Hey-o Shout out to SkyDreamer12 for all your wonderful reviews and the idea for this! Let's get on with it!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC's

Author's P.O.V.

(This happened a few weeks after last chapter)

They had just gotten back from a mission. The villains were their before them and two steps ahead. "How did they know it? AGAIN!" Artemis screamed out. Roman let out a small laugh and they all looked at him. "Have any of you guys thought of the possibility of there being a mole?" he asked simply. "Think about it, no one but the team knows where exactly we will strike and how we will do so..."

"He does have a point." Conner said turning off the TV and giving the boy his full attention. "There is not a mole, we have fought along side each other for months now. If there were a mole then they would have betrayed us by now." Kaldur stated with his arms crossed over his chest. "Why would they betray us? The more information the better." Raquel said with the shrug of her shoulders."You guys don't really believe this do you?" Zatanna asked. "I mean...it makes sense..." M'gann said and Zatanna raised and eyebrow. "but that begs the question, who exactly is the mole?" the team looked at each other as if someone would saw that they are the mole.

"I think it's Robin." Roman stated and the said boy popped his head up and gave a confused face. "Me?" he questioned and Wally couldn't help but laugh. "Him? He's been in the business longer than any of us!" the redhead stated the smile still on his face. "Yeah, why would you think he's the mole?" Artemis asked him and Roman shrugged.

"I mean he has a secret ID! For all we know he could be a Mafia Boss' son! And not to mention he was completely silent while we were talking about the possibility of there being a mole! Not exactly like him." All eyes were now on Robin who looked at the team with disbelief. Roman had a smirk on his face as he watched the team argue, he was breaking them up...

"You don't believe him do you?" Zatanna questioned her friends who all hung their heads. "I mean, it's a lot of evidence." Artemis admitted scratching the back of her head. "Guys! Seriously! There probably isn't even a mole!" Wally practically screamed, but the team didn't seem convinced.

"There is no way Robin is the mole! Just no way! Batman is the worlds greatest detective don't you think he would've figured it out if his PROTEGE was a mole!" Wally yelled out but the team still didn't seem convinced enough. "I mean, what if Batman is a mole too? We don't know his secret ID either and he's really intimidating, you shouldn't be scared of a hero if you aren't a villain." Megan stated her usual cheery voice gone.

"Guys! Were not really thinking this are we? Robin is not the mole!" Zatanna stated her fists clenching. "Look we get that he's your crush and all but that doesn't mean that you should stick up for him!" Raquel yelled back narrowing her eyes at the magician, who's face paled. "God dammit! That's not why I'm sticking up for him! So what if we don't know who he really is! He is not the mole!" she said that with such anger and fury that they had never heard from her before. "Then why are you sticking up for him..." It was Artemis who said this. She didn't want to say out loud that she knew his identity. And she was never planning to say it.

"Because he's always been there for me okay! He was there when my father was gone! He was there when I thought I wasn't good enough for the team! He was there when I struggled! And he was there when you guys weren't! He visited me every day when my father was taken! And you guys didn't! If he really was a mole if he really didn't care then why was he there when you, all of you weren't!" Their lips thinned and guilt showed in their eyes.

"Maybe he was trying to make a good impression." Roman said causing all of their attention to go to him once again. The guilt washed away from their eyes. Zatanna groaned and grabbed Robin. "You guys, all of you can think that he is the mole. But I know first-hand that he isn't." Wally stated as he followed Zatanna and Robin out of the room.

Roman smirked and left to his room he closed the door and locked it before calling someone. "Hello? Did you succeed?" the voice asked and Roman nodded a large smile on his face. "Yes, they all think Robin is the mole. All except for two people but they can easily be...dealt with." he said as he ran a hand through his hair. "Good. We need this team to break apart. Soon they won't trust each other. And then we move onto phase 3." Roman only nodded his head and then hung up the phone. He could still hear them argue from outside.

They do not know what they got themselves into.

Thank you again Skydreamer! I know it's short but I wanted to get it out sooner so I could make up for the lost time. Will the team find out Roman secret? Will they all plot against each other? What'll happen to Zatanna and Wally? Find out soon!

Please review! It makes my day!