What's this? A new story when I haven't update any of my other fics in months? I'd say I'm sorry, but I've had this fanfic in the works since NANOWRIMO 2016 (and my other stories are very emotionally draining to write) .It was my first nanowrimo ever and although I didn't get anywhere near that 50,000 word goal or finishing this fic in that month, I did write every day for that whole month and got around 15,000 words written, which was huge for me! Since November I've gone over what I've got a few times and I'm working on later chapters. So at the moment I have a few chapter's buffer? I don't know how long that will last though haha

This is my first Avengers fic that I've written, so if any of the characterisation is a bit weird it's because I was introduced to the MCU through fanfiction first and watched the movies a lot later aha. I haven't read any of the comics.

I hope you enjoy this fanfic. I now know far too much about how toast toasts!





Harry ducked under the green light that flew towards him, throwing back an expelliarmusclosely followed by a stupifybefore moving on to the next Death Eater he saw. It had already been a long messy fight; one that they were losing. He had only come to the ministry in the first place because he thought that Sirius was being tortured. It had been so obvious a trap that Harry was kicking himself for not having listened to Hermione . Sirius wouldn't be dead if they had just stopped and checked properly. His friends wouldn't be dead. It seemed fate loved to make him suffer. He was still alive when so many others were dead. The boy-who-just-wouldn't-die.

Harry dropped to the floor as he saw an Avada Kedavra head toward his head, unknowing of the other two spells that had been sent at from behind him until he saw them collide with each other above his head. They had an explosive effect, Harry's eyes widened as the explosion quickly switched to being an implosion. Harry tried to scramble to his feet but he had delayed a second too long. He was sucked into the epicentre of the implosion; his last thought that at least in death he would be reunited with his parents and friends.


Tony walked into the kitchen. His eyes widened as they rested on the atrocity that was being performed in his kitchen.

"No!" He cried, leaping forward and tried to knock the knife out of Bruce's hand before it was too late. He failed as the knife was moved out of his reach.

"What?" Bruce asked crankily, seemingly annoyed at Tony. He brought the knife down, onto the piece of charcoaled toast in his hand.

"You've wrecked it!" Tony cried dramatically. Who could do such a thing to an innocent piece of bread?

"No I haven't." Bruce retorted. How could he not see what he had done to a perfectly good piece of bread?

"It's black!" He exclaimed. It wasn't as if the toast was just slightly black, the whole thing was completely black.

"I like it like that."

"You do know that because of the Maillard Reaction, toast can contain high levels of acrylamide, right?"

"I'm not going to die of cancer, Tony. I think if I were to get cancer it would have been because of the high level of gamma radiation that resulted in the creation of The Other Guy."

"But if you cook it for more than 216 seconds then you lose the 12:1 exterior/interior crispiness ratio!" Tony cried, trying to find an avenue of argument that could prevent Bruce from continuing his heinous actions.

"And it's better crunchy!" Bruce said exasperatedly.

Before Tony could retort any further he was interrupted by Jarvis.

"Sir, there are abnormal energy readings coming from the living room. They are somewhat similar to that of the Tesseract. I would advise extreme caution."

Tony's eyes widened and he heard Bruce's plate hit the floor. Tony knew what they both were thinking and that was that no one needed another invasion of earth. He ran into the living room, but couldn't see any visible change in the room before him. "Source Jar?"

"Epicentre of energy is 2.74 metres from you, 9° anticlockwise, Sir." Jarvis replied. Tony blinked, looking at the place specified, unable to see any visible change. There was a sudden flash of light and a wind picked up in the room, outward from the source of energy. Evidently, if it was a portal like that created by the Tesseract, it was a vacuum on the other side, drawing air through, thus creating a breeze.

"Energy levels spiking Sir."

"I can see that Jarvis." Tony drawled, not knowing whether to panic that they might be facing something similar to that they had only months ago, or be relieved that something interesting was finally happening. Tony decided on a weird mixture of both. He called his Iron Man suit to him. If it was something like Loki's invasion, he wanted to be prepared.

"Would you like me to inform S.H.I.E.L.D. Sir?"

"No. Let's wait and see what this is first, Jarvis. I don't want Fury sticking his nose in if he doesn't have to."

"But shouldn't Fury know if we're going to be facing another alien invasion Stark?"Bruce interrupted for the first time since the two of them had rushed into the living room.

"And If it's Loki I'll have Jarvis inform Fury immediately, once I punch him in the face for usurping my tower!"

Bruce sighed, but didn't argue further as there was another flash of light. In the next few minutes there were more flashes, increasing in frequency.

"Energy levels increasing exponentially Sir. I would advise you step back."

"I'll be fine Jarvis."

There was another flash of light, significantly brighter than any of those previous. Tony had to cover his eyes, but uncovered them when he heard a loud thud; a body hitting the floor.

"Energy readings have disappeared. Sir, there is an unconscious boy on the floor. Immediate medical assistance is suggested."

Tony's eyes widened when he saw the boy on the floor, bleeding, surrounded by dust and debris. The boy looked uncannily like Loki. He had the hair, and the facial shape. It couldn't be a coincidence that both times tesseract energy readings were seen that Loki, or in this case Loki Jr, emerged. However, this was just a kid, a child. As likely that it was that it was just an illusion of Loki's and that they were going to pay for it later, there was a chance that the boy's appearance was just a coincidence. The boy was hurt; badly judging by the swiftly growing pool of blood surrounding the child.

Tony turned to Bruce, his decision made. "You're a doctor, Fix him!"

"In Nuclear Physics, not medical science!" Bruce protested, but stepped forwards regardless and knelt down next to the boy. Tony knew that the man had spent time in Calcutta helping the people there medically, so Bruce had to have come to learn more than the bare basics. Tony deactivated his suit and stepped closer to Bruce to watch. After a few moments Bruce turned around.

"Tony, we need to stop the bleeding. At the moment his injuries aren't too bad. He has a broken wrist and a plethora of cuts. I don't know about anything internally, but if we don't stop the bleeding from the larger cuts he will bleed out."

Tony processed what had been said and took his shirt off and started ripping it up into strips. "Will this do?" He asked, handing one of them to Bruce, who was attempting to keep pressure on a couple of the larger cuts.


Tony could do little but just sit and watch as his friend worked on the boy. He felt so useless. Tony decided that he should probably undergo some medical training. He was always finding himself in sticky situations, who knew when it would come in handy. It's not like he didn't have the brain for it, or the time. He had been bored recently without a project to work on, but then again Tony suspected that the mystery surrounding Loki Jr might be occupying him for quite a while.

It seemed like an eternity to Tony before Bruce spoke again.

"I've done all that I can for him. All we need to do is wait for him to wake up, but that could take hours."

"Is it safe to move him?"

Bruce nodded. Tony knelt down next to the boy and gently gathered him up into his arms and frowned at what he discovered. Tony made his way to one of the many spare bedrooms on the floor they were currently on, Bruce alongside him.

"He's way too light." Tony muttered as he walked, knowing that the other man could hear him perfectly well.

"He looks to be about twelve, doesn't he?" Bruce replied.

"But even twelve year olds aren't this light." Tony remarked, and the conversation lulled until they reached their destination a minute later and Tony had placed the boy on the bed.

"We should probably get him out of those tattered clothes." Bruce suggested. He was right. The boy seemed to be wearing a school uniform, but it was only just recognisable as such, so much was the damage to the articles of clothing. Together the men quickly removed the boy's clothing, bar some oversized underpants as those seemed to be miraculously intact, dressing him in some sleepwear that was in the closet. Bruce had had to leave the room halfway through doing so, when the Other Guy threatened to make an appearance, leaving Tony to finish dressing the boy.

What was obvious was that the boy was abused at some point in his life fairly recently for quite a long time, starved, beaten, and who knew what else. Scars covered the boy, many unmistakable as the marks of being beaten with a belt. It sickened Tony that someone would do such a thing to a mere child. His own father hadn't cared for him particularly much, more concerned in trying to find Captain America than he was with raising his own son, and so Tony had been raised mainly by nannies; but he hadn't been abused.

Tony tucked the boy in, his hands lingering on the duvet slightly, before stiffly turning around and walking away. He had some searching to do.

"Jarvis," Tony said once he had left the room, "run facial recognition scans on the kid. We need to know who he is."

"Yes Sir."

"Estimated completion is 3 hours sir."

Tony nodded. He hated waiting for answers but things such as these took time.

"Tell me the moment you make progress Jar."


Four hours passed, which Tony had spent in his workshop fine tuning the thrusters on the next suit, without hearing a thing from his AI.

"Jarvis?" Tony called.

"Yes Sir?"

"Why haven't you updated me on the kid?"

"You informed me to tell you the moment that progress was made. I have not notified you, Sir, as no progress was made."

"Please tell me again why I thought it was a good idea to program you with sass?" Tony said with a sigh. He had lost track of the amount of times that Jarvis thought it would be appropriate to sass him. The sarcasm was almost as bad. There had been many times in which he had been tempted to rewrite him, but Tony had never gotten around to actually doing so. It would be so much hassle to remove the sass and still having Jarvis working. It was less effort to just put up with the sass.

"Rhetorical question sir?"

"Yes Jarvis. Now what do you mean no progress was made? You completed the scan, didn't you?"

"Yes sir. No matches were found."

"So by all means and purposes, this kid doesn't actually exist…" Things were pointing more and more towards the kid not being of earth. Tony's brain started to go at a million kilometres a second, creating more and more elaborate reasons as to why the kid had just appeared like he had.

"Sorry to interupt your musing sir, but you might be interested to know that the young sir is regaining consciousness."

Looks like some of Tony's questions were about to get answered.


Harry was confused. Why wasn't he dead? Where was he? What had happened and whose clothing was he wearing? What was he covered in what appeared to be some sort of makeshift bandages? Harry sat up and moved himself so he was sitting on the edge of the bed and realised that the bandages were holding together some pretty painful wounds. He didn't recognise his surroundings at all.

Harry wished that he had his glasses. Looking around he couldn't see his glasses. Although everything was pretty blurry Harry was still able to see enough to get a good grasp of his surroundings. His eyesight was bad, but even if he couldn't see details on things, unless he strained his eyes, he was still able to see.

He was on a bed in a very fancy looking room, although the room had the appearance of not being used often. It was a fairly large room, but there was a lack of personal touch within the room. Perhaps it was someone's spare room? That still didn't answer the question of where on earth he was.

The last thing that Harry remembered was being sucked into the implosion. He evidently hadn't died. Was it some kind of portal? Harry's eyes widened. What if he had appeared in front of muggles? He couldn't afford another breach of the statute of secrecy. He had only just gotten away with not being expelled last time, Harry was sure that the ministry would not be so bad lenient this time round.

The door, which was directly across from the bed, suddenly opened. Harry was immediately on the defensive. He automatically leapt to his feet, ignoring the pain ripping through his body, and reached for his wand. Harry panicked when he realised that neither his wand nor his wrist holster that he usually kept the wand in was present. Harry had no time to look further for his wand, so he took a defensive stance as a man walked into the room.

Something about the man immediately screamed 'I have more money than I know what to do with', despite the man being dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. The man in question was relatively tall and reasonably skinny, with black messy hair not unlike his own. The man was wearing sunglasses, so Harry was unable to gage too much from him.

"So the sleeping beauty awakes!" The man exclaimed, taking off the sunglasses in a large dramatic movement, revealing the man's blue eyes. Harry watched as the man give him a once over. "Calm down short stuff, I'm not going to hurt you."

Harry still looked at the man warily. He still didn't have a clue where he was, or who this man was. Judging by the man's first sentence Harry had been unconscious for a while. How long had he missed?

"Who are you? Where am I? And what's the date?" Harry blurted out, not able to keep the questions to himself. The man might find him rude, but Harry found himself not caring, it wasn't like he was going to be here for very long.

The man blinked in surprise a few times and then let out a deep spurt of laughter. "I am Tony Stark." The man said with a chuckle. The man, Mr Stark, paused for some reason, looking at Harry as if he should recognise him by his name.

"Seriously kid? Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist? No? Iron Man? Wow kid, what rock have you been hiding under?"

This Mr Stark seemed unable to comprehend that Harry had not heard of him. Was the man famous or something? The name Iron Man seemed to be vaguely familiar for some reason, but Harry couldn't think of why. What Harry did note was that the man hadn't answered any of his other questions.

"Mr Stark -" Harry started to say before he was cut off by the man in question.

"Call me Tony, kid, Mr Stark was my father."

"Uhh- Right." It somehow didn't feel quite right to call an adult who he had just met by their first name. "Tony, where am I?"

"Avengers Tower." At Harry's completely blank look Mr Stark carried on speaking. "You haven't heard of the Avengers either? Wow kid. We're in Manhattan, New York City. Big huge tower that belongs to moi that has a large letter A on the side. Kind of hard to miss it."

Harry felt the blood leave his face. New York? How on earth had he ended up in New York? Harry had never been outside of England, let alone America. Had that implosion really transported him that far? How on earth was he going to get back home?

Harry suddenly realised where he had recognised the name Iron Man from. Dudley had had a set of comics about a group of heroes called 'The Avengers' until Aunt Petunia had gotten rid of them for being freakish. It was one of the few times that Dudley had thrown a fit and hadn't won. But The Avengers were just fictional. They were set in a fictional future where there was all sorts of advanced technology. They weren't real.

They weren't real.

"The date." Harry croaked, hoping that what he was thinking wasn't right. "What's the date?"

"February 18th. Kid, are you okay?"

"What year?"


"The year!" Harry nearly shouted.

"2013, Geez kid, calm down."

This couldn't be happening. It couldn't be almost twenty years in the future. Time travelling forwards was impossible, let alone jumping that far. He was still the same age as the last moment he remembered from before, which meant that he couldn't have just forgotten twenty years. Had he really somehow managed to find himself inside a fictional world? How was he going to get back home?

Harry took a deep shaky breath and looked towards Mr Stark. The man had concern in his eyes and Harry almost laughed aloud. He must look crazy, having a breakdown on discovering the date.

"What's your name kid?"

"Sorry Mr Stark, you must think me to be incredibly rude. My name is -My name is- " Harry felt the room spinning. There was a pain in his head that had been increasing to the point that it was almost unbearable.

"Well 'My name is' do you normally appear unconscious in people's living rooms? Because I must say that must be an awfully inconvenient way to travel." Mr Stark said with a wink. Harry cursed mentally. Of course the man had witnessed it all.

"I can explain." Harry said, swaying slightly on the spot. Mr Stark's arms twitched out momentarily.

"Maybe you should sit down first kid, you don't look so great." Mr Stark said cautiously.

"I'm fine." Harry said, wanting nothing more than to sit back down again. The room had been spinning for a little while, but he had pushed aside the feel. It would not do to show weakness in front of this man whom he had appeared in front of. "I just need to-"

Harry felt the room tilt on it's axis. Everything was so blurry. Before Harry knew what was going on, he felt his knees give way and everything went black.


