The sky spun rapidly around in circles, giving Elaine a headache. Despite herself, tears streamed down her face unbidden. There was an aching pain in her chest. In her heart. Her core was shutting down, having spent all of its power fueling the module. Indeed, she was dying.

Beside her, 9S and 2B looked down. Both androids were crying heavily. Despite herself, she smiled. I'm so glad…that I was born. I'm so glad…to have been brought into this meaningless, spent world.

"Why'd you do it?" 2B choked out, her voice thick with pain.

Elaine took her mother's hand, relishing the soft texture of the artificial skin. "Because I wanted to make the world beautiful again. And I thought if I brought the humans back, then…."

"We already told you there are no humans on the moon!" 9S exploded, his face red with the unusual fit of anger. Despite the outburst, his grip was the same as when she was a child. It was tentative and gentle, as if not quite believing Elaine existed. Even when she was young and simple-minded, she still understood her father would protect her with his dying breath.

The moment she shut her eyes, all the images came roaring into view. Children riding on their bikes, men playing chess, teenagers practicing instruments, girls fishing, weddings, funerals, assemblies, marches, protest, riots and so much more. The world had been so full of life back then - so full of beauty. As it was now, earth was an empty shell.


She didn't want to live in an empty shell. The android would never stop loving her family. 2B and 9S had taught her everything they knew. They taught her about love, family, compassion, gratitude, companionship, empathy, and countless other things. This fucked up, empty world existed only for them. So Elaine would make it a fucked up, beautiful world to share. That was the least she could do to repay them for loving a discarded piece of scrap metal like her.

The warmth from her parents was starting to fade, even though they were right beside her. Elaine's face was wet, though it was someone else's tears on her cheeks. "I wish I had my ukulele," she murmured.

"You'll find one in the afterlife," 9S promised, refusing to let go of her hand.

She wondered if there even was an afterlife. Was there a god out there to watch over androids? Perhaps that god died along with the last humans. If so, it was a trivial deicide.

"Mama, Papa, I love you."

2B and 9S both let out choking sobs upon being addressed. Those names were from a happier time. A time when they had family in a world full of pointless triviality. Even in her last moments, Elaine gripped their hands as firmly as she could manage. A fatal system warning flashed in the corner of her vision, informing the android her core was going offline. [Core breached. System shutdown 97%. 98%. 99%.] If we're ever reborn, I'd like to be a family again someday…. she thought as her vision went black.

9S gripped Elaine's hand, tears running down his face as she fell still. Her body was warm, having yet to cool down from her living functions. If he tricked himself hard enough, could he convince himself she was just asleep? From the moment I first held you in my arms, I knew you were my world. You and 2B. The bitterness of the truth stung his chest and closed his throat up. What if they hadn't collected the parts she asked for? What if they had asked more questions and interfered? Would Elaine still be alive? He could only hold her cooling body and sob.

The module had taken off long ago, leaving a burn mark scarred into the earth. The two androids had to support each other as they stood, but they somehow managed. Had she not been holding his hand, the Scanner honestly wasn't sure if he could handle it. The weight of the world was crushing the breath out of the two now that they lacked a third person to help hold it up.

"So what now?" he asked finally, the rain having stopped.

2B's hand tightened around his as she looked up to the sky. Her skin was shiny, having been wet from rain. "We'll make Elaine's wish come true, just as you made mine."

It honestly was the best idea they could come up with. There was no way to bring her back - not after her core had gone offline. But 9S remembered just how happy 2B had been when he had granted her wish. When he had given her a family. In their own way, 2B and 9S wanted Elaine to feel the same way. He didn't know if Elaine was watching over him, or if that was just the end for her. It honestly didn't matter. If he convinced himself that she was, then it would be the same as if she actually was. After all, disillusionment was the same as reality in the end, no? At least, it was in this empty world.

But it wasn't going to be empty forever. With Elaine's dying wish, she had given them a purpose. They were going to make her wish come true. Earth was someday going to be beautiful. Kids would be riding on their bikes, men would be playing chess, women would be singing with joy, and everything in between. One day, that module was going to come back to Earth. When it did, it would have the last human genome inside.

No, 9S did not know if Elaine was watching him from up there. No, he didn't really want to live. But yes, he had a purpose. One day, when that module came back, they would fulfill it. They would make Elaine's wish come true. They were going to resurrect the human race.

All right, it's me again. Normally I don't like to add OCs at all, but clearly I didn't have much of a choice if I wanted to explore this subject. I was lucky enough to originally write for the Fire Emblem games, so in most cases family was canon and OCs were not required at all. Indeed, writing about Fire Emblem is what really got me into the concept of family and ties, whether they be blood or otherwise. But I'm so glad to have written Elaine honestly. I loved her design enough to get some art of her (which is the new cover art).

I have to admit though, it is a guilty pleasure getting to write my own original character. I often have original characters for everything, but I don't write anything with them because that's a little cringey. But nevertheless, it was freeing being able to write an OC. I've been busy lately working on my 9S cosplay (commissioning quotes seem to estimate around $900, so I think I'll just buy a mass-produced one), but I already finished this entire fic before publishing it. Not sure when (or if) I'll write another fic, but I hope y'all enjoyed this one~