Disclaimer: I do not own How to Train Your Dragon.

Author's Note: Welcome to Scars! Hope enjoy! Also none of my stories are canon to each other unless I mention it is so "Scars" is not canon to "Island of Youth"

Time Period: Race to Edge after the season finale assuming all is well dandy.

The Riders relaxed on the Edge after they cleaned up after the huge volcano incident as Snotlout said as he leaned on Hookfang, "Whew! Finally! We can take a break!"

The other Riders nodded in agreement before Fishlegs realized something and asked, "Hiccup? How did you stay so calm through this?"

Hiccup looked at Fishlegs confused as he asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean through the entire Project Shellfire and volcano erupting you kept calm. How do you do that?" asked Fishlegs. "I would like to know, so maybe I can calm down a bit."

Before Hiccup could answer Tuffnut and Ruffnut laughed as Tuffnut answered, "Poor poor Fishlegs, don't you know anything about our dear Hiccup? He isn't afraid of anything."

Hiccup shocked at the answer then tried to add, "Now that's not true, exactly-"

"Really? Do you know anyone else that could stare down the Red Death? Alvin? Dagur? Or even the Screaming Death with no fear? I think not," interuppted Tuffnut.

Ruffnut nodded as she added, "Plus, who else could get kidnapped, nearly killed, nearly drown…"

"Don't forget being struck by lightning!" added Tuffnut happily.

"Right. Being struck by lightning. I mean we wouldn't but we're scared of something," finished Ruffnut. "Like I'm scared sometimes and Tuffnut is afraid of the dark. Snotlout hates being frozen as shown with the Speed Stingers or failing his dad..."

"Am not!"

Ruffnut ignored him as she continued, "Fishlegs is scared of a lot of things..."

Fishlegs shrugged. He knew it was useless to argue.

"And Astrid is scared of you getting hurt. But you Hiccup Haddock are scared of nothing!" finished Ruffnut as Tuffnut nodded in agreement.

"I'm not fearless. I'm scared when any of you get hurt," argued Hiccup as he's shocked at their statement that he's not scared of anything. "Plus, Astrid is more brave than I am any day."

Astrid smiled at the comment before she asked, "Well, how about this. You're the only person not scared by a dragon at one point. I admit I was scared when I faced the Flightmare after he paralyzed me."

The other Riders nodded in agreement before Hiccup sighed in exasperation, but before he could argue anymore the Terror flew in and passed Hiccup a message which he read aloud, "'Dear Hiccup and the other Riders. We need your help on Berk. There's a dragon terrorizing the village. Signed, Gobber.' Hmm odd why would a dragon terrorize Berk?"

"I don't know. We better check it out," said Astrid as she whistled for Stormfly to come as did the other Riders for their dragons.

The Riders flew all the way to Berk as they landed and saw no villagers outside. Hiccup raised an eyebrow as they headed to the forge as he went in and called out, "Gobber! You in here?"

The Riders stood around the forge as they listened for movement they all jumped when weapons fell to the ground as Gobber came out and said, "Oh good. You got the Terror Mail."

"Gobber what's going on? Where is everybody?" asked Hiccup concerned at how big the dragon problem was.

"Everybody is inside hidin'. The dragon has been terrorizin' us for a week!" explained Gobber as he looked at the sky to make sure the dragon was nowhere in sight.

"Where's my Dad? Wouldn't he be here?" asked Hiccup a little nervous at how the village handled this problem.

"He's at a Chief's Meeting won't be here til a couple more days," answered Gobber as he petted Grump who slept through this conversation.

"So, what kind of dragon are we dealing with? Speed Stinger? Changewing? Whispering Death?" asked Fishlegs as he thought about past dragons that they had a problem with.

Gobber fiddled with his hook with eyes staring at the ground as he whispered, "I'm not sure what it's called we haven't seen one in eighteen years."

"Eighteen years? Hmm it could think we haven't made peace with dragons yet," suggested Hiccup as he thought about it.

"So you think it's trying raid us," asked Astrid for clarification.

"Perhaps," replied Hiccup before he turned to Gobber. "When does this dragon show up?"

"Right as soon as the sun sets," answered Gobber as he pointed to the horizon. The sun still hadn't set yet. They still had time.

"Alright, tonight we're going to see what dragon this is and maybe we can figure out why it's here," suggested Hiccup as he and other Riders began to plan.

Gobber looked at the group before he focused on Hiccup, or more precisely the scar on his chin as he whispered, "I hope you can. Don't want another person taken."

The sun had set as the Riders waited around the village for the dragon to appear. Astrid looked through the windows and noticed how mothers hugged their children tightly as her brow furrowed in confusion as she asked to Hiccup, "Hey, have you how everyone seems more freaked out about this dragon than usual?"

Hiccup looked around as he whispered back, "Yeah, it's weird. They're vikings. What makes this dragon so much more scary than say a Flightmare?"

Astrid shrugged before they heard an owl like screech filled the night sky. Hiccup gave her a quick peck on the cheek as he whispered, "It's here. I'll go see if I can find out why it's been bothering Berk."

Astrid nodded as she looked at the other Riders as they nodded as they heard the screech as well. Hiccup walked to the center of the village as he turned and saw the dragon as Fishlegs whispered in awe, "It's a Stormcutter!"

Hiccup stared at the dragon as his breathing went quick along with his heartbeat. This dragon. He's seen it before. Those x-shaped wings. The spines on it's head. The three-finned tail. He's seen this dragon before. Soon enough all he saw was fire and heard voices from long ago.

"Valka! Run!"

"No! Don't!"

"Hold on!"

"No! Don't! AH! Stoick!"




Hiccup stood frozen. Why did his chin sting all of sudden? What was that? Why couldn't he move?

The Riders waited for Hiccup to give a signal to say friend or foe… but he didn't he just stood there. Frozen. Astrid then shouted, "Hiccup! What's going!"

No reply.

The Stormcutter heard her as it went for Hiccup. He still hadn't moved… it seemed he didn't even hear her. Astrid then yelled in worry as she rushed to him, "HICCUP!"

A.N: Yep, cliffhanger. Hope you guys enjoy this first chapter of Scars!