Sorry for ont updating but I was at the camp for ten days and when I got back I had a deep deppresion for a few days and after that a writer block hit me. But now I'm back so enjoy!

Stingray (Guest): Thanks and here's update.

twilight sparkle (Guest); Thanks! Yeah there wil be more of these hehe

Astrid's POV

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding when the guy flied away. Yes, he was flying on a dragon. A NIGHT FURY! I looked into the direction he had gone. I had a lot of questions. Who is he? Why is he riding a dragon? Why does his voice sound familiar? Why is he helping dragons raiding us? And the most important. Why did he know my surname?

I came to my axe and took it out of a tree. It was hard because it stuck really deep. Where did he get this much strenght? How did he changed his fingers into claws? And did he talked to the dragon in it's language? Oh Gods, next questions.

I turned to the direction of the village but something made me turn my head to the place where dragon rider had gone. I need to get awnswers. With determination painted on my face I've gone deeper into the forest to find this man..and his Night Fury.


No one's POV

Hiccup and Toothless were peacefully sleeping in a cove when their sesitive senses picked up a rustle in the bush that woke them up. With panic they started to sniff the air for any danger. Then they cught the smell. It was Astrid.

'She's the stubborn one for sure. But she's a viking and Astrid what was I expecting?' throught Hiccup as he looked at Toothless. He also smelled her but didn't said anything knowing she was close enough to hear them. They nod to each other and hide.

Hiccup jumped behind the big stone where he could see the entrance to the cove and Toothless hide in the shadow of raising sun next to the entrance to surprise the girl from behind.

They moved without a sound so it wasn't a surprise when Astrid come to the cove just when they hide and didn't heard them.

She looked at every direction and yelled „Hey! Dragon man! Are you here?!" when after a minute no one answered she throught ' What was I expeting. They probably are far away from island.'. She turn around to the exit but she hit something. Something big, black and scaly and it was growling. She started to back up only to hit something smaller that wasn't there before. It was this man. She knew that she didn't have a chance to go out with a dragon near the exit so she turn to the men with angry face.

„Okay! I want you to answered my questions!" She screamd at him like she had a better position at the situation „Do you understand?"

He only looked at her. Then he made a series of dragon sounds and Toothless stopped growling and relaxed a bit but rider still didn't said anything to her.

This made her even more angry and she swing her axe at him but he dodged without any effort. With face almost red from anger she started to attack him with everything she got but he was only backing away and dodging her attempts to hurt him with stoick peace. If she looked at Toothless she would notice that he was barery holding himself from hitting her with plasma blast. After few minutes she was breathing hard and was sweating but her opponent looked just bored. Nothing more.

Then with final swing she managed to hit his helmet and throw it from his head. When she looked at his face that momentally paled she stopped and her axe hit the ground.


Sorry for any mistakes. CU :3 CPD