Disclaimer: Don't own Final Fantasy XV, nor any of it's characters.

Rating: T

Semi-retelling of FFXV, supporting NoctisXIris and a few hints to other, hetero-only pairings; primarily written from Iris's POV


Mmh- here she is, having turned sixteen recently, but no one could celebrate properly... including herself.

"It's not fair" Iris whispered to herself, hands together - they'd been getting along fine enough, even with daemons about, but now it seems there's only darkness to look forward to. It began when news sources reported Lunafreya dead, something they tried not to believe at first glance, until the increasing evidence - and the covered funeral - made that impossible.

They didn't say how she died, exactly, but hinted it was some sort of illness she'd been concealing.

To say the news hit the country(s) - and them - hard, was an understatement; everyone knew that the Oracle's the only one who could heal people of the Starscourge, as well as the only one could slow it's tide. Now unless the Astrals immediately chose someone else to continue that work, no one could hope to be healed, and now it's free to spread across the world. Already their nights had been getting longer, as now the sun set at 7 PM and rose at 7 AM, instead of the usual time-frames. No one doubted it'd get worse, but nobody could agree on how much time they had... or when their world was inevitably shrouded in eternal darkness, exactly what it meant for everyone.

Except that daemons would swarm everywhere, unless something was done.

And Noct... he'd been hit pretty hard, as she knew he would; it's not easy to lose a childhood friend, even if you haven't seen them in years...

Even today, months after the fact, while he might interact with them normally, there were times where his mind's elsewhere or the mention of Luna would just make him clam up. And not helping the matter was her feelings for him; of course she supported him, had comforted him in her own way like the guys, but her heart wanted to say/do so much more. Hell, she was even considering telling Noct of her crush (preferably when the time's right), assure him that she's just getting it off her chest, and then have things go back to normal. Though at the same time, Iris liked that they'd spent more time together - trying to support him through his grief at least had that benefit. Even when he felt like doing nothing special, Noct still had the grace to acknowledge her presence, her efforts, even if it was as simple as a whispered (or grumbled) "Thanks, Iris".

She appreciated it, even as every day she thought about telling him how she felt.

But today, it looks like Noct's recovery was gonna be tested a little; King Regis was sending him and the others to Altissia, as part of a negotiation tactic it seemed, with matters to discuss with First Secretary Camelia in person. At the same time, the Empire was going to 'meet' with the King, to speak on matters they wanted to discuss in person, and King Regis had been insistent on sending them- something seemed off about the situation, but Iris couldn't place what.

Now if only she could convince Gladdy to let her go with them - she didn't want to be in the city while the Empire was 'visiting'.

Or maybe she should sneak a ride to Cape Caem, and greet them there... heh, but that'd be pushing things quite a bit.


A little later

Once she got downstairs, Iris took a moment to survey the mood.

Prompto seemed to be taking pictures of Insomnia's skyline, if for no other reason than he could- they all knew that sight, but he's definitely a photographer at heart. Gladdy seemed to have finished eating early, and was otherwise washing his plate, making her briefly wonder if he'd lost a bet on who's turn it was to do that. Noct and Ignis were both seated at the table, the former idly picking off his vegetables without batting an eye- Ignis was clearly sighing, just from his body language alone. She knew he's been trying for years, but Noct had a stubborn streak in him... as well as a goofy streak, and an impulsive streak, and a proud streak where his fishing skill's concerned, among other things.

The thought made her smile.

Nimbly, she then jumped over the railing, easily landing upon the floor two feet below. "Morning guys" she called easily, strolling over. "Everyone all prepped for the journey?"

"Everything except meeting with the King" Prompto said easily, turning away from the skyline, glancing over the pics he took. "I for one can't wait."

"It will at least take another fifteen minutes; Prince Noctis and I are still eating. Now if only he could actually eat his vegetables."

Noct made a sound. "Sorry, my hand slipped" he said easily, prompting Ignis to make a sound. "Guess that's off the menu for today."

"Indeed, 'slipped'."

Her brother gave a deep chuckle, half-turning his head. "He thinks he can away with such bald-faced lies" Gladdy said, amused. "Guess he and I need a chat about that."

"Easy, big guy; it was a joke."

"A weak one."

"Guys, guys, I say we let Noct joke around" Prompto added, quite easily. "It makes things much more entertaining, and I quite like it."

Iris just smiled, shaking her head as the boys continued to talk, even as she made her way over to get some breakfast for herself. After that, it was getting to her brother's side: "Looks like Noct is doing better" she said in an undertone; Gladdy glanced at her. "I hope he does well being away from home, even as you guys protect him. Almost makes me wish I was tagging along."

"Well, we'll make sure he does. It's our job" Gladdy said easily, if hushed. "But what makes you want to go, Iris? Besides the sightseeing and your crush, I mean."

Mmh- always straight to the point.

"It's not about those, Gladdy" Iris breathed, if not offended. "I just want to get out of the city for awhile. I don't want to be around when Nifhelm's 'visiting'..."

His brow furrowed then, looking at her intently. "You think they're up to no good?"

"Yeah. I don't know what, but I feel like it'd be safer to be away."

Gladdy made a small scoff. "And following us is any safer?" he 'questioned', bemused. "Last I checked, even if the car trip goes well, we're likely gonna need to spend several nights camping to avoid daemons. And you can't count out stray attacks from wildlife either... and soldiers could still come across us, while at least here you're safe behind The Wall."

Iris looked at him. "I should still be part of this, Gladdy" she said, determined; he stilled slightly. "It's our family's duty to protect the royal line. The Kingsglaive can protect the King, while you and I help protect Noct. I'm not afraid of fighting, especially not with you helping guard me, or the others guys as well; I can handle myself enough not to be a burden for your little harmless adventuring."

He was silent for a count of three. "I take by that tone, that even if I said no, you'd follow us anyway?" Gladdy asked, even lower - as usual, his intensity was piercing.

Having become well-used to it, she didn't back down, simply nodding-

-the corner of his lip curved in approval. "Sometimes you're as stubborn as Noct, Iris" he said, half-knowing, arms crossed now. "But it's not up to me; you'll have to ask the King. And if he says no-"

"-then I'd really be in trouble if I left" Iris finished for him, slightly mischievous; he chuckled.

During that time, she glanced behind her, seeing Prompto chatting excitedly with Noct over the pictures he'd be taking of outside-the-city. Noct himself wasn't as excited, but he humored his friend, even as Ignis noted they'd have plenty of opportunities to take in the sights once on the road.


Needless to say, she and all the guys were quite surprised by King Regis's ruling.

She stood there kinda-at-attention like the guys, a little nervous not just having made her request (as she knew he could say no), but at the way he continued to regard her. At first he'd been surprised, but then his expression took on this quality she couldn't quite place: it almost seemed sad, or maybe as if his mind was elsewhere... or maybe she'd just been overthinking it.

Hopefully she was.

"Very well" King Regis finally spoke; they all jolted a bit, even as he continued to regard her. "You shall accompany my son on his trip to Altissia, Iris. I trust that you will carry yourself with appropriate regard."

A bit breathless, she was a hair slow in replying, but finally managed to bow.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty" Iris assured, feeling absolutely ecstatic inside! "I promise that I'll do my best, no matter what."

A small nod, before Regis turned his gaze onto her brother. "I see the young miss is already stepping up to her role, Gladiolus" he continued, with Gladdy giving a short bow. "Your father would no doubt be very pleased of you both."

A small quirk of his lip. "Yes, your Majesty" Gladdy spoke. "Iris has always had a strong will, and I couldn't be prouder."

Though she didn't say anything, Iris did smile.

"It will be needed" King Regis answered, before looking at them all. "I expect that you will succeed in your mission."

With barely a glance at each other, everyone gave off a nod, and/or an affirmative sound.

"Then go now, all of you" he continued, authoritative now. "The decreed hour has come. Set forth with my blessing, Prince Noctis."

Standing just ahead of them, Noct bowed himself. "Thank you, Your Majesty" he spoke, with a slight inflection on the end.

And judging by King Regis' 'flicker', he'd caught it too, yet kept his composure. "Take your leave, and go now in the grace of the gods."

Noct straightened then, giving a little nod. "Right" he said simply, before turning to leave-

-which needless to say, was a bit of a breach in protocol. Thankfully though, when they turned and hurriedly gave King Regis a farewell bow, the latter seemed more fond than anything over his son's abrupt exit, rather than upset.

Once outside:

"Well, princes will be princes" Prompto said to them, in a 'I know, right?' tone; Iris simply shrugged, smiling as she strolled with them, if thinking of their little adventure. So many places to see, so much to experience, though probably having a little danger to face if things went wrong... but she can handle herself.

Meanwhile: "So much for royal protocol" Ignis observed, deadpan as usual.

"Well, not like you had to deliver a formal address" Gladdy spoke to Noct, who brushed that off without even looking.

"Your Highness!"

Noct turned around first, even as they did so several steps below, seeing Drautos having called and King Regis moving beside him. "What now?" he breathed, a bit dour, but moving over to speak with his father - the rest of them were left glancing at each other, wondering what this was about.

"I fear I have left too much unsaid. You place a great burden on those who would bear with you."

"Heh, you're one to talk."

King Regis didn't answer, but addressed them then. "I ask not that you guide my wayward son" he said, Noct glancing at his father. "Merely that you stay by his side."

Ignis bowed first, "Of course, your Grace." - followed by Gladdy, "We'll see the prince to Altissia if it's the last thing we do." - and Prompto's hasty add-on, "Yeah, what they said." That just left her, so of course she gave a little bow, "We'll see it done, sir. You can count on us."

Noct made a sound, almost as if his father were embarrassing him a little.

"Hate to break this up, but Cor's got the motor running" he said, before he called over. "Drautos! He's in your hands."

"And another thing" King Regis added, leaving Noct to turn around again. "I know that you're grieving-"

Iris had to stifle a sound, even as the others shifted; Noct grew more still/guarded.

"-but please, no matter what, try to keep moving forward my son. Lunafreya would have wished that of you."

Seconds passed before any response was made.

"I know" Noct breathed, a bit short; he made a quick, somewhat-practiced bow. "And the same of you, Your Majesty. Manners must still be observed around our esteemed guests from Niflheim."

By that point, Gladdy and the others motioned for them to go on to Cor, as they're basically intruding at this point. Still, Iris felt a bit sad as she slowly followed, as Noct was avoiding the subject entirely right now... he seemed to be fine overall, but even mentioning Lunafreya was still a bit of a sore spot.


Silently, without looking, Gladdy touched her shoulder-

-she appreciated it.

Some time later

And then of course, the Regalia just had to sputter and stall before they got to Hammerhead- some beginning to a journey, right?

Gladdy grunted, yet another car passing them by. "I think we can forget about hitching our way there" he noted, a bit dour. "Thought people were friendly outside the city."

Even Ignis seemed a bit exasperated, adjusting his glasses. "You can only go so far on the kindness of strangers."

"Eh, looks like we're just gonna have to get and push her all the way."

"Indeed." Ignis then looked at her, arm extended with his phone in hand. "Iris, think you can man the steering wheel, and try calling ahead?"

Iris took it from him, nodding as she began to properly sit in the driver's seat.

"Sure, as it's not like I'm technically driving" she said, sincere as she looked between them. "Still, the least I could do is help you guys push, if one of you really need a break" she added, knowingly.

From behind the car came a quick laugh. "Is your brother even gonna allow that?" Noct asked, slightly teasing- in the time since their meeting with King Regis, he seemed to have 'recovered'. "We all know how overprotective he is."

"Funny, now get off your ass, Noct" Gladdy rumbled, "Prompto, get up. We're pushing."

"I've already pushed myself... to the brink of death" Prompto 'wheezed', rather overdramatic- as she'd come to learn, they were all intentional examples meant to lighten things up (and well, he generally succeeds). Then came the sound of a slight kick, followed by Prompto's quick 'Ow' and getting up, Ignis saying that's probably enough. "Ah, I thought the car was supposed to move us."

"That would be nice" Noct agreed just behind her/to her left, exasperated.

"Can it. Ready, steady, push!"

With much grunting, straining, and no doubt internal cursing, the Regalia lurched forward at a 'steady' pace - probably only three miles an hour, max, but Iris kept the car steady along the road, just steering her straight down the middle. Meanwhile though, the area's signal seemed to be intentionally making things difficult for them; getting nothing thus far across multiple call attempts.

"Un. Believable."

"Not exactly a fairytale beginning, huh, Prince Noctis?"

"We let ourselves get carried away, and now we're pushing. What luck."

"Look, these things happen!"

Iris gave a little smile, wishing she could help them out, even if it would mean her muscles would be sore for hours. "Common folk or royalty, some problems are universal" she said, a bit knowing. "If you'd like, you can rail against it."

"Already am railing inside, Iris" came from Prompto, straining. "Man, the Regalia is heavy!"

"Hey, Gladio, do me a favor: push this thing by yourself" Noct demanded.

Oooo, that's kinda asking her brother to get riled up; Iris sheepishly smirked, thinking it's a good thing Noct can get away with it.

Gladdy was still predictably annoyed: "All by myself?" he demanded as well.

Prompto seemed like he's considering the idea, or that was his tone.

"He won't even notice if we just let go" he said, almost enticing-

"Prompto, don't even think about it."

-"Save some breath for pushing" Ignis said, already exasperated by the effort, and their comments weren't helping. "We'll need it."

"Definitely. Still, my hands are killing me."

"Would you rather I killed you with mine?" Gladdy warned.

"Easy there, big guy."

"Iris, any luck?" Noct quickly asked of her, still straining.

"Sadly, no" Iris answered, still finding the phone giving her 'no signal', which made her sigh. "For some reason, we're just not getting reception out here."

And that, plus a number of other lines about how big the world is, especially compared to a map's taken-for-granted scale, was how they (literally) inched they way toward Hammerhead. Much to her annoyance, the guys never did offer for her to switch places with one of them - not because they didn't doubt her strength, she's sure, but because of their macho instincts pushing each other to their limits.

You'd swear that they liked pushing cars a whole mile, despite all the grunting/complaining/cursing they did while doing it.


They stopped once, about halfway between where they were and Hammerhead, mostly so the guys could ease their muscles and re-hydrate. Still sitting upfront in the driver's seat, she saw another car pass them by without even a second glance, leaving her to let out an unimpressed breath, before she heard Noct grunt in surprise.

"What? Come on... I can't be out already."

After a quick look, Iris saw that he's referring to his empty water bottle, which he nearly threw away out of frustration; the other guys' reactions varied between sympathy and amusement, at least overall. After a moment, she jolted and quickly leaned toward the back seat, getting her bag - barely a second later, and she found what she was looking for, and she secretly grinned.

"Here you go, Noct."

Surprised, he tilted his head up toward her- Iris just held her unopened water bottle out toward him, smiling.

"Go on; take mine. It's clean and all that" she assured. "I can always buy another one if need be."

Noct blinked once, then exhaled in relief as he took it, quickly unscrewing the cap. "I really owe you one, Iris" he said, shortly before he began guzzling down a third of it- it was kinda weird to watch, but she figured that in his position, it's understandable.

"It's just bottled water, Noct."

He chuckled in answer. "Not this time; it's more of a miracle" he breathed, sitting against the Regalia's side. "Still, seriously uh... thanks. Every time you've been there to- to help me out, even if I didn't ask."

Hearing him stumble over the words, Iris just smiled; it's rare that he expressed gratitude, or was rather open with himself outside of things like fishing. It's kinda silly, and adorkable, that he can handle talking to anyone as a friend, but when it came to expressing his own feelings, he's almost emotionally stunted.

Hehe, oh Noct.

"It was the least I could do" Iris admitted, gentle.

This time Noct didn't answer - though it 'helped' that he was soon roped into pushing again - but even his silence was enough for her.

Just to be clear, Luna's illness is the same as it was in-game: her 'communing-with-the-Astrals' burden that Ravus confronted her over, among other things. So in this semi re-telling, where the Empire didn't offer the trap-engagement exactly when they did, Luna would obviously continue setting up the pacts with the Astrals so that Noctis would have an easier time, when his own fate inevitably came knocking. And well, it had to have a limit somewhere... so yeah, that's why she died beforehand, rather than at Altissia.

^A shame, as I certainly don't hate her, and I find her character comparable to ToX's Milla Maxwell, who I quite like.

But admittedly, I found Iris' crush on Noct to be considerably cuter, and this resulted (with the small age difference taking advantage of the extra time). This chapter is basically just set-up, with the real development of this fic starting next chapter, even as events continue to happen.