
v. your friendly neighborhood sakamoto-san



Akira bid goodbye to the girl as she closed the door. The architecture of the Takamaki household was just like what he expected - modernist. Lots of quadrangles and wide, glass doors and windows. Open spaces. It was the only one that was built in such fashion in the residential Yongen-jaya. The lights on the second floor lit up, showing Ann's silhouette.

He glanced at the red scarf tied to his arm, smiling as he took it off and tucked it in his coat pocket. He turned around, his coquettish demeanor turning into a serious one. At an unusually rapid pace, his oxfords took him back to the train station, all the way back to Shinjuku - finally back to the apartment door of Sakamoto Ryuji.

Ryuji returned already, judging from the wet boots that sat outside and the loud music coming from the other side of the door. Akira loudly knocked on the wood. He heard the music die down.

"What the fuck do you - " Ryuji jumped out of surprise as his sight registered the figure in front of him. His lazy, slouched stance changed to a guarded one. "it's you.. it's freaking late, you know!"

"Yeah.." Akira bowed his head slightly. "sorry for the inconvenience."

He stared at the blond for a long time, unflinching. Seeing he wasn't going anywhere soon, Ryuji sighed as he opened his door wide, then placed his hands on his hips. He sighed again as he held his head down. The humble act surprised Akira. "Sorry about earlier. Ann and I are usually just like that.."

"So she says," he taunted, earning him a smirk from the blond. He looked around the floor. "no worries. I want to ask you something, though."

The boy rubbed his nape, uncertain of Akira's sudden visit. "If we're going to talk about Ann, I say just ask her yourself, plus she's very easy to rea -"

"Yamato," interjected Akira, grinning.

The name had alerted the blond, startled brown eyes stared at Akira's dark ones.

"Umm.. yeah. I'm part of it." he chuckled as he ran a hand through his buzz cut. "well, we are pretty popular than those elitist assholes in Keio and Waseda.. even the smartasses in Todai don't match.."

Ryuji continued to trash-talk the other youth activist groups, but Akira wasn't listening to a single word he was saying, only the curses he made registered. His mind was occupied by something else. "Can we talk about it, Sakamoto-san?"

The blond grinned. Ryuji excitedly turned around back to his loft as he called out to Akira. "Let me just grab my pants!"

The sky was growling when he and Ryuji had left the complex; the boy back in his all-leather attire led the way to only-God-knows-where.

"I gotta tell you dude," he began apprehensively. "best to stay out of this whole politics and just live a healthy city life,"

Akia hummed at his warning. He did expend this much guts and efforts to intrude a stranger in his home. But frankly, the aggression in the streets as told by Ann and hearsays have put him on edge. For Todai to be part of this narrative, his future campus life, spoke volumes of the situation's gravity.

"I'm just curious, is all."

Ryuji proved to be very popular among the inhabitants in Shinjuku, having made every stop in almost every corner as he talked to the locals in the district. Many of them seemed to be indebted to the blond, having heard them say thanks; what surprised Akira most was how simultaneously polite and playful Ryuji could actually be. It was a very different side to him compared to the one he met with Ann.

"Any update of my luck, Chihaya-chan?" Ryuji asked the fortune teller as he leaned forward the table.

"Ehh.." the seer pouted as she held her tarot cards. She shook her head. "it doesn't work like that, Ryu-kun. Try again next week."

"Come on," the boy sighed and scratched. "all I'm asking for is some good luck here, oba!"

The girl stood from her seat as quickly reached for the boy's ear, pinching it.

"Ow ow ow ow ow! Okay I take it back, I take it back!" exclaimed Ryuji, trying to steer his way from the fortune teller's clasp.

Unfortunately, she had taken offense.

"I'm not old! And you'll get your fortune when it's time!" she hollered, earning glances from the other bystanders.

"G-got it, I got it! I was just asking!" relented Ryuji as he successfully tore his reddening ear. He waved the seer off as he motioned Akira to move along towards the plaza. "Jesus.. you think you know a lady,"

Not for long the attention of the blond was once again caught by another bystander in the alleyways of Shinjuku. It was an old, homeless man raggedly dressed as he held his palm up in front of Ryuji.

"What the hell, oji-san," the boy grunted as he fished his pocket, taking out a stick of cigarette. "instead of begging for a smoke, you should beg for food!"

"Tch," the old man haughtily took the cigarette as he held it up to his lips, with Ryuji lightening it. "lemme tell you Ryu-chi, it's easier to die young than to live old,"

The blond stomped his feet out of annoyance, but the old man waved him off, uncaring. "Don't say that to me!"

Akira could only observe from the sidelines, slowly deconstructing his current companion's personality.

"You're very popular, Sakamoto-san," chuckled Akira as an attempt to break the ice. The compliment seemed to positively affect the spirits of Ryuji, his back straightening from his slouch. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lightened it before they continued to walk.

"Nah.." he huffed, two wisps of smoke came out from his nostrils. "these guys helped me out a lot when my mom got sick,"

Akira cocked a brow. Judging from Ryuji's flat earlier, the lack of kitchen utensils, incense sticks and toiletries, there was no indication that a woman - especially not a mother - was living with Ryuji. He watched Ryuji's dark brown eyes fall into solemnity as they danced with the neon lights.

The boy clicked his tongue as he looked at his cigarette guiltily, threw it on the ground and put the light off with his boot. "I'm just a neighbor returning the favor.. it's how 'ka-san wants it.."

"Your friendly neighborhood Sakamoto-san," smirked Akira, breaking the growing seriousness in Ryuji's expression as he let out a loud laughter. As a fan of manga, comic books, and rockabilly, this definitely rang positively to Ryuji.

"So you read American comics, huh?" he began, now remembering how Ann introduced him to the non-Japanese heroes.

"Yeah," replied Akira hesitantly as he could sense passion stewing inside Ryuji. "but only when I find some.. my hometown rarely has 'em." catching sight of the neon lights clearer than before. They reached the main plaza of Shinjuku, and the night remained alive as ever.

"I see," nodded Ryuji, taking note that the dishevel-haired boy was not from the city. "well, I know a place that has tons. Like a library of comics. Ann should have definitely taken you there,"

"I'd like that,"

"Hell yeah," the boy exclaimed in excitement. "actually, screw Ann, I can take you there now!"

Akira could only laugh and nod in agreement.

"By the way," the blond turned to the ebony-haired boy. He dipped his hands inside the pockets of his leather jacket, a playful tug curved upwards. "you can drop the honorific and just call me Ryuji, Akira."

It seemed he has earned the good graces of Ryuji, thought Akira. Now in careful ponder as they make their way around the Shinjuku plaza with Ryuji leading the way, Akira decided to finally ask what he came back here for.

"Ryuji," began Akira as he squeezed his way in the crowd. "when did the protests begin?"

The leather-clad boy turned around with surprised eyes and a gaping mouth. "Ehhh?" he looked and sounded dumbstruck. "dude, which rock are you living under?!"

"I'm new here," reminded Akira, chuckling.

"Tokyo's always been on protest since I was a kid! Surely you've read the papers," the blond grimaced, although he wouldn't admit that he rarely picked a broadsheet. The dark-haired boy shook his head in disagreement.

"I know people have been on strike since 61.. I mean.." Akira chewed his lower lip, finding his words as he swam around the details Ann gave him awhile ago. "the student and youth protests.. they're pretty new, aren't they?"

"Ah," Ryuji scratched his cheek as he continued to walk, heading to an empty alleyway. Akira was tailing him from closely. In all honesty, he wasn't sure how it all began either, but he did have some idea. Whether his version of the truth was the correct one doesn't seem to matter. If anything, he wouldn't want to get caught talking about his affiliation so openly. "Well, you already know that many of us hate the current social policies by the Diet,"

"Yeah. And?" prompted Akira. Ryuji stopped the motion of his feet as he leaned on the graffiti-art wall.

"Well.. to be honest, I'm not sure, but the schools got affected as well, like tuition hikes, strict entrance requirements.. I mean, there's a lot of stuff like that, which angered our lot. Back then there were a lot of small protest groups, all differentiating by principles and goals. Some groups decided to just merge with the others to become bigger. The only groups now are Waseda, Todai, Keio, and Yamato."

"Ahh," Akira found very little helpful information to understand the issue, although he's now interested in the four youth groups. He leaned at the opposite wall, allowing Ryuji to continue his story.

A meow was heard within the area of the narrow passage. To both of their surprise, a black cat was at Ryuji's boot, crying for food.

"Then there was the Keio student.. Uetaro Mamoru.." his voice had grown somber as he knelt down to the cat, teasing it with his finger. Akira inferred that the name belonged to the dead teenager.

"He died a few months ago during the all-groups demonstration in front of the Diet Square.." continued Ryuji, his expression bitter as he remembered police and student violently battling it out in the streets. He began to play with the cat.

"The leader of Keio blamed the other groups about the death. The other groups didn't want to take responsibility, since the leader of the Todai group is actually related to the police. Waseda's belongs to an old zaibatsu.. well..'' he let out a conclusive, defeated sigh as he looked at Akira, standing up from his crouch. The cat remained at his foot, still waiting for crumbs. "all hell broke loose from there."

Akira swallowed, allowing the perfect timing to know the direct affiliations of Ann and Ryuji. "And Yamato?"

"Well, what do you expect when most of the leaders are untouchable?" The blond chuckled as he kicked the gravel, now suspecting of Akira's probing nature, but realized that an urban neophyte like him wouldn't have the capacity to turn him in. Thank God he's a country boy. "of course they go after the plebs, outcasts, weirdos... whatever you'd like to call us. Planning on joining us?" he grinned.

Akira only smirked. It was certainly not a trouble he was ready to sign up for. "So most of you are being chased by the police.." the boy thought out loud. "Which school do you go to, Ryuji?"

"None." he replied nonchalantly. "I didn't pass the requirements for an athlete's scholarship."

"Oh," was the only thing Akira could say, now realizing Ryuji's motives with the protest group.

Ryuji shrugged, now studying Akira's pensive demeanor. "I sorta expected Ann would have already told you all of this,"

"She doesn't seem to like talking about it," answered Akira, now his turn to play with the cat as it approached him. With no food on hand, he resorted to cuddling the creature with his fingers. "and it she's dead worried for you."

'Well, I don't blame her.. she's just looking out," Ryuji huffed, rolling his eyes. "I mean, yeah she's rich and she's pretty, she's had it worse than most of us.. but she's gotta stop nagging me like she's my mom!"

Akira looked up from the cat to the annoyed blond, his brows knitting in curiosity. "What do you mean?"

Ryuji cocked a brow again, appalled that this new paramour of his longtime friend knew very little. "How long have you two been seeing?" he dared ask, now feeling very protective.

Akira nervously laughed as his gaze dropped down to Ryuji's boots. "Honestly? Four days."

"The fuck?!" the boy eased away with his back against the bricked wall, his brown eyes in full circle. To say he is shocked was an understatement. "And how many times did you two have gone out?"

"Officially? Two."

Akira swore he saw Ryuji's jaw and heart had dropped to the concrete. "What the fuck,"

The country boy could only chuckle as he reverted his attention to the cat, it kept purring at his touch. Now thinking about it, Akira felt rather sheepish. It was very uncustomary for boys to ask girls out in a whim. And perhaps with the gravity of Ryuji's astonishment, he suspected Ryuji ought an outrageous amount of guts is required for the average Japanese boy to ask a girl like Ann in such a short amount of time.

Ryuji had recovered from his shock as some passersby crossed the alley.

"So, uhh.. Akira," he was trying to be polite about it. He didn't want to scare Akira away with his overprotective stance. It was a recurring reason why most of her suitors never got past the second date. "why?"

"Why what?" questioned Akira, his eyes still avoiding the boy as he could sense suspicion. He had only known Ryuji for one evening, but Akira could say he can actually paint a picture of his personality.

"Why Ann?" Ryuji crossed his arms, his gaze on the boy doting on the cat intense and apprehensive.

"Are you jealous, Ryuji?" he teased, testing his waters as he petted the cat. "because there's no need. We're still getting to know each other,"

"Cut the crap, dude," the blond feigned hilarity in his tone, hoping to downplay his being upfront. Ryuji's curiosity was protocol. He had heard her other suitors' answers before, and they differed only in the slightest. "you know what I'm talking about. She's hot, she's rich, she's American - "

"Quarter American," corrected Akira in humor.

But Ryuji was getting impatient. "Well? Why Ann?" he coerced.

The raven-haired boy glanced at the blond, sensing his intensity over the issue. Perhaps he was jealous after all. "Why does it matter?"

"Because she's had enough crap from guys who only want to get some,"

Akira felt the muscle of his brow twitch. The implication that he was a sleazy, hormonal teenage boy was offensive, but it was at this point he had finally sewn up Ryuji's intimidating facade and his soft character.

Technically speaking, he would admit that Ann's looks and exoticism are factors to her draw.

But there was more to it than that, he argued to himself as he twirled the cat around with his finger. It's just he couldn't verbalize it.. the thing that draws him to her. Why he's willingt out of his way to get to know a girl at this level of intimacy was unlikely of him, especially since romance and women were never his life priorities to begin with.

But explaining all of this inner monologue to Ryuji would be useless. Akira wounded up thinking of last Tuesday instead.

Ryuji, on the other hand, realized the severity of his words. He scratched his nape out of awkwardness, feeling very stupid for blowing off of a stranger like that.

"Sorry, Akira," he muttered. "but you gotta understand, we've known each other since middle school.. and she really does get a lot of shit from other people.. so.." he trailed off, his expression was stern, but a blush gave him away.

Akira chuckled after his momentary silence wasted on recalling the first time he saw the pair of blue. "She has really nice eyes,"

"Tch," Ryuji grinned in contentment as he watched the boy across him lost in deep thought. He dipped his hands in his pockets as he heard the sky growl.

For now, he was satisfied. "so sentimental,"

"I had a feeling you were going to punch me," he smirked tauntingly.

"Oh I might have," snorted Ryuji as he cracked his fingers, his tone defensive.

"So you are jealous," jested Akira, expecting the blond to be caught off guard. But the bleached hair boy sneered in disgust, shaking his head. Before he could retort, the night sky re-opened, sudden heavy rain falling as the rest of the crowd scattered for shelter.

Shinjuku, with its pretty neon lights reflecting on the fresh puddles, and two drenched boys and a cat, was almost empty.

"Still wanna go to the store?" broke Ryuji the silence, as he nonchalantly tugged his glistening leather jacket.

Akira He pushed his hair back as they were covering his line of vision. He looked at the boy across him in wonder then shrugged, laying the decision on him. He didn't mind going around downtown some more, and Ryuji was proving to be a reliable tour guide. He knew a lot of shortcuts after all.

"Cool," the blond grinned, now turning his heels around as he motioned Akira. The two of them were to enter the dimmer and deeper parts of the alleyway, the hungry cat meowing and crying as it watched them leave.

The raven-haired boy felt his heart drop; if he had it his way he would take the creature in without hesitation. But this was Tokyo, not home.

"Dammit," for a quick second, Ryuji immediately darted back to the alley entrance, picking up the cat by its belly, sheltering it inside his leather jacket. Ryuji was greeted by Akira's taunting smirk, one that revealed the leather-clad boy's true colors beneath the tough exterior.

"Shut up," the blond glared at Akira as he sped on to his feet to avoid his companion's' gaze.

"So sentimental." Akira chuckled, once again following his lead as they braved the rain and darkness.

So sorry this took too long to update. Also, a fun, useless fact: the term "your friendly neighborhood Spiderman" was first used in 1962. And yes, I like Spiderman, and I want Ryuji to like Spiderman and superhero comics okaaaay (and I'm very excited with the upcoming film lmao).