6 Months. It took 6 months to write this chapter. Wow I started to believe this wouldn't be finished. Before I start apologizing I should say this isn't Chapter 14, it's chapter 1. Don't kill me please. I may not a mentioned it that much but if you PMed me then you know I hate chapter 1. It was literally my first attempt at writing and I hardly edited it. This chapter is completely different, despite the long hiatus I actually have been working on the story. I got a new cover art that actually shows his Jacob as Volt

Check out AgentXtremis page on Deviantart, he created my cover art.

Anyway, I got more to say but for now enjoy the story.

July 7 Watchtower

It's been two days since Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad all disobeyed a direct order to stay in the hall of justice and elected to break into Cadmus Labs to investigate a small fire. That fire led them to Project Kr also known as Superboy the genetic clone of Superman. Although there initial meeting with the clone was met with hostilities and their capture. With the change of heart and help from the Superboy the sidekicks were able to escape from their captors but not before bringing the building down on them. Again, disobeying their mentors, the sidekicks chose to defy the Justice League and form their own team. Now the League discusses the future said 'Team'.

-Line Break-

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" the voice of green lantern Hal Jordan asked. "I mean there just kids; can they really handle what we're planning to do with them?"

"Those 'kids' proved themselves capable at Cadmus when they freed Superboy." The Amazon, Wonder Woman said.

Superman shifted uncomfortably upon hearing Superboy.

"Yeah about that. Did they really need to bring the building down?" Flash asked.

"We were not there. If bringing the build down was required to defeat blockbuster then they acted accordingly." Martian Manhunter said.

"That may be true, but I agree with Green Lantern, are we sure that letting the sidekicks form their own team is a good idea? We send kids to fight our battles then we're no better than the people we've sworn to stop." Superman said.

"No one said anything about fighting our battles." Batman said speaking for the first time. "But Cadmus proves that our enemies are getting smarter. If we want to stay ahead them, we need to get smarter as well.

"What do you have in mind batman?" Aquaman asked.

"It's not time for a league expansion and we need of new members yet, but if we want to gather intel on our enemies we will need a covert team to do so.

"I thought you were the world's greatest detective?" Flash asked sarcastically.

"I have to protect Gotham I can't be everywhere at once and there is only so much I can do behind a computer. No, I need a team that can operate on the sly." Batman finished.

"Alright then the sidekicks have their team." Superman declared.

"They will need a base of operations." Wonder Woman pointed out."

"Nothing wrong with the watchtower. They can work here" Flash said.

No, the team needs to work independently from us. They're base will be Mount Justice." Batman said.

"Mount Justice is comprised, we can't place them there!" Aquaman protested.

"Our enemies know we know about the breach. They would never think that we moved back in. The team would be hiding in plain sight. I will also increase security." Batman said. "We also need someone to train and supervise them."

"If they need a babysitter then Red Tornado would be perfect." Green Lantern said. "He's an Android, he doesn't need sleep, he has no responsibilities or double life to live. He'd be the perfect supervisor."

"While that may be true, ask him. If he doesn't want to do it, we can't force him." Superman pointed out.

"I will also ask Black Canary if she wishes the teach the sidekicks what she has learned over the years." Wonder Woman stated.

"Uh there is another issue, lack of members, mount justice is huge and there are only four guys on the team." Flash pointed out.

"If I may, my niece M'gann M'orzz would be a perfect member for the team. She is new to earth and I believe she will benefit from interacting with people her age." Martian Manhunter explained.

"That's five, anyone else have someone?" Green Lantern asked.

"There is someone I've been tracking who would be perfect for the team." Batman said while typing on the holocomputer."

"Who?" Asked Wonder Woman.

A hologram of a 15-year-old kid appeared.

Jacob Macgrath, son of Cole Macgrath, the Demon of Empire City.

The sun was going down on the city of savannah and a lone figure wearing a black with with a blue hockey jersey as well as dark grey pants was walking down an empty sidewalk when a window TV started playing the evening news.

"Thank you Iris, in others news today marks 7-month anniversary of the terrorist attack known as the empire event which left millions dead and the east Coast in ruins. What started off as a peaceful sunning day in Empire City turned into a series of explosions to the utter destruction of the city. What emerged from the ruins what was described as a giant volcanic humanoid creature simply known as the beast. With the combined help from the Justice League and our very own brave men and women serving in the National Guard were able to finally to bring down the beast. We have gotten confirmed reports that the beast was a conduit, a person with the genetic mutation to gain superpowers. Although the identity of this conduit is unknown some suspect it to be the terrorist Cole Macgrath better known as the 'Demon of Empire City.' Whether or not this is true it's still up for debate. We also have confirmed reports that the large beam of light that was coming from New Marais was the cause of the numerous death all over the world. The CDC believe all of those that who were unfortunate were all in fact Conduits. We have reason to believe the death toll of these conduits are now in the thousands. Rumors have stirred up that Cole Macgrath son Jacob Macgrath known as the 'demons son' may actually still be alive due to the fact his body was never found. If he did somehow survive he should be considered armed and dangerous, do not attempt to confront him. Call 1-844-435-7387, that will direct you to the DUP hotline and an operation will be able to help you. This is Cat Grant with you evening news signing off."

The broadcast ended with the telephone number for the DUP as well as a picture of Jacob when he was in Empire City.

"That such an old picture. Where'd they find that?" The figure complained. "Heh, armed and dangerous, they have no idea."

Jacob pulled his hood tighter over his head as he continued down the sidewalk.

After twenty minutes the streets of savanna got quieter, this was something Jacob liked, he didn't have to look over his shoulder as much.

A few feet in front of Jacob was what looked to be an elderly man. His back was towards Jacob, but he had all the attire of a 60-year-old man. Suddenly, the man fell over and let out a yelp of pain. Without thinking Jacob sprinted to the man.

"Sir are you alright?" Jacob asked in concern. Jacob then grabbed him by his shoulders and lifted him up careful not the cause the man any more pain. The man kept his head down preventing Jacob from getting a good look at him.

"Oh, thank you lad thank you." The man said as he gripped Jacobs arms tightly.

"Do you need an ambulance? You took a hard fall." Jacob asked as he examined the man.

"No lad I have everything I need." A glint of metal caught Jacobs attention before he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

The man covered Jacobs mouth preventing him from crying out. "sh sh sh shush now. Be still and don't worry, just rest."

The man gently placed Jacob on the ground before pulling off his cap revealing a man in his late forties while carrying maniac grin on his face.

"What the fuck." Jacob said as his eyes grew heavy.

"Don't worry meat, willie gets to eat." The man said gleefully as he grabbed Jacobs shoulders and dragged him into an alley."

What the- oh hell no! Jacob thought snarling.

"Ooohhh meat angry! Such fire such strength." The man said examining Jacob. "Oh meats blood was drawn, left its mark it did." He said looking at the scar on Jacobs face.

"I swear to god if I die I'm gonna be pissed!" Jacob thought.

"Meats face familiar! Seen before Willie has!" Man shouted. "No matter! Willie cannot remember!" The man turned around and started scrounging through a box.

While the man was preoccupied Jacob looked around for anything that could help him. While he wasn't tied up or anything, he was feeling weak. Looking down he noticed at kitchen knife plunged into his chest.

"Well that's unfortunate." Jacob thought dryly. Feeling around Jacob felt something solid against his fingers. Grabbing the object, he held it up to his face. Looking closely, it appeared to be two double A batteries. Grinning he crushed the batteries in his hands draining the electricity inside of them.

Without making much noise Jacob slowly stood up. Looking over at the man he could tell he was muttering to himself in frustration. Taking a quiet breath Jacob grabbed the knife and slowly pulled it out of his stomach. Once the blade was out Jacob took one look as his attacker and threw the knife as hard as he could.

The blade missed the man's head and embedded itself into the wall.

"Consider that a warning asshole" Jacob declared. Fuck I missed!

"Meat stands! Meats blood stopped leaking!" The man rambled terrified.

"Meats blood is boiling." Jacob said as electricity formed out of his hands.

"Willie did know meat! This meat is tainted! BY THE DEVIL!"

"Of for the love of- SCREW YOU!" Jacob shouted as he sent volts of lightning at maniac.

The man's body shook violently before finally falling over.

Jacob stood there clutching his stomach staring at the crazed man. Feeling nauseous Jacob sent a radar pulse and saw the man was alive and that there was no more electricity in the alley.

"Great" Jacob sighed before limping away. As he was leaving a dark shadow dropped in behind him. Jacob accidentally stepped on an empty bottle and tripped.

"God this hurts." Jacob groaned.

"That doesn't look too good, you should get that checked out." A voice said.

In a panic Jacob rolled in his back and fired lightning blinding into the alley. Each lightning strike illuminating the darkness revealing a large bat effortlessly dodging the blasts.

"Batman!" Jacob breathed. The BATMAN was on to him. The only reason Jacob hasn't been caught yet is he knows what police look out for in a criminal. He also doesn't need a safe house. Jacob has been moving east to keep the police of his trail. It's not perfect but he hasn't had a close call in months. But if Batman is here and not in Gotham then that means he's here on league business and if that's the case then the Justice League intends to bring him in. "To hell with that!"

Before Jacob could fire an electric rocket effectively ending the fight, Batman threw a handful of marbles at Jacobs feet. The marbles exploded into a smoke.

"Cough~cough~ah What the hell? Whoa, what is this stuff?" Jacob asked as his voice got deeper.

"Sulfur Hexafluoride, an Insulative gas that cuts off the current of electricity. It's 6 times heavier than oxygen hence why your voice is so deep." Batman thoughtfully explained.

Sure enough once the has surrounded Jacob his lightning just shut off.

"Did you really need to take away his power Batman." Looking up Jacob saw THE Wonder Woman descending down to them. She had her hands on her hips and held a disapproving look towards Batman as landed in front of Jacob.

Jacob was too stunned to speak two of the justice league trinity stood before him.

"A necessary precaution this exchange takes a drastic turn." Batman argued.

"Well between all of us and flipping the power switch I think this is a bit overkill don't ya think bats?" Green arrow announces as he and Black Canary walk into the alleyway effectively cutting off Jacobs escape.

"We're glad you have such faith our abilities." Black Canary said with sarcasm.

"What the hell is going on?" Jacob mentally panicked. "I'm screwed, I know I'm public enemy number 1 but I didn't know I pissed off the justice league. They'll lock me up for life. Well fuck that if they want me there gonna have to work for it."

Surveying his surroundings Jacob noticed a catwalk behind Wonder Woman. Getting past the Amazon was the only tricky part. Wait the gas is just surrounding him not anyone else. All the leaguer tensed when they saw Jacob grin and raised his fist.

"Hey kid, cool off we just want to talk." Green arrow said while slowing reaching for an arrow.

"Young man we have a proposition that would be most beneficial you." Wonder Woman said.

"Proposition? Thanks but no thanks, I know better than to take deals from strangers." Voice still deep from the gas Jacob looked around for a way to escape. The street was a no go. Black canary is one of the best martial artist in the world and without his powers Jacob would just get his ass kicked. Not to mention Wonder Woman, she could throw him into the ground faster than lightning could strike.

"Stand down Macgrath we don't want to fight." Wonder Woman commanded.

"Batman disables my powers and you have your sword drawn plus back up. If you truly believe this will end peacefully then you're either stupid or naive and I don't know which is worse." Jacob says.

Green arrow walked up behind Jacob calmly and reached out to touch his shoulder. "Look kid we just want to tal-AHH."

In a blur of motion Jacob grabbed green arrows arm and threw him into Batman. Jacob then charged toward Black canary while she got in her signature stance and performed her famous canary cry.

At the last second Jacob slid down between her legs. The attack missed Jacob and hit Wonder Woman.

Home free! Jacob thought as he was about to turn the corner. "ENOUGH!" A voice shouted.

Oh no Jacob turned around just in time for Wonder Woman to pounce on him. Grabbing him by his collar the amazon dragged Jacob through the ground before throwing him in the wall.

Jacob could only let out a loud and drawn out groan as Wonder Woman pinned his arms against the wall.

"Calm yourself! We don't want to fight only to talk." Wonder Woman said annoyed.

Jacob just glared at her and then in a childlike manner blow air in face.

"Stop that! Stop doing that now!" She said tightening her grip on his wrists. "Why would you do that? Explain yourself."

With a grin Jacob dramatically took the deepest breath he could before calmly exhaling. "Explain myself? I have to say is, the power is back on." Jacobs eyes were illuminated in a bright blue light as streaks of lightning poured out.

Thinking fast Jacob head butted the Amazon. When she stumbled back Jacob grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him and he kneed her in the gut as hard as he could. Not stopping Jacob picked her up in a bear hug and shocked her with everything he had.

Looking around he could see the other leagues recovering. Thinking quickly Jacob spun Wonder Woman around and pushed her against the wall. Before she could resist he used his arc restraints to keep her pinned.

"Release me at once!" Wonder Woman demanded as she struggled against the electrical restraints.

"Yeah uh... I'd rather not." Turning around Jacob fired an electric rocket at black canary as she tried to sneak behind him. Looking back, he said. "I'm sorry about this, um I actually a fan. So yeah...sorry."

Wonder Woman actually stopped her struggle and was about to speak before a baterang implied the conduits back shoulder. In a blur of speed Jacob spun around and sent a shockwave a batman. While in the air Jacob sent streaks of electricity to the dark knight. With batman seemingly knocked out and Wonder Woman pinned down Jacob ran to the tallest building and scaled the wall in a matter of seconds.

I'm dead. I died. Jacob MacGrath R.I.P. Jacob thought as he ran across the rooftops. Thankfully though with the of immediate death Jacob threw caution into the wind when it comes to hiding his powers. From his shoulders to his fingers his lightning pulsed brightly as if it were alive. Every electrically devise Jacob ran past his lightning tried to drain. Not subtle but I don't care.

Unfortunately, this didn't dissuade his pursuers one bit. Jacob had to duck for the third time to avoid catching an arrow. "Hey kid could you stop we just want to talk."

Got get some distance from them. Jacob thought as he vaulted over a power box. "Oh, if you wanted to talk then WHY ARE YOU SHOOTING AT ME!"

Without waiting for a response Jacob threw a shock grenade at the heroes before jumping down to the next building which was significant smaller than the other building. While Star city's brave and the bold looked for a safe way down Jacob took the time to pull the baterang out of his back. God damn this hurts. As he said that an arrow hit the ground next to his feet. Jacob sprung back into a sprint. Running fast as he could Jacob leaped off the building and line perfectly on a power line. Grinding on the line as well as using his static thrusters he quickly sped away.

Jacob got off the power line and ran into a small old rundown warehouse that was in the docks and over the water. To make matters worse it started raining which felt like small papers cuts in the conduit. Oh, this can't get any worse.

"Jacob STOP!" Green arrow shouted. Ok it can. Jacob clambered up to the roof of the warehouse.

Black canary then used her famous canary cry which started weakening the supports.

"Leave me ALONE!" Jacob shouted and fired an electric rocket at the pair. The rocket exploded and caused water to come rushing into the building.

"Oh crap." Jacob said before opening the door outside. Jacob was now on the roof hanging for dear life as the started tilting and breaking down like a sinking ship.

Suddenly black canary and green arrow burst through the door. "Jacob this place is falling apart, take my hand and we can get you to safety. I know it seemed like we were out to arrest you, but we only want what's best for you."

After a moment of consideration Jacob reached out his hand. Just before black canary could grab him the ground below them broke and sent them tumbling downing towards the water.

Just then time stopped for Jacob. I could leave. I could get out right now and they'd lose my trial. But those two could die, they may be superheroes, but the falling debris could crush them or keep them from swimming up. Whose life is worth more? Mine or theirs?

In that moment of indecision Jacob decided. He through his lightning hook at each of the leaguers and threw them to a much more solid platform.

Before Jacob move the platform broke sending him tumbling towards the water.

"Oh shit oh shit FUUUUUCCCKKK!" Jacob screamed as fell into the water.

Water was something Jacob always avoided ever since he got his powers. The liquid turned his powers against him electrocuting him. While it's impossible to completely avoid water, like getting rained on or bathing. It wasn't that bad, showering did hurt he could clean up before it came unbearable and drinking water only hurt his lips. But to be completely submerged? Jacob was too scared to even think about it and now he knew why.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" Jacob shouted as loud as he could underwater. His electricity shocking him, locking his muscles preventing him from swimming out. As he screamed water started filling his lungs drowning him. Just as Jacob was about to blackout he saw a hand reach toward him and grab his wrist. Next thing he knew Jacob is now soaring through the sky far above the liquid deathtrap he fell into. Looking up Jacob saw his savior was none other than Wonder Woman, she was soaking wet and Jacobs electricity was slightly shocking her hand, but her bracelet was absorbing his power.

"It's ok now, your safe. No one will hurt you anymore." Wonder Woman promised in a motherly tone.

"I'm sorry." Jacob mumbled as he hung his head in shame. Shame for attacking the justice league and putting their lives at risk because he didn't stop and listen.

After pulling Jacob out of the river, Wonder Woman took Jacob to a police station where Batman was waiting. Now Jacob sat shirtless in an interrogation room with a blanket wrapped around him as well as an inhibitor collar on his neck and handcuffs place tightly around his wrists.

"Jacob MacGrath, Age 15, born in Empire City, parents Trish and Cole Macgrath, both deceased." Batman read aloud from a tablet. Jacob just stared at the wall with a blank look.

After a brief pause Batman continued "Says here you were found in a crater with your father and later discovered you could both control electricity."

"Yea" Jacob mumbled his face twitched in anger.

"This also says your father was in possession of a bomb and you were with him when he detonated the device." Batman recounted.

"What's your point?" Jacob asked ticked off.

"I just want to make sure I'm getting the facts." Batman said with a blank face.

"No, you want something else. I'm one of your super villains or whatever and you took me down. As expected I'm in custody of the police. But instead of one of savanna finest reading me my last rights, I'm talking to you. Which can only mean you want something so, What Do You Want?" Jacob asked.

With a loud bang Batman slammed the file onto the table before calmly sitting down and glaring at Jacob. "Let me make this clear, you are not in the custody of the police. You are being handled by the Justice League. Like we said in the alley we want to talk. We have a proposition for you, but we want to know a few things before we get to that. So tell us what we want to know, and you might get second chance at life."

Jacob just rolled his eyes and sighed. "Ok shoot."

"What's your take? How did you get your powers?" Batman asked.

"Last November, it was a school day. In between classes I get a call from my dad or so I thought. He was delivering a package and he wanted to hang out afterwards. It's usually my uncle that makes these calls, but it wasn't the strangest thing. So, I sneak out of school and I go to the historical district. When I find him, he chews me out for skipping school. Turns out he didn't call. I guess whoever called me sounds a lot like my dad. Anyway, he then gets a call about his current package and the caller is asking him to open it and he'll pay. Free money we thought. When he opened it, I saw a sphere the size of a basketball and then everything went black."

"The Ray Sphere?" Batman asked.

"Yea, I was out of it for a few days and when I woke up, low and behold I could shoot lightning.

"That's it?" Batman questions.

"You sound disappointed." Jacob asked

"I thought there would be more." Batman said.

"Oh there is, that's just the beginning."

After spending multiple hours talking Jacob finally finished.

"So here I am, a hobo conduit that can't use his powers unless he wants to spend the rest of his life in a hole." Jacob said.

"Astonishing. You've spent the last 5 months by yourself?" Wonder Woman asked. At some point of the story the Amazon came in and listened to his story.

"Yeah, I couldn't go to a shelter because people would learn I'm still alive. I know not everyone is out to get me, but I just couldn't take that chance." Jacob said.

"That's a horrible way to live." The Amazon said remorseful.

"Ehh it's the hand I've been dealt." Jacob dismissed.

"Now that we know a little about you we like to make a deal with you." Batman said.

"A deal?" Jacob questioned.

"Due to the justice league increased popularity we are constantly put on the global spotlight. thus, our ability to gather intelligence on our enemies is limited." Batman explained.

"So, you have an info problem? I'm the solution?" Jacob asked.

"Yes, you and a handful of other superheroes will be forming a covert team that will work for me on gathering intelligence of targets I require." Batman said.

Jacob furrowed his brow. "Umm sounds important and all but my superpowers don't exactly scream covert."

"We are aware of that and we have black canary who will train you and the others on hand to hand, so you have more than just your powers to take with you in a fight." Wonder Woman said.

"We will also provide you housing and a base of operations for the team. You will also be enrolled in a nearby school to continue your education." Said Batman.

That surprised Jacob. "Woah wait. I'm getting training, a place to live, a base, and an education? That's a serious investment especially if I'm not the only one."

"Then you better not disappoint should you accept." Batman interrupted.

Jacob slouched back into his chair and sighed. "Ok, no pressure." He muttered.

"Alright, count me in." Jacob announced.

"So quickly? You don't want time to think about it." Wonder Woman asked.

"What's to think about? I get a place to live, I get to use my powers again without fear of prison and I get to go back to school? If this isn't a second chance at life, then I don't know what is." Jacob said excitedly.

"Well we're glad to have you." Wonder Woman said.

"So? When do I meet the rest of the sidekicks?" Jacob asked enthusiastically.

"Excuse me?" Wonder Woman asked.

"The other sidekicks? I'm assuming they are on the rest of the team."

Wonder Woman and Batman shared a look. "What leads you to that conclusion?" Batman asked.

"Well I'm only 15 and you wanted me on the team so I'm assuming whoever else is in my age group and judging from seeing them on tv the other sidekicks are around my age." Jacob explained.

"Hmm" was all Batman said.

"You Also said bass of operations, considering you didn't say hall of justice, I'm guessing it's some other place you have. Another thing the sidekicks have been around for a while and you're just making this team. I'm gonna go on a limb and say the sidekicks got pissed off at you and went out on their own against your orders, and when you went to go punish them they basically told you to fuck off. So, in order for them not to get themselves killed your taking charge of this team." Jacob continued.

"Impressive" Wonder Woman muttered.

"That's more or less what happened." Batman said.

Batman then got up and walked around to Jacobs side of the table and removed his handcuffs.

"Hey, I have a question? What's this thing on my neck?" Jacob asked tugging on the collar.

"It's an inhibitor collar. It prevents you from using your powers." Wonder Woman said.

"Oh cool." Interesting. Jacob thought as he felt an electrical current crawl up his spine.

"You're also going to need an Alias to hide secret Identity." Batman explained as Jacob stood up.

"Volt." Jacob said. "I've been thinking of a superhero name since I got my powers."

"Well then Volt." Batman had a blank look as he grasped his hand with Jacobs. "Welcome to our world."

-Line break-

Jacob now Volt was keyed into the justice leagues systems allowing him access to the zeta-tubes and access to mount justice, the original base for the justice league before they moved to the hall.

After apologizing to Black Canary and Green Arrow for almost killing them he was granted a quick tour of the cave and was brief on its history.

"So aside from increased security, were basically hiding in plain sight?" Volt asked.

"Basically yeah. The bad guys would never guess that we moved back in, especially since we have no reason to leave our current base as of now." Green Arrow said.

"Wait if the point was to stay hidden then why trade the cave for the hall? Isn't it basically a tourist trap?" Volt asked.

"Well Um you see." Green arrow tried to say while canary glared at him.

"Y'all using it as front or something? That's what I'd do. With those zeta-tubes you could literally have a base anywhere like space." Volt said not noticing the short panicked looks on the duos faces.

"Well Jacob I believe that's all for today. Get some rest, you will meet the rest of the team Tomorrow." Black Canary said.

"Alright see ya. Sorry I almost killing y'all." Volt said.

"It's ok, you were scared." Black Canary said in a motherly tone.

"Besides you're the one that almost died." Green Arrow grinned.

Volt thought to himself before saying "True."

Memorizing where his new room was, Volt opened the door and threw his shirt off and collapsed on his soft bed. There is a god and I'm in heaven! Jacob thought before drifting to sleep completely forgetting to get under the covers.

The next morning Jacob was woken up sound of the zeta tubes. A few minutes later Martian Manhunter walked in.

"Ah Good morning Jacob, the others will be arriving shortly if you follow me I can introduce you to the others." The Martian said.

"Alright one sec" Jacob said grabbing a clean shirt off the desk. "Ready"

Walking to the down the hall they made their way to what was similar to a waiting room. There was a couple of chairs and a couch, there was also a waterfall in the back. Upon entering there was a green skinned girl with her hands behind her back in a shy manner.

"Ah M'gann, this is Jacob one of your new teammates." Manhunter said.

"Hi" she waves shyly.

"Jacob, this is my niece Miss Martian." The Martian said.

"Nice to meet you Miss M, I'm Volt but my friends call me volt." Jacob said reaching his hand out.

She smiled before shyly taking his hand and shaking it. "H-Hi Volt, I look forward to working with you."

"Please it's Jacob when we're not on mission." Jacob said.

"Ok Volt oh I'm mean Jacob." She said embarrassingly.

"We should get going the others are here." Martian Manhunter said.

The teens followed the leaguer to the mission room which was pack with other members of the justice league such as Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Black Canary and a few others. There were also four other teens in that were not in costume like Jacob.

The first was darker skinned and had a what looked like a blonde buzzcut. The boy next to him looked like the youngest, he had dark hair and sunglasses. Another boy had ginger hair and freckles. The last boy had the Superman logo and just looked pissed off to be here.

After Batman finished talking the youngest said. "Cool! Wait six?"

Batman stepped aside and gestured to us. "This is Miss Martian and Jacob MacGrath. They'll be your new teammates."

Jacob smiled and wave at the young heroes. "Hey" he greeted. M'gann waved as well but more shyly.

"Liking this gig more every minute." The ginger whispered with a grin to the kid with glasses.

"Welcome aboard. I'm Kid Flash. That's Robin, Aqualad. It's cool if you forget their names." The ginger said.

Miss Martian clapped her hands together. "I'm honored to be included." she said respectfully.

"Thanks for giving me this opportunity and letting me join." Jacob said but it was mainly directed at Batman.

The kid in the sunglasses was staring Jacob down before turning to the other kid. "Hey, Superboy. Come meet Jacob and Miss M.

After a Moment of thought he walked over.

Suddenly Miss Martians shirt morphed into a black t-shirt with a red X "I like your t-shirt." She says.

Suddenly Kid Flash was eying Jacob up and down and speeding around him. "Uh dude, what exactly can you do." He said almost rudely.

Aqualad elbowed KF "ow sorry, I was curious."

"Nah you're good. I'm not that known." Jacob said before his irises glowed blue and electricity flowed down his arms.

"Very impressive." Aqualad said.

"Dude that's awesome!" Kid Flash said excitedly

The kid with sunglasses stared down Jacob and his electricity. Oh right, junior detective. So much for first name basis.

Aqualad looked around before smiling. "Today is the day"

And done, wow I still can't believe it took me this long to upload this.

I'm going to leave this chapter up as chapter 14 for an hour or two then I'm going to delete chapter 1 and 2. If there is any Inconsistencies with this new chapter can y'all please let me know.

I should also mention I'm in college now. Yay. But I have to focus on school, so I can't put all my attention on this story. I'm not giving up, don't worry. I have plans all the way past season 2. I just can't guarantee when the next chapter will be.

Fun Fact Sulfur Hexafluoride is the opposite of helium. Helium is lighter than air while Sulfer Hexafluroide is heavier thus the deeper voice. The interesting fact is the gas cancels out all electrical currents. I learned that in my physics class in the last few weeks of school.

Other than that, tell me what you think of this chapter and if you have any ideas let me know by either writing a review or PM. Thanks.

Till next time everyone, peace.