Chapter Ten! Hard to believe we are here already! This is the last chapter! I hope you guys have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it! Thank you again for all the love and support! It is more appreciated than I can express to you all!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Arrow or any of it's characters or anything else that is or may be affiliated with it or them. This story is for entertainment purposes only.

Chapter Ten

My Salvation

The doctors agreed to release Felicity into Oliver's care as long as he promised to watch for any signs of something more serious than the concussion she was diagnosed with. If she vomited or couldn't remember the answer to questions Oliver asked her, he was to bring her back. Felicity insisted that she wouldn't need to be brought back and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Oliver apologized for having to bring her to a place she hated so much, but told her he didn't have a choice. Felicity had given him a gentle, pained smile as she told him she understood. Oliver helped her out to the car and Diggle drove the two of them home.

Ray was also taken to the hospital, not receiving much in the way of bedside manner. As soon as he was awake and able to be released, Captain Quentin Lance happily arrested the man and brought him up on as many charges he could find. He had grieved his daughter, and grudgingly forgiven Oliver. It had taken him years, but Quentin finally understood that Sara had made the decision to get on the ship that day, and Oliver hadn't been the reason it went down. Lance had also begun to understand that Oliver had been tortured enough by both that island and himself long enough. Lance didn't need to add to it. Upon telling Oliver this, he had been introduced to the man's girlfriend, Felicity Smoak. Quentin had liked the girl the instant she shook his head and gave him a beautiful smile. He thought very highly of the young woman and wouldn't tolerate anyone harming her.

"I wish you had told me the way he used to speak to you. I would have handled him then." Oliver told Felicity angrily.

"I didn't think anything of it at the time, Oliver. Besides, it's been over a year, I thought he would just move on to the next girl." Felicity answered him honestly.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to get to you." Oliver apologized.

"Don't. You got there. That's what matters. I'd like to say I had it handled, but I didn't." Felicity spoke reproachfully.

"Hey. You did a pretty good number on him. I would have taken it personally if you hadn't let me get a few hits in. God, woman, let me be the hero once in a while." Oliver said with a smile as he kissed Felicity gently.

"You are always my hero, Oliver. I love you." Felicity smiled as she snuggled deeper into his side.
"I love you, Felicity." Oliver whispered as he held her to himself a little tighter than usual.

Eighteen Months Later

"Felicity, if you don't calm down, I am going to go get Oliver in here." Thea threatened as Felicity flitted around the room.
"No! You can't do that! That would ruin everything. Jeez, Thea, you know that's bad luck!" Felicity reminded the girl as she forced herself to stand still.

"Exactly. So quit acting like a bridezilla and I won't have to." Thea said with a laugh.

"I am not a bridezilla! Am I?" Felicity questioned with a pout.

"Only a little. But it's fine and totally understandable. And it just makes it more acceptable when I start acting like one." Thea reasoned with the blonde.

"Thank you for being here with us. For being my maid of honor." Felicity said gratefully.
"Nowhere I'd rather be." Thea assured her.

"It really means a lot to me. You really have become a sister to me." Felicity spoke, trying not to tear up.

"You've become a sister to me too. I wonder if John has to deal with Oliver acting like a crazy person next door." Thea pondered out loud.

"Ladies, it's time. Oh, Felicity, you look astonishing." Walter said as he entered the room.
"Thank you, Walter. And thank you for walking me down the aisle." Felicity said graciously.
"Thank you for providing me the opportunity." Walter said with a gentle smile as he held his arm out to her.

"You ready, Lis?" Thea asked, smiling.
"I feel like I've been ready since the day I met him, Thea." Felicity responded honestly.

"Then let's get to it." Walter answered.

"Thomas Robert Queen! You get in here right now, mister!" The voice easily carried to the backyard where Tommy was playing with his cousin, Ruby when they heard it.

"Uh-oh, you're in trouble. My mommy only calls me Ruby Elizabeth Harper when I've done something super bad." The little brunette explained gravely.

"She probably found the stuffed animals I shoved under the bed." Tommy explained casually, his blue eyes bright.

"Why did you stuff animals under your bed? And why would Aunt Licity be mad about that?" The eight year old asked in confusion.

"Because I was using them for target practice with my bow and arrow. They're full of holes." The eleven year old boy responded with a tinge of pride as he took off running for the house.
"Mommy says he's just like Uncle Oliver." The girl muttered to herself as she took off for her own house next door. She figured Tommy wasn't going to be able to play outside for a while.

"What were you thinking? Do you know that some of these were given to you from friends and family when you were just a baby? Others belonged to your daddy and I when we were little." Felicity angrily told her son.

"I was just trying to practice my archery. Aren't you proud of me for hitting them all? I didn't miss once, Mom." Tommy said cheekily, knowing his mother wouldn't be able to yell at him now.
"Well of course I'm proud that you-. But you can't just-. These-." Felicity stuttered out as her son now had her flustered.

"I worked really hard to be that good. I wanted to be perfect and then have you come out and watch me." Tommy added innocently, knowing he really had her now. She let out a sigh.

"Honey, you don't have to be perfect at something for me to be proud. But from now on, how about you ask before you use things as targets?" Felicity advised the boy.

"Definitely. I promise mom! I won't fail you again!" The boy said as he scampered back out the door.
"Just like his father." Felicity shook her head as she went back to making dinner for her family.

"Tommy, would you like to tell your father what I found under your bed this morning?" Felicity began as they all sat to dinner. Oliver choked on his food slightly as Felicity sent him a glare.

"Nothing horrible, Oliver." Felicity said with narrowed eyes.
"Stuffed animals I found in the attic. I was using them as target practice with my bow and arrow." Tommy said sullenly, knowing his father was usually harder to convince than his mother not to yell at him.

"Did you miss any?" His father eagerly asked, only to have a napkin thrown at him by Felicity.

"I mean, you really should ask before you use things as target practice, Tommy." Oliver amended.

"I know. I promised mom it wouldn't happen again. And it won't. I swear." Tommy said as he crossed his heart with his small fingers.

"See, babe? He promises it won't happen again. So did you miss any?" Oliver once again asked as Felicity rolled her eyes and tried to resist the grin fighting it's way onto her face.
"Nope." Tommy said proudly and Felicity couldn't resist the grin any longer. She looked at her two men, speaking animatedly about archery. She honestly didn't know that it was possible to love anyone as much as she loved the two most important people next to her. Felicity couldn't believe how unbelievably lucky she was. Thea and Roy lived next door to them with their little girl, and Moira and Walter had left the mansion and lived in a relatively small home not five minutes away. Oliver and Felicity worked together every day. He told her every night how much he loved her and how happy he was. Felicity smiled to herself as she pictured the look on his face when she told him she was about to make him happier when she revealed that she was pregnant once again.