Light of Remnant

Ch 1 An Arc's Rage

How did things go so wrong? Beacon only started up 3 weeks ago an everything is already coming undone. Earlier in the week I told my partner, Pyrrha Nikos, that I faked my way into Beacon. She was upset with me for lying to her and left me alone on the roof top where I sulked to myself believing I just ruined my chances at making friends with my team for good.

Then things got worse. Cardin Winchester, the tool that had been picking on me ever since the school year started overheard my reveal from his room, which was right below the roof top. He threatened to tell the Headmaster if I didn't become his goffer and do everything he said.

That's where my torment began. Every day, day in and day out for the rest of the week I did whatever Cardin told me to do. Whether it was doing his teams homework, doing their laundry, or just being a punching bag for them to knock around when they wanted to.

During this time, I ignored my team. Pyrrha hadn't told them yet about my fake transcripts so I could at least worry about that problem later. The class trip to Forever Fall was coming up and I hadn't had the opportunity to talk to Pyrrha as she either ignored me or I was working for Cardin.

During the trip, I was dragged off by Carding and his goons to collect the sap from the trees for their whole team. I thought it was strange that they needed so much but I didn't question it. I think I might be allergic to the sap. Part way through I started to have strange hallucinations and felt a little dizzy.

When I brought them the sap Cardin revealed his plan for the leftovers. He was going to throw the jars at Pyrrha for humiliating him in class earlier and sick some Rapier Wasps on her. He ordered me to throw the first jar. Could I do it? Could I really just throw this at my partner? Even if our relationship was rocky right now that didn't excuse attacking her.

I decided to go against Cardin's order. I wasn't going to allow him to hurt my partner any more than his whole incident has already. I chuck the jar ant Cardin as it breaks open and spills across his chest plate. It takes them all a moment to realize what I just did, but when they do Cardin picks me up by the collar.

"That was really stupid Arc. After I get done beating your face in I'm gonna go tell Goodwitch about your little transcript problem." He winds his punch back, ready to release it onto my face. "You're gonna regret you ever thought of becoming a Huntsmen! You never should have been one in the first place!"

"Jaune please stop. You don't have the makings of a Huntsmen."

Memories of my childhood flash before me. It's a talk that me and dad had had many times. Except this one was different.

"But I really, really, reallllly wanna be a Huntsmen! I wanna be a hero and make you proud dad!"

My father turns to look at me.

"I'm sorry but no. You just can't cut it as a Huntsmen Jaune."

"Why not? Why can't I be one? I really want to. It's my dream. Please tell me why dad!"

"It's because you're weak! You aren't good enough to become a Huntsmen Jaune!"

I just stood there, shocked at the fact that my dad just yelled at me that I'm too weak to ever be a Huntsmen.

My dad takes a moment to calm down before he turns away and begins to walk off. "I'm sorry son, but it's true. You're too weak to be a Huntsmen. Now stop this foolish talk and find another dream."

That was the last time we ever talked about me training to be a Huntsmen. He turned his attention to my sisters that wanted to become Huntresses and focused on making them stronger. He left me alone for the most part and I didn't see much of him after that. He was either helping my sisters or going off on some Huntsmen expedition.

A few years later I decided I would show him. I would see that he was wrong and finally make him proud of me. That's part of the reason why I became a Huntsmen. And now I'm about to get my face broken for trying to follow that dream.

As Cardin's face inches closer, I harden any resolve I have to face it head on. This was my choice and I was going to deal with the consequences of my mistakes. When his fist was just an inch away from making contact a blinding white lighted appeared. It was hard to see but for a second I thought I saw a white bubble cover right before I got hit.

Cardin holds his hand in pain from his attempted punch. He regains his composer and goes in again for another one when suddenly, we hear a bestial roar from the brush nearby. Out steps an Ursa Major in all its blackened glory. The rest of team CRDL ran leaving Cardin and I alone with the Grimm.

It swipes it's claws at Cardin knocking away his mace as he tried to perform a flimsy block. The Ursa stands over Cardin, ready to kill him as it brings its claw up to crush the young Huntsmen-in-training.

I see a small rock nearby and chuck it at the beast. The Grimm turns to me, now focused on the one who attacked it.

'Okay…. Now what? I didn't really think this out.'

The creature charges at me in its fury and tries to swipe me with its paw. I'm able to dodge to the side as the Ursa over extends and runs past me.

'Alright I just need a plan. Come one brain think.' The memory of the white bubble comes to me as I try and think of ways to fight back. 'If I can just coat my sword in it I may be able to kill this thing. And if I fail…. Well better the to try and fail then never try at all.'

The Ursa charges again, ready tear through me if necessary. 'Okay focus. Come on you did it once before, you can do it again.' A white spectral light begins to envelope me. 'Okay good. Now just focus it onto my sword'

The light begins to wrap around my sword as the Ursa draws near.

'Now or never.' I bring my sword up in an arc to try and cleave the beasts head off. Except my strike was too short.

'Come on! Just a little bit farther!'

As if listening to my thoughts the white light shoots out from the blade to form a longer spectral sword that cleaves the Ursa's head clean off. The body of the now decapitated Grimm sails past me and begins to dissolve before it even hits the ground.

'I did it. I really just killed a Ursa Major by myself!'

Coming down from my excitement I turn to the cowering form of Cardin. The bully was still laid out on his butt, shocked at what he just witnessed.

"You know, I could've just left you to die. I could've let the Ursa kill you for everything you did to me. But then I would've been worse then you are. You may be an asshole Cardin, but that doesn't mean that you deserve to die."

I extend my hand to help him up. Be the better man and all that. "You can mess with me all you want, but if you ever mess with my team again I'll let the next Grimm finish the job."

That was it. It should've been a heartwarming moment. The bully realizes his fault and grows as a person. I would apologize to my team and tell them the truth. Things would be rocky but it would turn out alright. We would get through it as a team.

At least that's what should've happened.

Whether he was offended by my words of the fact that I had to save him I don't know. Cardin smacks away my hand and stands to glare down at me.

"You think you're better than me all of a sudden! Just because you killed one Grimm you're stronger than I am! Well you're wrong! You're nothing but a weakling!"

Pyrrha, Ruby and Weiss come bursting out onto the clearing. I guess the rest of team CRDL must have gotten help.

Cardin turns to acknowledge their presence and a wicked grin spreads across his face.

"I hope you're ready Jauney boy. You're about to see how worthless you really are." Cardin walks over to the girls with a cocky swagger as he addresses them. "Well you sure took your time. The big bad Ursa's already taken care of, by yours truly of course." He flexes his muscles to show off his phasic to them. "Ya it was pretty big but I took care of it no problem. Even had to save old Jauney boys life. The guy just cowered while I did all the work."

I wanted to call him out. Tell them the truth, that I was the one that killed the Ursa, but I was stopped in my tracks when he spoke up again, "Though I guess that's to be expected from someone who faked their way into Beacon."

That was how my situation went from being Cardin's lap dog to the most hated person at Beacon. Cardin went and told Ms. Goodwitch immediately after the incident was over. The combat instructor had a complicated expression, as though she knew something but choose not to say it. The ride back was harsh. I received glares from both my team and team RWBY.

Ren and Nora looked hurt for the most part, having a secret kept from them from someone they considered a friend hurt the two dearly. Pyrrha was no better. She couldn't even make eye contact with him as she simply looked at the floor the entire ride back.

Weiss was the most furious of them all. How dare someone lie and cheat their way into Beacon when so many others worked so hard for it. Yang thought so too, though to a lesser degree. She had trained for years at a combat school to be good enough to enter Beacon and all I did was get lucky with some false transcripts and snuck in. Blake seemed more or less indifferent to the whole thing. She wasn't thrilled by the revelation but she didn't necessarily shun me either. Basically, our relationship they had before.

Ruby on the other hand, she looked the most hurt. Her first friend she made at Beacon, the first person to reach out their hand and help her… has been a liar the entire time. The hurt expression was unbearable to look at.

I didn't have the guts to look at anyone. After we made it back to Beacon I was taken straight to the Headmasters office. The trip to the tower was dead quiet. Ms. Goodwitch didn't say a word, nothing of how angry she was or her disappointment. Her usual stern expression was the only emotion she let be seen.

"I am sorry to hear about this revelation Mr. Arc."

She finally spoke after we entered the elevator.

"… I'm sorry Ms. Goodwitch."

The words tasted bitter in my mouth. They were cold and heavy. I feel like they threatened to chock me with each syllable spoken.

"There is no need to apologize. The other professors and I were made aware of your false transcripts since the moment you entered." I was shocked to hear that. If the teachers knew then why even bother letting this ruse go on for so long?

"The Headmaster said that you had potential. I will admit that at first, I had my concerns. Beacon is supposed to be a school for those who had spent their lives training to become Huntsmen and Huntresses, not someone who believed they could fake their way in."

The shame that I felt in the pit of my stomach grew only deeper. To hear know it for myself was one thing. To hear it from someone else was infinitely different.

"But then you proved me wrong." I looked up from the ground to see the professor looking me straight in the eyes. "I saw what really happened with the Ursa. I know you were the one who defeated it."

A small bit of joy shined in the pit of self-loathing that I was trapped in. To hear that someone else knew what really happened was an amazing feeling.

"It doesn't matter though. It doesn't change the fact that everyone knows the truth now."

Our conversation ends abruptly when the sound of the elevator dings, signifying that we reached the top. We exit the elevator, though Ms. Goodwitch seemed like she wanted to say something. The Headmaster starred at the two of us as we entered the room with a solemn look on his face.

"I've heard a rather disturbing piece of gossip recently. I was wondering if it was true. Tell me Mr. Arc, have the others heard of your fake documents?"

I was silent for a moment. This was it. This wasn't just some bad dream. This was really happening. It wasn't until just now that the whole situation settled in.

"Yes sir. It's true, I faked my transcripts, though you already knew that."

"Yes. Yes, I did." The Headmaster was quiet for a moment, most likely letting everything sink in. "Tell me Mr. Arc, why did you think I did so?"

I look up to stare him in the eyes. The least I could do is show him some respect. "Ms. Goodwitch said it was because you saw potential in me. That you thought I could become better than I was, stronger. I'm sorry that things didn't pan out like you wanted."

Ozpin takes a sip of his coffee before speaking up again, "No, they didn't. Must say I'm rather disappointed in the actions of Mr. Winchester as well. I had hoped he would be humbled by this experience, but it seems I was wrong."

"Now then, on to the matter at hand. About our current position in my school." It was finally time. The moment I'm told to pack my things and leave. "While many would believe it to be best to sent you on your way home, I believe in second chances."

I stare in awe and the Headmasters words. What was he saying? Does he really mean what I think he means?

"From Professor Goodwitch's own account you have more than proven that you have made leaps and bounds from where you were a few weeks ago. It would be a shame to turn you away now."

"Does this mean… I can stay?"

A smile comes to the Headmasters lips as he nods in acknowledgment. "Yes, you can stay. If you so choose to of course. Though you may have some troubles seeing as the student body now has some contempt for you. Not to mention your own team."

A tinge of guilt cuts though my joy as I think back to my team. I lied to them. To all of them. Facing them and earning back their trust is going to be difficult.

"I know sir. They probably have some resentment towards me, but I'm gonna try and make it up to them."

The response seemed to please the man as he hums in approval. "Well then with that out of the way I believe our business is done here. You may return to your dorm Mr. Arc."

"I will sir, thank you." I make my way to the elevator and open the door to leave. "I promise you won't regret this sir. I'm gonna prove you right in your decision to let me stay."

"I'm sure you will young man."

With that the doors close.

But my torment did not.

I tried to talk to my team after wards but they did even want to see me. They shut me out of the room, not letting me inside. I tried to talk to them, but they didn't want to listen.

A week went by with no progress as my team continued to ignore me. Classes were hard as I sat alone for the most part. Glares all around me as students wondered why I was even allowed to stay. Lunch was the same so I decided to find some where to eat alone.

With no progress made with my team professor Ozpin came forward with a proposal. There was a village nearby that was asking for aid. A small Grimm horde, a few dozen or so, were approaching and they needed assistance evacuating. The Headmaster believed this would be a good opportunity to try and mend the rift with me and my team along with team RWBY.

We were sent out to help the village later that day to help. We helped villagers get evacuate on Bullheads. Though the others had no words for me still. Everything was going fine for the most part. Until a warning went out. Blake, Yang, Ren and Nora had been sent out to the perimeter of the village to be on the look-out for the Grimm horde.

The Grimm were coming fast, but it wasn't just a few dozen, it was a few hundred. The report must've been mistaken as the size was far greater than what we were prepared for. The villagers begin to panic as the sounds of the horde grew closer. Only about half of the village was evacuated so far and we wouldn't be out in time before the Grimm showed up.

I try and tell the others that we need to send some of us out to halt the Grimm before they get to close. Ruby and I head out to try assist the others at the perimeter to help with holding them off. The horde draws closer as a wave of Beowolves smash into us. We strike out to take down as many as we can, but for each one we take down 10 more show up.

This goes on for what seems like hours when we receive the call that the evacuation is done. There are a few stragglers left as another wave is seen in the distance fast approaching.

"We need to leave now. Ruby take the others back. I'll finish of these ones so they don't follow and join you when I'm done."

She looked concerned for a moment before her sister grabs her arm.

"Come on. We need to go. He says he's got this."

Yang looks to me for a moment before she runs off with the others to escape. Ruby looks back one last time. She races off as I stay behind to deal with the stragglers. It doesn't take long to finish them. Even since I used that weird while light in Forever Fall I tried to reproduce it, but to no avail.

After the Grimm were done I head off to escape with the others, the Grimm wave closing in behind me. I can see the village entrance through the trees. All I gotta do is make it to the other end of the village and jump into a Bullhead before the Grimm arrive.

That was… until I saw the last Bullhead take off.

The Grimm wave draws closer as I sink to my knees in despair.

'They… left me. They just left me behind.'

My despair turns to fear as the horde gets closer.

My fear turns to anger.

And my anger… turns to Rage.

The first Beowolf leaps and me from behind as I turn around, swinging my sword.

'The left me! They abandoned me to die!'

Another lunge at me from my left as I use m shield to block.

'Was I not worth it!? Was I not worth the time it took to wait!?'

I stab into the skull of the beast and pull it out, turning to fate the remaining Grimm.

Deep in space

(Rage detected)

(Adjusting course for sector 2815)

Back on Remnant

One after another the Grimm attack me. My shield was knocked away some time ago.

I didn't need it anymore.

I was too angry to care. All I thought about was killing everything in sight.

Again, and again I strike at the Grimm, but it didn't matter. They just kept coming.

Eventually my sword gets stuck in the side of an Ursa.

The giant demented bear knocks me aside into a wall.

I get up to strike out with my fists. Beating into the skull of the Grimm.

'Am I just not good enough!? Huh!'

I smash the Ursa's skull open, but I feel my aura deplete as my fists start to bleed.

'Not good enough!'


I repeat the words like a chant over and over again. I eventually have nothing left. Nothing but my rage. That! I know is still burning.

As the Grimm surround me ready to finish me off something odd happens. A red light shines down on me from the sky as a small object floats down towards me.

(Jaune Arc of Remnant)

(You possess great Rage in your heart)

The object, now identified as a ring floats down and slips onto my finger. The next thing I know everything goes red.