Hey guys. I wanna start with I am sorry about Evo but I am putting it on hiatus. This story however is one that I am really excited for. If you chose to read this then you probably know what garage kids are, but if not I will tell you.

Garage kids is the five minute pilot episode of code lyoko from 2001. It's actually really cool and I plan to use the ideas from that for this story. So it's still a code lyoko story but about its original concept. The world will seem very different. I will still use concepts and some problems from code lyoko for the story.

I hope you guys enjoy.

As he walked up to the school he felt a sense of excitement. Odd was ready to start a new life here. He never had problems with making friends at his old school and he was really a very social person. But in the back of his mind he was a little sad. He had left all his old friends behind, but he would not let that get him down.

He walked in the front doors and head straight to the principal's office. He knocks on the door.

"Please come in." He hears deeply from the other side of the door. When he walks in he see's a tall, heavily built man in a tan suit sitting in a chair behind the only desk in the room. Odd looks down at his own outfit and feels a little embarrassed. In his purple hoodie and blue jeans he suddenly feels like he was unprepared. The principle sees this and lets out a low chuckle. Odd looks up at him.

"It's ok. No need to dress up just to meet with me. You must be Mr. Della Robbia." He says to him and holds out his hand. Odd smiled back sheepishly and shakes the offered hand.

"Yes sir thats me. I just transferred here from america Mr…." Odd realizes he never asked the man his name.

"Delmas. Mr. Delmas. And yes I am aware of your circumstance. Its seems your parents wanted you to get out and see a different part of the world." He stands up and comes around from the desk and walks to the door. "Now I think I should show you to your dorm."

He walks out and Odd follows the principle. Mr. Delmas tells Odd about the school as they make there way to his dorm. It's doesn't take long to get there.

"Also we do not condone pranks of any sort or to anyone." He tells him. He pulls a key out of his pocket and unlocks the door in front of him with it. He then hands Odd the key. "This Mr. Della Robbia is your room. Your roommate should be here around four oclock. Take this time to settle in. You start your classes tomorrow."

Whit that he walks away leaving Odd to settle in. Odd sits down on the bed and smiles. This is gonna be great. This place is huge and there is so much to do. He thinks to himself.

Meanwhile Ulrich is have a much worse time in class. God why do I have to be in math right now. It's so freaking pointless. He thinks as he ignores the teacher. He looks over and see's Jeremy leaned back relaxing in his chair. He already know what is in this whole chapter, and the whole next one to . It's so unfair. Jeremy however was not feeling luck. In fact he was feeling very uneasy.

Why have the spectors have not been very active in Xanadu lately. It's almost like they are making a plan. But that's stupid. They have never done that before. Then again they have never gone a week without attacking before either. Jeremy starts to drum on the table. He looks around and locks eyes with ulrich. He waves to him and winks, letting Ulrich know he wants to talk after class. Ulrich waves back with two fingers to say he understands. It's a code they came up with three months ago. Shorty after they turned on the computer and activated the world of Xanadu.

After class Ulrich followed Jeremy till they were away from other people and could talk privately. They stopped and Ulrich leaned against the wall of the hall way.

"Whats up Jeremy." Ulrich asks. Jeremy sighs and prepares for his friends speech about him being paranoid.

"I want to virtualize you so you can check on things in Xanadu. It's been quiet for a week now. They have never done that before and I am worried." He says trying to justify his paranoia.

"Your worry to much but you're right it's weird so I'll help but I need to drop my stuff off first." He tells Jeremy. Jeremy smiles and says fine before running off to the factory.

As Ulrich heads back to his room he feels like something is different. He waits a few minutes after leaving the class building for everyone to have gone to there rooms to drop their stuff off. Suddenly he seems to disappear from wear he was. In three seconds he is at the door to his room. I pulls out his key and unlocks the door. Just before he opens it he freezes. He can hear music from inside his room.

Who they hell is listening to the subdigitals in my room. What the hell. He opens the door and burst into the room.

Who are you and why are you in my room?" He demands once he see's Odd. Odd stops dance and pauses his music. He turns and looks at Ulrich.

"I'm Odd Della Robbia and I'm your new roommate. Nice to meet you." Odd says with a big cheesy smile. Ulrich looks annoyed.

"I don't have a roommate." He tells him. He is just not happy with today.

"You did not have a roommate but now you do. I just transferred here today." He tells him as he flopped down on his bed. Ulrich sighs and tosses his bag on his own bed.

"Great. Look I gotta go. I am meeting a friend of mine. Don't touch any of my stuff ok?" He tells him. As he walks out Odd jumps up and follows him.

"Wait. Can't we hang out and get to know each other?" He asks. Ulrich groans and tries not to hit him. Odd stares at him and wonders why he looks so angry.

"Look we are roommates. We will have plenty of time to get to know each other." He tells him try to keep cool. Just not my day. He starts to turn when Odd talks again.

"You could at least show me around the school." He tells him. Ulrich stops and turns on him.

"If I show you around the school then will you leave me alone." Odd things about this for a moment before agreeing.

"Yeah sure." He tells him and Ulrich changes direction to show Odd around. He pulls out his phone and calls Jeremy.

"Hey Ulrich. Whats up. Did something happen?" He asks worried about his temperamental friend.

"Yeah. I got a new roommate and I gotta show him around first. I will be there a bit later ok?" He asks hoping that nothing will happen in Xanadu. His paranoia must be leaking into me.

"Yeah it's fine. I will scan Xanadu until you get here." he tells his friend easing his worry.

"Alright. Sorry man. See you later man." He tells him before hanging up. He Turns to Odd and sighs. "Alright let's get going."

"Hey Yumi. Can you come down to the factory?" Jeremy asks her over the phone. Her expression to a far more serious one.

"What about Ulrich?" She asks. Jeremy sighs.

"He has a new roommate and so he has to show him around the school." He tells her.

"Ok. I'll be there in five minutes." She tells him. She walks over to the gym teach. He turns to her when she says his name.

"Jim. I need to skip class today. Family things came up. I need to head home now." She tells him. He just stares at her for a second before smiling.

"Ok Miss Ishiyama. Just make sure to ask some of the other kids what you missed." He tells her. She tells him she will and leaves. I hate missing my karate class but if Jeremy needs me at the factory then I gotta go.

She gets to a manhole in the wood and pulls it up. She climbs onto the ladder and puts the manhole cover back. She slides down the ladder. When she hits the ground she takes off running. A third of the way through the tunnel she grebs the skate board she left there. She jumps on it and skate boards through the sewers to the factory. Once she gets there she leaves the skateboard at the entrance.

She opens the door to the factory and walks in. It's dark and the whole place looks decrepit as hell. Its an old car factory that a team of scientist turned into a lab but then abandoned. She heads down the stairs to the first level down. She enter a large room.

All along the walls are wires and pipes. There are piles of scrap metal and electronics all over the place. In the center of the room is a massive computer system. There is a large holographic table and a big computer set up connected to it. Sitting at the computer was jeremy with a headset on and an image of the mountain region pulled up. She walks up behind him and puts a hand on the back of the chair as she leans in to see the screen better.

"What's the problem Jeremy?" She asks him.

"There is a tower in the mountain section that is being haunted." He tells her. "There seem to be a lot of them in there. To many for you. I called Ulrich shortly after I called you. He will be here soon."

"Got it. Is he ditching his new roommate?" She asks him.

"Yeah he is." He tells her.

What the hell. He just ran off. I think he went to the wood. Odd start to head towards the wood. When he gets in he see's a skid mark on the ground.

"What the hell. That looks like it was made by a shoe." He says to himself. What the hell is going on here. He keeps on walking and eventually finds a manhole with its cover off. He climbs down and starts to follow the sewer. Just as he is about to give up he see's something. He jogs up to it and finds a scooter leaning against the wall. He takes it and starts to ride it the rest of the way through the sewer.

When he gets to the end he finds another ladder. He climbs it and finds himself in front of an old car factory. What the hell is going on. Why would Ulrich be in an abandoned car factory. He continues on. He walks into the factory and find it's very dark. He pulls out his phone and use it as a flash light. He walks around till he finds a set of stairs. He heads down stairs.

When he gets to the bottom he wakes through a door he sees and finds three Kadic students in there. Then he realizes, as they turn and look at him, he recognizes the middle one.

"Ulrich what the hell is going on?" He demands. Ulrich suddenly sprints behind him. Before Odd can even react Ulrich is behind him.

"Odd, I need you to calm down. I can explain everything." He tells him. Jeremey gets out of his chair and walks over.

"Hi Odd. My name is Jeremy. I think we need to talk." He tells him. Odd nods as he looks past him at the computer.

"That looks like a really expensive computer." Odd says and Jeremy chuckles.

Three and a half months ago we discovered this computer. It was turned off then. If you go down one more level you will find a room with three chambers. These chambers allow you to be transported to a virtual world called Xanadu. Go down another level and you will find a massive power source. It powers this whole place.

We turned it on. Now we can't turn it off. The door to the power room is sealed off. At first we thought it was a game. We quickly found out it is much worse than that. There is something wrong with Xanadu. But we are not sure exactly what it is.

Shortly after we started to explore this world we got attacked. The computer calls them Spectors. They are corrupted codes that haunt towers. While a tower is being haunted it causes problems in the real world. We ourselves can beat the Spectators but we can't reverse a haunting.

We were about to tell someone about this and have it destroyed. That's when we met Alieta. Alieta was virtualized years ago by someone else. Were are not sure what they did or why they did it to her but they made it so that she can not be virtualized. Destroying the computer kills her.

Then we found out she could fix the haunting. She could reverse it. So now we fight these thing and help her perform what the virtual people call and exorcism.

When he is done speaking Odd can only stare. There is no way this is true. It's to fantastic. But he seems really serious.

"Prove it." He challenges. Jeremy grins and tells the other two to head down to the scanners. When they get down there he starts to run the program.

"Scan Ulrich. Scan Yumi. Virtualization." The disappear from the scanners and avatars of them appear on the hologram maker.

"Holly crap. It really works. Why do they look so weird?" He asks.

Yumi is in a typical feudal Japan Geisha outfit that is red, black and yellow with white polka dots all over it. Ulrich is in well fitting Samurai attire that is black and yellow with splashes of red here and there.

"I'm not actually sure. I did not choose it for them. The system chose it for them the first time they virtualized." He tells him. Odd continues to watch them on the screen. The virtual images of them turn into a virtual image of the mountain sector.

"I wonder how many there are this time." He tells Yumi. He watches her as they run. He can't help but admire her.

"I don't know but Jeremy thought it was more than either of us could handle on our own." She tells him. She tries not to look at him. It's a bad habit she started to develop about two months ago.

They start to run toward the tower. As they get closer they notice a swirling black vortex.

"Jeremy how close are we to the tower?" Yumi asks. She stares at the swirling mass and finds it hard to comprehend.

"You're still a ways away. Why?" He say's. Yumi pales and Ulrich finds it hard to breath for a second.

"Cause we can already see tons of them." he tells him. Jeremy creates a first person view camera of what Ulrich see's. He frowns at the sight.

"Do you guys think you can handle it?" Odd asks worried, still looking over Jeremy's shoulder.

"I don't know. Alieta will have to get here quick. Have you contacted her yet?" Ulrich asks Jeremy.

"Yes. I sent her a message a little while ago. She should be there not to long after you guys." He tells them.

When they get close enough to see the whole tower and all of the specters they stop for a minute.

"What do you think Yumi?" He asks her. She looks over at him.

"I think this will be our hardest fight yet." She tells him. He looks over at her and gives her a smile.

"Guy's. Your weapons are charged." Jeremy tells them. Ulrich unsheathes a sword made of green binary code. Yumi pulls out two fans made of yellow binary code.

"We are ready Jeremy." Ulrich tells him. He grips his sword a bit tighter.

"Then go. Aleita will be there shortly." They both take off toward the mass of Specters.

Ulrich splits into three and charges at super speed. He cuts three down with one long charge. Yumi gets close and throws both of her fans. They take out two each before flying back to her. She catches them and cuts down a specter charging her. One of Ulrich's clones gets hit by a specter and is absorbed before it bursts into code.

"They seem to be doing well." Odd comments. Jeremy nods but does not answer. He is watching a white arrow on the screen as it moves towards the commotion. "What's that white arrow?"

"That's Alieta. She is the only one that can end the Haunting." He tells him. Odd nods and continues to watch.

Ulrich jumps from specter to specter killing them as he goes. Both of his clones are gone now. Yumi starts to lift rocks with her mind and launch them at the specters. One gets behind her and rams her.

"Yumi you just lost ten life points. You only have seventy left." Jeremy informs her.

"Thanks for the update Jeremy." She tells him. She jumps back up and slices through the one that rammed her.

"Guys I'm here." Says a new voice. Yumi looks over to see Alieta standing next to a rock. She has pink hair and green eye's. She is wearing a long white dress and holds a carved wooden staff.

"Thank god." Yumi says. She walks over to Aleita. "Let's get you to that tower."

She turns around to get hit by a large yellow energy blast. She flies back a couple feet and hits the ground. Yumi looks up to find a human sized and shaped black creature before her. She see's a second one behind it. The first one charges up another energy shot and hits her with it.

"Yumi that was thirty life points each. You only have ten left." Jeremy almost shrieks. Yumi jumps up and throws one of her fans. It hits on of them but sadly it was the second one. The first one runs up to her and stabs her with it spear like hand. Ulrich looks over in time to see it happen.

"NO! YUMI!" He shouts. He jumps to the ground and super sprints to her. He gets there and cuts the right arm off of the creature that virtualized Yumi. It jumps back to protect itself. Ulrich puts himself between it and Alieta. "Damn you."

"Ulrich be careful. We don't know all of it abilities." Jeremy warns him. Ulrich charges it and locks his blade with it remaining arm. Aelita runs past him and heads for the tower. The second one goes after her. Ulrich pushes the first one off of him and sprints at the second one. It abandons its charge at the last moment to avoid Ulrich. Alieta hides behind some rocks for cover. The first one attack Ulrich and he dodges it just to be hit by an energy blast from the second one. He flies back.

"Sixty life points left Ulrich." Jeremy tells him. Ulrich runs at the weakened one. He triples himself and images run between him and his clones to make a triangle. The creature attacks the one in front of it just to be stabbed by the other two. It burst into code and is gone. Ulrich turns to face the last one when he gets hit in the back by another energy blast. The creature then stabs him with both arms. He virtualize.

"Damn. Now there is no one to protect Aelita." Jeremy says to himself. Yumi hears the other scanner open and curses herself for being reckless. Ulrich slams his fist on the ground and curses.

"I'll go." Say's a voice from behind Jeremy. He turns to see Odd standing by the stairs waiting for the ok with a serious look on his face. The first Jeremy has seen since he got here.

Love me or hate me it's all the same, If you read my stories you deal with my shit. I know that this is a different way to do a code lyoko story. What happened is I was looking up stuff about code lyoko to try and make a unique story and I found Garage kids. I liked the Idea so much I decided to use it.

Not everything is the same as Garage kids had it. I loved Alieta so much I found a way to keep her in the story. However Xana is not in this story. I hope you guys like the story. Also Odd was always my favorite character. He will probably be the best fighter in the story. He would naturally be the most agile because of his cat form and he is by far the best natural fighter. You will see next chapter. Now I have to go work on GenX

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to review. See you guys next time when we Virtualize.

P.S. I will have something like that to say at the end of every chapter of every story I write.