Series: Inuyasha

Universe: Modern AU (MiddleSchool!Sess and HighSchooTutor!Kagome)

Pairing: Eventual SessKag...or maybe not?

Rating: PG-13.

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and its characters are the intellectual property of one Rumiko Takahashi. I only make bad fanfiction about it.

Author's notes: Kagome meets with highschool-junior Sesshoumaru for one last study session before she moves away for college. She hopes for a tender farewell with the boy, but Sesshoumaru has other things in mind.

Back by popular demand- MiddleSchool!Sess x Tutor!Kagome ! You guys really responded to this drabble series and pairing, and I thought I would give you a gift of sorts. By the way, this drabble features two underage teens doing the hanky-panky. If that makes you uncomfortable (as it should, unless you too are an underage teen) then skip this one. A lot of my viewers wanted Sess and Kag to hook up, but the mere thought of Kagome doing the nasty with what is basically an underage demon boy is just a little MUCH for me. So...this is as good as you're gonna get, you guys. I wanted to keep them both in characters, so I think Kagome being partially repulsed by this is still very true to herself (she's such a moral saint).

This is by no means the last time you will hear from these two, of that you can be sure. I'm not so cruel as to end the series like this...or am I?

Pupil of my Eye IV


"I'm back with tea and cookies! Izayoi said that if you wanted more, there were a few more batches left in the oven."

Perched on his bed, Sesshoumaru nodded wordlessly at Kagome, and then looked out the window again. Kagome bit her lip and set the tray down on the corner of the bed, before carefully sitting down next to the white-haired youth. The comforter was soft and familiar under her anxious hands from the millions of times the raven had sat there to study with the younger boy, but today it brought no comfort.

After three long years, this was their last day of tutoring together. She hadn't come out and told him straight-out, but she had been dropping hints about her college choices once she graduated, and Sesshoumaru, though young, was definitely smart enough to pick up on it. She had been looking at Tokyo University, on the other side of the country. If she got in, this meant that chances of seeing each other again were slim to none, let alone any chance of Kagome potentially continuing as his math tutor. Kagome had ignored it, had prolonged the goodbye in the off-chance that if she paid it no mind, she would not have to confront the problem at all.

With both of their semesters finally done though and graduation dawning upon them, Kagome could hide it no longer. She had to come clean, no matter how difficult or awkward it might be.

In all honesty, a part of Kagome didn't want it to end. She had become a pillar of emotional support for the 14-year-old boy and despite his silent nature and stoic demeanor he had created a very distinct Sesshoumaru-shaped hole in her heart. Dare she say it, she truly cared for him. More than from a tutor-pupil standpoint, and certainly more than a passing brotherly affection. Sesshoumaru had become, quite by chance, one of her best friends, if not her only one. Sure, she gossiped with Ayumi and went to the mall with Rei, but with this quiet boy the 17-year-old woman could always be herself, unapologetically.

Of course, Kagome was getting ahead of herself. Sesshoumaru probably didn't feel as strongly as she did about this goodbye. He was probably annoyed with her that she had put it off for so long and now he had less than two months to find a proper math tutor for next year. And he had given Kagome so much, from a friendly ear to extravagant road-trips with his family, to just a space where she could be her most natural self. All he asked in return was a passing grade. It really wasn't fair of her to expect too much from him.

"Umm, Sesshoumaru?" Kagome tried to catch his attention. When she put a hesitant hand over his knuckles, he flinched, but still didn't look at her. The pretty raven's brow puckered in concern, and she hesitated, biting her lip. "Actually, I need to talk to you…"

Kagome was preparing her well-rehearsed farewell speech on her head when Sesshoumaru interrupted.

"You're leaving." He stated. It wasn't a question, his voice void of inflection or emotion.

Kagome deflated as she stared at the morose figure of the boy she loved so tenderly looking out at the rainy day outside. Squeezing his hand, she put on a fake smile and tried her best to sound enthusiastic.

"Yes, I am. I received my letter from Tokyo U yesterday; I got in! Which is great! I'll be able to continue my education – I think I told you I wanted to be a teacher – and they have all of these great clubs and programs and internships for aspiring professionals."

"Sounds great." Sesshoumaru muttered monotonely.

"It is!" Kagome urged on. She dropped his hand, her own hands fidgeting together nervously at his non-response. "It does mean that I'll have to move away. Actually I…I'll be leaving next weekend after graduation."

That finally elicited a response from the young boy, who looked away from the window to the raven, eyebrows disappearing under his bangs. "So soon…"

Kagome sighed, relieved he was finally listening to her. "Yeah, it feels like it right? I just have to move into the dorms and catch some summer courses before formally beginning in the fall. So I might as well get settled in as soon as possible. No use wasting time, right?"

Sesshoumaru nodded, lowering his eyes to the floor. "Of course. It is very practical, Sensei. Uncharacteristically so from you."

She laughed at his jab, assured that if he was making jokes then this conversation wasn't going so bad. "Mom said the same thing. And then cried. And of course, I cried." Again she chuckled, but there was a thick knot forming in her throat at the memory so she plunged on. "Anyways, I promise to visit once in a while, ne?

"You seem happy about it…"

"Yes, I am. Very happy. Really." Kagome replied, and she had the sneaking suspicion she was trying to convince herself more than the quiet boy before her. She noticed his knuckles were white, hands fisted tightly. Was he worried about her? "I mean, I'll get homesick for sure, and I'll miss my mom and little brother, even grandpa and his crazy stories. And of course, I'll miss you and Inuyasha." Kagome added, remembering the little white-haired three-year-old fondly.

"But I'm sure I'll be alright." She continued, trying to ease the tension in his hands, in the line of his shoulders. Surely, he couldn't be that upset? "And I'll have new teachers, make friends, meet guys –"


In one second, Kagome's world turned on its axis as she was pushed back forcibly towards the bed.

The tray crashed to the floor, the tea spilling and the cookies scattering in an explosion of chaos. It would probably stain the carpet if they didn't clean it immediately, but Kagome's mind was too occupied to worry about it, her attention solely focused on the boy currently hovering over her on the bed.

Their ragged breathing sounded loud and thunderous in the quiet room. No one dared move, both of them carved statues as their very worlds tipped on the edge of a blade, and a single word would bring it crashing down one side or the other.

Now, pinned under her pupil, Kagome couldn't help but realize how much he had grown. Three years had gone by in a rush of tests and tears and silences and now Sesshoumaru was no longer the timid little 11-year-old she had tutored.

At 14 years of age, his face had already slimmed to the angular and hard plains of his father's face, pushing back the roundness of youth to make way for more masculine features. His nose, cute and round during his middle-school years, was now long and regal, set atop plush and sensual lips. His body had developed considerably too, limbs long and muscles sinewy, attached to too-wide shoulders that he had yet to fill out. By the time he finished all of his growing, Sesshoumaru was sure to be as handsome, if not more so, than his own father.

Had Kagome been 14 again, she would've killed for a chance to be with a boy as gorgeous as Sesshoumaru. But she was nearly 18 now, almost an adult, and as flattered as she was that her pupil saw her that way and to be in this compromising position with him, it still felt off.

Kagome tried to lift her arms, but Sesshoumaru's grip was iron-strong on her wrists, fingers curling possessively over the delicate bones in ways that frightened the young girl. "Sesshoumaru?" she asked uncertainly, confused to hear the wavering in her own voice. She had never felt frightened of Sesshoumaru. He had always made her feel, if not safe, then comfortable. But now…

"Uhn!" she mumbled, squirming under his grip. His leg insinuated itself firmly between her thighs, preemptively blocking any move to escape.

"It's not fair." Sesshoumaru whispered, so low Kagome would have missed it had he not been mere inches away from her. The white-haired teenager leaned even closer, his weight falling heavily on Kagome, pressing her further down on the mattress. Kagome let out a shuddering breath, muddled and disoriented, as he turned his head and buried his face in the crook of her neck. His lips, author to many a snide comment on her person and the very same ones she had been admiring earlier, brushed feather light against her pulse as he continued speaking.

"Why is it only me…that feels this way?"

The spit in her mouth dried up, and Kagome lay frozen, afraid that if she moved even a fraction of an inch she would either drive him away or urge him on. She was completely immobile, trying to calm her breathing and raging heart. What now? The next move would either ruin them or bring them closer – and Kagome wasn't sure what she wanted anymore.

Sesshoumaru was warring with himself as well, she could feel it. His body trembled, adrenaline and fear and something else, something darker, battling inside of him. She could feel it in the flexing of his muscles, in the grit of his jaw against her collarbone, in the slight shake of his head.

Outside, the rain continued pouring, and time stood still.

"Stay with me, Sensei…" he breathed at last, burying deeper into her hair and inhaling her scent.

One powerful hand released her wrist, only to make its way down her forearm, slow and unsure with inexperience, yet incredibly sensual, the touch leaving little trails of fire on her hypersensitive skin.

"Sesshoumaru…" she breathed, her voice tremulous, feeling as if she were on the edge of a precipice with her foot dangling over the edge, ready to fall- "…let's talk-"

"No." the muffled reply came. It was final and it struck Kagome as sort of petulant. She could feel his face burrowing against her neck, the skin of his cheek hot, but he refused to meet her eyes.

"Sesshoumaru?" Kagome tried again.

He declined to answer though. His hand continued to caress her forearm in that maddening feather-light touch that was inspiring foreign carnal desires in her, but that did not distract her from her fact that he was not answering. Sesshoumaru was deliberately tuning her out.

And then she realized –

He was hiding from her.

Sesshoumaru - the young solemn kid who never ran away from his problems, who always did as he pleased and faced every challenge head on, who got past one of the most traumatic experiences in a young person's life like their parents divorcing - was now hiding from a teenage girl.

And beyond the fog of uncertainty and yearning, something bubbled up from deep within Kagome's chest. It grew, traveled up her windpipe, and before she could stifle it, escaped through her lips and turned into a giggle.

The boy above her tensed.

Another giggle followed. And then another, and before Kagome knew it she was in a fit of laughter.

Of course, Sesshoumaru being a 14-year-old boy, did not take kindly to being laughed at, and faintly she remembered how fragile male egos were at that age. Raising himself up from his hiding place in her hair, he frowned down at the giggling women bellow him, offset by her sudden hysteria.

"Stop that." He commanded, the order comical coming from such young lips. If only he knew how endearing he looked to her right now - a miniature version of his father and an older one of his baby brother - and Kagome tried, she really did try to stop the fountain of giggles that burst through, but for the life of her she couldn't.

"Stop." He ordered once more, and Kagome shook her head, trying to explain that she couldn't.

In hindsight she should've remembered what an impulsive child Sesshoumaru was, and if she had she would have ceased her laughter immediately. But she hadn't, her mind preoccupied with the sheer ridiculousness of the situation, of lying in bed with a boy three years younger than her.

So she was completely taken by surprise when he grabbed her jaw tightly between his long fingers and smashed their mouths together.

It was as if time were moving in slow-motion and much too fast both at once. The raven squeaked into the kiss, but Sesshoumaru's hand on her jaw was resolute. The kiss itself was not unpleasant, merely clumsy and odd as he tried to coax a reaction out of her, and dimly Kagome noted that this was probably her very first kiss, just as much as his.

Mentally, Kagome realized that this was an awful mistake, that she should not be allowing or encouraging this to happen, that she should shout or kick him off. But physically, the nubile part of her that had never experienced a sensual touch like this because she had always been too shy, or too modest or too good, reveled in the carnal sensations flowing through her.

It was like his mouth was a volcano, because very slowly, warmth spread from his lips to her cheeks and all the way down to her neck, and an odd ache began to bloom in Kagome's chest. After what felt like an eternity of their lips together, he pulled away.

Sesshoumaru was studying her intently, and Kagome realized that, since that afternoon where he cried into her arms, this was the second time she had ever seen him so overcome with emotion. He looked mussed, an adjective she would never in her life use to describe him, his T-shirt wrinkled, long hair cascading down his shoulders and tangling with her own. Ravenous eyes peeked from beneath half-shadowed bangs, and he looked haunted and young and hungry

Above the roar of her heart in her eardrums, Kagome heard loud ragged breathing, and it took her a few beats to realize it was her own panting. The precipice still lay before her, and into the dark void she spoke "Why?".

Sesshoumaru didn't answer right away, looking at her from beneath heavy eyelids, his entire appearance eerily animalistic in a way she was not used to seeing him. He countered the question with one of his own.

"Why not?"

It had been the wrong answer. Kagome pushed against him, suddenly mortified and angry and embarrassed. With a quickness that belied his lethargic state, she was quickly restrained by Sesshoumaru, his hands once again capturing her wrists, pushing her back. She wrestled against him, hot tears burning behind her eyes, but he was surprisingly strong. With a frustrated cry, she gave up and plopped back onto the bed, glaring at him.

"I am not your plaything, Sesshoumaru!" she half-shouted with a gasp, the sudden emotion taking her by surprise. Was this all his idea of a joke!? What did he think he was trying to accomplish out of this? Making a fool of her once again, the tutor who was idiotically mislead by her pupil into thinking that he wanted her- that he loved-

Kagome turned her face away so he wouldn't see the treacherous tears fall, her face burning with shame and guilt and fury.

"If you think this is funny-"

"I do not." his deep voice cut her off, tone even.

Kagome could feel the words rumbling over her, through her, and she shivered when she felt his fingers once more on her jaw. This time though, he was gentle. His fingers, the ones she had watched a million times hold a pencil as they figured out an exercise, were now carefully running across her face in a way that made her breath catch in her throat. Softly, almost tenderly, he stroked her cheek, and Kagome was once more hanging over the precipice she had believed she had escaped from, the darkness laughing at her from beneath.

"I do not think this is funny… and I do not think of you as a plaything, Sensei." His eyes were too intense, and Kagome tried to look away but his hand, strong and gentle and forceful, moved her face towards him until she could not escape his gaze. His lips were wet and swollen, and with a blush Kagome wondered if she had been responsible for that.

As if sensing her thoughts, his eyes strayed to her mouth, finger tracing her bottom lip with almost obscene reverence.

"What I feel for you…"he began, voice husky and throaty, "… is far more than you can probably imagine…Kagome." Kagome's eyes widened. He rarely ever called her by her first name, and to hear him speak it, the name coming through his no-longer-innocent lips, had something deliciously sinful pouring into Kagome's lower stomach. Like hot, melted wax, it spread and settled there, impossible to ignore.

This is bad, she thought distantly, even as Sesshoumaru leaned in again for a kiss.

She thought of pushing him away, of telling him that this was wrong and dirty and perverse, but when his lips pressed against hers, all thoughts dissipated nothingness. And then Sesshoumaru began to kiss her.

Softly at first, then more confidently, as his jaw moved up and down in a steady rhythm that was sweet and comfortable. Despite herself, Kagome found herself sighing into his lips at the sensation. If she were being honest with herself, something she had not been lately, she would've been pretty content to kiss like that forever. But then he twisted his head and brushed his tongue against her lower lip, very clearly broadcasting what he wanted with his actions. He was asking for access. Kagome, still whirring at the turn of events, understood and instinctively opened her mouth, where Sesshoumaru wasted no time in exploring each and every crevice of it. His tongue felt strange inside of her, but not unpleasant, and Kagome found her own tongue dancing with his, shyly at first, then more boldly as they chased each other. She didn't know how he had become so skilled, or perhaps he was just surprisingly talented in the art of snogging.

But God was he good, she thought muzzily as her arms, now free from his grip, linked around his shoulders, pressing their chests together. The air between them ceased to exist, and she felt heavy and warm and electric. Sesshoumaru was electric. Where did he learn to kiss like this?

The feeling of guilt still niggled at the back of her mind, but it was overshadowed by the wonderful feeling of him devouring her lips in a way that nobody had ever done before. His hands, large and powerful, explored her body, frantic and never still, flitting boldly across her chest, to the curve of her waist, down the slope of her hips and past the edge of her skirt. Clever fingers toyed with the hem, pulling the fabric with it as his palm, hot and firm against her skin, dragged it up her leg. The feel of his hand against the sensitive muscles of her upper thigh had Kagome's mind in a pleasant buzz, and all she could think was 'yes' and 'more' and 'so good'

Quite by accident, Kagome's hips nudged his pelvis. The action pressed her soft belly against his pants, rubbing against that part of his body that she had never thought about until now, and Sesshoumaru groaned into her mouth, low and feral, hips bucking-

No! Bad bad bad-!

Kagome pulled away from his mouth with an audible pop, gasping for air. She put her hands against his shoulders to stop any potential attack and grasped for coherency.

"Um!" she gulped eloquently.

Sesshoumaru rested his forehead against her shoulder, equally out of breath. The sound of his breathing, ragged at the edges and raw, made her feel both embarrassed and pleased that she had been the one to make him lose his composure.

"Wow…"she began, panting."Umm…that was-"


"-wrong. That was wrong, Sesshoumaru. I shouldn't have…holy shit, what did I do?"

Sesshoumaru was planting heated kisses against her neck, obviously not having the same moral qualms as his tutor. His hand, the one that quite slyly had dragged her skirt all the way up to her waist, squeezed the side of her pelvis meaningfully.

"What you have done is made me quite happy, to be honest." he purred, like a content cat.

Kagome frowned at the top of his head, where it lay bellow her as he kissed his way down to her collarbone. She brought his head upward from its journey to her chest, and glared at him through her blush.

"I'm serious, Sesshoumaru."

"And so am I, Kagome." She flinched at his casual use of her name again, and her blush doubled ten-fold (if possibly) at his beautiful smile at her reaction. "You have no idea how long I have wished to do that. To make you completely mine." He leaned forward and placed a slow, soft kiss on her lips. When he pulled back, Kagome nearly gasped. Sesshoumaru was looking at her with such intensity she could feel his gaze penetrate her very soul.

"I love you, Kagome." he whispered.

It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Kagome swallowed, realizing he was expecting a reply.

"Sesshoumaru, I…we can't…you're just a child."

He scoffed, as if that were inconsequential. "I may be a child now, but in a few years it will not matter. We will be able to stand out in the world as equals and our age difference will not seem so large."

Whoa, in a few years? This conversation was escalating far quicker than what Kagome had expected. Gently, she pushed him away, sitting up and trying to fix her skirt, her modesty, her mistake. The teen looked at her, confused, and Kagome bit her lip at his equally disheveled state. She had done that…to a boy. She drew a shaking hand to her mouth, feeling disgusted with herself. After catching her breath, Kagome turned to him with sad eyes. She needed to fix this, now.

"Sesshoumaru, I don't think what you feel for me is love, though. Not the real kind, anyway." She said into the silence as gently as possible. "I'm your tutor, so it's probably closer to infatuation or admiration, and it's not uncommon for boys your age– "

"I know what I feel!" he hissed, bristling at her condescending tone. "I do not need to hide it or be ashamed of it. Are you?"

"Yes, I am." She confessed, and his eyebrows flew upward at that. "I took advantage of you. I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry." She got to her feet, suddenly wanting to leave that small room as quickly as possible, suffocating under her own shame, when his hand shot out and stopped her.

"Look at me, Kagome." He intoned imperiously, grabbing her wrist. He was breathing hard again, his brows drawn down into a furious scowl. Kagome wished he could only see how much he looked like his father then, the very picture of the man he resented most. "Look at me, and tell me you didn't feel something when we kissed."

The rain had finally stopped, and far away downstairs, they could hear Izayoi humming as she cooked. God, if she had heard them, if she had seen what Kagome had been doing to her little boy just moments ago-

"I think I should go…" Kagome whispered, not daring to meet his eyes.

His fingers wrapped around her wrist tighter. "Is that your answer, then?"

Kagome remained quiet. Sesshoumaru sneered, an ugly smile snaking its way across his features, and he let go of her wrist.

"Get out."

Kagome looked down at him, her eyes pleading. "Sesshoumaru-!"

But he was already looking outside the window again, and his attitude was so cold and so far removed from the very emotional creature just mere seconds ago, that Kagome nearly wept. His walls had fallen into place again, and he was once more the aloof and cruel Prince of Silence she had desperately tried to change for the last three years.

"Please, get out now. Have a safe trip to Tokyo, Sensei."

Kagome looked down, nodding at her fisted hands. Slowly, as if through water, she headed toward the room's exit. She paused at the doorway.

"Will you see me off at the airport?" she asked, her voice minute against the oppressing silence.

"I do not think so." He replied cooly.

She nodded again, even though he could not see it.

"You know…I love you, Sesshoumaru. Just…not like that. I'm sorry."

"Just leave." He plead wearily, and he looked so pale and fragile, sitting on the edge of the bed, that Kagome almost turned back and hugged him.

But she closed the door, walked down the wooden stairs, through the carpeted hallway, past the warm kitchen where Izayoi asked if she wanted more cookies, and out the main entrance into the cold damp streets. She walked out of the Taisho Manor, Ancient House of the West and Moon, home of the only boy she had ever loved.

And she never looked back.

AN: I'm about to get so much hate for this, I know it xD As always, Reviews make me happy and let me know what you as the audience think! That helps me write better! So R&R please! And stay tuned for more fics to come!