Hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to stop by, I will just come out and say that this is my first time attempting to write a story so you're have to forgive some of the errors that will undoubtedly pop-up throughout the story.

Also big shout out to damowatling as he was very gracious enough to give me a few pointers and lending me a helping hand, if you have a few extra moments to spare I suggest you check out his series High school DxD the path of the sekiryutei as I find myself thoroughly enjoying it.

I'd like to take this moment to just say spoiler warning ahead if you haven't finished Final Fantasy XV I suggest you do so before you read this as this first chapter will be filled with spoilers, with that said let's get started.

Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy XV or High School DXD they belong to their respective creators.





Chapter 1 Prologue

The battle is finally over the light has been restored and now the sun now shines upon Eos once again, Ardyn Izunia the accursed immortal has been destroyed, his soul finally laid to rest in the beyond.

Ardyn Lucis Caelum as he was once known thousands of years ago before the crystal and the Astrals cast him out, he was a healer much like the Oracle of today are, however unlike Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Ardyn's body didn't degrade as he removed the scourge from those who are afflicted by it, has he continued to heal people the darkness began build up within his body without shortening his life expectancy.

Eventually with so much darkness now residing within his body this led to Ardyn gaining unwanted immortality and also led to his mind becoming twisted by the darkness that now resided in his body which began to seep into his soul and permanently tainting it.

Now being known as the accursed immortal he would plot for hundreds of years to destroy the Lucis Caelum household, why you may be asking yourself, why would he plot to destroy his own family his lineage, the answer is quite simple.

With soul now being so tainted by the darkness and he could no longer walk in the light of the crystal, he was cast out and betrayed not only by the gods he swore loyalty to but also the people he helped and saved from the scourge but the deepest of all the betrayals, the one that hurt the most was when his twin brother Izunia Lucis Caelum chose to take his place and become the gods new loyal servant.

Years would pass and Izunia would go on to be loved by the people and hailed as a saviour of the world when he betrayed and struck his own brother down because of the darkness that now resided within his soul and the connection he shared to the star scourge.

Izunia would go on to be remembered for all history as the first king of insomnia and the defeat of the scourged monster, while Ardyn was cast out and forgotten in history, forgotten and defeated but most definitely not destroyed. In the years that followed Ardyn supposed destruction he would work tirelessly to find allies and others beings who he could corrupt with the darkness and be turned to his side against the gods he once served, eventually his dark path would led him to the God of fire Ifrit, who himself was seeking revenge against his brothers and sisters for what they had done to both him and their mother Eos the goddess of creation.

Ifrit going against the wishes and orders of the others but more specifically the orders of his older brother Bahamas, forced his way into the underworld, some of the most ancient texts but still exist to this day claim that he did this by calling down a meteor shower either by using his power to create said meteors or by dragging them down from the heavens with the hopes of distracting his brother Titan who at the time was acting as the Guardian to entrance of the underworld and to smash his way through the gates, that which had never before been cast asunder stood little chance against the power of the God of fire.

Ifrit's one and only goal was the retrieval of his mother, though he didn't partake in this quest alone, an creature known as the doomed train who itself was responsible for taking the souls of the wicked and twisted to their eternal punishment in the underworld, making it the perfect companion for this long and perilous quest.

In the beginning Ifrit pleading and begging for this creature's aid when it tried to forcibly expel him from the underworld, Ifrit knew that without this creature's help and guidance he would never be able to find his mother's cell and would more than likely be doomed to wander the underworld for all eternity never able to complete his quest.

To this day we do not know if Ifrit made a deal with this dark creature or if the creature simply got annoyed at hearing him constantly plead and beg for its aid, whatever the case may be in the end the creature decided to help guide him through the underworld although the pair did encountering many trials and tribulations along the way and battling against the horrifying and twisted creatures called this prison home but even through all of this and even in this dark place the group encountered something they never expected, every now and again the group would come upon a small gathering of blue butterflies their purpose and reason for being there is still unknown though what is known is the fact that as the group got closer to Eos's prison being counted more and more butterflies almost like they were helping guide the way.

The Lord of fire and his unusual companion would eventually found the prison that held his mother, despite her prison being located in the deepest and darkest point of the underworld Ifrit still had hope that he could save her, she was his mother after all, the goddess of creation if any being had the power and the will to survive in this accursed place it would be her.

Unfortunately fate is rarely kind even to a God, the damage was already done Eos who had spent decades if not centuries in the dark prison of the underworld had finally succumb, be it from the wounds she suffered at the hands of the underworld's most vile creatures or the despair of being betrayed by your own family, whatever the case may be all that was left was her lifeless body, an empty shell but Ifrit couldn't just leave her here, leaving her body to be picked at by the disgusting and vile creatures that call the underworld home present company excluded of course, no he would get her out of here and see to it that she receives a proper burial in the land of the living where she belonged.

Ifrit power burned hot and burn bright as his rage and sorrow grew to uncontrollable levels known of the twisted creature of the underworld would dare approach the rage filled God, those who were stupid enough to try so were immediately incinerated or crushed beneath the weight of his sorrow, without a second thought he launched himself straight and true his destination the land of the living not even saying goodbye to his companion who had guided him through this dark and desolate prison, smashing through layer upon layer of the underworld which before had taken the group days to traverse now took him near moments now.

The physical pain of forcibly smashing through the physical layers of the underworld grew to unimaginable levels but he still carried on never stopping and never giving up, sometime would pass but eventually he would break through to the surface world, still with his mother's body help close to his chest.

The force and violence of his rapid transit to the surface coupled with the heat is own body was producing was more than enough to melt the rock and stone on his way up this create a new volcano in the spot where he emerged from that dark prison, today we call that place the rock of Ravatogh.

Even though he now found himself on the surface and free of that dank and desolate place he would never get the chance to fulfil his mission for he found himself surrounded on all sides by his brothers and sisters.

You see the others knew where he emerge from the underworld his power was so strong and so filled with rage that it permeated all the world's living and dead even into the beyond the realm of the gods themselves.

The others knew where he would surface and waited for the moment he did and when he did they struck, attacking with lightning, ice, water, earth and light all focused upon the rogue brother, the attacks collided with Ifrit all at the same time, the power so strong and so intense that his and Eos bodies were virtually incinerated upon impact with only small fragments remaining, these bits and pieces that remain came to rest upon the top of the newly created rock of Ravatogh a permanent reminder of terrible events happened that day where Gods destroyed a grieving son.

The five believed it was over the betrayer and the body of their mother had been destroyed but they couldn't have been further from the truth for you see while Ifrit and his companion was journeying through the underworld they made many discoveries some that are even to this day not known but the most important discovery he made was that if God body was destroyed then said God could use one of their messengers, an ordinary human who had been gifted with a small fragment of their masters power in exchange for their loyalty and service.

The power that Ifrit discovered was that an God could use one of the messenger as a new vessel, taking over there body and destroying the original soul within, but the God would survive once that had been done the God could change the appearance of the new body to match the original form or if they so wish could keep the form that the new body possessed. Although the name of the messenger has been lost in time we know that their devotion and sacrifice to their Lord would eventually lead to the deaths of many thousands of individuals and 10 years of darkness.

Many may be wondering why Eos was punished in the first place, what would cause the other gods to turn on their mother and throw her into the underworld, Due to the passage of time there is only rumour and speculation, what we do know for a fact is that the ruins of a temple known as Pitioss do depict Ifrit's journey through the underworld. With this being the case then it is wise for us to speculate that the reason for Eos imprisonment should be disputed within Pitioss as well and that does appear to be the case, within the deepest and darkest point of the ruins there is a statue of Eos's body restrained and chains but it is not the body that is important to us at the moment, but what is important is what is resting upon the statues navel, the genji gloves.

These gloves have many meanings associated to them like all things in ancient history but there is one out of many interpretations that perhaps is the most startling interpretation and perhaps the most important to this story, is that it can come to mean two beginnings.

Could all of this all of the pain, the suffering and the loss stemmed from the fact that a goddess of creation fell pregnant with twins and given birth to said twins.


Let's skip ahead a few hundred years to the present date and leave the ancient history where belong in the past, the king and queen of light, Noctis and Lunafreya now sit upon their eternal throne and shine down upon the world, while they slept with the eternal company of their lover at their side and as the world rebuilds from 10 years of darkness.

An meeting of the highest being was taken place in a realm of blue and crystal shards, The pentatheon met, Titan the Archaean steadfast as stone, Ramuh the Fulgurian sharp as lightning, Shiva the Glacian gentle as snow, Leviathan the Hydraean relentless as tides and Bahamut the Draconian unbending as iron. Where once there was six now only five remain, Ifrit the Infernian was destroyed by Noctis Lucis Caelum and the Glacian at the base of the citadel before Noctis faced Ardyn in the battle of Kings.

No longer possessing any messengers Ifrit could no longer resurrect by taking over one with the ability we now call resurrection with this ability gone this death was permanent.

After his death Ifrit's power was returned to the beyond no longer having a form or a will of his own he now simply existed as a part of nature, no longer thinking no longer feeling just existing this his punishment for all eternity, as the five rejoiced at the returning of the light and the end of the star scourge an sixth made its presence known.

"You have done well my children." spoke the being with an authoritative tone that the five instantly recognised.

Faster than even the human eye and maybe even some gods could possibly keep track of the five had turned and bowed in front of the mysterious sixth being.

Following a few seconds of silence Bahamas who is considered the leader of the group was the first to break said silence.

"Father?" he replied.

"I know it has been hard upon you my children but everything that you've had to do from the banishing of your mother and the destruction of your brother has all of it has led to this, now all the pieces are in place the world that you have created is in some ways a better creation than what I have created, your world is now self-sustaining and no longer needs your constant maintenance.

The mortals your children can now look to a future where they determine their own destiny without the interference of our kind, I am extremely proud all of you." Though this didn't seem to go down too well with one of his daughters the Glacian to be precise seems to be fuming if any indication by how tightly she is clenching fists.

"How can you speak so cold callously about the lives of our children your own grandchildren being slaughtered, being turned into monsters or just given into despair and taken their own lives. I have had to sit by and watch it happen unable to do anything because of your dam PLANS FATHER!" she replied through clenched teeth and an icy tear fell down her cheek.

"I know it hurts but sacrifices have to be made my daughter and now your children live in United world where the grievances of the past are no longer brought forth and they strive together to rebuild what was lost, it makes me happy to see it because my own world is far from it but I still understand your anger but now is not the time for this now we must finish our work."

"Father?" Bahamut once again says as he steps to the forefront to stop his sister and father arguing any more

"Then I guess it's time the final blow was about to be struck isn't it "he says with great sadness in his voice

"Yes even now the sword comes closer to my heart I have but a few moments before I fade away." Looking over the rest of his children with sadness in his eyes.

soft whimpers are heard from all the children gathered here, they knew this day would come to pass they just didn't expect it to happen so soon from the day of the birth they knew their father would die and that they would have helped take up the void that he would leave behind it was their destiny after all still it didn't make it any easier to hear these words even the cold and heartless Titan had tears in his eyes.

Knowing he needs to keep his children focused the figure turns to Bahamas once again "is it ready."

"Yes here it is." Replied his son has he holds out in front of him a glowing sphere of white and purple energy swirling around inside of it.

Gently reaching out to examine the sphere in his son's hands, he can hardly believe the incredible amount of power that is coming the sphere simply touching it and he feels the raw unbridled power flowing his hands

"Light and darkness fused as one it's almost impossible to believe a soul like this could even exist yet here it is and I'm holding it within my hands." Same extremely proud tone in his voice as he looks to his children and to the sphere in his hand.

While Bahamut reaches to take the sphere back but stops just shy of removing it from his father's hands

"It is as perfect as we wanted it to be I have to stay in constant contact to keep it stable and to prevent it from tearing itself apart from its conflicting natures, but I'm guessing you already knew that farther."

A slight chuckle fills the air.

"Are but of course what kind of world creator I would be if I didn't have a plan to keep conflicting natures of this soul from destroying itself but…." instantly the tone changes to extremely sombre.

"I'm going to after ask one more favour of you my son and this is probably the biggest favour I have ever asked of you and know that it weighs heavy upon my heart to ask you this but I need you to fuse yourself with this new soul as you said your power is the only thing keeping it stable, but do not fear my son you will still keep your sense of self and retain all of your memories and experiences but your power and strength will be tied to this new being, you will still exist in what is known as an inner world within this beings mind where you can act as his guide to help him through the trials and tribulations that he will face in my world, ultimately achieve our purpose of bringing the same peace and unity we have in this world to mine."

"Of course father it will be my honour to guide this new being in the way of the sword and Dragons. "as Bahamut finish speaking with his hands still on the sphere, it began to glow with a brilliant and blinding white light, blinding all those present for but a moment, when the others who were gained the use of their eyes again they were shocked to find that their brother Bahamut was nowhere to be seen and when they turned their gaze onto the sphere they could see along with its previous white and purple colour, black and gold energy flowing and mixing with the previous two colours

the figure bowed his head in solitude and taking a moment to reflect on the bravery and courage of his son, losing his physical body and to be forever bound to this new being is something that even this old God can respect and was thankful that he had a son like the Bahamut

"Thank you and walk tall my son."

Now he had to ask his daughter for a favour as well and unlike his son who very willingly complied with his father's wish, he wasn't sure of his daughter would actually follow through with what he wanted her to do or if she would just simply stabbing from the heart with one of her ice spear, thinking of being stabbed through the heart reminded the entity they didn't have much time left raising his hand over his heart he could still feel blade working through his chest inching closer and closer to his heart.

Though his true body was in another dimension the connection was still there and so too was the pain but he needed to focus and to make sure the new spirit had a vessel to carry it and allow it to grow and develop into a new being, he could think of no one better than his snowflake Princess.

"Shiva my lovely snowflake Princess your dear old man has one last favour to ask of you before my time is up." you know he said is with a calm and collected manner he knew his daughter was still incredibly mad at him and he just hoped and prayed to himself that she would at least hear him out before she skewered him alive.

Standing a few paces in front of her father next to her brothers and sister the black haired beauty who was once known as Gentiana stood although this was not Shiva true and original form, his daughter had decided to keep Gentiana's form in memory of her brave and loyal messenger who sacrificed herself so the her lady may live, when the Empire brutally and without mercy attempted to and succeeded in destroying her body, fortunately for Shiva and the world Gentiana was more than willing to make the sacrifice and because of this Shiva in Gentiana body was able to help guide the Oracle in making the covenant with the other gods and eventually helped the true king of light in unlocking his powers and bring about the end to the star scourge once and for all.

"Save it father I know what you're going to ask of me, the new soul that we have created needs to be born into the world from the womb of a mother and I suspect because I'm the only one of your children who now possesses an human body that makes me the only logical choice." She replies will pinch on the bridge of her nose.

"You could say that but you also forgetting about your compassion and loving nature two qualities that will make for perfect mother and there is the fact that you're no pus…." He never ever got to finish his sentence before a gigantic block of ice landed on his right foot essentially smashing his toes into a fine powder.

"Don't PUSH IT farther I will accept this role but know this I will raise MY child my way and I would do a darn sight better job than you did raising US!" Whilst walking towards her father and collecting the orb from his hands.

While his daughter slowly and carefully lifts the orb from her father's outstretched hands.

"The process of having the newly created soul join with your body will take a great deal of your strength and power from you my daughter. You will most likely fall into a dreamless slumber for how long I cannot be sure but know that you will be safe while you slumber. I will transport you to my world where a very dear and trusted old friend of mine will look after both you and your child." whilst he says this his daughter is just staring at the orb within our hands, from the look on her face and how hard she is concentrating on this new soul and soon-to-be her child, she might not have heard what he just said.

"How do I…." was as far as she could get before suddenly felling backwards into the waiting arms of overly muscular brother, all those present didn't fail to notice that just before she lapsed into unconsciousness the sphere she once held within her hands had vanished, this greatly worried the three other siblings but their worries were soon put to rest when they looked towards their father and noticed the knowing smile that was present on his face, they didn't have to wait long for him to clarify why.

"Don't worry the process of creating a new life has begun, she shall be fine when she wakes, maybe a bit tired and she'll deftly feel weaker, but now I must transport to my world, my time is constantly growing short. "and with a quick snap of his fingers Shiva vanished in a blinding white light, with his daughter and her soon to be child now safe in the hands of his dear friend his mission was almost complete but not before saying goodbye to his last three children.

Turning to look at his remaining family members. The tears he had so far been able to keep back began to trickling out of his eyes.

"Titan, Ramuh and Leviathan I will always be proud of you and all you've managed to accomplish never forget that and never forget even though I may be gone a small piece of me will always be with you in your hearts." Turning to face the opposite direction from his gathered children and snapping his fingers once again this summoning forth a new portal. This new portal taking on the appearance a pool of shimmering mercury flowing hanging in mid-air, tall enough and wide enough to fit even the mighty Titan, turning back to his gathered children.

"you know you can't stay here anymore your mission I gave to all those eons ago is now completed, its time you return to the world where you helped created the foundations to, but before you go I do ask one last favour, always look after each other and never the greatest gift you can ever possess is your family, also more importantly try not to cause too much destruction and mayhem, I'm specifically looking at you my lovely daughter." At which point hushed laughter could be heard from her oh so caring brothers, but even through this light attempt at humour had lightened the mood somewhat the sad undertone could still be felt.

Turning and giving death glares to her two remaining brothers.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah you destroy one God dam city and you will never live it down, sorry father." stated Leviathan were a very unamused look on her face.

The blue skinned mermaid like creature with hair that seemed to be made up of flowing water turning her deep purple reflective eyes back towards farther before revealing what she planned to do when she returned to her father's realm.

"I think I'll head back to the oceans and see how much they've changed in my absence, I do hope more life has evolved in that primordial soup, it would be so boring if I was the only sentient creature in it." and with that said with a few flaps of her powerful tail she entered the portal to begin her journey to the world of her father's creation.

Focusing his attention on his two remaining sons.

"What about you two what are you going to do when you return home?"

"I don't know, think I may go exploring see much the world and the terrain has changed after all this Time, what's it been about the millennium or two, should be interesting to see all the changes that taken place in my absence." And with his piece the giant mound of muscles jumped from the portal

"Ramuh?" Enquired his father

"think follow my brother's example, but I'm less interested in the geology, no what catches my interest is magic, after all it's had time to develop and grow, I reckon there's got to be some interesting spells out the and I intend to learn." And before his father could even think of a reply Ramuh transformed into a lightning and shot through the portal, with the last of his children gone the father closed the portal and let one final tier for from his cheeks as has his time had finally ended and the blade of his killer now pierced his heart.

"Good luck and goodbye." Where his final words of goodbyes spoken he faded into nothingness.


That's chapter 1 done, thanks for taking the time to read this, feel free to leave a comment, review or even PM me if you like I love to hear what you guys and gals think about this so far.