Pokemon May And Ash's Journey Chapter 35 Catching Corphish

Owned Pokemon

Ash- Pikachu, Tailow, and Treecko

May-Torchic, Ralts, Azuril, and Wurmple

Brock-Fortress and Lotad

Next Moring

Ash woke up the next morning his girlfriend sleeping peacefully next to him, he looked around, not knowing where he was, then he saw May stir a little bit and then she woke up. She looked at Ash and immediately gave Ash a hug.

"May where am I?" Ash asked while hugging her.

"You're in the hospital, a Pokemon attacked you last night" She replied.

"Oh by the way I need to repay you" She said.

"Repay me?" Ash asked.

May then kissed Ash on the lips passionately, Ash accepted the kiss and he began kissing. Ash's moved down to May's butt a gave it a squeeze, causing May to let out a cute moan. Their romantic moment by someone clearing their throat.

The couple turned around and saw Nurse Joy there, they both looked away blushing in complete embarrassment.

"Sorry to interrupt but I'm going to have check up on Ash" Nurse Joy said.

Nurse Joy checked Ash's vitals and other stuff like that and checked his back.

"Well Ash it looks you're all set" She said.

"So can I leave?" Ash asked her.

"Yep" She replied.

Ash signed out of the hospital and he immediately went to the beach to train, that's what Ash did all day, May, Max and Brock watched on and sometimes would help Ash in his training. Later that night Ash was cuddled up next to May on the beach and looking at the stars. Ash stared deeply into May's shinning sapphire eyes that absolutely beautiful in the night sky.

"You're so beautiful" Ash said to May.

"Aw thanks Ashy" She said.

Then the two began sharing quick and passionate kisses, both of them were getting hot from the kisses, May's hand made it ways down to Ash's pajamas pants and she grabbed his penis causing Ash to let out a moan. But again they were interrupted by the same Pokemon from last night.

"Corphish" It said.

May hid behind Ash again "Bring it on" Ash said.

This time Ash came prepared this time with Pikachu. Pikachu tried to use Thunderbolt but Corphish quickly got away from them.

The Next Night

Ash had deiced to spent the night again at the beach this time with Max and Brock, to catch that Corphish. May was scared because she was scared of the Pokemon.

"Ash can we just go back?" May asked practically begging.

"No princess I wanna catch Corphish" Ash replied.

May sighed but then she had an idea "Are you sure, we could have some fun" She whispered seductively.

Ash bit his lips, he could feel his penis get hard, her voice sounded so sexy, what made it even worse was that May was wearing his shirt which was to big for and she looked so cute but Ash declined the offer, even though it was a hard to give up.

May pouted. "May what are you so scare for?" Max asked his sister.

"Corphish looks very creepy, plus he attacked my boyfriend" May said.

Ash looked at May with sympathy, he knew that May was scared. Ash gave her a comforting hug and placed a kiss on her forehead "I'm sorry princess but I'll protect you" He said.

"Aw Ashy your so sweet" May said giving Ash a peck on the lips.

Max looked at them disgusted and Brock looked at them with jealousy. Suddenly Corphish appeared out of nowhere.

"Corphish" It said angrily.

"Let's battle" Ash said.

"Corphish" It said.

After a intestine battle Ash finally caught Corphish. May congratulated Ash with a kiss on the lips.