Knives and Scimitars By West Wind Chapter 1

Summary: (AU) Catherine and Trowa are part of a traveling interplanetary circus that visit the desert planet Afton, but before they can leave disaster strikes. Catherine is kidnapped and Trowa is out to save her with a bit of help from his new friends.

Rating: PG

Category: Adventure, Romance

Pairing: 4xC

Catherine stared into the darkness of space from one of the recreation rooms abroad their inter-planetary transport. They had been traveling for a week to get to their destination of L4 where the circus had never performed before.

From her research, Catherine had learned that the planet Afton in the L4 system was mostly a desert environment. The first settlers arrived there over four hundred years ago. The people were at one time nomadic in nature. There were groups that still were but many had settled down in the cities.

She watched the reflection of her seventeen-year-old brother in the window as he approached.

"Trowa," she greeted softly.

"I thought I would find you here," he said standing next to her.

She studied his reflection. Over the past two years he had several growth spurts and now stood taller than her. He ran his fingers through his long brown bangs that hung over one green eye. The other one took in the spacescape before him.

"One day, I will have to beat the women off him," she thought protectively of the hansom Trowa.

It was so ingrained in her now to watch out for him, even if she was only a year older. They had lost their parents when they were young. The circus had made sure they were taken care of, but Catherine fiercely cared for Trowa like a mother lion for her cubs. She knew one day she would have to let that tendency fade. He was becoming a man and had begun to strain against her hold in his own quiet way.

"Only a few more days and we will be there," Trowa said.

"I know," Catherine sighed as she threaded her arm through his and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I think we spend more time in space than we ever do planet side."

"We are supposed to be there for a month," he pointed out still watching the darkness and their reflections.

"Then we have three weeks traveling to the L5 system," she countered wearily. "I am being moody again, aren't I," she said looking up at him.

He did not say anything, but she could tell he agreed with her.

"Maybe I need a vacation," she pondered. "It's time to practice, isn't it?" she asked after a brief pause.

Trowa nodded.

"Well, let's polished up our act for Afton," she said heading to the door.

Trowa silently followed.

They entered the large arena that often doubled for their big top depending on the accommodations of the city. Some group was always practicing and working out new acts in one of the many areas. Currently there were only two groups on the room. The Sirhan family was swinging from the trapeze, and the clowns were working on their slapstick moves.

Trowa pulled out the board with Catherine's targets on it. She pulled out the set of sharp steel knives and her set of laser knives. The laser knives were trickier to work with than the standard blades, but Catherine was anxious to incorporate them into the act. She and Trowa had been working to master them for six months. She believed that they would be ready to use them in their next set of performances.

The blades were longer than her standard throwing dagger and curved slightly. If they were not activated, the edge was not sharp enough to cut anything. Activated was another story. The special substance the blade was made of had interesting properties. When a laser and electric current from the handle was applied to the substance, the blade's edges glowed with light. The color and intensity depended on the power level, and they were capable of cutting through cloth to metal doors.

Catherine checked over the laser knives before handing a pair to Trowa. They activated the knives and a pail red light flickered around the blade's edge. They each started tossing the pair of knives above their heads. The knives twirled in the air leaving a faint blur of light in their path. They rotated back to the ground where they were caught and tossed once more. As if on cure, both Catherine and Trowa tossed a knife at the other. They were soon juggling the four knives between them. Catherine added two more once the new pattern was established. The six knives gracefully moved through the space between the performers till the end.

Trowa kept incorporating each knife tossed to him into the dance above his head. Slowly, he tossed each knife back to his sister, who tossed it at the target immediately upon catching it. The knife was embedded into the board and the glow faded.

The last knife hit its mark, and the sound of a single person clapping started.

Catherine and Trowa looked up to see the manager.

"I think you two have that routine down," he praised them. "I bet it looks even better with the lights dimmed and the glowing targets."

"It does," assured Catherine.

"Yesterday, I received a message form the sultan of Afton. He requested a privet show for his family. He left the choice of which acts up to me," the manager said.

Catherine and Trowa nodded listening intently.

"I would like the two of you to do that act, as well as, one of your acrobatic acts."

"How much room will we have?" Trowa asked as he mentally ran through their repertoire of routines. "It will make a difference on which act we do."

"There will be plenty of room," the manager said before pulling out a piece of paper from his stack. "Here is the general layout and demotions."

Trowa accepted the paper and examined the diagram.

"I will leave the details up to you," the manager said before leaving to talk to some of the other performers.

Catherine moved to examine the paper as well.

The room was definitely large enough for any of their acts. There was one large door at one end and a couple of smaller doors around the edge. Opposite the large door was a marked off area where she guessed the sultan and his family would be.

"That's plenty of room," Catherine commented.

Trowa nodded still lost in thought.

"Getting Betty through the door would be a tight fit," he said pointing to the door.

"I think the elephant is overkill," said Catherine. "Why don't we use a pair of white horses for our entrance? They could enter abreast of each other with us standing on their backs."

Trowa nodded once more and the two became wrapped up in planning a routine until other performers wanted to use the area they had been practicing in.

They cleared out their props and retired to their shared suite to finish the planning. By evening they had an outline of what they would do and planned on practicing it for the remainder of the trip.

Their large ship landed in the shipping port outside the city. Once they were safely on the ground, the ship came alive with movement. They had to load everything up and transport it to the building they would be performing in while in this city. The circus personnel readied to leave, and the manager talked with the port authorities and filled out the needed paperwork before anyone could set foot on the planet.

Catherine stepped out into the arid air of Afton. The rolling expanse of sand stretched out away from the shipping port. She could see the force field generators beyond the port that kept it from being overrun by the ever-moving sand around it.

She climbed into the transport with Trowa so they could get on their way.

They passed a variety of ships on their way to the city. Most of them were small "hopper" ships.

"I wonder why there are so many smaller ships here?" Catherine voiced mostly for herself.

Most of the main ports they visited housed large off world transport ships rather than the smaller shuttle craft variety.

"Probably how they get from one city to another," answered Trowa. "I would think the desert would be hard to cross in a standard vehicle."

Catherine had to agree with her brother.

"Look!" pointed Catherine as the large domed city came into sight.

The shimmering dome started at the top of the city wall and arched to the city's center. The domes were used in some of the cities to keep vital moisture in the man-controlled environment. It allowed for the lush vegetation that poked out above the wall of the city to thrive, and provided a more pleasant environment for the citizens. Beyond the large dome, Catherine could make out smaller domes around it.

They approached one of the smaller domes. They were directed to a large door. Part of their group filled the room and the doors shut behind them. Moisture was pumped into the air before the doors in front of them opened and allowed them to enter. They were guided down a wide road to an underground tunnel entrance.

Catherine thought they were underground forever before they emerged into the main part of the city.

The capital city of Jezzel was grand. Most of the buildings were made of a brilliant white stone that sparkled under the intense light of the L4 sun. They had flat roofs where the city's occupants appeared to have gardens. From one of the rooftops, a young girl watched the circus pass under her. Catherine waved to her and the girl immediately hid behind a large pot before peeking out again moments later.

They made their way through the crowded city to the arena that they would perform in while here. They spent the rest of the day getting things in place, and the manager was escorted to the palace to make arraignments.

The next day was the day they would perform at the palace. Those performing for the sultan gathered early with their props and started their trek. The palace guards examined everything carefully before they were allowed to enter. There was a bit of concern over Catherine's knives but they allowed her to keep them.

Once through the gate, Catherine looked around wide-eyed.

"Have you seen anything so big?" she asked Trowa.

"The parliament building on Kirlep was similar in size, but not so architecturally pleasing to the eye."

Leave it to her brother to find the exception.

The palace was made of the same white stone as she saw in the rest of the city, but it had a mosaic of colored stones outlining the doors and windows and running around the building about two thirds up. Like in town, there were plants visible above the ledge of the roof. The veining kind reached over the ledge and down the wall. Catherine could make out the sound of running water in the distance and wondered if there was a fountain somewhere.

The inside was decorated with plants, a few fountains containing large golden fish, and cadged singing birds. Light flowing drapes covered the doorways and swayed as they passed. The guard led them to the room they were to perform in and showed them the side rooms they could use between acts.

They spent the morning setting up and practicing for their late afternoon show. They had a light lunch and time to rest before the show began. A guard informed them when the sultan and his family had gathered and were waiting. That was the manager's cue to introduce the performers.

The manager stood in the center of the room and bowed to the sultan.

"O' gracious Sultan, thank you for the opportunity you have given us humble entertainers to amuse you and your family." With the formalities out of the way, the manager stood once more. "It is my pleasure to introduce to you the nimble acrobatic siblings, Trowa and Catherine!"

On cue, the doors were pulled open and Trowa and Catherine entered hand in hand held above them and standing on the back of two white horses. The horsed trotted in and followed the curvature of the room picking up speed with each step.

Trowa moved so one foot was on each horse at the same time Catherine did. They completed the circle and faced the end of the room where the sultan sat on the cushioned chair. As the horsed moved forward, Trowa tossed Catherine in the air. She pulled her arms in tight to increase the speed of her spin. She fell back to the ground, and Trowa expertly caught her and supported her as she sat on one of his shoulders. She extended her arms above her head briefly before moving to the next part.

Catherine slipped off Trowa's shoulder and they both stood on one horse once more just before the horses came to the front of the room and split. The horses carried the siblings along opposite walls. Half way down the room, Trowa and Catherine sprang from their horse and executed a triple aril spin. They landed perfectly beside each other.

Their audience, mostly female, clapped enthusiastically. The performers let the applause die down and took the chance to catch their breath before the next part.

A tower of hoops was placed in the center while the audience applauded. First Catherine performed a series of tumbles and cartwheels before springing through one of the hoops and rolling to her feet on the other side. Trowa followed with his own version of the trick, only going through one hoop up from the one Catherine had used.

Catherine sailed threw the fourth ring up with a boost from Trowa. She tucked and rolled on the mats on the other side before coming to her feet.

To wrap up this portion of their act, they tumbled toward the hoop tower in an act of perfect synchronization with Trowa slightly behind Catherine. Catherine jumped through one hoop while Trowa entered the one above. They amazingly landed without crashing into each other.

Once more the room filled with clapping. Catherine and Trowa bowed to the audience, while the horses were sent into the room once more.

The horses pranced around the room and toward the siblings. Trowa tossed Catherine in the air so she landed on one of the horses as he passed while Trowa sprang to the back of the other. They trotted all the way out of the room.

The manager introduced each of the hand picked acts, and the audience seemed to appreciate the experienced performer's routines.

Catherine and Trowa were the finale with their laser knife act. The lights dimmed, and they took their places while one of the hands placed the target board in place. Their knives glowed with life and the juggling act began.

It progressed just like they practiced. They ended with the six knives in the target board at each of the illuminated targets.

The lights came up, and they bowed to their audience before slipping from the performance area. The manager once more took center stage and thanked the sultan for his patronage.

"Please, have everyone, who participated in this show, come out," said the sultan from his perch.

The circus personnel quickly assembled with the ease of familiarity.

"I am sure I speak for my family when I say, we were delighted by your show," the sultan's voice easily carried across the room so all could hear.

There was a murmur of agreement from the others around the room.

"Please, stay and join us for dinner," he invited.

The manager accepted the invitation on behalf of those present.

"Good, good," clucked the sultan as he stood revealing his height. "Alice, will show you where you may freshen up and bring you to the banquet hall."

With that, he turned, his robe swirling behind him, escorted the woman who sat beside him, and walked out through a door behind his chair. The others began to stir about. Many of the younger girls glanced below whispering behind their hands and giggling.

Catherine noticed many of them were eyeing her brother, and her musings of a few days ago returned.

Alice escorted them out and to a set of rooms that they could shower and clean up.

Catherine entered the designated room with the other females.

"Welcome," said a woman dressed in pale yellow billowing pants and shirt with a brown sash around her waist with a slight bow. "There are showers with all you need over there."

Catherine followed the woman's pointing hand. The wall was filled with stalls containing showers.

"Towels are stacked on the bench, and we have comfortable clean clothes for you to change into. Please help yourselves," she smiled.

The girls giggled with delight at the treatment the sultan was giving them.

Catherine was one of the first to get into a shower after stripping from her sweaty performance garb. The water washed over her, and she used the provided soap to wash away the sweat that clung to her. She wrapped a soft white towel around her and another around her hair after shutting off the water. The same woman was there handing her neatly folded stack of cloths.

"Here, you will find these very comfortable," she smiled.

Catherine took the stack from her and slipped on the dark brown shirt and pants. She pulled the draw string taunt and tied it off. She examined the light brown sash.

"Let me show you," offered the yellow clad woman.

She wrapped the light brown cloth around Catherine's waist and showed her how to secure it.

Catherine found the cloths were loose fitting and comfortable as she experimentally moved around in them.

The others were getting out and dressing. Catherine helped them with the sash. When they were done, they were all dressed in a colorful mixture of lightweight shirts and pants with complementing sashes.

The women joined the men in the large hallway before they were shown to the banquet hall. Catherine found Trowa. His outfit was the exact reverse of hers. The light brown shirt looked good on him.

"I see they gave you new clothes too," she smiled.

"Yep," he concisely replied.

One of the other household staff indicated that it was time to enter the room as the two doors opened.

Catherine moved through the two large doors close beside Trowa.

The room was filled with people dressed in similar cloths she now wore and long tables filled with food. The room's occupants looked up at their entrance. The younger girls immediately started whispering once more.

"I think you have admirers," Catherine quietly pointed out to Trowa.

He glanced toward the girls, and they broke into giggles that proved Catherine's point. Trowa turned his attention to his sister and shrugged indifferently.

The sultan entered the room and spread his arms out to welcome them.

"Family, and guests, please, help yourselves to the laid out banquet and find a comfortable cushion to enjoy each other's company."

The sultan progressed to the table and started filling a plate. Some of the older women followed behind. Their guide motioned for them to start at one of the other tables in the room. Soon people were lined up at one of the four long tables filling plates with roast meats, fruit, and sweets.

Catherine stepped away from the table after filling her plate and glanced around the room for a place to sit. Trowa tapped her on the shoulder and motioned to an area along one of the walls that was vacant. Catherine nodded and moved to the place he indicated. They sat cross-legged on the large cushions and balanced their plates in their laps.

Catherine examined a slice of a pale yellow melon.

"They are very sweet," informed a female voice.

Catherine looked up into a tan smiling face framed by wayward strands of almost black hair.

"May I join you?" she asked.

Catherine nodded.

The woman lowered herself onto the pillow. Her white flared sleeve fell back to her elbow, where it was synched with gold bands, as she flipped her long black braid out of her way.

"My name is Niveous. I am the Sultan's 20th daughter."

"Twentieth?" questioned Catherine shocked. "How many does he have?"

Trowa raised an eyebrow in quandary, as well.

"There are twenty nine daughters," she answered with a knowing laugh.

"How many sons?" asked Trowa.

"One," Niveous answered.

"Thirty children," Catherine totaled, her mind reeling, as she felt sorry for the Sultan's wife.

"He has twelve wives."

"Twelve?" both Catherine and Trowa whispered.

"I guess I should have done more studying on your culture before arriving," observed Catherine.

"Although there is no official limit, twelve is many for even our culture," Niveous said. "Most sultans in the past only had two or three wives at most. Father just has a weakness for the women," she shrugged.

Catherine scanned the room and its small number of males.

"Which one is your brother?" asked Catherine curious to see the only male out of thirty children.

Niveous' expression saddened.

"He is not here. He and Father currently are not on the best of terms."

"Oh," responded Catherine. "Sorry, I asked."

Niveous smiled sadly.

"There is no need to be sorry. One day they will reconcile their differences. They are both so strong willed and stubborn," she laughed. "They are so much alike, and they don't see it. All Father sees is his son is not conforming to what he wants him to do and not the good that QR is trying to achieve." She slurred the Q and R together so it came out like Cue'r.

"I do wish he was here. He would have enjoyed your performance," she assured.

"How long did it take you to master the laser knives?" she asked the siblings.

With a few questions, Niveous had the two telling her about circus life while they ate. Her dark eyes reflected her curiosity about life elsewhere as they talked, and it spurred the two to tell of what they had seen in their travels.

They were joined by Niveous' half sister, Juliana. The short haired brunet was as interested as Niveous in the performers' tales.

"Are my daughters keeping you entertained?" asked the Sultan hovering behind his daughters.

"They are being gracious hosts," assured Catherine.

The two daughters shifted so they could see their father.

"Glad to hear it," the Sultan smiled.

"I want to personally tell you how much I enjoyed your performances. Your skill and practice shined on the floor."

Trowa and Catherine slightly bowed their heads and murmured thanks to the Sultan for his kind words.

"How long have you been with the circus?" he inquired taking a seat between his daughters.

"All our lives," answered Catherine.

"I am sure your parents are very proud of you," the Sultan beamed.

Catherine momentarily stiffened at the statement.

"Our parents died when we were young," answered Trowa.

There was a brief pause in the conversation afterwards.

"Catherine and Trowa were telling us about the places they have traveled," Niveous said to change the subject.

"I am sure they have traveled extensively," he told his daughter. "Have you been to earth?" he asked Catherine and Trowa.

"Yes, we usually spend a stint there every other standard year," Catherine answered.

The Sultan heard her but seemed to be lost in his own thoughts before he snapped out of it and smiled at them again.

"I would like to visit there some day," he commented.

"Do you enjoy all your traveling?" he asked.

"It is fun to see new places, but it has its advantages and disadvantage as any lifestyle," Catherine answered.

Those listening nodded

"I am sure you leave broken hearts at every stop," the Sultan commented with a hint of lust in his eye as he looked at her.

Trowa bristled protectively at the Sultan's unspoken desire.

"If I have, I am not aware of it," Catherine coolly answered.

"Father, you already have a wife whose name starts with a K," voiced Juliana.

Catherine was not going to correct Juliana on the error of her name's spelling as she watched the lust fade from the Sultan's eyes. His expression softened, and he sighed.

"You are right," he said as he placed a hand on Juliana's shoulder. "It would mess up my entire naming scheme. Well, there are others I must talk to. Hope you enjoy the rest of your time here."

The Sultan then stood and made his way to another group of guests. Trowa and Catherine watched him leave and were slightly confused by the last bit of conversation.

"What did he mean?" Catherine asked.

"Oh," began Niveous with a wave of her hand, "all of his children's names begin with the letter of their mother. That way it is easy for him to associate the child with her mother."

"He's just wanting another wife in hopes of getting another boy," disgustedly commented an older woman who filled the space the Sultan just vacated.

"Catherine, Trowa, this is our sister, Kala. Kala, Catherine and Trowa," introduced Niveous.

Kala nodded her warm greetings. The siblings returned the gesture.

"He is just being his normal hormone-driven self," voiced Juliana. "He drools over any new attractive woman till reason kicks in."

Niveous nodded her agreement.

"Enough of family problems discussed in front of our guests," said Niveous and directed the conversation on to other topics.

It was late by the time the group returned and joined the rest of the circus. Catherine put the horses up before dragging herself into the room she shared with Trowa. He entered only a few moments later looking as exhausted as she felt.

"That was the most interesting after performance I think we have ever been a part of," Catherine commented.

Trowa tossed his bag down as he agreed.

"Twelve wives and thirty children," Catherine murmured still trying to get her mind around the concept. "Why is it always the man that has multiple spouses and never the woman," she demanded to the air.

"Would you want more than one husband to clean up after?" Trowa asked.

Catherine wrinkled her nose in a look of abhorrence.

"There's your answer," Trowa concluded heading to his room.

His door shut and Catherine followed his example. She crawled into bed and was soon asleep.

Trowa and Catherine finished their last act for their third show on Afton. The crowds' applause filled the air as they left the ring. So far, their laser knife-juggling act was loved by all that saw it on this planet.

"Another pleased crowd," bubbled Catherine hyped up on the adrenaline rush from performing.

She walked beside her brother with a bounce in her step.

"Catherine, Trowa," called a hushed voice.

From around a corner, Niveous poked her head and beckoned them to join her. The two performers joined the princess. Juliana was with her sister and had an impish look about her.

"We saw yesterday's show!" bounced Juliana. "It was great. I wish I had some special skill like tumbling or walking a tightrope," she briefly pouted.

Niveous gave her sister a light shove.

"We were wondering if you would like to see some of our favorite spots in town?" asked Niveous.

Trowa and Catherine exchanged a brief look and knew what the other was thinking immediately from the years of working so closely together. During an act, they had to be able to interpret the others movements and meanings without a word being spoken.

"We'll go. Just let us change first," Catherine answered to the delight of the two girls.

Juliana and Niveous followed them to their room. Trowa and Catherine showered and changed quickly.

"Good, you're ready. Let's go!" Juliana excitedly said and pulled at their arms for them to follow.

"Jul, give them a chance to get their things together," chided Niveous.

"But, I want to introduce them to our friends," she eagerly bounced full of energy.

"Is she always this hyper up?" Trowa asked.

"Only when she is not attending official functions or sleeping," answered Niveous.

"Come on," Juliana begged.

"OK. We are coming," assured Catherine as she snatched up her jacket against the cool nights.

The two girls pulled their cloak hoods up over their heads hiding their faces in shadows before leading Trowa and Catherine through the streets of the city.

"Have you been to the marked during the day?" asked Juliana as they passed through.

"No, we haven't," answered Catherine.

"Go if you get the chance," Juliana said. "Stop at that stand over there, it sells the best warm sweet rolls you have ever tasted," she recommended.

As they walked, the girls pointed out other interesting places to visit.

"We are taking you to a friend's house. He is having a get together. They are always fun and you can meet some of our other sisters," Juliana informed them.

Niveous knocked on a house door.

"Niveous! Jul! I see you brought some friends. Ellissia said you might," said the man answering the door.

The girls entered the crowded room with Catherine and Trowa on their heels.

"Jul!" called another young man who gave Juliana a warm hug that she returned. "Snowflake," he greeted as happily to Niveous. [1]

"George," she said coldly with arms crossed. "Don't call me Snowflake."

"Ice Queen fits better," he teased.

"Whom do you have here?" he asked before she responded.

Juliana made introductions, and Ellissia, another of their sisters, joined them.

"I did not get to talk to you at the palace," Ellissia said. "I enjoyed your show."

"Thank you," responded both Trowa and Catherine.

Someone started up the music in another room.

"Let's dance," George said to Juliana.

She agreed. The two joined the small group of others dancing.

"What does she see in him?" Niveous asked.

"I find him annoying too," Ellissia confirmed.

"Tony, Ally and Is are over there trying to get your attention," Ellissia pointed out.

The four got something to drink and joined the others. They found a corner to congregate in.

"I saw your show yesterday," Is said. "How long does it take you to put together an act?"

"Depends on the act," Catherine answered.

The group was soon swapping stories and laughing.

"She is still at it," said Ally amazed as she looked out at the group of dancing people.

Juliana was jumping and swaying to whatever music they played and with whoever would dance with her. Gorge only lasted two songs. Since him, she had danced with five other guys. If she did not have a partner she just danced around the floor or with a group of other girls.

"She will go until she drops," said Ellissia.

"You want to dance?" Is asked Ellissia.

"Sure," she answered.

Is offered Ellissia his hand and escorted her to the dance floor.

"How about you, Ally?" Tony asked and two more disappear from their group.

Somehow Niveous convinced Trowa to dance. Catherine clucked to herself. Baby brother was growing up and was showing interest in girls.

That evening the two circus performers found themselves treated to and evening of talk and dancing by the three princesses and their friends. Before they knew it, it was past midnight. A group of breathless dancers collapsed at the table. They all breathed heavily and tried not to laugh at Is' jokes because it hindered them getting their breathing back to normal. Juliana sat down with them. She downed her third glass of water.

"That was fun," Juliana declared before her head dropped to the table.

Catherine and Trowa looked concerned.

"She hit her wall," said Is.

"Yep," the others agreed.

"She is either on or off," explained Niveous. "There is no middle ground with her. This is her off state."

"It is getting late," said Ally glancing at her watch.

"Wow, it is," agreed Niveous glancing at her own timepiece. "We should probably go."

"Is and I will take Jul home," Ellissia said. "You can show Trowa and Catherine back.

"We'll go with you," offered Ally and Tony.

With that decided the group broke up and headed in different directions.

Author's Note: [1] Niveous is just a word that I found in my 2000+ page dictionary that means like snow, especially in whiteness. Therefore, George calling her snowflake was a reference to the definition of her name. I hope to explain that later on in the story, but don't know if it will actually make it into the story. Stories don't always run exactly as one first plans. [Back to story]