"I'm coming!"

Minerva McGonagall snapped with a sigh as she strode to her door, it was 10 minutes to curfew and she was annoyed at the frantic knocking at the door.

She opened it only for her precious Gryffindor Princess to duck under her arm and quickly shut the door, casting silencing charms around the room.

"Miss Granger! What on earth are you doing!"Minerva asked wide eyed as Hermione held up her hands.

"Professor I swear on your life this is serious, very very serious, I've done somthing incredibly stupid but we need Amelia Bones here"she said as Minerva raised her brows.

"You've killed Potter havent you? Got fed up of him not doing his homework and killed him Weasley too?"

"Professor please, I promise you this is incredibly worthwhile"Hermione said as Minerva checked the clock.

"It's later but I will see if Miss Bones is still up, this better be good"

Hermione nodded and sat on the chair in front of her and within 5 minutes, Amelia Bones was sitting in the room rtoo.

"Miss Granger it is incredibly late what possibly would you need to tell us?"

Hermione looked at the pair of women and held her breath.

"I'm from the year 2003"