"Uncle Josh wake up I'm hungry"

"Alright El let's go make some breakfast"

They left Maya in the bed sound asleep. She began tossing around in her sleep though when Josh's phone start going off. She had never touched his phone before but the amount of times it went off she thought for sure it might be emergency. Little did she know what she was about to find out about wasn't going to be pleasant.

Unknown number: Hey babe heard you are back in Philly, text me when you are free x

Unknown number: We can meet in our spot this afternoon if you are free x

Unknown number: I miss you I had a lot of fun last time you were here ?

Maya began to feel sick to her stomach. Last time they were there was when she had been in hospital. Although on the last night Morgan had offered to stay with Maya so Josh could catch up with some friends. Maya had no idea that this friend had been more than that. There were no other messages from that number. If they had spoken before Josh had deleted it which she found a bit suspicious. Instead of confronting him she decided to make sure she had the facts right.

Sorry who is this? Your number isn't listed in my phone

Unknown number: I'm offended Josh. Baby maybe this might refresh your memory.

Attached to the text was a picture of a half naked girl. Maya was sure this was all the proof she needed. She walked over to her bag and packed it. She knew Shawn had to go out of state early in the morning tomorrow so her parents were leaving pretty early so they could get back and he could pack. Just as she was about to put everything in her parents car Ellie walked through the door.

"Aunt Maya we made food, come eat"

Maya tried her hardest to hide the tear marks on her face. "I will in a minute can you get your uncle Josh to come up her for a bit. You go get your breakfast"

"Hey babe what's up?"

"Don't hey babe me, I'm leaving with mom and dad. I want to get home earlier"

"I can drive you back early if you want me to"

"No thanks. Besides I think you have somewhere else to be"

"Maya what are you talking about?"

"You know I've never once looked at your phone because I fully trusted you. I never thought that you would be the one to break my heart. We were really good friends before this Josh. I just wish you would have been honest with me"

"Maya I would never hurt you. I love you"

"Well that's what I thought too. I'm leaving now. If I was clear enough in this conversation, We're done"

Josh just stood there unsure of what to do next. He had no idea what had gotten Maya so upset. She had quickly ran down the stairs to meet her parents at the bottom.

" Thank you for the dinner and my presents Mr and Mrs Matthews. I wanted to go home early so I'm going to get a ride with mom and dad"

"No problem honey, we will see you next month for Josh's birthday"

Maya just smiled, she couldn't come up with an excuse this far out as to why she wasn't able to make the next Matthews birthday dinner. Her eyes were blood shot and you could see clear tear marks on her face but Shawn and Katy decided to let it go. She sat in the back seat with her earphones in the entire trip.

Josh was still dumb founded as to what had just happened. He picked his phone up from the side and unlocked it to see the conversation Maya had had with Lauren. Lauren was Josh's girlfriend when he was sixteen. She was his first everything but he found out after a while that she had been cheating on him and broke up with her. The night Morgan agreed to look after Maya she was at the party. She came on to Josh knowing full well he had a girlfriend. All that happened was a kiss. A very one sided kiss. Josh told her to never talk to him again and left. Although he wanted to tell Maya what had happened she was still heartbroken of what had happened days before. This would have made things a lot worse.

Josh had sat on his bed for a good hour before Morgan realised that something must have been wrong for Maya to leave quickly.

"Morgan I've made a big mistake, she thinks I'm cheating on her"

A/N: well y'all probably hate me right now. Don't worry I plan on a happy ending in six or so chapters time..