Drinking seemed to be the choice nowadays when someone suggested a meet up. Not that Todoroki was against it; he just wasn't used to some of the places that his friends took him to. He despised places with gaudy décor, presumptuous staff, and most of all, he hated the places where you had to shout your lungs out just so the person sitting a millimeter away from you could ask you again what you were saying.

Today was different though; a new bar opened up right next to the agency Tokoyami was working at and Tokoyami claimed that he was sure it was ideal for a chill, quiet hangout, and so the gang met up there.

"How many phone numbers did Todoroki get again last time?" Kaminari chugged his beer and let out a satisfied sigh, reeking of alcohol, "8?"

The electric hero turned toward Todoroki and draped an arm over him, "Have you contacted anyone of them? How about that chick with the red hair last time? She was hot dude!" Tokoyami waved at the server as Midoriya put down the menus and called for another round of beers, both of them interested in the others' conversation.

"No, I haven't," Todoroki replied with no smile in sight, "I threw them out in Midoriya's car."

Midoriya placed his hand on his forehead, looking quite upset, "you have no idea how much trouble I got with Ochako because of that. She thought those were my 'keepsake'. Could you please give me a heads-up next time?"

"Oh sorry," Todoroki mused and Kaminari chuckled at the thought of Uraraka's angry face. No one has ever seen her be annoyed at Midoriya before so that must be a sight to behold.

"And could we not mention this when she gets here with the others?" Midoriya leaned back against the plush couch, "I don't want to relive that."

"Next time you could just give them to me. I'll make good use of them, " Kaminari said as the server laid down the fresh drinks, "speaking of which, I went with Yaoyorozu once and she got quite a few suitors too, if you know what I mean."

At that, Todoroki pretended to hold a nonchalant façade. The sudden murderous aura that poured out of him, however, was enough to betray him. He shifted his gaze downwards, reaching to discard his empty bottle over at Tokoyami's side and the latter cocked an eyebrow.

"Cat got your tongue?" Tokoyami said in a teasing tone, "you seemed like you wanted to comment, Todoroki."

"I don't care," the fire and ice hero ran a hand through his hair, "It's her life. Why should I?"

"You're kidding," Kaminari pushed on, "Remember last time when that guy from the support department in third year accidentally touched Yaomomo's chest and he somehow slipped on ice and broke his leg?"

"Yeah that looked painful, "Todoroki avoided their stares and took another swig out of his drink.

Kaminari scoffed, "Yeah it was during the summer. Where the hell did the ice come from? And don't tell me it was a coincidence that you were standing a meter away from him."

"I was just passing by," Todoroki said, "I have no idea what you're accusing me of, but I was the one who took him to the infirmary. Either ways, he probably deserved it."

Tokoyami and Midoriya looked entertained, shifting their bodies to get a better view of this. If only they had popcorn to accompany them.

"Okay," Kaminari now sounded quite agitated. Getting Todoroki to admit that he had a crush on a certain Yaoyorozu was a challenge he refused to lose, "You're gonna take care of our bill if something happens between you and Yaoyorozu tonight. And if I'm wrong, then I'll take the bill, how's that?"

"I'm down for free beer," Todoroki nodded, looking quite confident, "You've got a deal."

It wasn't until the guys were on their fourth round of alcohol had Yaoyorozu, Jirou and Uraraka shown up. Midoriya was passed out with half his body threatening to tumble off the chair, while the other three had reddened faces. Waving a hand at them, Jirou plopped down beside Kaminari and Uraraka quickly sat her boyfriend up. Pressing on the side of her phone, Yaoyorozu winced as the bright screen flashed before her.

"I'm sorry we're late," Yaoyorozu said.

"That's fine," Tokoyami handed the newcomers each a beer, "if you guys want something to munch on feel free."

"Yeah the bill's on Todoroki tonight so whatever," Kaminari smirked, eyes darting over to the boy beside him as he slurred his words together.

Yaoyorozu wedged herself between Tokoyami and Jirou, "What's the occasion, Todoroki? Did you get a promotion or something?"

Todoroki squinted at the electric hero beside him and stood up suddenly at the assertion, walking away from their table with a drink in hand.

"Did I say something wrong?" Yaoyorozu scrunched her brows. Todoroki's gait was wonky as he stopped at the bar that lined the dance floor, pulling a bill out of his wallet in a rush as he ordered yet another drink. He was showing clear signs of drunkiness and Yaoyorozu couldn't help but stand up in pursuit.

"I'm gonna make sure he's okay," the girl fixed her pony-tail up a bit and gestured to the others, "you guys don't have to wait for me to order."

Jirou and Uraraka sat in confusion, the former turned to Kaminari, "what happened to Todoroki?" With a flick of her wrist, she checked her watch, "11:02 seems way too early for you guys to get this drunk. How many beers did you guys have?"

"Probably 6-7 and a few tequila shots," Kaminari said, head falling back to hit the cushion, "I might've pissed off Todoroki a bit, but it's for his own good."

"Todoroki," Yaoyorozu bent down to touch her heel gingerly, feeling a scrape forming from her leather stilettos. She knew she should've broken them in first before wearing them. She leaned her left arm on a nearby column and shifted her weight toward it, eyes now staring at the boy before her. Todoroki's mouth formed a thin line.

"You should sit down, you don't look so good," the girl urged, "I bet you were drinking non-stop."

Todoroki brushed it off, "Go enjoy yourself," he closed his eyes and softly rubbed his temples in attempt to stop his headache, "I'm fine, I'll just take a break here."

Yaoyorozu nodded, "Okay well-"

"Hey," Jirou tapped Yaoyorozu lightly on the shoulder, interrupting her train of thought, and her eyes scanned the boy's drunken state, "Yaoyorozu and I'll hit the dance floor, so you should wipe that silly grin off your face and make sure not to projectile vomit everywhere."

Had he been smiling this whole time? Heck, he sure wouldn't be if not for the alcohol acting up. In preparation to send Jirou a comeback, Todoroki opened his mouth, gaping. Yet, before any words could come out, he realized that the two girls were already in the middle of the floor, moving their bodies to the brash rhythm of the music.

He felt odd, however. Watching as a guy around Yaoyorozu danced with her, his body language commanding her to move with him and Todoroki felt like he popped a vein. He couldn't describe the pent up feeling he was experiencing at the moment and he wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or not, but judging by the sly grin on the guy's face, Todoroki was sure he hated that guy. His legs began to move on his own and within a few seconds, he pushed through and pulled Yaoyorozu to him.

"Hey, you're ruining our fun man," Todoroki could piece some of that guy's words together through his dizziness as he dragged her out of the crowd. He didn't bother to answer. Heading towards the corner of the facility, she protested the whole way until he led her out the exit door.

"What's going on?" Yaoyorozu said, stumbling, "Jirou's probably wondering where the heck I went."

Todoroki let go of her hand and leaned against the alleyway. Wiping a hand along his flushed face, he grunted.

"Yaoyorozu I need some advice. It's urgent."

The girl tapped her finger at her side, "I'll do what I can to help, if you had to drag me all the way out here to tell me…. It must be quite important."

"Yeah quite," even through his blurry vision, he could make out the concerned look that she donned, "I think there's something wrong with me and of course, you, being someone who's highly capable of complex analysis, should be able to tell me why."

He's rambling now, "My heartbeat's been quite irregular. In fact, every time I see you, my heart just goes insane. I don't know what is wrong with me."

He picked up his head, noticing the shocked expression on her face and he moved forward to put a hand on her cheek.

"I think you're…you're drunk, Todoroki! You don't know what you're saying-"

"Let me continue," he replied, taking a step closer.

She can smell a mix of alcohol and lime in his breath as he began to ease his forehead on hers. She remembered him being only a bit taller than her, but within a year, that fact has changed. Her face was as hot as his now, and she found herself placing both her hands behind his broad shoulders.

Staying in that position, he continued to spew, "Why is it that every time I see you with someone else…another guy…I just feel so mad." He made a thoughtful pause, "I have the utmost respect for you. For as long as I could remember, I never really thought much of it. But now that we've graduated, I…I still think of you. In fact, I think of you a lot. Could you tell me why?"

Yaoyorozu batted her eyelashes as the cold air contrasted against their body warmth. No reply came from her, and slowly but steadily, Todoroki tilted her chin upwards with a light finger. Guiding the girl, he moved forward to capture her lips and she tightened her grasp on his back instantly at the sudden sensation. He tasted like spice and she tasted like strawberries and cream.

He was sure that was a dream. Had it not been his phone notification of 39 missed calls would he have realized that Kaminari was ready to rub it in his face first thing in the morning.

"You owe me for yesterday," Kaminari's voice came loud and clear and Todoroki sat up from his bed. Gripping onto the phone tighter, he groaned.

"Fine," The boy grabbed a handful of his hair as he leaned forward, "Do you know exactly what happened?"

"Jirou told me you dragged Yaomomo out to the alley and that's it. You two just disappeared," Kaminari snickered, "apparently there's more to it, Yaomomo has yet to reveal though." Todoroki could practically see his friend's smug scowl as he continued, "What a twist, who knew you were so bold."

"Shut up," Todoroki said, irritated. As he smothered himself against his pillow, he noticed an uncharacteristically floral scent. Round-eyed, he turned to his left and discovered something pink peeking out of the blanket.

"Oh no."

"What?" Todoroki heard Kaminari ask and his hand lifted up the fleece covering. There, a garment that appeared to be a lacy bralette, lied crumpled.

"…I'll phone you later, Kaminari," Todoroki took a deep breath and hung up without warning. He honestly felt like his mind was in a blender.

How was he going to confront her now?