Hi. As the tittle say do will this be a collection of small (and sort of disjointed) stories with the shipping Danny Phantom and Ghostwriter. The reason why I write prompt in the start of each chapter is due to me writing these stories from a list (lists) that I found on tumblr that I liked and wanted to use. But I haven't used the show-list-get-a-request-and-then-write-from-list, instead I have simply been writing what I feel like to write and use the word prompt to distinguish their document from others. Another difference is that I may sometime use a prompt for a different fandom (have not done that so far) and took it to a habit of writing the fandom and ship, those I have decided to erase here as the tittle will let one know on their own which ship and fandom this is.

That was all I needed/wanted to say and I won't be putting in anymore text-from-author in this collection (at least I hope I won't). Bye.

Promp for Danny Phantom: Is the lipstick on my cheek really necessary?

Danny had been having a nice calming day, spent at his boyfriends home, said boyfriend who is currently sitting before him with various makeup applications.

"Sit still."

"I am still, and I would be further still if you weren't about to put gunk on me."

Ghost Writer sigh in annoyance as he gently took a hold of the younger's chin. Holding his head in place as he continued his quest, propping the other up for a vastly approaching school event known as 'school dance'.

He may not be able to go as his partner's date, due to multiply and all obvious reasons, but he would be damned if he didn't make sure his mate goes there in proper getup. Being done with the base makeup he put down the powder sponge while holding Danny still. Glancing down to his set up he sees one last touch that is to be applied. Just something small to make sure people get it that this one is taken.

Picking up the lipstick he gently draws on his boyfriends left cheek, forming a kiss mark.


"Sit still."

"Why?" Frustrated Danny waves with his hand gesturing to his face. It is only when he sees the look in the older male's face that he groans. Suddenly it was no longer a mystery why the lipstick. "Is the lipstick on my cheek really necessary?"

"Yes, it is. I don't want any one at that dance getting the wrong idea when near you."

"Of course, because I have so many at my school that looks at me that way."

"They do just that often enough when we go out together." The writer grumbled. Seeing a protest incoming he adds. "And even without that, which happens in your ghost form, there is truly the matter of those that fail to get the hint."

At the low growl Danny lift a brow, "Is this about Sam?" After that they had been dating for some time he had decided to introduce the ghost author to his friends and sister. Something that had ended in Sam being angry at her friend and straight out hostile towards the 'new' boyfriend. Tucker had upped to look confused and sort of disturbed. Jazz had believed him to be confused.

She is still insisting of having 'helpful and insightful seasons' with Danny, most which he hides away from. There are no words really for his much all that hurt him and is still doing so.

Ghost Writer had taken it the best he thinks, even if he since then seems to have this odd idea that Sam wants Danny in a more-then-friends relationship. Really where do people get weird ideas like this?

"Who else would I be talking about angel?"


Amused Writer grinned. "About why I want to put out a statement on you."

"Oh…" the halfa wrinkle his brows a smidge. "Wait… isn't lipstick on the cheek a bit of then? I'm together with you, a male, not a female. Won't this be confusing for those that knows then?" Again Danny gestured towards his face. "And also make it completely pointless."

Writer's amused grin only got bigger. "No, since they do know about it they will know what the purpose of it is. Said purpose is will then full fill while you enjoy yourself at the dance."

Danny's pout only provoked a chuckle from his mate.