Yugioh Arc V: Dark Side of the Pendulum

(Hey guys. Looks like the rewrite is more popular. Glad to see this wasn't a waste. The Inverse Pendulum card will return, just give it some time. As for the pairings, more people are wanting to see MasumixKiba right now. If that's what you want, then I'll do it. If you want to see SerenaxOC, then try dvdryms' Yugioh! Arc V: The Fifth Factor. He is a really good writer if you haven't already seen his work. As for why Kiba is just plain brutal, it's just how he roles. Either he gets a good challenging duel, or he removes disappointments. Plus, he's the kind of guy who can back up what he says, and won't hesitate. That's the main reason people are scared of him, they pick up on that. There's a backstory for that as well, but that will come later. For now, let's get to the duel.)

"Duel!" Reiji and Kiba said rather calmly.

Reiji: 4000 LP

Kiba: 4000 LP

"I'll be taking the first turn! First, I activate the Spell Card: Terraforming! This allows me to a 1 Field Spell from my deck into my hand! I add the Field Spell: Amorphous Persona to my hand! Then, I'll activate the Continuous Spell: Amorphage Infection! Due to this card's effect, all 'Amorphage' moonsters I control gain 100 attack and defense for every 'Amorphage' card on the field! Next, I'll activate Amorphous Persona!" Kiba started out. The field around the 2 of them turned even more desolate then it already was. The blade appeared in the center of the field, the dragon monsters crawled out of the ground and perished, and so on. Yet somehow, Reiji didn't even flinch. He was intrigued and slightly disturbed at the sight, but kept it hidden as he always managed. The LDS students, on the other hand, were very shocked at the sight.

"What the hell?!" Hokuto asked.

"What kind of Field Spell is this?! Some kinda burial ground?!" Yaiba asked. Masumi kept quiet and watched, but felt the same exact shock the others did.

"I will never get used to seeing something like this…" Yuya said.

"Due to this card's effect, all 'Amorphage' monster I control gain 300 attack and defense! Next I'll normal summon Amorphage Pride from my hand and set 2 cards face-down on the field! With that, I end my turn!" Kiba finished as his monster and 2 face-downs appeared on the field. Once again, the LDS students were shocked.

"That's what Amorphage monsters look like?!" Hokuto shouted.

"What is wrong with this guy?! How can he keep a straight face while using something like that?!" Yaiba said.

Amorphage Pride: 2450 attack

"Hmm…" Reiji let out.

"Huh?" Kiba let out as well.

"That was a good opening move. A strong defense and a good offense should the need arise." Reiji said to Kiba.

"Thanks, but now I want to see what you can do. And please, don't hold back for my sake." Kiba asked.

"Very well. I hope you are prepared, Kiba. My turn! Draw!" Reiji said. "I'll activate 3 Spell Cards from my hand. I'll start with this first. The Continuous Spell: Covenant with the Infernal Gate, activates! During my Standby Phase, this card inflicts 1000 points of damage to me. Also, once per turn, I can select 1 level 4 or lower 'D/D' monster from my deck and add it to my hand. I'll add D/D Cerberus to my hand." Reiji explained.

"Pretty high cost for a rather low return. You've gotten me curious now, Reiji. You've got something planned." Kiba said.

"Very astute of you. But this is only the beginning. My second Spell Card is the same. Covenant with the Infernal Gate. Just like before, I add 1 level 4 or lower 'D/D' monster from my deck to my hand. I will add D/D Lilith into my hand. And the third Spell Card I activate is the Continuous Spell: Covenant with the Swamp King. This card also inflicts 1000 points of damage to myself during each of my Standby Phases. With Covenant with the Swamp King, once per turn, I can fusion summon 1 Fiend-type fusion monster without using a fusion spell." Reiji added.

"A fusion summon without a fusion spell? Now this is getting interesting." Kiba said, gaining a smirk on his face.

"The ones I shall fuse are D/D Cerberus and D/D Lilith. Hellhound flashing your vicious fangs! Enchantress seducing beings in the dead of night! Amidst the light swirling in the Netherworld, join together this instant as 1 being and give birth to a new king! Fusion summon! Be born! Level 6! D/D/D Temujin the Raging Inferno King!" Reiji chanted. As his monster appeared on the field with a flaming aura around it, Kiba couldn't help but be impressed at the sight.

"Well now, this is something. Heh. To be able to fusion summon in such a way, and with such great risk as well. Only someone like you could pull this off successfully." Kiba said.

"I appreciate what you're saying, but don't think I'm finished yet. I have yet to normal summon this turn." Reiji said, a smirk now on his face. This made Kiba gain a full smile, showing his fangs once again.

"Good. I want you at only your best, Reiji. Anything less would be nothing more than a disappointment." Kiba told him.

"I now summon the Tuner monster, D/D Night Howling!" Reiji continued, bringing out said monster onto the field.

"Tuner monster?!" The You Show students shouted in surprise.

"So then, Kiba isn't the only one who can-" Yuya said, but didn't finish. However, Himeka caught what he was saying, and lost the smile on her face.

"When this card is summoned successfully, I can select 1 level 4 or lower 'D/D' monster from my graveyard, and special summon it with 0 attack. I choose to revive D/D Lilith!" Reiji announced. Lilith rose again next to Kiba, but he didn't flinch.

"Here it comes… Bring it." Kiba muttered.

"I'm tuning the level 4 D/D Lilith with the level 3 D/D Night Howling! Howl that cuts through the darkness… Become the first cry of the new king that obtained the speed of the gale itself! Syncro Summon! Be born! Level 7! D/D/D Alexander the King of Gales!" Reiji chanted again, and his new monster rose onto the field. Kiba felt his heart beginning to race with excitement.

"Have I finally found… Another worthy opponent at last?" Kiba asked himself after seeing what Reiji was pulling off.

"But I'm not done yet! I activate the effect of my D/D/D Temujin the Raging Inferno King! When a 'D/D/D' monster other than this card is Special summoned, I can Special summon 1 'D/D' monster from my graveyard! Be reborn once again, D/D Lilith! And then…! I activate the effect of my Alexander the King of Gales! When a 'D/D' monster is Special summoned, I can Special summon 1 'D/D' monster from my graveyard! Be reborn, D/D Cerberus!" Reiji went on. Kiba's heart started pounding even harder, seeing Reiji wasn't stopping just yet.

"2 level 4 monsters… Here it comes… Please… Give me everything you got… I will take it…" Kiba muttered, starting to shake in excitement.

"I overlay the level 4 D/D Lilith and D/D Cerberus! I build the Overlay Network with these 2 monsters! In order to reign over the entire world… Descend now and takes what is yours! Xyz summon! Be born! Rank 4! D/D/D Caesar the King of Surging Waves!" Reiji chanted once more. Then, Kiba started laughing all of a sudden. Everyone looked at him in confusion, but Himeka looked at him with disdain.

"Incredible… All 3 summoning methods in 1 turn without the use of Pendulum summoning… Yes… For the first time in years, I'm finally dueling someone who can push me to my limits!" Kiba said when he finished laughing.

"I'm glad to see a didn't disappoint you, Kiba." Reiji said with that smirk still on his face. "Battle! D/D/D Alexander, attack Amorphage Pride!" Reiji commanded. Kiba immediately moved for an Action Card, but Alexander was too fast. Kiba didn't flinch, since the damage was minimal.

Kiba: 3950 LP

"Now, D/D/D Caesar-" Reiji was about to declare another attack, but Kiba had other plans.

"Trap activate: Pendulum Reborn! With this card's effect, I can revive 1 Pendulum monster from my graveyard or face-up in my extra deck! Revive from the extra deck, Amorphage Pride!" Kiba shouted as his monster came back onto the field and powered up again.

Amorphage Pride: 2450 attack

"And then, Amorphage Infection's effect now activates!" Kiba added.

"What?! Another effect from his spell card?!" Hokuto asked.

"What does he have planned?!" Yaiba asked.

"Not sure, but it has to do with either his monster's destruction or its revival, since it didn't activate until now…" Masumi said, managing to remain somewhat calm despite all the shock.

"Since you destroyed an 'Amorphage' monster I controlled, I can now add any 'Amorphage' card I want from my deck into my hand! I add another Amorphage Infection to my hand!" Kiba explained. Reiji didn't try to attack again, knowing the result that would occur. So far, he wasn't disappointed by Kiba's capabilities. He willingly took the damage to add another card to his hand, and even managed to defend himself without needing an Action Card.

"Then I'll set 2 cards face-down and end my turn." Reiji said, emptying his hand as Kiba did earlier. "I knew you had some form of defense planned, but even I didn't expect you to simply take the damage." He admitted.

"Well, great risks can lead to great rewards. You should know that, considering you're using those Covenant cards of yours. And I get the feeling 1 of your face-down cards is another." Kiba said.

"Why don't you come and find out?" Reiji dared. Kiba's smile turned back into a smirk.

"If that's what you want, I won't hold back! My turn! Draw! First, I'll activate the second Amorphage Infection from my hand! Now, since I have another Amorphage card on my field, all my monsters gain an additional 100 attack and defense! And now that I have another on the field, all of my monsters will gain another 400 attack and defense as well!" Kiba explained as his monster roared while getting even stronger than before.

Amorphage Pride: 2950 attack

"2950 attack?!" Hokuto said, hardly able to believe it.

"That's enough to take out any of Reiji's monsters!" Yaiba said.

"Yeah, but I get the feeling that Kiba's got something else in store for us all." Masumi said, not really fazed by the attack strength of Kiba's monster. It's rather obvious she'd seen and used stronger monsters.

"I think you'll appreciate this one, Reiji! I activate the Spell Card: Card of Sanctity! Now we both draw until we have 6 cards in our hands!" Kiba said, refilling his hand and Reiji's as well.

"I thank you for this rather generous gift, but you must know this opens many more options for me as well." Reiji said.

"Heh. Of course. But I'm not done just yet! I activate the Spell Card: Card Destruction! We're both forced to discard our entire hands and draw the same number of cards sent to the graveyard!" Kiba added, replacing the cards they both just got.

"Huh? Why would he do that? Did he get a bad hand?" Ayu asked.

"What is he thinking? All this suspense is giving me the shivers!" Futoshi said.

"I don't know, but I don't think he'd willingly throw away his own cards like that." Tatsuya said.

"He's got something planned… I just don't know what…" Sora muttered.

"And lastly, I activate the Spell Card: Disgraceful Charity! This returns all cards we discarded this turn directly back into our hands!" Kiba said, getting back every card he seemingly threw away.

"I see, so that was your plan… You increased your options quite a bit, using those cards like that. However, I now have many more options myself." Reiji reminded him.

"I'm aware, but don't think this as a gift. Think of it as the beginning… The beginning of my control over this field." Kiba said.

"Hoh?" Reiji let out, curious as to what he meant by that.

"The effects of my monsters, Pendulum of otherwise, will allow me to severely limit your options, leaving you with few choices left to rely on. That is the true strength of the 'Amorphage' cards I use. If I'm allowed even 1 moment to build up, I will reign over the field, and you won't be able to fight back. Allow me to show you now!" Kiba said. This unnerved everyone in the audience, excpet Himeka.

"Oh no…" Yuya let out. This caught the LDS students off guard, and they looked at him questioningly.

"I activate the final Amorphage Infection! Then, I activate the Spell Card: Amorphage Evolution! With this card's effect, I target 1 'Amorphage' monster on my field, then tribute it to special summon another 'Amorphage' monster from my hand or face-up in my extra deck 2 levels higher or lower than the targeted monster! I tribute my Amorphage Pride in order to bring forth Amorphage Sloth!" Kiba announced. Once Sloth was on the field, Reiji's monsters back away slightly. Reiji noticed this and was confused for a moment.

"What? Why are they…" Reiji muttered.

"Amorphage Infection's effect activates once again! Since I tributed an 'Amorphage' monster I controlled, I can now add another 'Amorphage' card from my deck to my hand! And since I have 3 Infections on my field, I can now add 3 cards to my hand! I add Mutation Fusion, Repulsive Syncro, and Goliath to my hand!" Kiba continued, not intending on stopping anytime soon.

"It's effect activates when his monsters are tributed as well?" Himeka asked, now starting to get worried about her son.

"Now, using the Scale 3 Amorphage Pride and Scale 5 Amorphage Goliath in my hand, I set the Pendulum Scale! And before we get to the fun part, I'll activate another Spell Card: Pendulum Redial! With this, I target 1 monster in either of my Pendulum Zones, and permanently change its Scale to any number between 1 and 10! I choose to make my Goliath's Pendulum Scale 9! So now, I can summon as many monsters I want levels 4 through 8 all at once!" Kiba shouted.

"He really does have Pendulum Cards?!" Hokuto asked.

"No way!" Yaiba said.

"No… He's just getting started…" Yuya let out.

"What do you mean?" Masumi asked, unaware just how bad things were going to get for Reiji in just a moment.

"The cards he added to his hand… He's going to summon those monsters to counter Reiji's D/D/D monsters…" Yuya said, trembling at the very thought of the monsters Kiba used on him.

"Dragons from the deepest, darkest depths of hell! I have opened the gates for you now! Return from your prisons and crush all those who oppose us! Pendulum summon! Appear before us now, my loyal beasts! Revive from my extra deck, Amorphage Pride! And from my hand, Amorphage Wrath, another Amorphage Sloth, and Amorphage Envy!" Kiba called out. His monsters appeared on the field with a flash of light. The light itself spoke of nothing but pure cruelty.

"He's got a full field!" The 3 kids shouted.

"Reiji-san!" Himeka shouted, now showing her worry for her son.

"I take my 2 level 6 Amorphage Sloths and overlay them!" Kiba said, ready to give Reiji everything he had.

"Xyz?! He's knows how to Xyz summon?!" Hokuto practically screamed.

"Not just that… He knows how to Syncro summon and Fusion summon as well… He uses Pendulum summoning as fuel for summoning his stronger monsters…" Yuya explained.

"You should've seen how savagely he beat Yuya not long ago. Didn't even give him a chance to fight back." Sora told them. Yuya instantly looked downcast again. Yuzu shot a glare at Sora, then moved to comfort Yuya yet again.

"Hellbound dragon, wrongly sealed out of fear for your power! Head my call, swear to obey me, and allow me to lead you in your quest for annihilation! Xyz summon! Rise once more! Rank 6! Amorphage Wyvern!" Kiba chanted. The monster that rose out of the portal this time looked almost exactly like Goliath, but had wings where its front legs were supposed to be. Its neck and tail were longer, its body more aerodynamic, but no less vicious. The glowing blade was embedded in between its second pair of wings, yet it wasn't hindered by it at all.

Amorphage Wyvern: Dragon/Xyz/Pendulum/Effect

Rank: 6

Attribute: Earth

Attack: 3250

Defense: 0

Pendulum Scale: 5

Pendulum Effect: As long as you control on 'Amorphage' monster, only 'Amorphage' monsters are allowed to declare attacks. During your standby phase, tribute 1 monster or destroy this card.

Monster Effect: As long as this card is on the field, all 'Amorphage' Pendulum monsters sent to the graveyard(including as overlay units) are placed into the Extra Deck face-up instead. Once per turn, use 1 overlay unit. Then, you can destroy cards on the field equal to the number of 'Amorphage' spell/trap cards you control. No one can summon monsters from the extra deck except 'Amorphage' monsters. If this card is destroyed, you can place this card in your Pendulum zone. If there is already a card in the Pendulum zone, you can destroy it to place this card in that Pendulum zone.

"Well, that's a rather impressive monster you have, Kiba. You're reputation as 'Hell's Dragon Duelist' seemed to be well earned." Reiji told him. Kiba didn't visibly react at first.

"…Heh. Heh heh heh." Kiba let out. "You would know, wouldn't you Reiji? This duel… My heart won't stop pounding right now…" Kiba said with a dark chuckle slipping out every now and then.

"What's he talking about?" Masumi asked, hoping someone had an answer.

"You truly surprised and excited me when you summoned those monsters on your field… Very few people have ever gotten me excited… And for good reason too… You're clearly not like other Duelists, and that is what gets me so excited… The idea of facing you here and now… I don't want this duel, this moment, to end…!" Kiba told his opponent. Reiji didn't seem to react to this, but he knew the rumors of people who would disappear after getting on Kiba's bad side, and even his good side.

For Kiba, people that irritate him are shown no mercy at all. He can and will beat them within an inch of their lives, and ensure they either never duel again, or are removed entirely. As for the people that piqued Kiba's interest, they were taken down within moments. Kiba, at the thought of facing someone who can match him or possibly beat him, often gets too excited, and his opponents pay the price, and meet the same fate as those who irritate or annoy him.

"So I won't let it end so quickly! I want to enjoy every single second of this duel while I still can, and I will! I summon another Wrath from my hand! Then I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Amorphage Repulsive Syncro! With this card's effect, I target 1 'Amorphage' monster on my field, and it becomes a Tuner until the end of the turn! However, if not used for a Syncro summon on the turn this was activated, the targeted monster is banished during the end phase! I can activate this during the battle phase if both cards in my Pendulum zones are 'Amorphage' cards! If activated during the battle phase, I can perform a Syncro summon during said battle phase as well! I target the Wrath I just summoned, and tune it to the level 4 Amorphage Pride!" Kiba yelled out. His Wrath became 4 rings and his Pride became 4 stars passing through said rings.

"Here comes his Syncro monster!" Yaiba said, getting more and more scared of Kiba as the duel went on.

"Hellish Dragon that knows only death! I grant you your freedom. Rampage all throughout this field, and eliminate everything in your path! Syncro summon! Arise! Level 8! Amorphage Hydra!" Another monster that looked almost exactly like Goliath appeared. But this one didn't have any wings. Instead, it had 2 heads sprouting where its wings were supposed to be. All 3 of its necks were as long as Wyverns, it crawled on all 4 of its legs, the glowing blade embedded in the center of its chest where its heart would be if it ever had one, and spikes lining across its spine and its 3 necks.

Amorphage Hydra: Dragon/Syncro/Pendulum/Effect

Level: 8

Attribute: Earth

Attack: 3050

Defense: 0

Pendulum Scale: 5

Pendulum Effect: As long as you control an 'Amorphage' monster, no player can special summon monsters except 'Amorphage' monsters. During your standby phase, tribute 1 monster or destroy this card.

Monster Effect: As long as this card is on the field, all 'Amorphage' monsters you control can attack 3 times per battle phase. No one can summon monsters from the extra deck except 'Amorphage' monsters. If this card is destroyed, you can place this card in your Pendulum zone. If there is already a card in the Pendulum zone, you can destroy it to place this card in that Pendulum zone.

"And finally, I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Amorphage Mutation Fusion! With this, I can use 2 or more 'Amorphage' monsters on my field as material for a Fusion summon! If both cards in my Pendulum zones are 'Amorphage' cards, I can activate this during the battle phase as well! I now fuse together my Amorphage Envy and my second Amorphage Wrath!" Kiba announced.

"And here's comes his fusion monster… can Akaba Reiji win this duel?" Masumi asked. Himeka heard her say that, and truly wished she had the answer right then and there. But seeing Kiba match Reiji like this was an unsettling sight for her to bear witness to.

"Cursed dragon that embodies the darkness of envy! Hellbound dragon that embodies the darkness that is wrath! Become one, create something far darker, sow true fear and despair in the hearts of all, and bring about an end to everything! Fusion summon! Come forth! Level 8! Amorphage Griever!" The last dragon similar to Goliath appeared on the field. The only real difference with this monster were its claws, fangs, and wings. All of which were far sharper than normal, and capable of ripping anything into pieces. The newest monster let out a proud roar, and the previous 2 did followed its lead.

Amorphage Griever: Dragon/Fusion/Pendulum/Effect

Level: 8

Attribute: Earth

Attack: 3150

Defense: 0

Pendulum Scale: 9

Pendulum Effect: As long as you control on 'Amorphage' monster, only 'Amorphage' Pendulum cards can be activated. During your standby phase, tribute 1 monster or destroy this card.

Monster Effect: As long as this card is on the field, all 'Amorphage' monsters you control can inflict piercing damage. No one can summon monsters from the extra deck except 'Amorphage' monsters. When an 'Amorphage' monster you control destroys an opponent's monster through battle, inflict half the destroyed monster's original attack points as damage to your opponent. If this card is destroyed, you can place this card in your Pendulum zone. If there is already a card in the Pendulum zone, you can destroy it to place this card in that Pendulum zone.

Kiba had finally finished special summoning from his extra deck. Reiji, upon reading the effects of the monsters he now had to face, had his eyes widened. Not only that, but he knew they were about to grow in strength as well. Reiji only had 1 chance to prevent total defeat, but Kiba might not allow him to get that chance.

"Fusion, Syncro, Xyz, all from Pendulum…" Reiji muttered. He couldn't help but feel impressed as well. Seeing Kiba fuel nearly all of the summoning methods using his Pendulum in a single turn was something even he didn't see until just now. At least, in person. Now that he had seen it, Reiji couldn't help but close his eyes and start laughing with his hand covering his face. This confused everyone, including Kiba.

"How is it that I didn't see it before today? Pendulum summoning was incomplete. The potential it holds is even greater than I first thought." Reiji said.

"What?! What do you mean by that?!" Yuya demanded to know. Reiji ignored him entirely.

"I must thank you for showing me this in person, Kiba. Thanks to you, I now see the way to push beyond the normal limitations of Pendulum summoning." Reiji said to him with an actual smile for a change.

"Ah… In that case, you're welcome. But flattering me like that won't make me show any mercy regardless. I'm still going to finish this. Amorphage Infection's effect, and Amorphous Persona's effect! All of my monsters now gain 3000 attack and defense!" Kiba said.

"3000?! Again?!" The 3 kids asked in shock.

Amorphage Wyvern: 6250

Amorphage Hydra: 6050

Amorphage Griever: 6150

"And that's still not the end of it! Continuous Trap: Amorphage Lysis! Now all of your monsters lose 100 attack and defense for every 'Amorphage' card on my field! And since there's now another 'Amorphage' card on the field, all my monsters gain another 300 attack and defense!" Kiba explained.

D/D/D Temujin: 1000 attack

D/D/D Alexander: 1500 attack

D/D/D Caesar: 1400 attack

Amorphage Wyvern: 6550 attack

Amorphage Hydra: 6350 attack

Amorphage Griever: 6450 attack

"That's too much attack!" Hokuto shouted.

"Is he going to end it this turn?!" Yaiba asked.

"It looks like he is… And against Akaba Reiji of all people…" Masumi said in amazement.

"Amorphage Wyvern's effect! By using 1 overlay unit, I can destroy cards you control equal to the number of 'Amorphage' spell and trap cards I control! Since my Amorphage Pendulum monsters in their respective Pendulum Zones count as spell cards, I can now destroy up to 6 cards you control! I'll destroy your backfield, and D/D/D Alexander!" Kiba said. Amorphage Wyvern flapped all 4 of its wings hard, creating a huge gust that not even D/D/D Alexander could handle. However, the destroyed cards weren't sent to the graveyard after their destruction. They were banished instead.

"What?" Reiji asked, currently not knowing why his cards weren't in the graveyard.

"Amorphage Goliath's Pendulum effect! While I control an 'Amorphage' monster, all destroyed cards are banished instead, except for 'Amorphage' cards!" Kiba explained.

"Banished?!" Hokuto couldn't believe what he just saw and heard.

"That's way too powerful!" Yaiba said in outrage.

"It may be, but it doesn't change the fact that Akaba Reiji has been cornered with almost no way out of it. I never knew he was this strong." Masumi said.

"Battle! Go, Amorphage Wyvern! Attack D/D/D Temujin!" Kiba commanded. Wyvern didn't hesitate for a moment as it began to charge straight towards Reiji's weakened monster. Before Temujin was destroyed, said monster threw Reiji directly towards an Action card. Reiji grabbed it, and landed on his feet perfectly.

"Action Spell: Evasion! With this card's effect, the attack is negated!" Reiji said after activating the card he got. Wyvern's attack missed, but Kiba just chuckled.

"Useless! As long a Hydra is on the field, all 'Amorphage' monsters I control can attack 3 times per Battle Phase! So get ready for the second attack! Go! Wyvern! Attack Temujin again!" Kiba explained. Reiji kept moving a grabbed another Action Card. This time, Temujin was destroyed and banished.

"Action Spell: Damage Vanish! I can reduce 1 instance of battle damage to 0!" Reiji said, managing to avoid defeat again.

"Ha! Try all you want, but you won't escape me so easily! Once more, Wyvern! Now attack Caesar!" Kiba yelled out. Reiji grabbed yet another Action Card.

"Action Spell: Unstable Arena! With this, I can destroy 1 monster I control to end the Battle Phase! I destroy Caesar!" Reiji said, using his last Action Card. Caesar was banished alongside the previous 2 monsters, but Reiji managed to protect himself this turn. Kiba's teeth were grinding in frustration, yet he was somehow still maintaining the smirk on his face.

"…You are 1 slippery opponent. It's really frustrating, yet at the same time… I can't help but feel even more excited. Even after I set up a commanding line of monsters, you have yet to flinch in fear in the face of their strength. Even your own monsters feared what was right in front of them… So why not you?" Kiba said.

"I knew you would be able to summon powerful monsters like this. Looking at the effects of your monsters, and your Spell and Trap cards, my option are well and truly limited. If that was all it took to unnerve me, I would not be the Duelist I am today." Reiji explained.

"I suppose that makes sense. But since you're as persistent as a cockroach, I set 1 card face-down and end my turn here. Now then, Reiji, what can you do now? Even with a dozen cards in your hand, you can't use your extra deck anymore, or summon something powerful enough to oppose my monsters. But I'm sure you've got a surprise for me hidden in there. So please, use it on me." Kiba dared him.

"If that's what you want, then I'll show you here and now. My turn! Draw! I, using the Scale 1 D/D Savant Galilei and Scale 10 D/D Savant Kepler, set the Pendulum Scale!" Reiji announced rather suddenly.

"What?!" Yuya shouted in surprise. Everyone else was just as surprised, including Kiba.

"With this, I can now simultaneously summon multiple monsters from level 2 to 9!" Reiji continued.

"Pendulum monsters… And Reiji looks like he means business…" Kiba said, shaking in excitement again, and trying to hold back his laughter to prevent himself from seeming like a complete maniac. His hands went up to his face, fingers pressing hard against his head, and his eyes peeking out between his fingers. The irises and pupils of his eyes shrank down to the size of pebbles, and Kiba kept the insane smile growing on his lips covered.

"Grand power which shakes my very soul! Arise within me and give birth to a new light that rends the darkness! Pendulum summon! Come before me, my monsters! The 3 transcendental deities who rule over all kings… D/D/D CEO Hell Armageddon!" Reiji shouted, summoning forth his 3 monsters. When they descended onto the field, Kiba couldn't hold it in anymore. He started laughing with his head tilted back, eyes wide, hands in his hair, and scaring everyone in the room with the exception of Reiji.

"Incredible! Incredible! You surprised me once again, Reiji! Pendulum summoning like that was something I never expected! I don't know how you managed to get yourself Pendulum Cards, but I don't care! This will make the duel all the more satisfying for me!" Kiba let out while still laughing. Himeka was starting to fear for her son's life at this point.

"I'm not finished quite yet, Kiba. I tribute 1 of my Hell Armageddon's in order to special summon this monster from my hand! Come! Level 10! D/D/D Destiny King Zero Laplace!" Reiji shouted. As Hell Armageddon disappeared, and Laplace took its place, Kiba had finally managed to regain control of himself, and stop laughing. He eerily looked almost normal again.

"Even so, summoning them was only a waste in the end! Amorphage Lysis's effect will drain your monsters just like before!" Kiba said.

CEO Hell Armageddon(2): 0 defense

King Zero Laplace: 0 attack

"Perhaps, but this time, I will be prepared for your attacks. I set 5 cards face-down and end my turn." Reiji finished.

"Then it's my turn! Draw! At this moment, my Amorphage monsters' Pendulum effects activate!" Kiba said.

"Another effect?! Does this guy not know when to quit?!" Yaiba said.

"This can't be real!" Hokuto said.

"What's coming next…?" Masumi wondered.

"During my Standby Phase, I have to tribute 1 monster on my field for each Pendulum card in the Pendulum Zone, or destroy my Pendulum Scale! I'll tribute my Amorphage Griever and Hydra!" Kiba announced, surprising everyone as his 2 monsters disappeared from the field.

"Huh?" Reiji let out. He wasn't sure why Kiba would willingly give up 2 of his powerful monsters like that.

"At this moment, Amorphage Wyvern loses some of its attack and defense due to 'Amorphage' cards leaving the field." Kiba informed.

Amorphage Wyvern: 5950 attack

"Wait a minute… He just released his Fusion and Syncro monsters like they meant nothing to him… Why?" Yaiba asked.

"This guy has some serious problems if he's doing that willingly." Hokuto let out.

"There has to be a reason for it… I don't think he'd just give them up like that…" Masumi said.

"Amorphous Persona's effect! Twice per turn, when I tribute a monster, I can draw a card! Since I tributed 2 monsters, I draw 2 cards! Then, Amorphage Infection's effect! I add 3 'Amorphage' cards from my deck to my hand!" Kiba explained, adding 6 cards into his hand at once.

"So he did it to trigger his Magic Cards? Is he planning on summoning something even more powerful?!" Hokuto asked.

"At this point, I wish I knew the answer to that!" Yaiba said.

"No… There has to be more to it then that… What reason would he have to give them up like that?" Masumi asked.

"This card…" Kiba muttered after looking at 1 of the cards he drew. "This is 1 of the cards that branded me as 'Hell's Dragon Duelist' in the first place. I can't believe it… I haven't used this card in a while…" He started to wonder if he should use the card in his hand.

"Why isn't he doing anything? He should have the perfect hand now, right?" Hokuto asked.

"Yeah… What is he waiting for?" Yaiba added. Immediately after he asked that, Kiba started chuckling.

"Akaba Reiji, are you curious about that card that I used to obtain victory 2 years ago? Because you're about to see it here and now. I promise you though, what it offers will make you regret dueling me." Kiba said.

"So he has something worse than those monsters he tributed?! What could he have in his hand?!" Sora asked.

"Using my set Pendulum Scale, I Pendulum summon once more! Return to the field once again! Amorphage Griever, Amorphage Hydra, and 2 Amorphage Goliaths from my hand!" Kiba said. His monsters returned to the field again.

"Oi oi! What the hell?! Why did your Fusion and Syncro monsters come back to the field?!" Yaiba asked in outrage.

"Heh he… That's because they're not just Fusion, Syncro, and Xyz monsters. They are also Pendulum monsters, so they can always return as well, provided the Pendulum Scale remains intact." Kiba answered.

"WHAT?!" Everyone except Masumi and Himeka shouted.

"His extra deck monsters are also… Pendulum monsters…?" Masumi let out, unable to believe what she was seeing at the moment.

"Reiji-san!" Himeka let out in worry.

"And this is only the beginning. I activate Wyvern's effect again, and with it, you lose your backfield once again, along with your Laplace on the field!" Kiba continued. Wyvern created another large gust, and the targeted cards were banished once again.

"Reiji's almost defenseless!" Hokuto said.

"It won't take long for his monsters to tear through his Armageddons! Is he finished?!" Yaiba asked.

"This next monster can only be special summoned from my hand by tributing 5 Amorphage monsters on my field. So I now release all 5 of my beasts to introduce you to 1 of the 4 who rule over all the Amorphage monsters!" Kiba added as his entire field of monsters disappeared in an instant, and a portal opened in the center of his field.

"1 of 4 rulers…" Yuya let out, terrified at what may be coming out. At the portal's power grew in intensity, Yuya could feel something ice cold run up and down his spine several times over in the span of a few seconds, causing him to shiver in pure fear.

"Rise again, dark creature born to bring suffering to all before it! Let nothing stand in your way! Level 10! Hellbound Amorphage – Famine Paladin!" A somewhat humanoid creature, covered in pitch black armor, rose from the portal. It wore a robe of the same color underneath the armor that went down to it's feet, hiding most of its body from view. The monster also wore a mask shaped like a skull over its face, and had the hood of its robe up, hiding its head almost completely. The only thing you could see were a few strands of white hair peeking out from the top of its hood. From the mask, a pair a green, reptilian eyes could be seen looking around the field. In its gloved hand, it held a spear that had 2 plates, just like a balancing scale, near the blade. It's free hand had claws where the fingers of its glove were supposed to be.

The monster raised it's spear above it's head, and another monster came out from the portal. It looked like Amorphage Wyvern, but it was pitch black, just like the armor of the paladin before them. It flew out with a piercing roar that cracked the windows of the viewing area. It then suddenly flew straight down, and leveled itself just as suddenly moments before it touched the ground, leaving it just a couple inches away from crashing. It flew straight toward the humanoid figure quickly. The paladin then jumped up, and landed on the back of the black wyvern right at it passed below him. The clawed hand of the paladin dug into the back of the wyvern, and forced it to stop and hover in the air.

Hellbound Amorphage – Famine Paladin: Dragon/Pendulum/Effect

Level: 10

Attribute: Earth

Attack: 3850

Defense: 0

Pendulum Scale: 13

Pendulum Effect: As long as this monster is in your Pendulum Zone while you control an 'Amorphage' monster, all monsters you control gain 300 attack and defense for each 'Amorphage' card you control, while monsters your opponent controls lose 300 attack and defense for every 'Amorphage' card you control. Once per turn, you can target 1 monster on the field, and reduce it's attack and defense to 0 until the end of the turn. If the targeted monster leaves the field the turn this effect was activated, it is banished. During the Standby Phase, tribute 4 monsters or destroy this card.

Monster Effect: Cannot be normal summoned or Pendulum summoned from the hand. Must be special summoned from the hand by tributing 5 'Amorphage' monsters on the field, or face-up from the extra deck with the Pendulum Scale. Cannot be special summoned in other ways. When this monster is successfully summoned from the hand, you can perform a second Pendulum summon this turn. Cannot be destroyed by cards or effects. As long as this monster is face-up on the field, all 'Amorphage' monsters you control gain 300 attack and defense for every 'Amorphage' card you control. Once, during either players turn, when this card battles, you can reduce the opposing monster's attack and defense by 300 for every 'Amorphage' card you control. If this card is destroyed, you can place this card in your Pendulum zone. If there is already a card in the Pendulum zone, you can destroy it to place this card in that Pendulum zone.

"What… Kind of monster… IS that thing?!" Yaiba let out, utterly terrified now.

"I don't know, but an I glad I'm not dueling against it right now." Hokuto said. Himeka could only stare at the scene in front of her, at look on hopelessly. She now knew how this duel would end just from seeing that monster.

"Famine Paladin's effect! When this card is successfully summoned from my hand, I can Pendulum summon a second time this turn!" Kiba said, shocking Yuya most of all.

"Pendulum summon… A second time… In 1 turn…? Is that really… Possible?" Yuya let out, backing away from the windows. Yuzu stayed close to him while he was doing this.

"Pendulum summon! Revive from my extra deck once more! Amorphage Griever, Amorphage Hydra, and my 2 Amorphage Goliaths! Then, due to Amorphage Infection's effect, all my monsters gain 300 attack and defense for every 'Amorphage' card on my field, since I have 3 of them on my field." Kiba continued, clearly intending on finishing the duel this turn.

Famine Paladin: 7450

Amorphage Hydra: 6650

Amorphage Griever: 6750

Amorphage Goliath(2): 6450

"Additionally, since Amorphous Persona is still active, all my monster gain an another 300 attack and defense." Kiba wouldn't let up.

Famine Paladin: 7750

Amorphage Hydra: 6950

Amorphage Griever: 7050

Amorphage Goliath(2): 6750

"Finally, Famine Paladin's effect! All my monsters gain another 300 attack and defense for every 'Amorphage' card I control!" Kiba added.

"WHAT?!" Hokuto and Yaiba shouted simultaneously again.

"That much attack?!" Masumi let out in surprise.

Famine Paladin: 11350

Amorphage Hydra: 10550

Amorphage Griever: 10650

Amorphage Goliath(2): 10350

"Reiji-san!" Himeka shouted again.

"All of his monsters have over 10,000 attack?!" Sora asked in shock.

"And they can all attack 3 times in 1 turn!" Tatsuya added.

"15 attacks in 1 turn! This duel is over?!" Masumi asked.

"BATTLE! Go, Famine Paladin! Attack D/D/D CEO Hell Armageddon!" Kiba commanded. Famine Paladin directed the wyvern it's riding to charge directly at Hell Armageddon. As it got closer, the blade of its spear began to glow the same green color as it's eyes. Reiji moved for an Action Card, and Kiba did the same. They both grabbed an Action Card at the same time.

"Action Spell: Miracle!" Reiji said, activating the Action Card he got right away.

"Useless! Action Spell: No Action! This negates the activation of 1 Action Card and destroys it! Additionally, I activate the Continuous Trap: Six Paths of Reincarnation! Once, during either players turn, I can activate 1 of 6 effects! I choose the Asura Path, which increases 1 of my monsters attack by 1000! I choose Famine Paladin!" Kiba said, about to deliver the finishing blow. Miracle was banished, and Reiji's defeat was now guaranteed.

Famine Paladin: 12350 attack

"This the end for you, Akaba Reiji!" Kiba shouted. Famine Paladin impaled its spear into Hell Armageddon's core, and carried it into the air. Cracks began to grow all over Hell Armageddon as it was lifted high up.

"What's happening?" Reiji asked, seeing as his monster wasn't destroyed yet for some reason.

"Amorphage Griever's effect! All 'Amorphage' monsters I control deal piercing damage while it's on the field! As I said, it's the end for you!" Kiba said. Famine Paladin then threw Hell Armageddon straight towards the ground. When it hit the ground, Hell Armageddon exploded, covering the entire field just as Gongenzaka had in his duel. Kiba stood there, seemingly unaffected by it, while Reiji was sent flying back.

Reiji: 0 LP

Kiba: Win

Once the conclusion of the duel was confirmed, the Action Field faded away, but the damage did not. The windows were still cracked and the ground in the dueling area had small craters where Kiba's monsters attacked. The worst was the crater where Hell Armageddon was thrown, which was literally the same exact size of the very monster.

Despite the damage done, Reiji got back onto his feet with nothing more than a scuffed scarf, and brushed a bit of dust off of him. This caused any worry for the man to fade away as well, since there was no longer anything to worry about. He still maintained the neutral look on his face, but he was truly impressed with Kiba's strength and capabilities. He knew then that if Kiba was willing to cooperate, he would make a very useful ally in the days ahead.

"Congratulations. You have proven yourself victorious today, Fumeo Kiba. You are truly not like other duelists." Reiji said to him.

"Thanks, but I admit, part of it was pure luck. When I drew Card of Sanctity, that was just dumb luck that allowed me the moment I needed to build up. That was a great duel. I would like to have another match with you one day. Maybe after the tournament?" Kiba said, extending his hand. Reiji grasped his hand and allowed a firm handshake.

"Perhaps, but before I go, do you have a question you feel you need an answer to?" Reiji asked, holding up his part of the deal.

"Yeah, actually. I want to know why I'm allowed to participate in the tournament exactly. Considering my track record, you'd think I was banned for life or something to that extent. So, I was wondering why that isn't the case." Kiba told Reiji. Reiji looked back at everyone in the viewing area, then leaned in and whispered in Kiba's ear. When Reiji was finished, Kiba's eyes were wide open in surprise.

"No way…" Kiba let out.

"I'm afraid so, but as long as you participate, I'm sure we will have nothing to worry about." Reiji assured him quietly. Kiba lost the shocked look on his face, and looked Reiji in the eye.

"Ok." Kiba said, leaving it at that.

"Good. We'll be on our way then. Until we meet again, Fumeo Kiba." Reiji said while departing. Himeka walked out with him, and Yaiba and Hokuto ran to get as away from him as possible. Masumi, however, stayed behind.

"I never realized you were that strong." She told Kiba.

"Eh, sorta. I'm strong, but I can always do better. I only got what I wanted due to drawing Card of Sanctity and so on. I'll admit, that was just dumb luck. Without it, Reiji might have beaten me before I could build up." Kiba admitted. Masumi was surprised to see him like this.

"I see…" She let out.

"Also, sorry if I scared you. I still need to work on containing my excitement. When Reiji kept pulling out those surprises on me, I couldn't help but get like that. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, that's when I duel at my very best." Kiba told her.

"It's alright. I'm starting to get used to it, actually. Besides, after seeing what you did to Reiji, I'll have to train for a bit before I can duel you." Masumi admitted as well.

"Ok. I can wait until you're ready. See you then?" Kiba asked, extending his hand again. Masumi gladly grasped his hand in hers.

"See you then." She said back to him. When she let go to walk out and catch up to the others, she felt slightly disappointed. She noticed the change, but pushed it to the back of her mind to think about it later.

(Ok. That was chapter 3. I hope the duel was satisfying. This showcased that Kiba's deck can build up quickly if given the opportunity, and how vicious the Amorphages can truly get. Not to mention a small insight on Kiba's behavior. He's like Yuri in that sense, but at least he's a decent guy outside a duel, if not a troublemaker for whatever reason. Allcreation103, some of your card creations have now been featured here. I've made some adjustments, I hope you don't mind too much. Now, as recommended by dvdryms, I'll be putting in a card corner like he does to give you all a full description of the OC cards used in this and previous chapters. Hopefully, it'll help me keep track of them all. I won't do monster cards a second time though.)

Card Corner:

Amorphage Mutation Fusion: Quick-Play Spell

Use 2 or more 'Amorphage' monsters on your field as material to summon an 'Amorphage' Fusion monster from your extra deck. This card can only be activated during the Battle Phase if both cards in your Pendulum Zones are also 'Amorphage' cards. If this card is in your graveyard, you can activate 1 of 2 effects:

Banish this card, activate it's effect again this turn.

Banish another Spell/Trap card in your graveyard, add this card back into your hand.

Each effect of this card can only be used once per turn.

Amorphage Repulsive Syncro: Quick-Play Spell

Target 1 'Amorphage' monster on your field, it is treated as a tuner until the end of the turn. If the targeted monster isn't used as material for an 'Amorphage' Syncro monster on the turn this card is activated, it is banished. If this card is activated during the Battle Phase, you can immediately perform a syncro summon with the targeted monster and another 'Amorphage' monster on your field. This card can only be activated during the Battle Phase if both cards in your Pendulum Zones are also 'Amorphage' cards. If this card is in your graveyard, you can activate 1 of 2 effects:

Banish this card, activate it's effect again this turn.

Banish another Spell/Trap card in your graveyard, add this card back into your hand.

Each effect of this card can only be used once per turn.

Amorphage Evolution: Spell Card

Target 1 'Amorphage' monster on your field, tribute it to special summon another 'Amorphage' monster from your hand or face-up in your extra deck 2 levels higher or lower than the targeted monster. If this card is in your graveyard, you can activate 1 of 2 effects:

Banish this card, activate it's effect again this turn.

Banish another Spell/Trap card in your graveyard, add this card back into your hand.

Each effect of this card can only be used once per turn.

Six Paths of Reincarnation: Continuous Trap

Once, during either player's turn, activate 1 and only 1 of these effects:

Naraka Path: Negate 1 attack.

Preta Path: Activate the effect of 1 monster on your opponent's field as if it were your own.

Animal Path: Special summon 2 beast-type tokens onto your field. (Beast/Attribute: Dark/Level 4/Attack: 2000/Defense: 2000)

Asura Path: Increase the attack of 1 monster you control by 1000.

Human Path: Allow 1 monster you control to attack 1 additional time this turn.

Deva Path: Target 1 monster on your opponent's field, take control of it.

Each effect can only be used once per turn.

(Let me guess, a bit too OP aren't they? Well, it's anime. Almost every card they have in there is OP, so why should this be any different? Leave a review, send any card ideas you may have in a PM, and so on so forth. I think you all know the drill by now. If anyone needs me, I'll be messing around on duel nexus. The site itself sucks, but still fun to duel there. For me at least. Username there is the same as it is here: zcdragon64. So you know who to look for if you're ever there. 'Till next time.)