Bookz4life: Aw, thank you! And no worries - I've got big plans for this one! :D
livietilley: I'm glad you like it so far; I hope it continues to live up to your expectations.
Sylos17: Thanks! :D And here's that update you were talking about. I know; I'm amazing. ;)

Welcome back, everyone! It's the second chapter of Persephone!

So I'm sure you've noticed by now, but if you haven't (and even if you have) I'll point it out for you: this chapter's marked as a Prologue, too. And the reason for that is that I'm playing with another new format - this one being telling the story from two perspectives. Basically, Persephone - and its sequels, too, assuming I get around to writing those - is told from Bella and Edward's perspectives. And instead of confusing you guys by jamming both perspectives into one chapter, I'm going to break each chapter into two different parts - the part told by Bella and the part told by Edward.

And since you guys got Bella's POV last chapter, it's Edward's turn!

Disclaimer: Blood is red, Marcus is blue, I don't own Twilight. But fuck if I want to.

Warning(s): AU. That's all I can say at this point. Oh, and I curse. But big fucking shocker there.



"I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me."
~Stephenie Meyer, Twilight — Preface

I never once thought that I would think of myself as anything other than a monster, but it is impossible to think of myself as such when an angel herself has fallen in love with me.

When she first moved into Forks, I didn't think anything of it; she was just another human, just another boring mortal. I could see her through the thoughts of the other students at the high school, and though she was pretty - even for a vampire - she did not interest me in the slightest.

But when our eyes met, everything changed, never to be the same again.

I tried so hard to resist the call - nay, the pull to this impossibly beautiful creature, this siren of unimaginable beauty in possession of an indescribably sweet scent. She became my obsession, and yet . . . I hated her.

At least for a time.

It did not take long for me to realize the hatred that I felt towards this almost succubus-like mortal was unjustified, and once that realization had dawned upon me, it did not take long before I fell for her, like so many others in the school had.

The difference?

This being of origin I could not possibly understand felt the same towards me as I to her.

My world will never be the same.

Boopidie-boopidie-boop. Finished!

Hope you guys enjoyed this update!

As far as casting and appearances go, Edward's all canon - and so are the rest of the Cullens, for that matter. As far as I've gotten, only Bella has gotten any changes (though I'm tossing about ideas of messing with Aro, Caius, and Marcus' castings and appearances - for later in the series [no other spoilers will be awarded at this time]).

Let me know what you think down in the comments, and I'll see y'all in the next update!


~The Setting Swan