It was a normal day at the True Cross Academy. Rin and his friends of the Exorcist Cram School as well as their teacher (aka his younger brother) were out in the courtyard. Rin was arguing with Ryuji when he paused.

"Hey Yukio. Was this school getting any new students?" Rin raised an eyebrow. Yukio looked over his glasses at his brother, a bit puzzled. "The school is letting in exchange students from the West and America. Why do you ask?"

Shima pointed towards a pair making their way through the courtyard. A boy and a girl. Lots of other students and a couple teachers watched them curiously.

"Who are we looking for again?" A bored Italian voice yawned.

"Fratello we're looking for someone called Okamura. Maybe two." A more feminine Italian voice pouted and hugged the boy's arm more tightly.

The boy had straight red-brown hair with olive green eyes. The girl, assumingly his sister, had curly red-orange hair pulled up in a ponytail with hazel colored eyes. They shared a curl poking out from opposite sides of their heads.

"They are Felicia and Lovino Vargas, two of three grandchildren of Marcello Vargas. Marcello is a famous exorcist that resides in Rome, Italy. Not surprising to see them here." Yukio explained.

"S-seriously? They're decedents of the Vargas Exorcists? That's insane." Ryuji looked as if his jaw dropped to the ground. Yukio dusted off his trench coat and walked over to the Vargas siblings.

"Hello Felicia, Lovino. I am Yukio Okamura. It is a pleasure to meet you both." Yukio bowed to them. Felicia giggled and gently ruffled up his hair, causing him to blush.

"No need to be so formal bello. We aren't royalty." Felicia laughed. Lovino rolled his eyes, "J-just treat us like your colleagues. Like normal people, please and thank you."

Yukio nodded, "Of course. Anything you want." Felicia puffed out her cheeks and poked his forehead, "What did we just say mister? We're normal people here despite our family name."

Rin walked over to his brother, "Don't mind him. He's the baby between us. I'm Rin Okamura. Yukio is my younger twin brother." He smirked and slung an arm around Yukio's shoulders.

"We're twins as well. I'm older." Lovino scoffed, wrapping a protective arm around Felicia who huffed and poked his cheek. "By a few minutes Lovi. Not by much. Don't rub it in." Felicia whined. The Italian brother laughed and tackled his sister onto the ground, tickling her sides.

"Fratello stop it!" Felicia squealed. Lovino snickered and ignored her pleas, "Don't be mean. That's my job."

Rin watched the two tussle on the ground as Yukio pushed his arm off. He wished he and Yukio could be that close. The Italian twins finally gave up and laid on the ground. Rin's face turned bright red. Felicia's panties were on show, pale pink with deep pink polka dots. Yukio froze when he realized what his brother was seeing. Rin took off his black jacket and threw it on top of Felica.

"I like ya Feli, just . . . . not in that way." Rin gulped. Felicia stared at Rin with a blank expression before registering what he meant. Her cheeks turned pink.

"Thank you Rin. That was very humble of you." Felicia smiled sheepishly, standing up and hugging the taller teenager. Rin chuckled shyly and awkwardly hugged her back. Lovino glared at Rin as Felicia hugged him.

"Yukio, what is up with him?" Rin whispered. Yukio sighed, "Lovino is known for being fiercely protective of his twin sister. He probably doesn't appreciate you hugging her." He explained. Rin gulped as Lovino's eye bored through Felicia and at Rin.