I died, I freaking died.

I Brad Huntington, of San Fransisco, California, Son of Nike Goddess of Victory, died. My mother probably hates me. I mean, I wouldn't know, I'm dead.

I've heard stories about the Underworld, mainly how Annabeth and Nico come down here once a month to play with Cerberus.

I'm not scared of Hades, at this point, I'm scared of where I'll end up.

Fields of Punishment: I pretty much tortured Annabeth and Percy for senior year, and some of last summer.

Fields of Asphodel: I kinda just existed, never saved the world, well really, never got the chance to save the world.

Elysium: I am a demigod, and don't, like, all demigods end up in Elysium. I killed an emposai that tried to attack Mary when she was not looking. Does that count as being a hero?

Right this minute, I was standing in line waiting for the judges to decide where to put me. I wonder if anyone found out about my death. I wonder what they thought. I wonder if anyone is dreading having to tell Mary. I wonder if Mary knows. I wonder what it would feel like to have my own body back. I wonder if someone has informed my father. I wonder what he said. I wonder where they will hold my funeral, who will attended, who will cry. Will it be an opened body funeral? Will my mother care that her son is gone? Will Nico visit me like he said he has done for the others? If I get to Elysium, will I get to meet Silena, and Beckendorf, Luke, Zoe, Micheal, Lee? I wonder if I will recognize someone.

"Brad Huntington, Son of Nike," A loud voice boomed my name, the ground underneath me shook, which I shouldn't be able to feel. I'm a ghost.

It was my turn. I was about to find out where I would spend the rest of eternity. Where I would wander, waiting for Mary, hoping I have to wait at least 60-70 years.

The room I walk into is big. The ceiling doesn't seem to exist, and the room doesn't look 'Underword-y'. It kinda looks like a regular court room. Except no jury, and five judges. The floor was a glossy wood, so were the walls and the podium. The 'judges'-as one might call them-were twelve feet standing. They were intimidating, and I would of been scared. If I didn't recognize all of them.

"Ah, yes, son of Nike, feisty ones, aren't they?" A man I remembered from my history textbook said.

"Oh, shut up, William, he can hear you, and we are here for a decision, not here to judge him" A man with a familiar powdered wig stated, waving around his hands as he spoke.

"Okay, now, you need to shut it, George, judging is exactly what we are here for." A woman with way to much powder on her face spoke up, she had an intensely ancient British accent.

"Listen, Victoria, you just need to loosen up a bit, you know, shake the hip, pop the pelvis, get a little groovy." This man had a full body jumper v-neck thing, with a white base and silver studs, the pants part flared at the bottom and his face was plastered with the all-to-iconic smirk. He waved finger guns at the bewildered woman.

"I do not need to loosen up any bit, you are a poor mistake for a man, treat a lady with no respect." The woman 'Victoria' huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. She wore a very large dress that was so obviously adorned with a hidden hoop skirt. Her hair was place perfectly on the top center of her head.

"Hey, he's got a point, Vic, you act all uptight all the time, it gets exhausting." This was the fifth one. This boy, I did not recognize. He had upturnt features, resembling a son of Hermes. His blue eyes matched with his messy blonde hair. He looked around 17 years old, no older than I am, but he could of had died millennia ago. The only thing that throws off his perfect features was the long scar running down his face. I wondered how he got that.

The entire room was filled with the five voices bickering with each other.

'William' finally ended the argues with: "SILENCE, we have a death to attend to, lets just get on with this, and continue our disagreements later."

"When is later? Cause last time I checked we don't get a break, the living don't stop dying so we can eat lunch and have a heated discussion." Mr. Scar Face, that is what I will refer to him as until I learn his name, said.

William, completely ignoring the comment, went on to start the introductions. "My name is William Shakespeare, I have been dead for 401 years."

With a sigh, the woman continued. "My name is Queen Alexandria Victoria, Daughter of Aphrodite, Former Queen of the Untied Kingdom, and I have been dead for 116 years."

"My name is George Washington, Son of Athena, First President of America, and I have been dead for 218 years"

"My name is Elvis Presley, Son of Apollo, yes I dyed my hair, yes my eyes are a natural shade of brown, Former, and current," He shot me a wink," King of Rock, and I have been dead for 40 years."

"My name is Luke Callestan, Son of Hermes, Former Counselor of the Hermes Cabin, Former body of the Titan Lord, Kronos," His voice darkened and filled with regret, "I have been dead for 2 years."


"Did Queen Victoria really just call me a 'newbie'?" He muttered under his breath.

"Hey, I need a formal introduction!" William whined, "My name is William Shakespeare-"

"-we already established this-" Guess who that was, The King of Rock himself.

"Legacy of Athena, Son of Apollo-"

"-how does that even work?-"

"My grandmother was Athena, meaning my mother was a daughter of Athena, and my father was Apollo, but I guess I got his worded side, instead of the needles and guitars."

"Do you even know how to hold a guitar?" Luke asked.

"No" Will-I'm just gonna call him Will-tilted his head down in shame.

"Have you ever tried?"

"I think I'll stick to words."

"Why am I the only woman here? Hades is a sexiest pig. I demanded another woman in here" Victoria shouted.

"Calm down, Vic," Luke put a hand on her forearm, but she pulled it away quickly, "I mean, I'll gladly send your sister Silena down here-"

"-no, please, that girl is crazy. She tried to make me 'work on my tan'. Does she not understand why I wear my powder?"

"Yes, and it is for sexist reasons stating that because you are a woman you should stay indoors and creating your skin to have a paler look. Meaning that the male should have the darker complexion which proves that the woman relies only on the man for everything, which also proves that the woman doesn't do anything, but-"

"-I understand now, boy, you can stop with your philosophy. I shall work on my tan on the 'morrow. That'll show the bloody men." She rubbed her hands together and glared at the ground as if trying to think of all the ways to kill the 'bloody men'.

"Should I grow a mustache?" Elvis was staring at his reflection in a hand held mirror.

"Well, you have all of eternity, so it doesn't really matter whether you start it now or in 800 years, it will still look the same." Luke glanced over at him.

"-I am one of the most famous poets and authors-"

"Are you still doing that?"

"Why, yes. I never got to finish my introduction, after being so rudely interrupted." Will patted his pocket and took out his spectacles. "George, you've been awfully quiet."

Everyone glanced over to George.

"Oh my, we've lost him again. Look at this Fates, this MAN has fallen asleep on the job, you should fire him and hire a woman." Victoria shouted to the sky.

"Oh shut up, George always falls asleep." Elvis smoothed his hair before placing it in his pocket.

"My, George is such a character. He is very.. intrigued by mortal topics." William started

"Curious is the word you are looking for." Victoria added.

"Yeah." Luke tried to stifle his laughter. "Curious George." At that point he lost it, and I couldn't help myself to also.

"Ugh, boys, you remind me of monkeys, all of you, Elvis the monkey, William the monkey, Luke the monkey, Curious George the monkey." Victoria pointed to each one as she spoke.

Luke and I both erupted into laughter, the first joke I hear in the Underworld and its about a kids tv show.

"Oh, my, I almost forgot we have a job to do." William looked frantically around searching for the glasses that were on his forehead.

"Will" Elvis said in between bites in a sandwich. Don't ask me where he got the sandwich from.

"Yes." Will look at Elvis innocently as Elvis used the non-sandwiched hand to slide Wills glasses over his eyes.

"Much better." Will said blinking a few times. Luke rolled his eyes.

"Alright, mortal boy, lets see what you've done." Victoria eyed me suspiciously while she picked up my file, it was a small file, disappointing.

"I'm not a mortal" I spoke up.


"Son of Nike."

"Ah yes, Son of Nike, feisty ones, aren't they."

"We are not doing this again." Luke gripped the file from Victorias hands, she scoffed but didn't say anything.

"Alright Brad, we normally go over all the life goals, but the spelling bee you lost in third grade doesn't determine whether you go to Elysium or not.-"

"You lost a spelling bee?" She scoffed. "Men."

"Vic. When did you change?" Elvis eyed her suspiciously.

She now had a shirt over her dress, it was black with white block word saying 'MEN SUCK'. She also was waving around a flag that looked the same, but was sporting the word 'FEMINISM' on it.

"Oh, this? I never noticed." She said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Elvis mumbled.

"Anyway, it looks here that you saved the life of Mary-"

"WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES-" George shot up from his sleep and started screaming the Preamble. Victoria slapped his upside the head with her feminism flag.

"George, be civilized, we are decided the Fate of this mortal-"

"Son of Nike." I interjected.

"Ah yes." George started. "What we need is a good civilization.-"

"ANYWAY," Luke screamed, grabbing the attention of everyone. "I don't trust these guys with your fate, but you saved a life, you're going Elysium"

Music to my ears.



"-you need to understand what you did to Annabeth was wrong, very, very wrong."


"QUEIT DOWN YOUR FEMINISM IM TRYING TO SLEEP." George yelled slamming his face down on the podium, signaling his rest.

"Calm down, Vic, he just kissed her-"


"I shouldn't of said that"

"THAT IS THE EQUIVALENCE OF RAPE, YOU HAD NO PERMISSION. NONE. I HOPE YOU FALL OUT OF THE BOAT, RIGHT INTO THE RIVER STYX BEFORE YOU REACH ELYISUM. GAH. BLASTED MEN. I'm getting lunch." She stormed out of a door behind Luke's seat I didn't see. You could hear her heels on the wood and her stretched profanities fade away the farther she got.

The room grew deathly silent. With Elvis eating another sandwich, Will was cleaning his glasses, George was sleeping, and Luke was-.

"Let me take you to the boat." I nearly jumped out of my socks. He had come back to normal height and was standing next to me with a pleasant smile.

I felt like screaming.


But first, I had to ride a very uncomfortable boat ride with a guy in a robe over-what Luke told me, and Victoria hinted as- the River Styx. To fall in is like asking for death. Unless you jump, then you are taunting death. Or Death. Thanatos, I mean. Then you'd be risking your life for skin of steel. The Achilles Heel.

I'm dead so that won't be needed anytime soon.

I heard Percy once jumped into the Styx, and had gotten the Curse of Achilles.

Although, he still won't tell anyone his Heel, only Annabeth knows. Which is strange because I heard he got rid of the Curse once he crossed the Little Tiber.

In New Rome.

New Rome.



I suddenly realized all I'd be missing. I'm dead

I'm dead.

I'm freaking dead.

I already said that.

My head got dizzy and I had to grab the side of the boat to stop myself from falling in.

Is this the Curse of Victoria? Is she making me feel this way so I fall in? The water won't kill me, because it can't, but it'll hurt like hell. Who am I kidding I'm already in hell.

"The idea of Death is making you dizzy isn't it?" The guys robe covered most of his face so he couldn't make eye contact. I didn't want to. He was obviously hiding his face for a reason. I can live without seeing his face. But I'm already dead so...

"Just don't throw up in my boat, we've only got so long to go, son of Nike."

At least when he calls me that it isn't followed by a scoff and a mumbled something about 'bloody men'.

It was at this time when I realized I had just met Elvis Presley, Queen Victoria, William Shakespeare, and George Washington-given he was sleeping half the time.

But most importantly-I met Luke Callestan. When I first heard of him, I wasn't sure I like him, I wasn't sure I saw him as a hero the same way everyone else did. Then Mary came in to save the day.

"You know, you kind of remind me of Luke." She said.

"In what way?" I replied.

"You both are good people with good intentions, you just don't act on these goals the correct way, you make mistakes, but overtime you realize what you have done, it seems like it's to late, but it wasn't to late for Luke to be the hero and it isn't to late for you." She said putting her hair in a ponytail.

She encouraged me to apologize to Annabeth and Percy and the Stolls-for getting them nearly killed by Annabeth- and Chiron and the whole camp pretty much.

The Stoll brothers became some close friends, I helped with some pranks. My cabin mates started acting like actual brothers and sisters. They acted like that with each other, leaving me out of the picture, but not anymore.

I got my first camp necklace with a bead, it was an innocent fire pit. The symbol for peace in the camp. No major quests, no great prophecies. No deaths. Peace. Final peace. Ending with my death.

I was really hoping to find out who killed me. For all I know it could of been an insane mortal looking for blood. Or a monster looking for demigod blood.

"We're here, enjoy your stay, you'll be here for eternity." He hit me in the back with the paddle urging me to get off his boat.

The white grand gates of Elysium opened up to a pretty girl with long black hair, I recognized her as Silena. She waved me in with a smile on her face.

"Welcome to Elysium."


A/N/ ITS OVER. I hoped you enjoyed that chapter it was so much fun to write. I really hope it didn't offend anyone with the feminism jokes. I just thought it could work with the character. This is the longest chapter. And I can't believe we've come so far. Holy cannoli. I will update once more to let you all know when my next story comes out. But that's all for Brad Huntington. I reread my earlier chapters and all i have to say is CRINGY ewww my writing sucked so bad, I think I improved hopefully. Ahhh last sign off

Fare well my fellow demigods

I know that was bad just go with it.