By Robster80

Dedicated to Famboyous Prime

Ranma sighed heavily as he sat in is room at the Tendo Dojo. His fiancée problems had been getting worse ever since the wedding fiasco two months ago. He had thought things would get better between him and Akane. He was wrong.

Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi had not been discouraged by their actions, which nearly killed people and almost brought the Dojo down upon the household. Akane had blamed him for inviting everyone in Nerima, and the other girls acted as if it never happened at all. He was seriously angry
with them all, and flat out told them to leave him alone, but they did not.

"I need to get away from here," he said to himself. "Away from Pop, my rivals, my fiancées, and even Akane. What I need is my own place, maybe with some people who treat me better and don't accuse me for everything that happens around them."

He then took the evening newspaper, and saw and ad for three tenants for an apartment for four. It was for a two-week trial run, and the price was just right for him. Looking at the number, he quietly slipped out of the house via his window, and ran to the nearest payphone.


TK lay on his bed, miserable. He had thought his parents' remarrying would be a good thing, but now he had to share a room with his older brother Matt. He never knew Matt had a lot of junk saved up. Now the sixteen-year-old had very little space of his own.

He couldn't blame Matt entirely for his misery. His best friend Kari Kamiya, who was also his secret crush, had begun dating Davis Motomiya, his rival. He even saw them kissing, by accident when he was going to ask Kari to a movie. They were always together now, and Kari had little time for anyone else. Since Davis and his family also lived in the same building as TK, it would get worse when Kari walked home with them to visit Davis.

"I gotta get away for a while!" he exclaimed to the silence finally. "I need my own space, not to mention I need to get far away from Davis before I do something that I know I'll regret... like killing him."

Suddenly, Matt entered the room, holding a section of the newspaper. "TK, after what I've seen in the past few days, I totally agree with you. I have something here you just might be interested in. It's an ad for an apartment needing three more tenants. The folks and I are willing to cover
everything should you decide to go, and this is a two-week trial so if you don't like it, you can move back."

TK looked at Matt as if he was crazy. The older boy sighed and handed him the paper. TK looked at the ad and smiled. "You mean it?"

"Yep. I think some time away would be good for you at least until I can clean up most of my stuff. Also, you may get to meet some new friends."

TK looked at the number in the ad, and ran for the phone.


Quatre looked over his short list again. He had just added two new names for possible roommates for the apartment he would share: Ranma Saotome, age 18, and Takeru "TK" takaishi, age 15. He then looked at the name above theirs: Ataru Motobishi, age 18.

Quatre frowned. He had met this Ataru before, much to his bad fortune, and knew his perverted ways. He quickly scratched the name off the list and sighed. "Now I have to find a replacement for that guy or else we'll be stuck with him and that crazy girl who chases after him. But who?"

There was a sudden knock that made Quatre jump slightly. It came from the window, not the door. He looked over to see a green man in a turban and white cape floating outside the apartment. He carefully opened it and said, "C-can I help you?"

The green man nodded and said, "My name is Piccolo. Are you Quatre Rebarba Winner? I wish to apply for one of the three tenants for the apartment. I have little personal belongings, and eat very little. Actually, all I drink is water."

Quatre was shocked. He had heard of Piccolo from the Supreme Martial Arts Tournament and the Cell Game, but never had he imagined that the fighter would come to him to be his roommate. Good-bye Ataru! he thought happily. Smiling, he said, "Why don't we discuss this over some


Well, that's my beginning. Look for more character appearances from series like Trigun, Fatal Fury, Sailor Moon, and maybe Tenchi as well. R&R, please.