A/N: Many have been asking me for a sequel, so I'll keep it going

Not only did Rose sneak out that night, dressed in clothes her mum would never approve of, and help two boys escape security guards that night, now she could add breaking and entering to that list.

She thought John was kidding when he said he could easily pick the lock to the seemingly empty house, but once she watched him do it and he stepped inside, she realized he wasn't joking.

David let out a long sigh and grumbled, "this is a bad idea," before following John into the house. He turned back to Rose and noticed her reluctance, then he gazed around the area and pulled on her hand, "come on, before somebody sees you."

Rose felt her stomach sink as she stepped over the threshold and David shut the door behind her. He then proceeded further into the house while John headed upstairs.

"Do you know whose house this is," Rose asked in a hushed tone as she followed David into the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's his sister Donna's," he answered, not lowering his voice as Rose did. He hopped onto the counter and grabbed a jar of jam sitting beside him. Instinctively, he picked it up, popped the lid and dipped his fingers into the gooey substance. He then slipped his fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean and was about to go for more when he gazed up and noticed Rose staring at him critically.

Slowly, he secured the lid back onto the jar, putting it back where he found it. He swallowed heavily, then looked away to avoid her judging glare.

Rose shook her head of her current thoughts about David's bad manners and returned to more important matters. "What are we doing here anyway?"

"Just picking up a couple of things," John said from behind her, causing her to jump in surprise. John smiled at her reaction before tossing a t-shirt at David, "put this on, we won't be able to go anywhere with you running around shirtless."

"What about you," Rose asked, since he wasn't wearing anything under his leather jacket. Her question was then answered as John slipped his jacket off and put on a black jumper, smirking at her as she stared.

"Ha," David exclaimed, snapping Rose from her inappropriate thoughts as she watched John, "jokes on you, I happen to like Superman." He stood up proudly and puffed out his chest, bearing the large Superman logo printed on the t-shirt.

"Glad it fits," he told David condescendingly, "I grew out of that when I was twelve." He stepped closer to him and sneered as he tugged on the material, "although it's a little baggy."

David slapped his hand away and curled his fist as he bumped his chest against John's, not letting himself be intimidated by his size.

"Hey," Rose called over, hoping to break the tension, but neither of them backed down. "HEY," she cried again, finally earning their attention. "I'm not going to spend my entire night out standing in a stranger's kitchen while trying to keep you two from killing one another."

With a huff, John rolled his eyes then walked to the other side of the room, crossing his arms, and leaning his back against the wall.

Rose looked over at John then to David and although she managed to stop a fight before it started, they were still glaring at each other from across the room.

"Ok, then," she told them cheerfully, hoping to lighten the mood, "where should we go next?"

"I don't know," John said with a shrug of his shoulders, "are you hungry?"

"Starving," Rose answered while rubbing her stomach. She didn't notice how hungry she was until John asked.

"Where," David asked, "I don't have any money."

"Then maybe you should go home now," John retorted unkindly.

Rose put her hands on her hips, "I don't have any money either. Should I go home too?"

John's gave her an innocent smile, "no, I just…"

Rose pressed her index finger to his lips, shutting him up, "if he has to leave then I'm leaving too."

John slumped back against the wall, frowning.

Rose took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair, then addressed them both, "ok, I know you two don't get along, you proved that to me several times tonight, but I don't want to get caught in the middle of it or be the cause any more problems. So, either you can put aside your differences for tonight and try to be civil to one another, or I can just leave now and you two can go on fighting."

John and David stared back at one another as they weighed their options.

"Fine," David finally groaned unenthusiastically and stepped to the center of the room beside Rose. "Just for tonight," he emphasized, "I can try to get along, if he does," he nodded over at John.

"You honestly think we can just forget about everything and pretend to be friends," John remarked coldly to David.

David rolled back on his heels and spoke casually, "why not? It's just for one night."

John's lips pressed tightly together and his chest rose with every deep breath he took as he thought about it.

David took a few steps toward John and spoke quietly, "we're doing it for Rose, after all."

"I don't share," John spat back.

"I'm not anyone's to share," Rose interjected loudly, then she stomped over to John, stepping between him and David. "You know, when I first met you tonight, I thought you were a decent bloke. Now I see that you are just as thick as the rest of the lot." She grabbed David's hand, "if it's that much of a problem for you, we'll just leave and you can stay here and brood." With a tug of David's hand, she headed toward the door as David shot John a self-satisfied grin.

John leapt forward, knowing he had to act quickly, "wait," he called, only she didn't acknowledge him. With long, quick strides, he reached the door as it swung open and he dove before them, blocking their path.

Rose dropped David's hand and took a step backward, crossing her arms in an annoyed fashion, and glared up at John.

John's piercing blue eyes met her deep brown ones and all his anger diminished. His shoulders slumped and he ran his hand ran across his scalp before bowing his head. "Don't leave," he uttered quietly.

"Well, we bloody well can't stay here," Rose snarled back and began tapping her foot impatiently.

"I know," John answered, and his eyes raised up to hers, sorrowfully. "It's just that we…" he looked over at David who was staring at him crossly, then back to Rose, "that I…"

John was a closed off person, and he became even more reserved over the years after being betrayed by not only his sister, but also his former best mate who was now watching him disdainfully. Normally he would use his wit and intimidation to get his way, but that was not going to work on Rose. Besides, he concluded, she deserved much better than that.

With a defeated sigh, he peered over at David and spoke kindly enough, "can I have a minute?"

David's brows drew together and he opened his mouth to protest, but Rose looked back at him and nodded. He closed his mouth and scowled at John, then slowly made his way back to the kitchen. He was out of earshot, but he kept his eyes on them, nonetheless.

"I really want to do this for you," John spoke softly, "I just don't see how it could work. David and I have a history, and even though we used to be mates, he betrayed me. I'm not sure I can trust him, and I don't think you should either."

"That's my decision to make," Rose told him sternly. "So far, between the two of you, he seems to be the only rational one."

Rose had a point, John realized, although David did antagonize him a few times, he was now showing a bit more responsibility than John by agreeing to behave for one night, and he seemed sincere about it. John's gaze softened in a silent apology and the corner of Rose's lips twitched in response. He let out a slow breath and raised his head, looking across the room to where David was, and his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

Rose noticed the look of bewilderment that came over John's face and she turned around to see David now sitting on top of the table, his tongue was peeking out the corner of his mouth, and his fingers were once again deep inside the jar of jam as he painstakingly tried to scrape the remaining bits of it from the bottom. Rose covered her mouth to stifle a giggle and glanced back at John, relieved to see a smirk upon his face instead of a scowl.

Suddenly, from behind, a woman gasped, "what the…"

Rose spun around to find an older woman who she could only assume was John's sister. They didn't hear her enter through the door they had left open.

The woman looked back at Rose, "who are you," then her sights set on John and she seemed baffled, more than anything, "what?"

It was obvious the woman was juggling a slew of emotions and was looking to John for answers, only he didn't say anything to her. Instead he grabbed Rose's hand, gave a tug, and told her to run.

"What's going on," Donna shouted as the pair rushed past her, not answering any of her questions. She huffed out a breath, wondering what her brother could be up to when she suddenly noticed David sliding off her table while licking his fingers clean.

"Hi Donna," he told her with a cheeky smile and handed her the empty jar.

"What," Donna repeated as she watched David run off in the same direction as John and Rose.

Donna was completely flabbergasted as she tried to rack her brain around what just happened. Who was the girl and why was John with David, of all people? She looked down at the now empty jar of jam in her hand and scowled, "oh, honestly…"

As David caught up to John and Rose, all they could hear was Donna yelling out in frustration, "John!"