Life's a bitch and I'm sorry I'm late, nuff said.

Mount Justice

September 23

With the power and light out many members of the justice league we hard at work repairing the damage to the cave. While was Volt nursing a painful Migraine Superboy stood next to him.

"Hey V you alright?" Superboy asked taking notice of the conduits pain.

"Not really. My head is killing me and I can't figure out how these new powers work." Volt said as smoke wrapped around his arms.

"You were working them just fine when the reds attacked." Robin pointed out.

"Yeah but now I can't get a handle on them." Volt said.

"Maybe your body needs time to adjust." Miss martian said trying to help. "The adrenaline run must of wore off."

"Makes since, although when ever I got a new power it wasn't hard to learn."

"Yeah well most of your 'new' powers were electricity based. This is fire, completely different." Kid Flash pointed out.

"Yeah well the sooner I get a handle on this the better. I'd kill for this headache to go away." Volt said has he rubbed his forehead.

A few minutes later Green arrow walked over and placed a bowl of pretzels in front of Wally.

"Thanks But no, thanks." Kid Flash said.

'Who are you and what have you done with Wally West?' Volt thought to ask.

"Yeah. What we want are answers about Red Tornado and his siblings." Robin exclaimed.

"Exactly!" Green arrow then moved to take the bowl.

"Leave the bowl." Kid Flash said before inhaling the pretzels. 'Oh Thank God' Volt sighed with relief.

Superboy growled then marched straight to batman and Aqualad.

"You knew?!" Superboy shouted suddenly before grabbing Aqualad. "That android and his maniac family nearly killed M'gann!"

"Whoa Connor calm down." Volt said spring into action.

"Connor, what are you doing?" Miss Martian asked shocked.

"Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing!" Superboy said getting in aqualads face.

"Connor get off him." Volt demanded as he got in between the two.

"He lied to us Jacob! We could of died!" Superboy argued.

"I don't give a damn, let him go." Volt said as flames emerged from his fingers.

"You knew?" Robin asked Aqualad shocked.

"But didn't tell us?" Kid flash asked equally shocked.

Aqualad tried to explain "I sought to protect the team from-"

"Protect us from what, knowledge that might have saved our lives?" Artemis interrupted.

"Artemis how the hell would fear of a knife in the back save our lives?" Volt argues.

"That knowledge could of helped us stop tornado." Artemis argued back.

"You almost died!" Connor justifies to m'gann.

"Enough." Batman said silencing everyone. "With Red Tornado missing, the team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors. Captain Marvel has volunteered to take the first shift."

"I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys." Captain marvel said with a smile.

Connor glared at kaldur. "After I dismantle Red Tornado, you and I are gonna-"

"Connor I said back the hell off!" Jacob said pushing Connor off the atlantean.

"Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League. That makes him a League will leave him to us." Batman said with finality. "I have another assignment for this team."

Batman pulled up the holo computer showing an article that Kid Flash read out.

"Gotham Mayor attacked by guerilla gorilla?" The speedster read with disbelief.

"Was this the only thing he could find to distract us?" Connor asked through the mindlink.

"Batman, please! Tell me you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase." Robin begged.

"I never joke about the mission. I've checked the sources. I've studied the patterns. Mayor hill's encounter is only the latest in a series of incidents.

Aqualad, you and your team will depart for India and check this out." Batman ordered.

"Hmph. Your team." Said Kid Flash sarcastically as he bumped his shoulder into Aqualad.

"Guys knock it off." Volt said getting annoyed.

"Volt you're not going." Batman ordered.

"What!? Why?" Volt asked confused.

The other members of the team were equally shocked.

"You are not control your new powers thus you put the rest of the team at risk." Batman said.

"That's complete bullshit!" Volt yelled. Sure learning to control fire was proving to be a challenge but every second his understanding of his ability power were growing.

"Furthermore, exposing the ray field energy to your lightning was idiotic. If you weren't careful you could of contaminated the entire cave with the ray field radiation and killed everyone on the team." Batman said with a little hostility.

Volt was speechless. He knew he was careful, it's why he was initially worried when he thought Red Tornado walked in. He didn't want to break containment. But for it to almost happen anyway. The conduit would be devastated if he got his friends killed.

As volt was getting lectured no else dared to speak on his behalf, they were still too angry at Aqualad and shocked that Jacob went behind their backs for power.

"I would never hurt my friends." Volt tried to argue.

"And yet you almost did today." Batman shot back. "You are not to leave the cave until you display complete control over your powers and confirm that another plague didn't start."

"What what about the team, they need me." Volt said while looking towards his friends for support.

"The team will would make do, without you." Batman said with finality.

When no one spoke up for him he frowned. "Fine" Jacob said marching away, lightning and smoke surrounded his arms while a bright flame was hidden in his clenched fist.

Getting benched for being a danger to the team was one thing but the fact that batman was right was another. It's been a few hours since the team left for there gurreila hunt and no word back so far. Jacob made use of that time by training with his new powers. He moved all over the base, from the mission room to the gym then to the hanger to the vents.

After traversing the cave Jacob began setting up targets to test his new attack capabilities. Turns out his smoke could temporarily hold an electric charge. He could make a smoke cloud like a grenade does but anyone in the cloud would get electrocuted while he remains unaffected. 'Wonder if I can get the others to build some sort of resistance so it won't hurt them.'

After exhausting every ounce of power he had and practically trashing the cave Jacob eventually collapsed on the floor in the mission room.

He let out a loud sigh "finally peace" Jacob said as he closed his eyes.

"Recognized Wonder Woman 03" the computer announced.


"Greetings Volt, are you well?" Wonder Woman asked as she approached him.

"I'm fine, you hear about what happen?" Volt asked.

"Yes, you got suspended after the reds attacked. I'm sorry I left so quickly, I had important matters to attend." Wonder Woman apologized.

"It's alright, you stuck around long enough." Volt said as he sat down on the steps.

"Why did you take the blast core? We specifically told you to leave it alone." Wonder Woman asked as Jacob pulled his mask down.

"I had to take it, I just had too." Volt tried to explain. Wonder Woman just narrowed her eyes, clearly not satisfied with his answer. "It's hard to explain, I could somehow-I don't know, feel its energy. It wanted to get out. I only felt that once before. I-I figured it's smaller, I'm good. Nothing bad would happen."

"You should of said something." Wonder Woman chastised.

"Be honest, would Batman ever let me get more powers? Regardless if it isn't dangerous to others or not?"

To that Wonder Woman didn't reply.

After a moment of silence Wonder Woman spoke up again. "You said you felt that power pulling you before. When?"

"Back in Empire, it wasn't a blast core. It was the Ray sphere." He said surprising the princess. "I held it once, just for a few seconds. I was helping Zeke pry it out of a piece of scrap before a Golem attacked. But I felt it. It was pulsing like something was trying to get out."

"You were tempted to use it." Diana stated.

"NO-no, I may have an interest in gain new powers but I never want to feel that thing again. It's not a bad but sometimes I can still hear them, the voi-" Jacob stopped himself.

"The what?" Wonder Woman asked worried.

"Nothing, it's nothing. Jacob said brushing away from the topic, the thought of the victims that were crushed or burned alive still hunting him.

"Well back to the here and now. How was getting set on fire?" Wonder Woman teased.

"Oh that sucked." Jacob said grateful to switch subjects. "Seriously Diana don't even get caught on fire. I'm never doing that again."

"Was it worth it?" Diana grinned.

Jacob looked at her then at the ground then back at her with a grin. "Oh hell yeah. Check this out." Jacob said getting up.

Electricity then surrounded his arms as he sent lightning between his hands. Jacob then raised his arms as if he was gonna call a lightning storm. But he then brought his arms down as he spun in a circle. Pushing his arms out he created a ionic vortex. A powerful tornado that electrocuted anything in its way.

This time however, Jacob created blue flames from his hands and sent a stream of fire to the vortex. The tornado caught the flames and looked as if it was now a fire tornado.

This display of power surprised Wonder Woman. Earlier today Jacob was in visible pain from his powers rejecting him but now the growing pains were gone and it looked like Jacob could do anything.

"Pretty cool right?" Jacob said excitedly.

"Most impressive." Diana smiled. Just then her communicator beeped. "She's ready."

"Who?" Jacob asked confused.

"Come, there is someone I want you to meet." Diana said getting up and flying to the zeta tubes.

"Ok" was all he said as he pulled his mask back up and started walking in his mentors direction. Before he got there he heard the computer make an announcement.

"Access granted. Wonder Girl B09 authorization Wonder Woman 03" it said.

'Wonder What? Who?" Jacob thought surprised before sprinting into the mission room.

Upon arriving saw the familiar flash of the zeta tube ending and he saw Diana with a girl who was looking around the cave in awe.

The girl in question had black hair and blue eyes, and was very beautiful. She wore a red bodysuit with a star on her chest. A gold belt and black boots that went up to her knees. She also wore finger-less gloves that went up to her forearm. On top of that she wore the signature bracelets all amazons wore. On her back was a sword that looked about the same length as his own but with a simpler design. She also had some kind of lasso hooked to her belt. All in all she was very beautiful and deadly.

"Volt meet Wonder Girl." Wonder Woman said with pride.

Wonder Girl just awkwardly waved at Volt, but there were clearly admiration in her eyes. "It's an honor to meet you Volt my sister has told me a lot about you." She said politely.

'Sister?' Deciding not to be rude volt pulled his mask down again and stepped forward.

He reached out his hand. "Jacob MacGrath, on missions I'm called Volt but in the meantime my friends call me Jacob."

Smiling Donna shook his hand. "I am Donna Troy and my friends call me Donna."

"So are you knew to the superhero thing? I've never heard of you." Jacob asked.

"Yes I only started a week ago. I've spend most of my childhood on Themyscira but Diana finally allowed me to come back see man's world for myself."

Jacob held his hands out. "This isn't the typical example of the Man's world, but welcome to my humble abode."

Donna giggled "Well what would you call normal?"

"I'm gonna have to get back to you on that." Jacob said.

"I'm glad to see you too getting along." Diana said placing her hands on their shoulders.

"I live in a cave, I'm not antisocial. Speaking of which why didn't you tell me about Donna?" Jacob asked.

"You didn't know I was coming?" Donna asked confused.

Jacob shook his head. "Why spoil the surprise?" Diana said and shrugged. "The look on your face was priceless."

"Wow….really?" Jacob said unimpressed.

Wonder Woman communicator beep again. "Jacob why don't you give Donna a tour of the cave? There is a matter that requires my attention."

"Sure, come on Donna." Jacob then spent several minutes showing Donna around the cave. He even gave her a brief history explaining why they use the hall of justice.

"So they went from a secret base to a tourist landmark? That's just stupid." Donna said.

"That's what I'm saying." Jacob agreed.

He then led her down a hallway which looked like a war zone.

"Sorry about the mess by the way, I was training and I got bored." Jacob said as Donna stepped over a training dummy with its face melted off.

"It's ok, where are the other members of the team? I trust there are more of you?" Donna asked.

"There on a mission right now, looking for a monkey or something." Jacob answered as they entered the kitchen. "This is the kitchen by the way. It's usually fully stocked but it's kinda difficult when KF finds my hiding places."

Donna looked confused. "KF? Hiding places?"

"Kid Flash, he has a high metabolism so he eats a lot. After he ate some of my snacks I started hiding some food, but if I'm not careful he'll find them." Jacob explained.

"Oh, that's annoying. Does bother you often?" Donna said.

"All the time and his relentless flirting attempt with M'gann are annoying , but it's all good. I couldn't have asked for a better friend." Jacob said.

"That's nice, I have a few friends like that with the amazons." Said Donna.

"Yeah, speaking of friends and team. Are you joining?" Jacob asked. While the team didn't exactly need any new members having a amazon would definitely give them a boost in the heavy hitter department. While Connor is more like a tank, Jacob was more or less a glass cannon. He could dish out an incredible amount of power, but he could easily be taken out of the fight.

"I will soon but not yet, Diana still has things she wants to teach me before I am allowed to commit myself to a team." Donna explained.

"That's too bad, you'd learn a lot from hanging out with us and I'm sure miss Martian and Artemis would love to have another girl on the team." Jacob said.

"Great Hera! You have the Goddess of the hunt within your ranks?" Donna said with wide eyes.

Jacob looked at her confused. "Goddess? Oh Artemis. That's just her name. She isn't the Greek Goddess."

"Oh, I didn't mean to presume." Donna said blushing.

"Don't worry about, hey how about a sparring match, Aside from training with Diana I barely get to use my sword." Jacob offered tugging on the sword on his back.

Donna smiles brightly at the idea. "Oh your on, Diana can oversee the match." she said.

"Before we go we should give Diana a little more time to finish her thing.

"Yeah that's a good idea." Donna said before walking ahead.

"Goddess huh" Jacob thought to himself before following the Amazon.

The two heroes continued to explore the cave waiting for there to finish what she was doing. In the meantime Jacob introduced Donna to sphere who appeared to be very happy to meet her. Although there conversations turned from idle chat to quick witted banter, one could mistake the two as siblings.

"You are about to face an amazon and you think you'll win? Please." Donna boasted.

"So? You haven't even been in the field yet? I've been kicking ass for almost a year now." Jacob bragged.

"You may have experience by I have three qualities you don't have." Donna said.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Jacob asked.

"Hmm lets see. I'm Older, Smarter, and Prettier than you." Donna said with a grin.

"Oh shut the fuck up." Jacob said.

"You forget, I've been training with the greatest warriors on the planet while you have done what? Zap a few crooks….your so screwed." Donna said.

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Come on, I'm gonna kick your ass." Jacob said heading to the mission room to find Wonder Woman.

Upon Arriving he saw Diana closing the holo computer. "Hey Diana mind playing ref for a little sparring match?"

"Of course." Wonder woman said.

Donna drew her sword from her hip while jacob removed his sling bag and unsheathed his sword from the bag.

"Diana your our mentor how badly do you want us to kill each other?" Jacob joked.

"You May bleed but try to keep it off the floor." Diana said.

Jacob sucked in a huge gasp of air. "Oh shit" he breathed out. Meanwhile Donna held a huge grin on her face.

"Oh what the hell." jacob said as he too held a grin. His eyes glowed blue and electricity ran down his sword.

The floor then lit up and a holo keyboard appear next to Wonder Woman.




"Let's go!" Shouted Kid lash. "Another successful mission! We are the best!"

The team was in the bio-ship and had just said farewell to Captain Marvel. They had finished the mission and were heading back to mount justice.

"Yeah when we're not trying to kill each other." Artemis commented.

"Yeah sorry about that Kaldur." Robin said.

"It is alright, it is in the past." Aqualad.

Miss Martian said in silence.

"M'gann are you OK?" Connor asked, worried about his girlfriend.

The rest turned to her now noticing her silence. "I'm worried about Volt, he seemed like his new powers were causing him pain, and he seemed pretty upset about getting taken off the mission."

"Well anyone of us would be pretty pissed off if we got benched. Robin said.

"Speaking of his powers, how'd he get them? He never had fire before." Conner asked.

"Didn't you hear he stole the blast core we got from that Amazo Android."

"Blast core?" Artemis asked confused.

"A blast core is concentrated ray field energy, which is the same stuff that gave Jacob his powers." Aqualad explained.

"I've been looking into it, it's pretty powerful stuff." Robin said as he typed away on his Holo-computer. "I've also been looking into footage from when Jacob activated the blast core. He looked like he was in a trance, he didn't care about anything."

"What if he was?" Artemis suggested. "When ever we would walk past the med lab he would seem distracted."

"It would make sense, his powers being drawn to the same energy that gave him power." Aqualad said.

"Well whatever happened, I'm sure Jacob's fine. He's like a tank right?"

-Line break-

-Two hours later-

"Oh my god." Wally said in shock. Half of Mount Justice was trashed. Aside from burned training dummies, most of the hallways had multiple scorch marks and what look to me missed lightning strikes. What was the main cause of concern was the was a pool of blood in the mission room that look relatively fresh.

"Spread out. Find Volt." Aqualad ordered. The team then all split and ran in different direction.

"He's not in his room." Artemis said.

"The kitchen is clear." Kid Flash reported.

"No sign of Volt in the hanger." Superboy said.

"Understood I'm checking the infirmary now." Aqualad said.

When Aqualad walked into the med lab he heard a loud metal clang, he immediately drew his water bearer.

Turning the corner he saw Jacob shirtless while trying to bandage his stomach.

"Ow shit." Jacob said as tightened the bandage. "Oh hi." He said noticing Aqualad.

"Jacob are you alright?" Kaldur asked rushing towards him.

"Yeah ah, mind helping me with this?" Jacob asked as he struggled to pull the bandaged. His blood soaked fingers causing his hand to slip.

Kaldur immediately grabbed the cloth and aided his friend, with Jacob letting out quiet hisses as Kaldur pulled on the bandage. "How did this happen? Were you attacked?" He asked.

"No sparring my partner did this. The match got a little dramatic." Jacob said.

Kaldur raised his eyebrows at that. "Does that usually happen?"

"With swords? Oh yeah, but man you should of seen it. I got my ass kicked. I got a few good hits in, but damn if I didn't have any healing powers I'd be dead."

"It's good that you weren't." Kaldur said. "Team I found Jacob, he's fine. The blood is from a sparring match."

"Thank God." Artemis said. "Well I'm going home, I'm tired and I have school tomorrow."

"Same, I'll see you guys later." Robin said.

"Oh yeah speaking of the person who laid me out, we may have a new member soon." Jacob said with a bit of a hiss.

"A new member? Who?" Kaldur asked as he finished.

"Wonder girl. Apparently Wonder Woman had another protégé, we didn't know about." Jacob said as he put on his shirt.

"Another protégé." Aqualad exclaimed shocked. "Why keep that a secret, least of all to you."

"Your telling me, after that shit that happened this morning when I saw her I thought I was getting replaced." Jacob as he grabbed some 2A batteries from his jacket and seamlessly crushed them with short spark coming from his hand. "She may be a bit green, but holy shit she can definitely hold her own."

"That's good to hear but you sound as if she is not going to join." Aqualad pointed.

"Yeah I'm not sure, Wonder Woman still wants to show her the ropes a bit before she does anything covert with us." Jacob explained as he picked up his sword, the blade had some blood on it but Jacob quickly wiped away.

"Understandable, where is she by the way? I'm sure the team would love to meet her."

"After the sparring match we patched up our wounds and called it a day. We were tired and Wonder Woman wanted Wonder Girl to meet the others when we weren't all tired." Jacob explained.

"If they left why are you still in the med lab?" Aqualad asked.

"Oh that? I tripped and the wound reopened when I fell." Jacob shrugged.

"Hmm, well tell Wonder Girl she is welcomed to the team." Aqualad said.

"Great, next time I see her I'll let her know. By the way how'd the mission go? Rocky I bet." Jacob asked.

"It was difficult at first, the animals of the forest were under the control of The Brain and Captain Marvel was captured. Fortunately we were able to rescue him, but the brain escaped." Kaldur reported.

"That's unfortunate, the team didn't give you any friction or anything?" Jacob asked.

"I was hoping you would bring that up, your assumptions are correct, the team fought against my commands until I reasserted control. But before the mission began I noticed you defended me and my decisions and you didn't seem surprised when superboy revealed the information about the mole. Why?" Aqualad asked before crossing his arms.

Jacob rubbed the back of his neck and coughed into his hand nervously. "Wow straight to point? Ok. Uhh two reasons, first keeping that info a secret so you wouldn't expose yourself is exactly what I would have done. So getting pissy with you about that would have been hypocritical of me."

Kaldur nodded at his answer silently grateful his teammate supported his decision and admitted he would of done the same. "And the other reason?"

"Yeah that, I kinda overheard you talking to Red Tornado about the mole. That why I wasn't surprised when it was brought up again. I didn't know what to do so I kinda snuck off when I saw the chance." Jacob said a bit nervously. "I was gonna come talk to you about it but the Reds attacked and all that other shit happened."

Kaldur was silent in thought for a second before speaking. "I'm grateful you told me this Jacob, I know this must of been difficult. But next time confront me directly, understand?"


"Then there is nothing to say on the matter." Kaldur smiled. "Oh how are you with your new powers?" He asked.

Jacob held up his hand with fire coming from it, with smoke circling his wrist. "The bad guys are gonna be in a bit of trouble." He said. "I'm pretty sure the growing pains are gone too."

"That is good to hear Jacob, let's call it a day and gets some rest." Aqualad said as he patted his shoulder.

Jacob let out a loud yawn. "Agreed, see you tomorrow man." He said as he made his way to his room. On the way he saw Miss Martian and Superboy petting a giant wolf.

They both noticed Jacob and before they could say anything Jacob walked away. "I don't wanna know."

Upon arriving to his room Jacob fell face first into his bed and passed out.

Donna motherfucking Troy. She is now in the story. I left a clue a few chapters ago, I'm surprised no one pointed it out. Whatever. If you want to know what she looks like check out this link (agentxtremis/art/Young-Justice-Troia-Donna-Troy-Costume-Redesign-712758360) If it doesn't work go to Deviantart and search AgentXtremis. The dude is awesome he drew concept art the for Jacob, it's the same art I have placed on the cover. He has two drawing of Donna to which both are awesome On to announcements, I'm gonna write a chapter 2 and rewrite chapter 3. I rewrote chapter 1 (go check it out it's much better than the original) and it kinda caused some problems with the story.

Anyway tell me what you think of this chapter and if y'all have any ideas shot me a PM. Happy New Years everyone.