The Best Of Me-Ch 30

Epilogue-1 Year Later

Derek looked down at his exhausted wife and said, "you're doing good baby girl", she looked up at him and said, "I'm so tired hotstuff, how much longer, how much longer"?, he said, "you're almost fully dilated and ready for delivery so it won't be much longer".

The doctor walked into the room and did a quick check and smiled and said, "alright on the next contraction Penelope I need for you to push and push until I tell you to stop". Penelope nodded her head and said, "okay doc but what if it takes a longgggggggg" she was then hit with a sharp contraction.

She pushed and pushed until the doctor told her to stop, she collapsed against the pillows and the doctor said, "it won't be long Penelope, it won't be long". Penelope nodded her head and said, "I'm just sorry that the team is away on a case and your mom and sisters are gone to check on your aunt".

Derek kissed her lips and said, "don't worry goddess we'll take plenty of pictures and when they all get back to town they'll spoil our little angel or little prince". Penelope smiled and said, "I never doubted it handsome, never ahhhhhhhhhh" as another contraction rocked her body.

After a few more contractions the doctor said, "on the next contraction we'll deliver the baby", Penelope said, ''I'm so tired". Derek said, "you've been in labor for almost 35 hours, I don't doubt it", Penelope said, "you can definitely tell this baby is yours because it's stubborn like you" causing him to laugh.

It was only a matter of a few seconds before the final contraction hit and soon the sound of baby boy Morgan filled the air. The doctor held the baby up and said, "here you go momma, here's your little man", Penelope said, "did you hear that handsome, he's here, he's finally here".

Derek kissed her on the lips and then kissed the baby on the top of the head and said, "welcome to the world Hank Spencer Morgan". The nurse walked over and took the baby and said, "we'll bring him right back, we just need to weigh and measure him".

They both watched as Hank was weighed and when the nurse brought the baby back over she said, "he weighs 6 lbs 2 oz and is 21 inches long". Penelope smiled as the baby was placed in her arms she said, "hello there little chocolate kiss, I'm your momma and this handsome hunk of chocolate is your daddy".

While the doctor worked sewing Penelope up Derek pulled out his cell and snapped a few pictures and then sent them to the team and his mom and sisters. After that his attention was then on his wife and son, a son that he could see both himself and Penelope in.

As Hank wiggled in his mommys arms Penelope said, "would you like to hold your son"?, he said, "I'd love to baby girl, I'd love to". Penelope grinned as she handed the baby over to his daddy, she then watched as Derek kissed the top of the little boys head and said, "daddy loves you so so much".

As Penelope watched the father/son bonding time she couldn't help but say, "he's the best of me and of you handsome", Derek nodded his head and said, "how could something so little steal your heart so fast"?, she grinned and said, "that's a good question handsome, I was wondering the same thing".

The doctor stood up and said, "I'm going to step out and give you some alone time", Penelope nodded her head and said, "thanks Michelle". She grinned and said, "you're welcome and congratulations you two, he's gorgeous" as she turned around and headed out of the room.

Derek looked down at the bundle in his arms and said, "Hank you will know everyday how much we all love you and no matter what we will do whatever it takes to make sure that you're safe, happy and healthy". Penelope said, "that we will handsome, that we will" as she took Dereks cell in her hand and snapped a couple of pictures of him holding Hank.

Penelope couldn't believe how much had changed in a year and she was so glad that she was where she belonged, with Derek and the team and they were all one big happy family.