Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy XV or High School DXD they belong to their respective creators.





Chapter 2 New World new problems part 1

The two opponents stood a few paces from each other both visibly weakened and attempting to catch their breath, one surrounded by a brilliant purple light that clung close to his body the other with wings of fire adorning his back, the air was thick with the smoke and debris from a titanic battle, both warriors bodies also showed the result of this battle, cuts and bruises were too numerous to count and their clothes the parts that were not ripped or destroyed were stained with not only their blood but the blood of the opponent.

"This is not over yet I will not lose too the likes of you." Stated the boy with the purple aurora

"HA-HA look at you can barely stand although I give you credit none before I been able to injure me to this degree but even these injuries are not enough to stop me, I will win and I will take what is rightfully mine, you are nothing more than a stepping stone and once you are out of the way I will be one step closer to my ascension!" retorted the arrogant flame winged devil

The winged devils provocation seemed to have a rejuvenating effect upon his opponent's, form the moment he finished, his opponent's body which previously had a slight purple aurora round him now changed to a massive column shooting straight up into the sky above the arena, this wasn't the only thing to be happening the winged devil could also feel a heavy pressure pushing upon his body not enough to force him into the ground but enough that cracks began to appear beneath his feet.

The young boy who had previously been using his extravagantly decorated silver blade to prop himself up was now standing upright with said silver sword now pointing directly at the noble devil.

"Let me show you my family's power!"

The noble devil was taken aback by his opponent's sudden change in demeanour, second ago he was struggling to even stand, now he was standing fully upright and is producing more power than he had previously done so in the entire battle, but what gave the young heir pause was the feeling of the power now radiating from the boy, he could only described it with one word freezing.



The Glacian arose from her impressive and ornately decorated thrown and moved to the nearby window that was on her right side so she could survey her kingdom, the throne room which was located in the uppermost levels of the citadel, gave the Glacian an unparalleled view of the city below and the surrounding agricultural areas.

Solgaleo the solar Crystal was high in the sky casting its rays down upon all those who called this realm home, Solgaleo perfectly replicating the look and feel of the sun one would find in the mortal world, although with it not being directly overhead, meaning it was some time before midday, knowing this she was grateful for the fact that she had some time to collect her thoughts before her dreaded meeting with her only son, the Glacian allowed her mind to wander taking her thoughts away from what must be done and thinking about how much things have changed since she and her family had returned to this realm of creation.

Allowing a slight frown to farm on her face, thinking back to the time when she had finally awoken from her dreamless sleep to discover that centuries have passed since that final meeting with her father. Back then she was beyond confused and worried, waking up in a foreign place with a strange woman sitting nearby and discovering that although for her it seemed like only moments had passed but in reality centuries had, also compounding her worries was the fact that her stomach had a notable bulge and the new life she could sense grown within her womb.

Instinctively she attempted to gain her bearings by sitting up straight from the bed she now found herself resting upon and surveying the area, also attempting to ascertain how much of her strength and power she had at her disposal in this current moment if she needed to use them to defend herself, this proved to be a very bad idea as the second she attempted to move she was greeted by sharp and intense pains throughout her body but most notably her lower back.

"Easy they don't try and set up just yet, you're still incredibly weak and you haven't had time to adapt to your new circumstances." Stated the stranger in a soft and compassionate tone while she gently laid her right hand on the Glacian's shoulder.

"Who are you?" Asked the Glacian whilst turning to face the stranger

"My name is Amaterasu I am… was a friend of your fathers." Stated that now revealed Amaterasu

"You're the friend father spoke of?"

"that I am although your father never gave me all the information, he only told me to wait as specific location and to take care of whoever came through, now imagine my surprise when you came through unconscious and from the chaotic way your energy was behaving, which by the way gave me cause for concern when I was transporting you back to my palace, however when I was finally able to take a good look at you, it didn't take me long to figure out what was the problem." Spoken in a calm and soothing voice which instantly reminded the Glacian so much of her own mother before her imprisonment. Whilst this was being said she lay her hand flat upon her slightly bulging stomach.

"Afraid he never even gave me your name though."


"Well Gentiana it's good to see that the finally awake your brothers and sister will be pleased to know that you've awakened, they were starting to worry with how long you've been asleep for."

This was how their friendship started, from that point on Amaterasu took it as her duty to introduce Gentiana to the world that she now called home, Amaterasu would in those first few days explain to Gentiana how in great detail this new world work, about the three major factions, all the smaller minor factions and her own Yōkai faction and about the political standing between each of the factions and how for now Gentiana and her family were now technically a part of Amaterasu faction and also learning what the rest of the family members had been up to during her long sleep, it did come as a relief though to find out that they family members had for the most part Themselves hidden and stayed out of the affairs of the other factions mostly.

Still stood in front of the window and gazing at the impressive capital that now served as the ancient one's home as Amaterasu had so eloquently taken to calling the members of Gentiana's family early on in their friendship. Allowing a smile to creep on her face and replaced the frown that was present from before, as Gentiana remembers the time and dedication it took her entire family to create their new home and how through that hard work which led to them becoming even closer as a family. Although this still was some minor hiccups along the road and a few heated debates for instance Titan and Leviathan constantly arguing about how much land to sea there should but other than that nothing major. Her family was always close together but ever since the imprisonment of their mother in the dark days that followed they did start to drift apart from one another, but now the bonds were re-forged and stronger than ever they still like to annoy each other on sometimes.

Meridian that's what they'd taken to calling their new realm. Meridian was a beautiful place, each of her family had decided to create a specific area for themselves where they could most feel at home there were vast plains, unimaginably deep oceans, impossibly tall mountains, snowfields that stretched on as far as the eye could see, forests with trees so strong and sturdy that looked as if they could last an millennium. Even though Meridian possessed all of this and so much more it was still missing something, something very important to Gentiana something that she had sacrificed so much for in the past and that were people, people to live and enjoy the fruits of the ancient one's labours and thankfully Gentiana didn't have to wait long for as soon as the finishing touches were added to Meridian, Amaterasu contacted the group with an proposal.

The proposal was simple, Amaterasu would help relocate a large number of Yōkai and humans to Meridian, the purpose of this being to protect those being relocated, a sort of witness protection program if you well, many of those being relocated feared that they may be become targets by one faction or another due to having unique abilities or political views they go against the political opinion of their faction ,others simply fearing that they may be become targets and be forced into a Devils peerage or another such group that exist within other factions.

When the first group of refugees arrived they were greeted with the majesty that was Meridian but unfortunately there was just one slight problem there was no homes, no cities and no infrastructure but that was quickly rectified by the ancient one's and before any of the new arrivals could even ask where they were going live before, off into the distance a city began to emerge from the ground ripping forth from the ground and rising to its full height, some of the towers that are within the core of the city rise so high that they actually block the sun, casting long shadows upon the assembled refuges. This was their new realm, their new city and their new home.

The four ancient one standing in front of the group and is one they pronounce the name of the new risen city.

"Welcome to insomnia."

Stepping forward "and Welcome Home" adds Gentiana


Gentiana was broken from her thoughts by the sound of the giant double wooden doors that lead to her thrown, said doors being open by the two Crystalguards members whose duty it is to guard this room, turning her gaze towards the doors she is greeted to the site of a young 18-year-old man entering calm and casually, making his way to the steps that lead up to Gentiana's thrown and upon reaching the bottom step the young man takes a courteous bow showing his respects not only to one of the gods but also the queen of insomnia and most of all his mother.

Still with his head bowed the young man speaks to the goddess above him. "Your majesty you requested my presence."

Allowing a slight chuckle to escape her lips as she descends the steps towards the young man. "Samael how many times to tell you son there is no need to be this formal with me when not in the presence of other nobles?"

Rising from his bow "yeah I know but Anna seems to think I lack the necessary tact when dealing with some of the other stuck up nobles, so she's been subtly encouraging me to improve my mannerisms." replied Samael

From this point her chuckle now became full-blown laughed, thinking about how Anna had encouraged her son's new formal behaviour, which if she knew Anna half as well as she know she does it probably involved her son ended up very black and blue before her lessons finally sunk in. Upon reaching her son at the bottom of the stairs and wiping away a stray tear that escaped her eyes because of her recent bout of laughter.

Looking over her son she sees that he is wearing his favourite casual outfit which consisted of a pair of blue jeans, a black polo shirt ,black trainers and also adorning his neck is his dog tag which although he is not required to wear he still does to signify that he is indeed a member of the crystal guard, moving away from looking at what he is wearing it always came a surprise as her son grew up at how closely he resembles his "father" he is almost the spitting image of Noctis although his hair is darker shade of black and eyes instead of being a pure blue like Noctis are bluey green colour very similar to Gentiana's own eyes, the only other notes for difference between her son and his "father" is that he has more defined muscles which seems to be a result of his training and his unusual love with physical activities which again is a stark contrast with his "father's" more laid-back attitude when it comes to physical exercise.

Moving away from his appearance for now and concentrating on why she summoned Samael in the first place.

"Anna tells that you have progressed well in your training in fact you have been doing so well she believes you are ready to take on your own trial."

Instantly Samael eyes staring at his mother almost in disbelief while he has been progressing extremely well in his training with both the Marshall and Bahamut in his inner world, but that by no means mean he is ready to take on a trial, no members of the Crystalguards ever taken on a trial before their 20th birthday when they are viewed as ready to take on this dangerous mission, the trials are writes rite of passage for young prospective members of the Crystalguards where they will be sent out on the solo mission to hunt down a dangerous beast or to investigate strange happenings, failure of a trial usually means that the initiate has died that is why no one is allowed to go on trial before the 20th birthday for his mother to even suggest something like this some experience must be going on.

Voicing his concerns "mother I'm extremely honoured that you would even consider it but I see no reason to rush I mean I still have two more years to go before I can take the trial I don't see why there is any need to rush."

"I understand your interpretation son but recent events and changes in plans have facilitate the need to push your trial forwards I'm sorry I can't any say more at the moment but know that if you pass this trial I will reveal a bit more of what is going on to you. please I beseech you son don't push this matter any further I promise you I will tell you everything when the time is right but now is not the time." spoke his mum and a very sombre tone of voice.

"I understand, I would do as you ask but know I still hate being left in the dark and I will be holding you to your promise mother."

"Thank you, the details of your trial a simple you will head White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire once there you will meet up with a member of the local Yōkai, he will give you more details when you arrive. What I can tell you is that several groups of hikers have disappeared in recent years now normally we would not get involved with something like this and leave it to the local authorities but we have been specifically asked by Amaterasu to take a look into the matter as she believes there may be a supernatural cause to it."

Believing his mum had finished in her explanation "I see."

Continuing "She also believes that now is the right time for us to reveal ourselves to the rest of the supernatural world, Amaterasu and I also agree that this will go a long way in helping us proved that we are a force for good and that we are willing to help those in need, helping our political standing with the rest of the factions" Whilst Gentiana spoke this she placed a comforting hand son shoulder.

"While when you put it like that how could I refuse the mistress of the sun, I guessing she wants me setting off right away that?"

"Yes that would be best, walk tall my son made the light of the crystals guide your way." Whilst Gentiana says this she pulls a piece of paper out from her ropes and handed to her son, written on the paper are the coordinates that he would have to transport himself to as not to accidentally appear in the middle of the city.

"While I'll be off then, hold down the fort when I'm gone and try not to have too many crazy parties."

A quick smile adorned Gentiana's face "I'll try but no promises."

After giving his mother quick goodbye kiss on her cheek and a hug, Samael proceeding to walk to the centre of the room. Summoned forth his purple magic circle and then disappeared off to his destination and the beginning of his adventure.

With her son now off to her destination Gentiana drop the facade of false happiness she was putting on as not to convey her worry to Samael for the goddess of ice and snow knew more and she was letting on and she knew this trial would both difficult physically and mentally for her young heir and she hoped no prayed to whatever spirits would hear her, whatever entity that may be above her that her precious son would come back safe and uninjured but before she could continue this line of thought she was once again interrupted by the arrival of another magic circle but unlike her sons which was a deep purple in colour this one was an icy blue.

Emerging from this new circle came none other her most trusted servant and the leader of the crystal guards, the Marshall Anna Smith who herself was a descendant of an Yuki-onna more commonly known as an snow woman, despite what she is, one would be hard-pressed to see any difference between Anna and a regular human, a Caucasian in her mid-30s with slender features and long flowing golden hair, with her looks and the shape of her body she could be easily mistaken for a runway model rather than a soldier.

Anna had devoted her life to the Glacian and had quickly establish herself as a force to be reckoned both inside and outside of Meridian, later on she would help Gentiana laid foundations of what would eventually become the Crystalguards an almost exact replica of the Crownsguards that once existed in Eos before the ancient one's departure. Although one thing did remain similar and that was the style of uniform that is worn by its members.

Gentiana has always grateful for the loyalty and dedication that Anna has shown her throughout her years of service, in some ways Anna reminded her of the original messenger Gentiana in her loyalty and dedication to the Glacian by another way she is so very different for example it wasn't always like it is now in fact at very beginning Anna was very different to how she is now she was cold and emotionless barely speaking anyone other than their minimum that was required, eventually as time would pass the ice around heart would begin to melt and she would start to display more emotions.

Anna's story is not a happy one it is a tragic one filled with heartache and despair for you see when she was younger she showed great potential not only with her natural ice Magic but also with her swordsmanship, her father was a well-respected in some cases feared knight that serve during the War of the Roses, but even with all the progress she has made Anna still refuses to tell us his name may be afraid of opening up old wounds still ,Sometime after the war when her father had returned home to England and settled back down with his family after a long and bloody campaign but like all stories there is a tragic turn of events, her father made many enemies during his many campaigns.

The enemies he had finally deciding to get revenge against Anna's father Gathering together and on one dark and stormy night and attacked, Outnumbered and with no hope of survival, her father did the only thing he could, he held the attackers off long enough for his daughter to flee and hopefully get to safety.

Anna had no idea where she was going, she simply ran as fast as her legs could carry her. A 15-year-old child running in the rain and the dark scared for her life. For two days she ran at this point she could no longer see the files smoke that was coming from what once used to be her family home but finally exhaustion crept up on her and she collapsed in the mud. Alone cold and scared in the mud she accepted her fate and of the darkness crept over her she heard a voice.

"If you want revenge I can give you the power to collect it." Spoke the dark and sinister voice

Using the remainder of her strength to lifted her head from the mud to see the being who spoke.

It was a sinister and dark looking creature human in shape but its skin is pale wearing overly extravagant clothes and surrounded by a dark Aurora.

Slowly nodding her head to answer the creature and before the darkness claims her once again the last thing she hears is.

"You now live for my sake."

Sometime would pass before Anna would regain consciousness when she did awoke her new master explained what happened to her and what was now expected of her, explaining that she had been reincarnated as a devil and had taken up both his knight pieces meaning she had the potential to become an extremely powerful knight.

Her new master Luard would helped carry on her training helping improve both her magic and swordplay, working along with the other members of his peerage would go on to become a highly feared team in the rating games despite her young age but despite how well everything seemed to be going Anna always had niggling doubts about everything that was happening.

For starters her new master's peerage was completely composed of women although this was definitely not unheard of in devil society it was still strange and coupled with the strange fact all of them seem to be not much older than she what's, then to even more compound things was the fact that he seemed to go out of his way to help her settle her desire for revenge and one of two occasions he even tracked down some of the perpetrators and had them brought before her, saying it was to help close loose ends and help her move on, she didn't know how true part of that statement was at the time.

Pushing these forts to the back of her mind she would enjoy some time of an almost peaceful life, besides the fighting in the rating games she would hardly experience any other form of violence but like was stated before this is not a happy tale in it all changed on her 18th birthday the day she became woman she discovered the truth.

Luard wasn't the kind and gentle master that he led her to believe he was he was, in reality he was a ruthless and callous businessman, Luard heralded from one of the lesser houses of the 72 pillars and so his family didn't have the strength or the power to rise up through the ranks so he found another way and like any good devil he is the power of the bargain. He spent years gathering very capable and extremely powerful beings to add his peerage making sure they were always young women and making sure they had no attachments such as family or friends, working through the shadows he would discover as much as he could about them and when the time was right to strike.

He was the one who gathered all of Anna's father's enemies together and supplying them with his location and once that was done he made sure that none of them attacked Anna herself, followed the poor frightened girl for the two days that she fled, he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to approach and that opportunity finally arrived when Anna found herself on death's door he would offer her a chance for revenge and of course because he knew the names of everyone who was involved he could easily direct Anna's fury towards them when the time was right, the young are so easily manipulated after all.

You may be asking but what was the business he was involved in the answer was simple he was involved with the creation of powerful servants to serve other noble houses. His peerage had gained such notoriety that the other houses would do anything to be able to have servants with even half the skills that his peerage had. This was his business essentially a glorified pimp when the girls reached adulthood they would be taken to a specific area of his house designed to such events, beforehand bidders would bid for the right to the girl and on her 18th birthday the bidding ended with the highest bidder getting her. You see reincarnated Devils have a much higher birth-rate the natural Devils making them the perfect choice for breathing new servants or just expendable fodder for a noble family's army. Once Anna was in the "special" room as her master so casually called it, she would be restrained either by being bound or sometimes even given drugs to make her highly suggestible, in the end the result was always the same, she could do nothing but just stand there and suffer the pain and humiliation of having a devil forced themselves upon her and suffer she did from the many deplorable and depraved acts that the devils did to her, Anna's body being a testament to that, even to this day you can still see the scars she suffered because of what her former masters did to her.

This torment and torture would carry on for many years and in this time she and the others would give birth to many different children, sometimes she would only have a few minutes with new born child before it was taken away from her overtimes she would never even see her child, eventually she snapped and using all her pent-up rage and anger she managed to breaking free of her restraints, once free she had only one task and I was to kill the bastard who did this to her.

Upon finding her master asleep in his bed Chambers she enacted her revenge for all the years of torment and pain she had suffered at this hands, but the time she was done there wasn't much left, with killing of that monster Anna would then proceed to free all the other girls, grouping together and acting as the group's leader she would eventually lead the survivors to escape the underworld, find temporary refuge in the human world where they would hide for some time, whilst hiding in the human world she acted as the Guardian to all of the girls keeping them safe and sometimes having to kill devil sent to hunt them down now that they are classed as strays, they were targeted for extermination and would be killed on site if seen by any devils, their salvation would eventually come in the form of a literal ray of hope.

Amaterasu would eventually approached the group and the lady of the Sun's reputation as being an kind and caring God would help gain their trust and eventually Amaterasu would lead them to Meridian, once there Amaterasu and the ancient one's would work tirelessly to find a way to remove their evil pieces and help them regain the life that was stolen from them. Over time many of the girls would go off and have their own lives living in insomnia or one of the other many cities that dot Meridian but Anna decided to stay by the Galatian's side eventually become her right hand woman and the martial of the Crystalguards.

Bowing before her lady "you're Highness it's good to be in your company once again."

"We shouldn't have sent him, it's too dangerous his not ready yet he needs more time, if anything happens to him I'd never be able to forgive myself, I made a promise centuries ago that I would raise my son better than my own father raised me but now I'm sending out into the world not known what he will face." Spoke Gentiana in depressed and fearful tone.

"Permission to speak freely my lady." Replied Anna whilst rising from her bow in her cold and emotionless tone which is synonymous with her.

"You never need to ask my permission to speak freely, you know that I always value your opinion."

Taking a few steps to decrease the distance between her and her ladyship "I know this is hard on you as it would be for any mother who sends her child off into the world but he must be ready and prepared to face what is coming, we know what is coming on the horizon he like all of us must be prepared to the coming war if not, then doesn't bear thinking about."

Anna taking a momentary pause, turning her head to look at the two guards who were still guarding the door and then looking back at Gentiana "all of us have a duty we must fulfil, some are more important than others but all must work together and all must play their part."

"I know but it's still hard but at least we've done all we can for now, between your training my brother's there are very few who can stand up against him and in time he will surpass them all."

"Then we shall await the prince's return if you excuse me my lady I have other matters that immediate attention"

Gentiana just gave a gentle nod of the head towards the martial, with her ladyship's permission to leave Anna summoned forth her magic circle once again appear beneath her feet and just as she had arrived Anna had left, leaving Gentiana and the two Crystalguards members has the sole occupants of the room.

Before turning and heading back to a throne Gentiana takes one last look at the spot where her son's magic circle appeared and transported him to his trial "so this is how it begins "with that said she proceeded to head back to a throne and take her place opponent it.


The magic circle that uses by the Crystalguards is exactly the same magic circle that Bahamut uses in Final Fantasy XIII only the colour changes.

The uniform that Anna wears exactly the same worn by Drautos in Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive

That's chapter 2 done, thanks for taking the time to read this, feel free to leave a comment, review or even PM me if you like I love to hear what you guys and gals think about this so far, so it next time.

Also as a side note with the release of this chapter I've also gone back and updated chapter 1 to improve several mistakes that I discovered while I was rereading it.