

"Yes, I suppose that's quite fortunate," said Lord Hanbridge stiffly.

"But the danger has passed and Luna Nova is once against safe from the threats of the Purifiers," said Professor Holbrooke proudly. "Of course, that's not the reason why you came all the way here, in such a disheveled state. While I was away, I suppose you went to Professor Finnelan about your offer. And I would wager based on your facial expression that she gave you the same reply as I have."

"Surely, Holbrooke, you could at least reconsider your stance," said Lord Hanbridge. "I have given much to Luna Nova Academy these past twenty years that would account to returning the favor. You wouldn't have to do much. Just give a few statements and that's it."

"I'm sorry, Lord Hanbridge, but the decision stands," said Professor Holbrooke family. "Luna Nova is grateful to you for everything you've done and we fully intend to repay you for your generosity whenever we can, but I will not allow my school to become involved in the politics of humans. I'm sorry, but we will not sponsor you in the upcoming election."

"…okay, I'm very confused," said Akko blinking, turning to Andrew. "What're they talking about?"

"My father is making a bid to be elected as Prime Minister," Andrew answered in a low voice so as not to be overheard by the adults. "Everyone in the United Kingdom is going to be voting for the next official, but what my father failed to take into account was that it would include Demi-humans since they are legal citizens. My father has a large reputation for disapproving Demi-humans, so the polls are not looking to be in his favor. My father was hoping that a sponsorship from Luna Nova would change public opinion."

"So when Professor Holbrooke said no," said Akko thoughtfully, "he got her suspended and tried to convince Professor Finnelan in her place."

"Exactly," Andrew nodded.

"Oh man, I thought it was something serious," said Akko, sounding relieved. "Like he was actually a Purifier or something."

"My father may dislike Demi-humans," said Andrew, "but he is not a monster. No matter how much he dislikes someone, he wouldn't kill them."

Akko wasn't too sure of that herself.

Lord Hanbridge stood for a moment, and Akko distinctly saw his hands twitching as though longing to wrap them around Professor Holbrooke's throat. Instead, he turned and walked toward the door.

"We're leaving, Andrew!"

"I will be but a moment, father," said Andrew politely, not even flinching at Lord Hanbridge's snappy tone.

Lord Hanbridge grumbled under his breath as he wrenched open the door, purposely slamming it against the wall, and stomped out of the office. Akko stared after him for a moment before he felt a hand fall on her shoulder that made her jump. Andrew peered down at her with his usual blank stare, Marianna standing dutifully at his side.

"Miss Kagari, if I could have a moment," he said. "We have something we wish to discuss with you."

"Uh…sure, I guess," said Akko, tilting her head confused.

"Be sure not to take too long," said Ursula. "The feast should be starting any moment."

"It will only take a minute," said Andrew. Marianna quickly marched to the down, bowing him and Akko out. "After you, Miss Kagari."

Akko stared at Andrew, wondering what he was up to. She hadn't forgotten how he and his father had showed up at Biohazard where everything started nor how they fought in the middle of Spellbinders. Even worse now was that she knew Marianna and the little ninja were the same person. Was he perhaps looking to settle the score? Akko slowly stepped out into the hallway, only just remembering she left the Shiny Rod with Ursula before Marianna closed the door behind them. They walked together in silence, Akko leering at him suspiciously while Andrew gaze straight ahead with unnaturally perfect posture.

When they turned the corner toward the stairway, Andrew finally stopped and turned to her. Akko braced herself for anything –

"I wanted to apologize, Miss Kagari," said Andrew, tilting his head.

Except that. She wasn't expecting that.

"Oh, um, sure, I guess," Akko stammered. "What're you apologizing about?"

"Two things, really," said Andrew sincerely. "Firstly, about what happened at Spellbinders. It was undignified and wrong of me to look down at a peer just because we don't share the same views on magic – Diana gave me an earful after that. My opinion on magic hasn't changed, mind you, but people should be allowed to share their opinions without being scorned for it."

"Um, thank," said Akko, scratching her cheek uncertainly. "And the second thing?"

"I'm siure you've already figured that part out, judging by how you keep glancing at Marianne like that," said Andrew. "Show her, Marianna?"

"Yes, Master Andrew?" said Marianna, bowing respectfully.

Then all of a sudden, Marianna gripped a handful of her uniform and whipped it off her body. In the blink of an eye, Marianna was standing proudly with his hands on her hips, dressed in a Luna Nova school uniform with her many ninja-like additions.

"I KNEW IT!" yelled Akko. "You're the one that sent this ninja menace after me!"

"Yes, I did ask Marianna to keep you away from the school," said Andrew, nodding. "But I assure you, it was for a very good reason."

"She broke my arm!" Akko snapped.

"That's not something I approved of myself," said Andrew, leering at Marianna. The little ninja looked away guiltily. "I only told Marianna to keep you away from the school. I didn't think that she would go as far as to cause you physical harm. That's an oversight on my part and I deeply apologize for that."

"I, too, apologize, Kagari-dono," said Marianna as she dropped to her knees and pulled out her sword, holding the tip to her stomach. "Allow me to commit seppuku as recompense."

"Why is that the only Japanese thing you fully understand?" cried Akko frantically, rushing over and snatching the sword out of her hand. She took a deep breath in relief and calmly turned to Andrew. "But why have you been sending your maid to almost kill me? We didn't even meet until after she got me in trouble the first time."

"Because you're the Star-Born Child," said Andrew simply. "Don't look so surprised. Outward appearances aside, Diana and I are childhood friends. We tell each other things, unlike you, as she is constantly complaining to me about."

"Okay, I deserve that one," said Akko drearily. "But what does me being the Star-Born Child have to do with anything?"

"You are a symbol to the Demi-humans; a promise of a better world for their kind," said Andrew. "My father is a very ambitious man who is willing to sink to any level to get what he wants. If he ever found out that you were the Star-Born Child, he would no doubt blackmail you or threaten your family until you agreed to work for him, no doubt as his poster girl for Demi-human relations. I couldn't idly stand by and allow my father to get what he wants by such underhanded means, so I asked Marianna to keep you away until the election was over. Obviously, it didn't work. You really are a stubborn girl."

"Thanks, I get that a lot," said Akko, giggling. "But wait? At the start of the year, Mari-chan," - Marianna perked surprisingly at the nickname - "said there was an evil plot happening at Luna Nova. But that was before Eveline ever got out. So how did you know?"

"I didn't," said Marianna. "I just made it up, hoping I could trick you to stay away from Luna Nova. I didn't realize what was happening until after the first attack."

"But there is one thing that's been bothering me for a while," said Akko rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Mari-chan's been wearing a Luna Nova uniform the whole time I knew her. Why?"

"Well, it's because she's a student here, obviously," said Andrew, rolling his eyes.

"You're a witch?" Akko yelped surprisingly at Marianna.

"I'm a first year student," Marianna said proudly.

"Marianna was the first in her family to ever develop magical talent," said Andrew. "Naturally, my father being the demi-human hating bigot that he is, we were fearful of what might happen if he ever caught on. We kept it a secret for years until Marianna got a letter from Luna Nova."

"But wouldn't your dad notice if Mari-chan went to a magic school for a whole year?" asked Akko, frowning. "And how would you even pay for the tuition. Your dad would have to know if a ton of money was missing from his Swiss bank account."

"As a student at Appleton, I am a fairly busy man," said Andrew coolly. "As such, I told my father I needed Marianna to help keep things organized while I worked. Thankfully, my father believed me and now he thinks Marianna is staying with me at Appleton when she is actually attending classes here. As for the money - I have a very large sum that I've saved over the years."

"Master Andrew has most generously paid for everything, including my books and school supplies," said Marianna, shooting a sideways glance at Andrew, her eyes softening and her cheeks dusted pink. "He really is a kind master."

"Wow, that's a plot twist i didn't see coming," said Akko, chuckling. "You know, Andrew, even though you act like a jerk, you really are a nice guy."

"Don't go telling anyone that," said Andrew, smirking. "I have a reputation to uphold."

And with a turn of his heels and a whooshing sound, both Andrew and Marianna disappeared.

Akko had been to several Luna Nova feasts, but never one quite like this. Everyone was in their pajamas, and the celebration lasted all night. Akko didn't know whether the best part was Nanoha running up to her with a great bear hug that cracked her ribs or Makoto hurrying over to wring her hand and apologize endlessly for suspecting her, or Croix turning up at half past three, cuffing Akko so hard on the shoulder that she was knocked into a plate of flan, or Akko being lifted onto Amelia O'Neill's shoulders when she was crowded the Moonlit Witch for the second year in a row, or Professor Finnelan standing up to tell them all that the exams had been canceled as a school treat ("Oh, no!" said Diana), or when Annabel Crème came up to Akko and her friends with exciting news.

"I've decided to start a new series," said Annabel Crème proudly. "I will still be working on Night Fall, but I want to create something that will be just as amazing. I'll be the first Annabel Crème to make a difference."

"That's wonderful, Professor Crème!" Lotte gushed.

"I have all of you to thank," said Annabel Crème. "If it wasn't for you, I would have made a terrible mistake in giving up my pen. And all of your crazy adventures has inspired me to write it."

"That's so cool," said Akko. "Did you come up with a name yet?"

"Actually, I have," said Annabel Crème, smiling. "I'm calling my new series…Little Witch Academia."

The rest of the final term passed in a haze of blazing sunshine. Luna Nova was back to normal with only a few, small differences – Magical Literature classes had been canceled due to Annabel Crème wanting to get a head start on her new book and Paul Hanbridge had been voted out as a school governor. Sucy and the others were more than a little disgruntled that Akko hadn't trusted them to help, but she made up for it by letting herself be a Guinea pig for Sucy's experiments. Diana, Hannah, and Barbara's relationship with their group hadn't changed much, but they at least said "Hi" to each other whenever they met in the hall without it sounding sarcastic. Not a whole lot of progress, but it was something.

Too soon, it was time for the journey home on the Mystic Rail. Akko, Lotte, Sucy, Amanda, Constanze, Jasminka, and Blair sat together in the back of the train like they did last year. They made the most of the last few hours trying to learn how to play the Shiny Chariot Card game from Akko, which they suspected she had purposely rigged so that only she could win.

Diana was coming down the aisle telling everyone the schedule for the first stop when Akko remembered something.

"Diana – what did you see Amanda's sister doing that she didn't want you to tell anyone?"

"Oh, that," said Diana, grinning. "Well – Amelia O'Neill has a girlfriend."

Amanda spit out her soda all over Akko's face.


"It's that Corona fourth-year, Wangari," said Diana. "I heard they've been writing to each other all summer. They've been meeting in secret all over the school. I walked in on them – how do you Americans describe it – making out in an empty classroom one day."

"So that's why she was so depressed when Wangari was infected," said Jasminka.

"Oh, this is too good," said Amanda, rubbing her hands devilishly. "I'm gonna milk this info for all its worth."

The Mystic Rail slowed and announced that they were arriving in Shibuya.

"Hey, Akko, I was wondering if you'd like to come visit my home over the holidays," said Lotte, helping her lift down the luggage from the overhead. "I talked to my granny and she said she'd love to have you over. You know my family owns a magical item shop in Espoo, right? Maybe I could give you a look around."

"That'd be awesome," said Akko cheerfully.

"Your parents will be very proud of you after what you've done this year," said Diana as Akko got off the train.

"You think so?" asked Akko.

"ATSUKO RUKIA KAGARI!" A furious roar wailed through the station. "WHAT'S THIS I HEARD ABOUT YOU AND SOME MONSTER VIRUS?"

"Or not," said Blair bluntly. "Run!"

And together, Akko and Blair ran in the opposite direction with Mrs. Kagari closing the distance considerably as the Mystic Rail pulled out of the station, her friends laughing along the way.

Peace and calm had been restored to Luna Nova, but Eveline's story wasn't over just yet.

Deep in the shadows of Croix's old lab, a single piece of Mold – barely the size of an earthworm – slithered out of the darkness at a snail's pace. It was weak, almost painfully so, but it continued to push on. And then, quite suddenly, a glass jar slammed over top of it. The mold sample was harshly tipped over and tossed into the bottom of the jar. It's captor, a man with his chest exposed and covered in horrifying burns, traveling upwards to cover the right half of his face with only a tattered white robe to conceal his disfigurement.

And Ruvik staring at the Mold sample in the jar, grinning.

And now we strike two off the Akko Kagari Series. This was probably by far the most difficult to write because it involved a lot of sciences that would normally never be seen in a series like Little Witch Academia, but that's also why it's so perfect as an adversary. In the main series, all the enemies involved magic – even Croix's technology. We never saw what would happen if humans turned their advanced sciences on Luna Nova. If they had tried before Akko brought back the Golden Age of Magic, it's very likely humans could have wiped out witch kind very easily. And the argument of Magic vs. Science was too hard to pass up.

This chapter also laid down the ground work of not only the main villain cast as seen in the little bonus scene, but it sets up how Akko is going to find the other Stars of Arcturus in the future by naming their guardians. I think the most interesting will be Izetta and Lotte's mother. Everything is connected – there are no coincidences.

So please leave and review and I'll see you all again in Book 3: Akko Kagari and the White Witch.