Started on May 22, 2017| Philippines| 22:52 hours

Apparently plot bunnies keep popping up.

Requirements before reading? You have at least played or watched the full gameplay of: AC Brotherhood, Black Flag, Rogue, and Unity. Also, knowledge of Naruto characters and abilities like Jutsu and whatnots are required.

NOTE: Does NOT follow any lore completely, meaning I can remove Juno if I want to, just like I can remove Kaguya if I want to, and have someone or something else take their place, so don't complain if I say some Templars and Assassins have chakra.

Rated M for Mature.

Rated H for Harem. (Hey, it works)

Age difference will be explained below.

Disclaimer: Don't own jack shit, and any names or places that appear that relate to reality are pure coincidences. Do you know fucking hard it is to make up a Japanese name? Exactly, I might name someone from America who's Japanese, and I live here in the Philippines and never went to America, so the only ones I know from there are my aunts and uncles… and a cousin.

IMPORTANT: Shogun 2 reference will be high as fuck (Sengoku Jidai, and FOTS only)

(The Hunter)

Templars and Assassins; two of the most powerful orders, one being formed out of greed, the other with the goal of righteousness. Both having lost their way and having believed what they want is for the betterment of mankind.

In a dark room sits a man in a black and crimson hooded jacket. Above him is a bulb that helps shadow his face thanks to his hood being pulled up.

"Who is he?" A man in a different dark room asks. A woman answers him. "This man is Subject 209. He escaped Abstergo Industries two months ago and managed to bring down half of our major operations in just that amount of time… alone, might I add."

"Yes, but his file is all blank. No name, no past, no future." The man replies.

The woman frowns. She turns to a screen showing the man tied to a chair, the hood obscuring his eyes. "Former Assassin Hunter, Codenamed: Crusader. He betrayed the Templar Order after finding one of our former prisoners… torched while on a chair. The prisoner in question was Shisui Uchiha, traitor to the Templar order, and… mentor of the man sitting on that chair." She pauses as the man steps beside her. "That," the woman points, "was the chair Shisui was torched on… however, he also found out that they were, believe it or not, half-brothers."

The man remains silent as he and the woman pay attention to the hooded man on screen.

The power is cut off.

{"If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation." - Saladin}

(Four Years prior)

A hooded man dressed in black hooded robes races across the rooftops of a village. Behind him is another hooded man racing towards him, this one wearing white hooded robes. However, this race was not at all a competition of places or ranks. It is instead that a competition of who gets to live or who dies.

The second hooded man picks up speed. He vaults over a gap and slides under a vent before finally getting annoyed. He taps his earpiece and calls for some assistance. "Block the target at section C."

No sooner than those words were uttered, the first hooded man clearly slowed down, but the second man was too fast to slow down in time, which in turn would cost him his life. The first man skids to a halt and does a leg sweep, tripping his pursuer in the process. He does a spin and throws a knife to the back of the second hooded man's head killing him instantly.

"Agent, where is he? He's not here."

The man in black bends down and takes the earpiece and replies, "Be careful, Assassins. I may have betrayed the Templars, but that does not mean I will allow you to dictate my life." He crushes the earpiece before turning away and leaving.

The day after, it was as if nothing had ever happened.

However, that did not mean that the day would be uneventful. In fact, a man, or rather, teen, was having a very eventful morning.

"You have got to be kidding me!" A blonde teen's thoughts say as the teen himself is running for his life… and to his school. The reason for such is because behind him is a crowd of people, specifically a crowd of girls… fangirls, to be precise. "The fuck did I do to deserve this much attention, huh?" He thinks to himself as he turns a corner. The crowd of fangirls follow, but to their surprise, they could not find him. "I'm glad what they say is right…" Naruto thinks as he watches the girls leave. "No one cares to look at the roofs… or the sewers…" He pauses his thoughts as he jumps down from a tree. "…or trees for that matter."

School happens but then nothing fun ever takes place during schooling hours. The fun begins when it ends.

The blonde from earlier on in the day now stands in a room with his arms crossed. To be precise, he stands in the faculty office, and does so while paying high attention to the man talking to him.

"Hattori-san, your target is a woman by the name of Junko Yamashita."

The blonde frowns. "Shisui-sensei, why is it you always come to me for these jobs? Last I checked, you and Itachi-san would be more than enough for a simple hunting of this Assassin."

Shisui Uchiha, the man giving the target, smiles. "Because, dear brother, I have papers to check, grades to encode, and lessons to plan. Consider this your homework."

"To that last statement, I could tell you to consider hunting this Assassin as your job." The blonde replies making Shisui give him a mocked hurt look. "Yeah, yeah, I'll do it." He groans knowing if he'd stay any longer, he would have a lot of explaining to do in regards of this mission. Shisui was still his senior after all. Well, in their true roles of society at least.

"Oh, and Naruto?" Shisui says just as he sees the blonde, Naruto Hattori, turn to leave. "There's something going on with our brothers. Keep your guard and trust no one."

Naruto nods before leaving through the door.

(Present Day)

In a dimly lit room is a round table with twelve chairs.

On the chairs rest skeletons with black hooded robes over them. Dust covers the place as a man shines a torch at the ceiling. Another man shines one at the table. Behind them are five more people, these being armed women dressed in black tactical gear. The women shine the lights on their carbine rifles around the room showing signs and symbols of the Assassin Brotherhood.

"I don't get it…" One woman says. "This clearly isn't a trap." She shines her light onto one of the hooded figures and stares at it for a time. "But why would the Assassins leave this place unguarded?"

"Why indeed?" The first man says. The lights point to him revealing him to be wearing a hazmat suit. "To answer that question, we need to speak to the one who asked for us to be here… and last I checked, the one who asked us to be here was a former Assassin…"

The woman who spoke speaks again. "And yet that Assassin didn't join us."

The second man speaks. "Sound like a certain Captain, yeah?" The women point their guns at the man who spoke. He just laughs. "Woah, woah, I'm just saying! Isn't it too much of a coincidence? I mean, your captain, A.K.A. The Maelstrom, formerly Crusader, the only man to even kill a Master Assassin like it were nothing, betrayed us Templars, and yet never joined with the Assassins?" He pauses as he notices another woman about to speak, but he raises his hand. "Hold on. Before you say something about his enemies not wanting him, it should be quite the opposite."

All the women in the room lower their guns. All except for one. "And why would it be the opposite?" She practically dares the man to answer.

The man just laughs a cruel laugh. "Because, he betrayed us, he knows our secrets, and he even disrupted nearly a fourth of our operations in a month. After two months, the official records say he disrupted half of our major operations." He pauses as he looks down the sights aimed at him and into the eyes of the woman. "The records never said that he destroyed at least half of our major operations."

A different woman then asks, "If that's so then—" but she was cut off as the other man says, "So you mean to say Maelstrom is waiting for something?"

"Far from it." The second man replies. A grim expression rests on his face as he looks at the ceiling then at the table. "He's planning for something."

A Templar cross on the ceiling, and an Assassin symbol on the table pointing to one of the skeletons.

(Three years prior)

"Isn't it ironic?" Naruto asks a nurse who goes by the name of Shizune, while he sits on a hospital bed.

The woman in question just looks at him in confusion. "I'm sorry, I don't quite get what you mean…"

Naruto chuckles. "The fact that I am an assassin who hunts Assassins. Who really is the true assassin then? A man who hunts them for a living, or they who assassinate these so-called "corrupt" people?"

"That's like comparing a person who killed a killer to the killer…" Shizune mumbles before realizing that that was what Naruto was saying. "Actually, let's change that. It's like comparing a hacker to the state which itself invades privacy… so that's like asking who the real hacker is, isn't it?"

"Pretty much." Naruto replies. Silence takes over as he stares at the ceiling.

"Something the matter?" Shizune asks as she sits next to him.

The blonde frowns as he stands. "Templars and Assassins… their war will be the end of us."

(Present day)

The hooded man in constraints keeps silent as he looks straight ahead. He turns to his right where a door opens and in steps a woman with long black hair. The woman was dressed in a suit and held a folder in her arms. "Hello, Naruto-san."

"Ah, Mikoto…" The once boy, now man, comments. "Of course they would choose you."

Mikoto sits across him and eyes him in the eyes. She asks him what he meant. "What do you mean by they chose me?"

"It means that I like God do not play with dice and do not believe in coincidence." Naruto replies with a smirk as his hood still shadows his eyes.

(Two years prior)

Naruto stands in silence as a thunder storm blows over Konoha. The nineteen year old male stands by a grave dedicated to one man.

Itachi Uchiha

His brother in all but blood. Beside him was Shisui Uchiha, his half-brother. Naruto then spoke. "Tell me, Nii-san… it wasn't the Assassins who killed Itachi, was it?" He asked knowingly. Shisui's eyes widened, but the man himself said nothing, for he knew that Naruto, his half-brother through their father, was a weapon. A weapon that he taught how to be human, but one that could kill everyone he loved if needed…

Without hesitation.

(Present day)

The lights in the halls of the building where Naruto is being held burst. Immediately, men and women in suits and tactical gear rush to the halls with their faces showing concern. One then decides what he believes to be the best course of action. "Get Mikoto out of there! Terminate the Hattori!"

And yet all he received was static.

"Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess…" A woman's voice calls out throughout the halls. A man then follows. "We seek it thus, and take to the sky…" both then say in sync, "Ripples form on the water's surface. The wandering soul knows no rest."

Another voice, this one of a man whose voice is deeper than that of the man who recited the lines, says, "Loveless… Act One."

(One year prior)

"Shisui is dead, and you expect me to simply follow your orders? Orders that had gotten him killed?!" Naruto asks enraged. "Orders that you gave! Ones that lead to his imprisonment then death?!" He shouts, not caring for protocol even if it was Danzo Shimura who was standing in front of him.

"Silence, boy!" The war hawk orders. "You will obey, or you will never see your brother's funeral!" Danzo pauses. In a calmer tone, he continues. "He will be given a burial worthy only of the Templar Elites. He died fighting for our cause."

Naruto Hattori grits his teeth as he glares at Danzo. "You will regret pulling my strings, old man. And when you do, I promise you, the Assassins will be the least of your problems."

(Present day)

Mikoto sighs as she stares Naruto in the eye. "I tried to help you. Why don't you just confess?"

Naruto grins while still keeping his hood over his head and still shadowing his eyes. "Very well… I confess to Almighty God, and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and my words, in what I have done, and in what in what I have failed to do." He says making Mikoto click her tongue at him. "Satisfied?"

"Naruto, I need you to confess all you did to our operations. I can still help lessen your—"

"Lessen my time in jail?" Naruto asks mockingly. "Or just prolong the amount of time waiting for the death sentence I will be receiving?" He grins wider if even possible when he sees Mikoto growl. "Very well… I confess…"

The door to the room burst open and flies to Naruto who just stops it with a burst of… aura. "I did sabotage many of the Templars operations." He says as he sees Mikoto get into a fighting stance. He speaks again. "I also confess… that I was the man who killed Sasuke Uchiha." He lowers his hood and looks Mikoto in the eye. "But you already knew that…" He suddenly appears in front of Mikoto and knocks the air out of her with a single palm thrust. He catches the woman, however, and places her on the ground gently.

"Hello, Master."

Naruto turns to the door and sees three robots, one being female in design. "I see you three have gotten better…"

"In AI and machine standards? You could say… but we could still die though." The man with a more normal tone says in a carefree manner.

"Unlike a certain someone who's practically immortal." The female says cheerfully and she jumps onto Naruto. She doesn't seem to notice Naruto sigh as she tries to rub herself onto him.

"Marie, please stop that." The other male robot says as he pulls her off his Master. "This isn't the time and place for your perverted desires.

"Marie, Jasper, go back into the database, steal and retrieve all their data. Miguel, make sure you have the new parts ready back in base… and also the tube… I'll be using it very soon." Naruto comments as he walks away. "Oh, and do start the self-destruct sequence. We can't have them know about you guys yet… and Marie?" Naruto calls out mid stride.

"Yes, Naruto-sama?"

"Don't go looking through my hentai collection just because you can." The blonde finishes before leaving.

Jasper, the robot with the voice that isn't deep, but just normal, laughs before he waves and his so-called body drops to the floor. Miguel just chuckles as he soon follows, while Marie would blush if she could before she too follows.

(Boundless Templar Assassin)

So far, that's as good as my Naruto x AC fic is gonna get… because plot bunnies. Apparently they're better when you don't follow cannon, which is why… shit... I forgot my reason why… shit.

Anyway, ages are based on present ages:

Naruto 21

Mikoto 32

Shizune 30

Shisui 43 (deceased)

Itachi 38 (deceased)

Sasuke 20 (deceased)

That's it for now.

Until next time maybe! ^_^ Peace ^_^


Finished on May 29, 2017| Philippines| 17:07 hours

Beta read by yours truly on May 30, 2017| Philippines| 02:22 hours (adding this every time I will beta read my own stories before publishing)