A/N: So, I am very sorry about the delay. I moved to a new house, and started a new job, and life has just been crazy. This is the first time that I've opened my laptop since moving last month. I had an email saying that someone had added the story to their favourites and it just reminded me that I needed to update. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and I wish you all the happiest new year.

I promise to try and do better, like I said, life is crazy, and work is just mental, but I promise to try! Feel free to give me a nudge if its been a while.

Thank you and Enjoy.

Chapter 10

"Why are you fretting Love"

Klaus was sat on the window seat in Caroline's kitchen watching her speed around the kitchen preparing food and drinks for the evening. There was stuff everywhere. The picture amused him, Caroline was wearing a form fitting black dress, that showed of her assets nicely, her face with a little more make up than normal, a dark red lip which took Klaus's mind to places that it shouldn't. However, adding to her evening look was the rollers that were still scattered around her head, and an apron.

"Fretting? I'm not fretting Klaus" she huffed at him.

"you've been cooking all day, there is enough food here to feed my army, and you are still going, I've watched you use vamp speed twice" he challenged.

"It just has to be perfect. The girl's birthday is important" she stopped, placing the specular in the dish washer before looking up at him.

"You're sure this about the girl's birthday, and not about the visitors that will be here in an hour?" He stood up and walked forward to the kitchen counter.

Caroline brushed her hands on her apron before taking it off and walking over to Klaus, she rested her forehead against his chest.

"I just don't want anything to go wrong, because then no one can make a snide comment, or criticise the evening"

"Criticise the evening, or criticise your relationship with me? I know you haven't told Elena yet"

"Both I suppose. I just can't be dealing with what she's going to say, and the comments she's going to make when she finds out" she looked up, meeting his eyes for the first time.

"I don't have to be here, I can go home if its easier love" Klaus assured her sincerely.

"What? No Klaus, god no. I promise it's not you, it's just teenage insecurities and always feeling second best to Elena" Klaus brought his hands up to Caroline's face, he laughed as his thumb pushed one of her rollers back slightly.

"You, Caroline, never have to worry about being second best to Elena ever. She is half the woman you are. I promise I will be here by your side all night, and if she makes a comment, I will remind her how valuable her now human blood is to me again" He smirked as Caroline hit his chest slightly. Before leaning back into his chest and letting Klaus pull her into a hug. The patter of footsteps by the kitchen entryway broke them apart.

"Sorry, Alaric let me in" Hayley smiled as she brought the bottle of wine in her hand over to Caroline.

"No problem" Caroline responded, taking the wine and kissing Hayley on the cheek. "You're early?"

"A little birdy told me that you were stressing, so I came to help, but it looks to me that you're pretty much done, there's enough food here to feed Klaus's army" Klaus smirked at Hayley making the same joke he had.

"A little birdy, or a pain in the arse Hybrid?" Caroline shot back. Hayley just shrugged slightly in response.

"Anyway, I'm here now, so ill tidy up, and sort anything else, I shall get Alaric to help, the football game he is watching is almost finished. Klaus, the shirt you asked me to bring is on the stairs, the pair of you, go and sort yourselves out, we have a royal visit to prepare for" Hayley's voice dripped with sarcasm as she ushered the pair out the room.

"Ow and can you take these to Hope, she forgot them when you brought her over earlier" Hayley handed Klaus a pair of heels, he held them up and inspected them.

"These are a little high?" Caroline and Hayley rolled their eyes in unison at him before Caroline dragged him upstairs, grabbing his shirt as he went.

"Girls?" Caroline called out as she knocked on the door of Lizzies room.

"Come in mum" Lizzie called back, Caroline walked into the room, whilst Klaus waited in the door frame.

"You guys almost ready?" Caroline questioned, looking around the room at the mess they had caused getting ready. Spotting a wine bottle poking out under a pile of clothes that the girls had clearly tried to hide.

"Yup, just need to put out outfits on" Josie told her mum

"Good, these are from your mum Hope, she's downstairs" Caroline told Hope as she handed over her shoes.

"Thank you Caroline" Hope smiled, looking past at her dad who winked at her.

"You are all looking lovely girls" he commented.

"Right, I need to finish getting ready" Caroline turned, walking over to the pile of clothes and pulling the bottle of wine out and holding it out in front of her. "You're lucky this wasn't expensive" she said turning to look at the girls. She unscrewed the lid and took a swig from the almost empty bottle before putting it back on the bed. "You need to get better at hiding things for Christ sake girls" she turned once again to leave the room, looking at Klaus, who looked less amused and ready to say something. Caroline took his hand and pulled him back through the door frame and closing the door behind them.

"Caroline, I know I'm meant to be being relaxed about teenage things but come on love, they cant be stealing wine like that and drinking it"

"Relax will you, I'm wound up enough for the both of us right now, and our girls sharing one bottle of wine wont kill them, for the rest of the night they will be in our sight so nothing will happen Klaus, at least they are in the house"

"I'm not happy about it" Klaus huffed as he shut Caroline's bedroom door behind them.

"I don't care" she shot back, sitting on the end of her bed, removing the rollers from her hair and placing them on the bed beside her.

Klaus removed the henley he was wearing and held the shirt out to put on.

"Hold up Mr Mikealson" Klaus looked up at Caroline, who had rolled her dress up around her hips, her legs spread open, noticing her underwear now on the floor.

"Caroline?" his brow furrowed

"We have half an hour, make it quick"

Klaus didn't need to be told twice. Within seconds he was between Caroline's legs, pressing hot kisses along her inner thighs, breathing heavily over her slit before leaning forward and pressing tender kisses over her mound, Caroline had given up sitting and let herself lay back on the bed. Klaus's tongue traced the length of Caroline's slit and she cried out in appreciation. At that point he was glad that he had his witch make her room sound prof.

It didn't take long before Caroline was pulling Klaus away from her clit and towards her.

"We haven't got long, I need you, hard and fast Klaus"

"As the lady wishes" Klaus obliged with a signature smirk.

The pair appeared 20 minutes later, with no signs of their lust filled half an hour. Alaric and Hayley had now been joined by Bonnie and the girls.

"Bonnie!" Caroline squealed, running towards her friend and pulling her into a hug.

"Hey care" Bonnie responded, equally as excited. She pulled away, looking Caroline up and down. "you look stunning"

"Thank you! As do you. I'm so glad you're here" she beamed

"So am I. I missed you, and my girls!" Klaus stepped from behind Caroline, nodding at Bonnie, who surprisingly gave him a quick hug. Klaus was shocked. As were the rest of the adults in the room.

"What? We fought bigger and bader than Klaus, and if he's good enough for you now, then he's good enough for me. Besides, the girls like him, and I trust their witchy judgment" Klaus almost looked embarrassed and focused his eyes anywhere but on Bonnie. Caroline had a tear in her eye.

"God mum, don't cry" Josie muttered in embarrassment.

The group laughed lightly at the fake evils Caroline shoot her daughter. That was until the doorbell went and everyone froze. Alaric went to the door, and the group listened as he greeted Damon and Elena. Lizzie followed her Dad out a couple of minutes later to greet the couple. Josie stayed back, looking irritable already.

"Josie, don't let it ruin your evening girl. Just be polite and then ignore them, that all I ask, it means a lot to your Dad"

"mmm I know, I will try some of that southern charm that you taught us" she smirked at her mum. Josie followed her sister.

It didn't take long for them all to return to the kitchen, Elena and Damon looking older than the last time Caroline had seen them. She smiled internally at that.

"Well, this is an unexpected crowd" Damon dead panned as he entered the kitchen. Looking between Hayley and Klaus.

"Damon, Elena" Klaus nodded.

Caroline walked forward towards Elena, hugging her.

"It's been a while, its so nice to see you both"

Elena pulled her away.

"Caroline, what is Klaus doing in your house"

"erm well, I erm… well…"

"Bloody hell mum" Josie cringed "Klaus and Mum are together, they have been seeing each other for a few months now"

Everyone turned and looked at Josie. Who just shrugged.

"You're with Klaus?"

"Yes" Caroline said, backing up next to Klaus and taking his hand. She stood up a little straighter, determined to be proud of her choices.

"Well there is no real shock there" Damon glared.

"Is that for me?" Lizzie broke the awkwardness by pointing at the present that Damon was holding.

"Both of you actually" Damon handed the parcel over to Lizzie

"Mum can we do presents before we eat?" Lizzie pleaded

"Sure baby, lets sit in the lounge"

The girls had already had their presents from Alaric and Caroline. They had got a range of things for their wardrobe, including a bag each that Caroline would not be revealing the price of to Alaric. They had also promised the girls a trip away for a weekend, a destination of their choice with both parents.

"Shall we open this one first Josie?" Lizzie asked her sister, waving the box that Damon had got her.

"Sure." Caroline could see that Josie was trying to appear as if she didn't care about the presents, part of her, I don't give a fuck attitude that she had adopted a few years back, but she knew her daughter, and that was existent in her eyes. She may not be Caroline's biologically, but they share Caroline's love for presents. Giving and receiving.

The pair pulled off the box lid, revealing a new x-box inside. Both girls looked up at Elena and Damon, surprised at the generosity.

"Thank you so much!" Lizzie bounded at Elena and Damon, throwing one arm around each of them.

"Yeh thanks, that's really cool" Josie smiled at the pair.

"My turn" Hayley called.

"This is even more of a shock than Caroline being with Klaus, Barbie and the werewolf girl, friends" Damon jabbed.

"Piss off Damon" Hayley shot back at Damon

"Mum! Your promised" Hope scalded her mother which made Klaus laugh. Hayley nodded at her daughter and put her hands up in peace.

"Anyway, here girls" she handed the girls two gifts bag. The pair pulled out the presents inside. They both pulled out a large make up bag, Lizzies was a light pink with her name engraved on the front. Josie had the same, hers was dark purple though. They unzipped the bags, inside was a range on beautiful make up that the girls had been eyeing up in Sephora the last couple times they had been.

"Hayley! This is amazing" Josie's voice was abnormally high

"No Problem Josie, I thought you could put a few things in the bag and leave it at ours? You are over all the time anyway, and it can save you both lugging all your stuff every time.

Caroline was standing next to Hayley now.

"That really sweet you know" Hayley just smiled in response.

It was Hope's turn next, she gave the girls a big hamper of clothes and make up, as well as charms for their matching bracelets.

"Can we eat now that the witchy wonder twins have opened all their presents"

"Sure" Caroline nodded, clapping her hands and moving to the kitchen.

Everyone helped uncover all the food, dishing it up before making their way to the dinning room. The table was beautiful, Caroline had outdone herself. It's hard to find a balance between her girls in terms of style. But she had gone for a grey table set, with a small amount of dusty pink and white.

"Mum this looks beautiful" Lizzie put her head on her mum's shoulder whilst balancing her plate and glass in her hands.

"I'm glad you like it"

Everyone was now sat round the table, tucking into food, drinking, Caroline was getting through her glass of wine quicker than normal, Klaus could sense her unease and placed his hand on her knee, winking at her as he did. She took a deep breath and calmed almost instantly.

"So, Elena, how is the surgery doing?" Caroline asked.

"So well! I had to take on another doctor the other day, and hire another receptionist" Elena proudly stated

"That is great, I'm glad its going well"

"Thank you" Elena offered a smile.

"How's that interfering thing you do Caroline?" Everyone around the able stopped slightly, not knowing where to look of what to say, subtly looking around the room, waiting for Caroline's reaction.

"It's going well thanks Damon"

"Don't be so modest Love, She's excellent, a lot of my powerful friends speak very highly of her work" Josie smirked, looking down at her plate at Klaus's defence of her mother.

"Ow look, how supportive. Domestication suits you Klaus" Damon Jabbed back.

"Watch your tone Damon, don't think I haven't noticed that heart beating inside your chest"

"Ow I wondered how long it would take for Klaus to whip out a murderous threat" Elena huffed, looking at Caroline.

"You can all pack it in, it's the girl's birthday, I won't have this today" Caroline said, sternly, looking at everyone involved.

It went quiet again, Hope, Josie and Lizzie started a conversation at the end of the table, Caroline noticed that they were a little gigglier than normal, making her question how much wine they had really had earlier. The peace was broken once again by Damon.

"You know, if you did rip out my heart, maybe ill see my brother again, you remember him, right? Caroline's husband"

"Of course, I remember him Damon, I considered him family, it was sad to hear that he died for you and the doppelganger"

"Klaus" Hayley warned looking to Hope.

"Funny, you say family, yet you did some pretty fucked up stuff to people he cared about, him included"

"You're all as bad as each other, right, moving on, can we leave it now please" Caroline pleased, trying to keep the peace once again.

"I wouldn't say that we are as bad as Klaus Caroline" Elena huffed, taking a sip of wine. "He killed my Aunt" almost challenging her.

"Damon killed your brother Elena, let's not go there" Caroline deadpanned

"Your Boyfriend tried to drain me of my blood" Hope was staring at her Dad, he locked eyes with her, trying hard to focus on how she was feeling. He could see Lizzie holding her hard across the table. Both the girls were emotional kids, he could tell arguments like this would upset them. Josie on the other hand, the girl looked like she wanted to start a war. Caroline suddenly stood up.

"Yup, well, your boyfriend raped me, so if you want to play the shitty boyfriend game, let's not because in my eyes, you will always lose" Josie's hand rose, the girl ready to hurt Damon, before her dad grabbed her hand and put it onto the table.

"Enough" Alaric stood now.

"Alaric how can you let him near your girls" Elena moaned, like a child not getting her own way.

"The same way I let Damon near my girls. You have all done bad things. Me included. It's a side effect from the world we are in. Now, you can either behave or leave, up to you. I won't have you spoil the girl's day anymore"

"I'm done anyway" Damon said, scrapping the chair back across the floor, Elena rose to follow him.

"Very well, I shall see you both out"

Alaric, Elena and Damon left the room. Bonnie who had not said a word throughout the whole argument stood now to move closer to the twins, taking Alaric's seat to check they were ok.

"Is that true mum. What Uncle Damon did to you" Bonnie held an upset looking Lizzies hand as she spoke.

"It was a long time ago baby. It's not something I like to talk about anymore" Lizzie nodded, wanting to ask questioned but Bonnie leant over to the girl and whispered something in her ear, something along the lines of ask later, and it not being the right time now. Caroline smiled at Bonnie, mothing a 'thank you'

Alaric returned to the table, and the group went back to eating dinner as though nothing had happened, trying their best to make sure the girls had the best evening. After dinner they moved back to the lounge and played the girls favourite family games. Watching Klaus try, and play Heads Up provided amusement for everyone involved, and lead to a grumpy Hybrid. He was soon cheered up by the peck that Caroline placed on his lips.

The evening came to an end in the early hours of the morning, Caroline saw out Hope and Hayley and Alaric who was staying at a hotel nearby. When Caroline came back to the kitchen she stopped just outside the doorframe. Listening to a nervous Klaus talk to his girls.

"Lizzie, Josie, I never got a chance to give you the erm gifts that I got you"

"Aw Klaus, you didn't have to get us anything" Josie teased, playing on the fact he was nervous, Caroline shook her head at the girl, still staying out the way.

"Anyway, here" He pushed two boxes over the counter top towards the twins. They took their respective boxes and pulled them open at the same time. Inside was a beautiful gold chain, no doubt the finest Klaus could find, and on the end of each of the chain neckless was a key, engraved with each of their initials. The girls eyed it curiously.

"What's the key to?" Josie questioned, Caroline was also curious.

"Your mum and I haven't been together long, I suppose it seems like that to you girls, but when I say its been a long time for me, I mean it. I loved your mother since she first put me in my place long before you were born. Anyway, I want her to be comfortable with spending time at my place, and I know for her, that means that you guys need to be comfortable also. This key is to my house, I know you're there all the time, but I spoke to Hayley, and we are happy for you to treat it as a second home, well third home I suppose. Anyway, its basically a key to my house so you guys can come and go as you please, I think it will make your mum happier knowing that you guys are happy there. I think she worried about spending time there with me, when she should be with you two, so this is my way of saying that I want us all to be a family. What's mine is yours really"

Lizzie was the first to move, she flung herself at the original hybrid, hugging him.

"Thank you, Klaus! This is the best gift, don't tell mum that though, she spent loads on our bags"

Caroline chuckled from the doorway.

"I'm going to bed now, I'm super tired" with that, Lizzie turned and flittered of to bed.

"Is it ok Josie? I can take it back, you don't have to use it" Klaus suddenly appeared nervous again.

"Is this your way of asking us to move in with you?"

"NO!" Klaus said hurriedly "there's not rush to move in with each other so soon. You girls will be moving on soon enough with college and your own lives, and me and your mum, well we hopefully have a very long time to do all that couples stuff. It's just a token to say that I love your mum, and that, if you girls will have me, I want you to be part of my life as well, mine is yours"

Josie rose from her chair and came around to Klaus, hugging him also.

"I'm glad my mum has you, thank you for the present Klaus, Lizzie was right" and with that, she followed her sister up the stairs to bed.

Klaus smiled to himself, happy that the girls had liked his gift when suddenly he was caught off guard by Caroline bounding towards him and throwing herself into his arms.

"Was that ok? Maybe I should have spoken to you first?" Klaus was worried again.

"It was beautiful… and I love you too" Klaus looked down at Caroline who had sunk down from his embrace. He kissed her softly on the forehead.

"Bloody better" he murmured back at her. "I've waited years for it"

They both laughed and continued to hug.

"Anyway, can we go to bed now Love, I'm ready to sleep now, I have reached my emotional tolerance for the day"

"Ow ok old man" Klaus shot her a glare. "and anyway, no you can't, do you really think you can declare your love for me, treat my daughter so specially and not be rewarded?" She now had her hand on the budge on in his crutch.

"Ow" Klaus said, the shock evident on his face and his eyes wide.

When Caroline dropped to her knees, he knew he stood no chance.

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