I own nothing.

I've gotten a lot of complaints about my last battle about the Slayer and Flynn Taggart being different people. Death Battle has mixed up canon material before, so I decided to do the same here. I put a lot of work into it, I am not rewriting it. If you don't like the chapter, just skip it.

Chapter 17: Cat Fight! Felica vs Taokaka

"And that is how you could all kill Batman in round 1 and what Batman would use against you if you fought him in round 2," Isom finished as the episode.

Zoro said, "Huh…you know, now that I think about it. Isom has a point. If he doens' tknow anything about our powers or weaknesses, would beat him pretty easy."

Robin said, "True. But he idea of him coming at us in a sea prism stone lined batsuit and with weapons is a bit scary, especially if he combined it with learning about haki."

The conversation stopped when they turned towards the show as they heard the familiar music.

"Cat fight! Whoohoo!" Boomstick yelled happily, "Here's hoping we don't make any bro code violations."

Wiz said, "Considering that we're posting this on the internet, we won't be. And the phrase is now ironic given our contestants for tonight. Felicia the singing darkstalker."

"Whoa! What a beautiful feline!" Sanji yelled, as his eyes turned to hearts and blood dripped from his nose.

Everyone was slightly caught of guard when they saw the woman who was fighting was mostly naked with only some bits of fur to cover her modesty.

This brought some bloody noses from the more perverted members of the crew. The female members looked a little bit annoyed but couldn't argue as they had worn some skimpy outfits before. The more idiotic members, Luffy, just cocked his head to the side.

Boomstick said, "And Taokaka the kitty themed vigilante."

"What's up with her face?" Zoro asked, confused slightly at the shadowy face.

Chopper said, "It looks kind of scary."

Wiz said, "For this battle were pitting these two feline femme fatales against one another. I'm

Wizard, that's Boomstick, and it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to figure out who would win a death battle."

The doors close and reopened.

Wiz said, "Boomstick, did you have any fears of monsters when you were a child?"

Boomstick said, "Yeah, there was always this weird noise in the trailer park, and I always thought it was something coming to eat me. I later learned that it was just my neighbor Bubba J stumbling around like the drunken idiot he was."

Wiz said, "Well, then be glad that the darkstalker universe isn't our own. In this world, humans share the world with monstrous beasts known as darkstalkers, creatures of the night. Including vampires, aliens, big foot, werewolves and even cat people."

Boomstick said, "Of course we're talking about our first contestant Felicia. So, what's the tragic backstory here?"

"If she has a tragic backstory does that mean she's a hero?" Chopper asked.

Nami said, "Probably. Of course, almost all of us have a tragic backstory and we aren't exactly heroes."

Robin rubbed her chin and said, "Though, I do think that we are more along the lines of vigilantes now that I think about it."

Franky blinked and said, "Huh…good point. We tend to fight bad guys and go against the government…can we get charged with vigilantism as pirates?"


Race: Catwoman

Born: 1967

Height: 5'6''

Weight: 128 lbs.

For some reason is always shipped with a werewolf.

Opened an orphanage

Wiz said, "Actually, other than being an orphan it isn't that tragic. She was taken in and raised by a kind nun named Rose. Living in the orphanage for all of her life, she left the orphanage when Rose died, hoping to become a singer."

Boomstick said, "Yeah, I think she'd be pretty popular…I mean just look at that…"

Wiz yelled, "Boomstick…she is a still a cat. So, don't let your mind wander."

Chopper innocently asked, "What is he talking about?"

Robin, not wanting to think about this, simply said, "When you're older."

The gun lover rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah sure, whatever. Anyway, the whole singer thing would be a bit more difficult than she though. You see a lot of people weren't that fond of Darkstalkers…I mean when things have a history of killing humans, I'd probably want to fuck them up too."

Wiz said, "Not to mention, many darkstalkers didn't want to interact with humans, mainly seeing them as food. This means that Felicia is going to wind up doing double duty fighting not only panicky humans, darkhunters, people who specifically hunt darkstalkers, and even her own fellow monsters!"

Chopper thought, 'Wow. I wish I'd known someone like this back on Drum Island when I was first coming out.'

Boomstick said, "Thankfully, she's got the powers necessary to do so."

Zoro said, "Okay, let's see what this little kitty can do."

Usopp thought, 'I wonder if she is going to have any powers like Kuro's abilities.'


Sharp Claws

Cat-like Agility (duh)

Super Strength


Cat Form

Wiz said, "As a Catwoman, Felicia has impressive strength, though not up there with some of her more powerful darkstalker brethren. She also possesses impressive agility, easily one of the more agile of the darkstalkers, capable of dodging around all kinds of attacks and getting in close with her personal weapons."

Boomstick said, "Those huge ass paws and claws of hers. Those claws are sharp and with her strength she can unleash a lot of damage, and her tail is strong enough to lift herself. And if she is swarmed, she can either create duplicates to confuse them, or turn into a little kitty cat to get away."

Wiz said, "Felicia makes use of all these in her particular fighting style, mainly using her agility to get around attacks by clinging to walls or even balancing on her opponent's head, and lashing out with her claws to do real damage, mixing in powerful kicks."

Nami said, "It sounds like a reverse devil fruit with her."

Usopp said, "Given cats are naturally agile, I think this suits her. Though, from the looks of things. I don't see her being able to do a lot of damage to someone like Rob Lucci. Especially, in terms of speed."

Luffy said, "Yeah, she seems pretty weak compared to us. I was half expecting her to be able to slice through steel or something."

Move set

Rolling Buckler

Rolling Uppercut

Rolling Scratch

Delta Kick

Cat Spike

Hell Cat

Toy Touch

Sand Splash

Dancing Flash

Boomstick said, "She also appears to be a Sonic fan as he main moves all seem to include rolling towards her enemy in a ball for the Rolling Buckler, Uppercut, and Scratch attacks."

Wiz said, "If she can't use her claws she can launch herself at them with her Delta Kick or Cat Spike, or turn them into a scratching post with the Hell Cat maneuver, launch them with the Toy Touch throw, or just launch sand at them with the apply named Sand Splash."

Isom said, "That must be nice. She never runs out of kitty litter."

Brook said, "Boo, you stink."

The traveler said, "oh what would you know, you don't even have a nose bonehead."

Brook grumbled something as he hung his head.

Boomstick said, "But when she wants to, she can unleash a powerful attack called the Dancing Flash, where she charges herself up with the magical energy that all Darkstalkers use and unleash a barrage of brutal punches."

Wiz said, "She also has the ability to call some of her fellow catwomen to help her, but that would be considered outside help."


Fought Demitri Maximoff, Morrigan Aensland, and Huitzil

Threw Huitzil

Dodged all kinds of magical attacks

Survived electrocution, flamethrower, and a train wreck

Wiz said, "Felicia is one tough woman. She gone up against power houses like Demitri Maximoff, Morrigan Aensland, and several others."

Boomstick said, "She's strong enough to throw Huitzil, who weights over two tons. She dodged all kinds of attacks and magic, survived being electrocuted by a bunch of Huitzil, and even a train wreck."

Zoro said, "She must be pretty tough to be able to survive all that. Though, to be honest a lot of us could survive that too."

Nami said, "True."

Wiz said, "That being said, she may be tough, but Felicia does have her limits. Her body isn't built as sturdy as the more powerful darkstalkers and taking too much damage can revert her into a kitty form."

Boomstick said, "Plus, she's part cat so her instincts can be used against her like, catnip, crinkly paper…and yarn."

Wiz rolled his eyes in annoyance and said, "Either way, if you rub this kitty the wrong way, prepare to wind up a scratching post."

"My claws have been growing so quickly lately... Let me use your body as a scratching post, okay?"

The doors closed and reopened.

Sanji, who had been staring with a bloody nose and heart-shaped eyes, finally went back to normal.

Wiz said, "In the world of Blazblue, the humans share the world with demi-humans. These beast-like humans were made by science during the Black War to defeat the monstrous Black Beast, which threatened the entire world."

Boomstick said, "Fast forward to the aftermath of the Black Beasts defeat and these creatures are now victims of prejudice simply because they aren't human."

Chopper sadly thought, 'Story of my life. I just hope nobody tried to kill her.'

Wiz said, "One of these many types of demi-humans includes the cat-like kaka tribe, and their strongest warrior…Taokaka."


Height: 5'5''

Weight: 96 lbs.

Race: Kaka

Like friends, napping, and steamed rice.

Dislikes Squiggly

Boomstick looked at the image of Taokaka and asked, "Is she wearing a mask?"

Wiz said, "Her real face is unknown, but she always wears her hoodie. It has been stated that what we see is in fact not her face."

Boomstick said, "Fashion aside, Taokaka is the strongest of her village and was sent out by them with the goal to…take back the sky? Wiz am I reading this right?"

Luffy yelled, "Someone stole the sky!? How is that possible?"

Robin simply said, "I think it might be a phrase. Maybe it is referring to a treasure."

Nami sighed and said, "Treasure…a huge sky blue sapphire."

Wiz said, "Let me explain. You see, after the Black Beast was defeated, it left a vast quantity of a magic-like substance called seither on the planet, huge amounts of which were around the kaka tribe's village. As a result, they decided it would be a smart idea to build new town on top of the old village, leading to most of the sky being blotted out except for a few sunny patches."

Everyone was quiet for a moment, trying to understand what that meant.

Sanji said, "That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense."

Usopp said, "Yeah, that doesn't seem to have a lot of logic with it."

Isom thought, 'If they think that's bad wait until they get a load of Ragna's backstory."

Boomstick blinked and said, "Wow…that sounds…incredibly stupid…anyway, to help get back the sky Taokaka set out to hunt down the notorious criminal known as Ragna the Bloodedge, a criminal worth 90 billion…whatever currency they have in that world."


Everyone was shocked/horrified when they heard of the ridiculously large bounty.

Robin said, "That is quite the bounty. Does that man deserve it?"

Ragna answered, "Ragna is a powerful fighter, and given the fact that he goes against the government of their world, they probably jacked it up in hopes of getting more people after him. Although…I am curious to see how he would fair against some of the bounties of your world."

Usopp swallowed and said, "Are you saying that there are people with billion dollar bounties!?"

Isom nodded and said, "Yes. One of the four emperors of the sea, Big Mom, a pirate under her name, her eldest son, I believe, has bounty of one billion fifty seven million. And hers is no doubt higher. In other words, if they have a billion on their head you know that they are some of the strongest in the world."

Everyone blinked in shock. Despite the sudden raise in their bounties, everyone began to realize just how big the world was if someone had a bounty of over a billion."

Isom thought, 'Though to be frank, I doubt that Ragna would last long against big mom what with her soul stealing powers or Katakuri given he how he can manipulate his body and predict the future.'

Luffy suddenly asked, "What about Shanks. Do you know his bounty?"

Iso shrugged and said, "That I do not know. However, given his reputation, I'd put it in the billions at least."

Wiz said, "And she has the strength to go through it. Given she was the Kaka tribes most powerful warrior."


Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Senses

Instinctual Seither Use

Wiz continued, "As a living weapon, Taokaka has superhuman strength, speed, and her catlike nature gives her superhuman agility and senses."

Boomstick said, "But her best ability is what she can do with those fancy gloves of hers. Those aren't just paw shaped gloves each of those big paws house three double edge blades that she can use in combat, as well as ones in her shoes for a total of twelve. I don't even want to imagine what that would do to my couch. They're also good for sticking to walls."

Zoro blinked at the sight of the claws, having a brief flashback to his battle with Kuro and his pirate crew.

Franky said, "Well, I know one advantage that the Tao girl has over Felicia. She's got freakin' blades in her hands."

Wiz said, "Then you won't like this. Do you remember the seither we mentioned? Well, she can use it herself and absorb it to enhance her attacks and even transform her blades."

Move set

Dancing Edge

Almost Becoming Two

Cat Spirit One, Two, Three, and Encore

Kitty Litter Special

Trick Edge

Slashy Slashy


I'mma beat the crap out of you

Aerial Dancing Edge

Attack Meow Pow

Boomstick said, "She can transform them into serrated blade with the Slashy-Slashy attack, or use hooked blades, saws, or any other blades. She can beat them up with the aptly named, "I'mma beat the crap out of you" attack, or with her Cat Spirit moves."

Wiz said, "She can control the air by moving through with the Trick Edge, Cat Jump, and Dancing Edge maneuvers, nearly create a duplicate with the Almost Becoming Two technique and can super charge her attacks for the Attack Pow Meow."

Sanji rubbed his chin and said, "It looks like they're going to be even in terms of skills. Both don't have any real training and they both rely on their speed and agility in a fight."

Chopper leaned towards Usopp and asked, "How come he isn't acting like a pervert anymore?"

Usopp answered, "Probably because Taokaka isn't naked. Plus, Brook hasn't been making perverted motions since he had his own skull joke turned on him."

Boomstick said, "And if she wants to fight from a distance she can reach into her cloak and throw random shit for the Kitty litter special."

Boomstick saw Taokaka throw something and asked, "Was that a pillow?"

Wiz said, "However, despite these deadly attributes, Taokaka suffers from two major extreme weaknesses."

Boomstick bluntly stated, "One of which is that she is one dumb cat. I mean, the did manage to track down Ragna and all he did was give her some food and she completely forgot about it."

Almost immediately every strawhat in the room thought, 'Oh my god another Luffy.'

Wiz said, "Taokaka does seem to suffer from severe ADHD. However, I think a small part of it might be due to Ragna's horribly made wanted poster. But on the more practical side of things, there is limited amount of seither in a given space. If it runs out, she loses some of her deadliest attributes."

Boomstick said, "Yeah, but still, even then this is one tough Kitty you don't want to cross."

"Squiggly…I'm gonna punish you."

The doors closed and reopened.

Everyone was kind of torn on who this fight was going to. Sanji, of course, went with Felicia and Zoro went against him.

The others were split as they both seemed like good characters. The rest decided to stay neutral in this fight.

Wiz said, "The combatants are set, and we've run the data. It's time to end this once and for all."

Boomstick yelled, "It's time for a cat fight death battle!"

The doors closed and reopened.

A group of people dressed in robes stand around a familiar looking orphanage.

"By ancient magic these foul beasts were created, and by ancient magic they shall be cleansed from the earth. I call upon the ancient spirits of power to banish this wicked female beast and those whose minds she has corrupted."

Chopper facepalmed in annoyance as he realized where this was going.

The men began to chant in an ancient language, and there was a bright red flash and a large portal opened above the orphanage.


A figure then fell out of said portal and crashed through the ceiling of the orphanage.

The apparent leader of this group blinked and said, "That wasn't supposed to happen."

"You think?" every member of the strawhats thought at the same time.

Luffy chuckled and said, "These guys are idiots."

Inside the orphanage, Felicia leapt from the kitchen having finished preparing lunch for everyone. Felicia looking at the intruder and saw a cat-like woman, Taokaka.

"Who are you?" she said, "What are you doing here?"

Taokaka stood up and said, "You don't look like a kaka. Who are you? Why you bring Tao here?"

Felicia got into a stance and said, "I didn't bring you here. But if you don't leave, I'll turn you into a scratching post."

Taokaka simply laughed and said, "Sorry, but you'll have to do better to beat me."


The two cat women charged at each other in flurry of claws. Felica jumped back to avoid a trio of knives and tried to get under into her guard, only for Taokaka to catch the attack and transform her knives sawblades and nearly slice her in half.

Franky said, "I told you that was going to be an advantage."

Sanji yelled, "Come on, Felicia. Use your sexy kitty powers!"

Nami stared blankly at Sanji's dripping nose and proceeded to slap him over the back of his head.

Felicia then used the Rolling Buckler to get in close and then performed a rolling uppercut to knock Taokaka away. The cat-like demi-human laughed as she shrugged off the blow and launched herself forward at high speed with Dancing Edge. Once in close she lashed out with her blades, slicing up Felicia, leaving her white fur stained with blood.

Grabbing Taokaka, Felicia used Toy Touch to throw her behind her and followed it up with Sand Splash.

Taokaka said, "You like to throw things? So do I."

Taokaka reached into her hoodie and proceeded to throw multiple items at Felicia, forcing the female cat to dodge the attacks, getting hit in the head with a carrot, a fish, a frying pan…though she was puzzled when a pillow struck her face.

"They just had to fit in the pillow gag, didn't they?" Nami said.

Isom responded, "I think it became obligatory when they mentioned it in the information section."

Felicia took the pillow from her face confused, only to get slammed by Taokaka with another dancing edge.

Taokaka sent the girl flying and smashed through a door, leading to a stair way. Needing some distance, Felicia clung to the wall and trying to ascend.

"No, you don't!" Taokaka yelled running after her and leaping from wall to wall, as well.

When she saw she was being followed, Felica leapt up and drove downward with a Delta kick, nailing the kaka tribe warrior in the face and sending her crashing down. Felica then curled up and drove downward, ready to rip into Taokaka only for the Kaka cat girl to use her near duplication power to avoid it and unleashed a barrage of kicks and blades from both sides.

"Oh man, that brings back some painful memories," Franky said remembering his beatdown at the hands of Fukuro and his "Owl Thrashing" maneuver.

Chopper said, "Yeah…how did he manage to do that anyway?"

They Felicia was pushed back and with a roar that was somewhat unbefitting of her nature, unleashed a series of duplicate, overwhelming her and sending her flying through a wall with a powerful kick.

Taokaka rolled across the ground along with her duplicate which dispelled. Felicia leapt out of the hole in the wall.

Taokaka pulled herself off the ground, and the two got ready to continue their fight, however, they were stopped when a butterfly flew down nearby. Immediately, forgetting about the situation, Taokaka began leaping after it trying to get it. Felicia looking a little annoyed until the butterfly flew past her. Unable to suppress her instincts she began joining in the chase.

Everyone stared in disbelief trying to wrap their minds around what was happening right in front of them.

"You know if it wasn't for the fact that this was a fight to the death this would probably be considered cute," Nami said as she saw the two cat women leap at one another.

The orphans from the building, the kaka tribe from the portal, and even the men who had tried to banish the darkstalkers to another dimension stared in shock, unable to determine what had happened.

Suddenly, Taokaka lashed out with her blades, slicing the butterfly in half.

Felicia blinked at the sudden carnage, and then leapt at Taokaka with the intent of ripper her apart. She knocked Taokaka away with a sand splash, and Taokaka tried to slice her up, only for Felicia to jump up and land on her head balancing there.

Felicia leapt off the woman's head and landed a few feet away and charged in with her boyd glowing, preparing to unleash the Dancing Flash. However, Taokaka reached into her cloak and pulled out another kitty litter suprrise, int eh from of a small bag of catnip. The bag struck Felicia in the face in a small cloud making her ears droop and a dazed expression to appeared on her face.

Taokaka then charged forward and drove her knives into Felica's chest and then ripped them out in a spray of blood.


Taoaka did her victory dance laughing as the orphans stared in horror and she then fell to the ground and said, "I'm bored."

"Damn it!" Sanji yelled as he saw his preferred fight get killed.

The doors closed and reopened.

It shows an image of Felicia being revived by Alucard, the Blazblue character not the gun-wielding one, with a grimoire of her own attached to her chest then getting swarmed by both the orphans and the little kaka children.

Boomstick yelled, "Damn! Felicia just got put down…though it looks like she might be getting an upgrade."

Chopper said, "Yay, to better protect the orphans with."

Nami said, "True. Though, who was that woman."

Isom answered, "A living plot device."

Wiz said, "Indeed. Anyway, the fight was straightforward. Both Taokaka and Felicia had next to no training and mainly used their instincts and natural abilities in a fight."

Boomstick said, "Yeah. After looking through it, Felicia may have had to the durability advantage what with surviving a train crash and taking a flamethrower and electrocution. Unfortunately, it didn't do much given Taokaka was way faster."

"Oh, now this I got to hear," Brook said, as he watched the explanation."

Wiz said, "That's right. Recall, Taokaka Almost Becoming Two technique. She doesn't seem to use seither to create a clone, but she does seem to move at a fast speed, moving so fast that she seems to be in two places at once, which halves the amount of damage given to her. To create a visible afterimage, she must be moving over two thousand miles per hour, and to create a solid one, she has to move must faster."

Boomstick said, "To top it off, Taokaka's weapon of choice not only had more reach, but did more damage than Felicia's claws and the ability to shapeshift with them made them WAY more dangerous. Even if she ran out of seither, having those knives were more lethal than Felicia's nails. Felicia just took her final meow."

Wiz said, "The winner is Taokaka."

Everyone clapped at the victory. Sanji was still grumbling at another loss.

Next time on Death Battle…

The screen shows an image of a black and red anthropomorphic hedgehog in white and red sneakers. He turned back to see someone.

"You must have guts if you're willing to take on the ultimate lifeform," the hedgehog said.

The figure simply said, "The ultimate lifeform? Bah. You're nothing but an oversize rat. Let's see how you do against the prince of all saiyans!"

Next time…anti-heroes attack. Shadow vs Vegeta.

Everyone blinked at the coming fight.

Usopp suddenly said, "Hey, does anyone else think that one of the fighters sounded a lot like Zoro?"

Cut! Okay, hope you all enjoyed that. Can't think of a joke or anything to post here, so enjoy yourselves. Let me know what you think.

Flames are ignored, criticism is welcome.