Hey guys, I decided this would be the final chapter. I'll just fill everything into this final chapter. I know, I've said this a million times but you ladies and gentlemen are awesome and were patient with me to the very end. Not many people are patient like you were.

I hope everyone enjoys the last chapter and feel free to review!

Percy POV

"The bridge is collapsing," I said stepping out of the elevator onto the white marble walkway, and almost immediately cracks appeared at our feet. "Jump!" Grover said, which was easy for him since he was part goat. He sprang to the next slab of stone while ours tilted sickeningly. "Over you go!" I propelled Zoe, Kyle, David, Tyler and Serenity to the next slab. "I hate heights!" Thalia yelled as she and I leaped to the next slab.

"Percy!" I heard Annabeth say as my eyes widened. I should've made sure she got over first. I thought spinning around to grab her but Tyler was already there, gripping her hand while me and David grabbed his legs and hauled him up. Once we pulled them up, they both laid there trembling till she suddenly tensed and released him. "Um, thanks," she muttered. "Uh, duh." "Keep moving!" Grover tugged at Tyler's soulder.

Once they got untangled, we sprinted across the sky bridge as more stones disintegrated and fell into oblivion. We made it to the edge of the mountain just as the final section collapsed. Annabeth looked back at the elevator, which was now completely out of reach-a polished set of marble doors hanging in space, attached to nothing, six hundred stories above Manhattan.

"We're marooned," Jennifer said. "On our own." "Blah-ha-ha! The connection between Olympus and America iis dissolving. If it fails-" "The gods won't move on to another country this time." Thalia said looking at Grover then towards me. "This will be the end of Olympus. The final end."

We ran through the streets. Mansions were burning. Statues had been hacked down. Trees in the park were blasted to splinters. It looked as if someone had attacked the city with a giant Weedwacker. We followed the winding path toward the palace of the gods. I don't remember the path being so long. Maybe Kronos was making time go slower, or maybe it was dread slowing me down. The whole mountaintop was in ruins-so many beautiful buildings and gardens gone.

Before we reached the marble archway with the huge statues of Zeus and Hera when I froze dead in my tracks. Laying in the streets unmoving were soldiers from the Army of Light. Not a single one was moving or breathing. "Percy come on," Zoe said pulling my hand but I didn't move. I merely looked over their faces, seeing cold, lifeless eyes staring back at me. "They tried to stop him." I said quietly, moving past them, desperately wanting to check if their alive but didn't want to touch their cold skin, signaling death has already claimed them.

Fury started building up in my system. No more. I shook my head, no more of my loved ones are dying. The only people who are dying are Kronos and all those who dare to follow him. I picked up a spear, flinching at the cold touch and sprinted towards the throne room, all traces of weariness gone, replaced by a raging fire that can only be put out by Kronos's death.

"Brick bybrick! That was my promise! Tear it down BRICK BY BRICK!" I was so caught up in my rage, I failed to noice I was already in front of the throne room doors while Tyler and the others were trying to get the twenty foot statue of Hera off Thalia.

I burst through the throne room doors and saw Kronos in the middle, arms spread wide. Wasting no time, I hurled the spear with all my might straight towards his back. I hoped it would've pierced the skin but sadly, it didn't but the force from the throw made him stumble to a knee whiile Ethan spun around, unsheathing his sword.

I'll kill you first. I thought bringing Riptide down as he put his sword up to block. If it wasn't for you. None of this would've happened. I kicked his sword out of his hand and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up into the air. "It's all your fault my friends are dead." I hissed applying more pressure while his eyes started to close.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw Kronos getting up, his scythe turning back into Luke's sword. Backbiter. I tossed Ethan to the side and saw Kronos glaring at me. "Time to end this." I snarled running towards him.

Tyler POV

"Tyler, we'll get her out," Kyle said glowing that same dark blue aura as did Kyle. "You can't let Percy kill Kronos directly, if he does who knows what'll happen. The prophecy has to play out. The prophecy states a single choice shall end his days. The choice is he will try to defeat Kronos himself or he will back down and let someone else defeat Kronos. you have to knock some sense into him." He said while I nodded.

"We'll stay and help," Jennifer said gesturing to herself and Serenity while I made my way to the throne room with Annabeth, Grover, and Zoe as a fireball erupted on the side of the montain, right near the gates of the palace.

Once we reached the throne room, I saw the doors were ripped off their hinges and smashed like they weighed nothing. We had to climb over a huge pile of broken stones and twisted metal to get inside. Before I even got in, I felt Percy's aura growing with each second, making Kronos seem like a baby.

Once I got inside, I saw Ethan trying to get up while Kronos hit the base of Athena's throne. "Percy!" I shouted while he looked at me in shock and surprise. "The prophecy! You have to let the prophecy play out!" I yelled but he ignored me and turned back to Kronos and lunged.

If Kronos didn't move, Percy would've sliced him in half but he did take a piece of Athena's throne off but I wasn't arguing. Annabeth engaged Ethan while Grover played his reed pipes. The sound filled me with warmth and courage-thoughts of sunlight and a blue sky and a calm meadow, somewhere far away from the war. Zoe tackled Percy while I engaged Kronos.

I dodged, slashed, and rolled, but I felt like I was fighting a hundred swordsmen. Kronos back me up against the throne of Hephaestus-a huge mechanical La-Z-Boy type thing covered with bronze and silver gear. Kronos slashed, and I managed to jump straight onto the seat. The throne whirred and hummed with secret mechanisms. Defense mode, it warned. Defense mode. That couldn't be good. I jumped straight over Kronos's head as the throne shot tendrils of electricity in all directions. One hit Kronos in the face, arcing down his body and up his sword.

ARG!" He crumpled to his knees and dropped Backbiter. Annabeth saw her chance. She kicked Ethan out of the way and charged Kronos. "Luke, listen!" I wanted to shout at her, tell her she was crazy for trying to reason with Kronos, but there was no time. Kronos flicked his hand. Annabeth flew backwords and slammed into the throne of her mother and crumpled to the floor.

"Annabeth!" I screamed as Ethan got to his feet. He now stood between Annabeth and me. He and I both know I couldn't fight one without turning my back to the other. Kronos rose to one knee. His hair smoldered. His face was covered with electrical burns. He reached for his sword, but this time it didn't fly into his hands.

Grover still played his music but with a more urgent tone. He moved toward Annabeth, but he couldn't go any faster and keep up the song. Grass grew on the floor of the throne room. Tiny roots crept up between the cracks of the marble stones. "Nakamura!" Kronos groaned. "Time to prove yourself. You know where his secret weakness. Kill him, and you will have rewards beyond measure." Ethan's eyes dropped to my midsection, and I was sure he knew. Even if he couldn't kill me himself, all he had to do was tell Kronos. I couldn't defend myself forever.

"Look around you Ethan." I said. "The end of the world. Is this the reward you want? Do you really want everything destroyed-the good with the bad? Everything?" Grover was almost to Annabeth now. The grass thickened on the floor. The roots were almost a foot long, like a stubble of whiskers. "There is no throne to Nemesis," Ethan muttered. "No throne to my mother." "That's right!" Kronos tried to get up, but stumbled. Above his left ear, a patch of blonde still smoldered. "Strike them down! They deserve to suffer." "You said your mother is the goddess of balance," I reminded him.

"The minor gods deserve better Ethan, but total destruction isn't balance. Kronos doesn't build. He only destroys." Ethan stared at the sizzling throne of Hephaestus. Grover's music kept playing, and Ethan swayed to it, as if the song were filling with nostalgia-a wish to see a beautiful day, to be anywhere but here. His good eye blinked.

Then he charged...but not at me.

While Kronos was still on his knees, Ethan brought down his sword on the Titan lord's neck. It should've killed him instantly, but the blade shattered. Ethan fell back, grasping his stomach. A shard of his own blade had ricocheted and pierced his armor. Kronos rose unsteadily, towering over his stomach. "Treason,"he snarled.

Grover's music kept playing, and the grass grew around Ethan's body. Ethan stared at me, his face tight with pain. "Deserve better," he gasped. "If they just...had thrones-" Kronos stomped his feet, and the floor ruptured around Ethan. The son of Nemesis fell through a fissure that went straight through the heart of the mountain-straight into open air.

"So much for him," Kronos picked up his sword. "And now for the rest of you." Then he came at me like a whirlwind.

The last thing I wanted was for him to reach Annabeth. I'll admit, if Percy wasn't there to help me, Kronos would've defeated me. Grover was finally at Annabeth's side feeding her ambrosia. Everywhere Kronos stepped, the roots wrapped around his feet but Grover stopped his magic too early. The roots weren't strong enough to do much more than annoy him.

We fought through the hearth, kicking up coals and sparks. Kronos slashed an armrest off the throne of Ares, which was fine with me and Percy till he backed us up to our dad's throne. "Oh yes," Kronos said. "This one wil make fine kindling for my new hearth!" Our blades clashed in a shower of sparks. He was stronger than me, but him and Percy probably had equal strength. But for the moment, I felt the power of the ocean in my arms. Percy pushed him back while I struck again, slashing Shadowslayer across his breastplate so hard I cut a gash in the Celestial Bronze.

He stomped his foot and time slowed down. I tried to attack but I was moving the speed of a glacier. Kronos backed up leisurely, catching his breath and examining the gash in his armor while I silently cursed him till Percy surged forward, his eyes glowing golden as he and Kronos locked blades. "Such determination," Kronos mused pressing forward while Percy's arms trembled. "Such a shame you chose to fight against me." He sighed like the thought made him sad till he kicked Percy back.

"It's too late Percy Jackson," he said. "Look." He pointed to the hearth, and the coals glowed. A sheet of white smoke poured from the fire, forming images like an Iris-message. I saw Nico and my mother and my parents down on Fifth Avenue, fighting a hopeless battle, ringed in enemies. In the background Hades fought from his black chariot, summoning wave after wave of zombies out of the ground, but the forces of the Titan's army seemed endless.

Meanwhile, Manhattan was being destroyed. Mortals, now fully awake, were running in terror. Cars swerved and crashed. The scene shifted, and I saw something even more terrifying.

A column of storm was approaching the Hudson River, moving rapidly over the Jersey shore. Chariots circled it, locked in combat with the creature in the cloud. The gods attacked. Lighting flashed. Arrows of gold and silver streaked into the cloud like rocket tracers and exploded. Slowly, the cloud ripped apart, and I saaw Typhon for the first time.

I knew as long as I lived (which might not be that long) I would never be able to get the image out of my head. Typhon's head shifted constantly. Every moment, he was a different monster, each more horrifying than the last. Looking at his face would've driven me insane, so I focused on his body, which wasn't much better. He was humanoid, but his skin reminded me of a meat loaf sandwich that had been in someone's locker all year. He was mottled green, with blisters the size of buildings, and blackened patches from eons of being stuck under a volcano. His hands were human, but with talons like an eagle's. His legs were scaly and reptilian.

"The Olympians are giving their final effort." Kronos laughed. "How pathetic." Zeus threw a thunderbolt from his chariot. The blast lit up the whole world. I could feel the shock even here on Olympus, but when the dust cleared, Typhon was still standing. He staggered a bit, with a smoking crater on top of his misshapen head, but he roared in anger and kept advancing. My limbs began to loosen up. Kronos didn't seem to notice. His attention was focused on the fight and his final victory. If I could hold out for a few seconds, and if my dad kept his word...

Typhon stepped into the Hudson River and barely sank to mid-calf. Please. I thought. It has to happen now. Like a miracle, a conch horn sounded from the smokey picture. The call of the ocean. The call of Poseidon.

All around Typhon, the Hudson River erupted, chruning with forty foot waves. Out of the water burst a new chariot-this one pulled by massive hippocampi, who swam in air as easily as in water. My father, glowing with a blue aura of power, rode a defiant circle around the giant's legs. Poseidon no longer looked like an old man. He looked like himself again-tan and strong with a black beard. As he swung his trident, the river responded, making a funnel cloud around Typhon.

"No!" Kronos bellowed after a moment of stunned silence. "NO!" "NOW MY BRETHREN!" Poseidon's voice was so loud I wasn't sure if I was hearing it from the smoke image or from all the way across town. "STRIKE FOR OLYMPUS!" Warriors burst out of the river, riding the waves on huge sharks, dragons, and sea horses. It was a legion of Cyclopes, and leading them into battle was...

"Tyson!" I yelled. I knew he couldn't hear me, but I stared at him in amazement. He'd magically grown in size. He had to be thirty feet tall, as big as any of his older cousins, and for the first time, he was wearing full battle armor. Riding behind him was Briares, the Hundred-Handed One.

All the Cycopes held huge lengths of black iron chains-big enough to anchor a battleship-with grapling hooks at the end. They swung them like lassos and began to ensnare Typhon, throwing lines around the creature's legs and arms, using the tide to keep circling, slowly tanglig him. Typhon shook and roared and yanked at the chains, pulling some of the Cyclopes off their mount; but there were too many chains. The sheer weight of the Cyclopes battalion began to weigh Typhon down.

Poseidon threw his trident and impaled the monster in the throat. Golden blood, immortal ichor, spewed fm the wound, making a waterfall taller than a skyscraper. The other gods struck with renewed force. Ares rode in and stabbed Typhon in the nose. Artemis shot the monater in the eye with a dozen arrows while Apollo lit the monsters loincloth on fire witth flamming arrows. And Zues kept pounding the giant with lightning till the water finally rose, wrapping Typhon up like a cocoon, and began to sink under the weight of the chains.

Typhon bellowed in agony, thrashing with such force that waves sloshed the Jersey shore, soaking five-story buildings and splashing over the George Washington Bridge-but down he went as my dad opened a special tunnel for him at the bottom of the river-an endless waterslide that would take him straight to Tartarus. The giant's head went under in a seething whirlpool, then he was gone.

"BAH!" Kronos screamed. He slashed his sword through the smoke, tearing the image to shreds. "They're on their way," Percy said. "You've lost." "I haven't even started." Kronos advanced with blinding speed. Grover-being the brave, yet stupid satyr that he was-tried to protect us, but Kronos tossed him aside like a rag doll.

I sidestepped and jabbed under Kronos's guard. It was a good trick, unfortunately, Luke knew it. He countered the strike and disarmed me using one of the first moves he'd ever taught me. My sword skittered across the ground while he kicked me back straight into Percy, throwing us both to the ground. "STOP!" Annabeth's came out of nowhere.

Kronos whirled to face her and slashed with Backbiter, but somehow Annabeth caught the strike on her dagger hilt. It was a move only the quickest and most skilled knife fighter could've managed. Don't ask me where she found the strength, but she stepped in closer for leverage, their blades crossed, and for a moment she stood face-to-face with the Titan lord, holding at a standstill.

"Luke," she said, gritting her teeth. "I understand now. You have to trust me." Kronos roard in outrage. "Luke Castellan is dead! His body will burn away as I assume my true form!" I tried to move but I couldn't but Percy was trying to push my frozen body off him. How could Annabeth, battered and half dead with exhaustion have the strength to fight a Titan like Kronos when me and Percy couldn't?

Kronos pushed against her, trying to dislodge his blade, but she held him in check, her arms trembling as he forced his sword down to her neck. "Your mother," Annabeth grunted. "She saw your fate." "Service to Kronos!" The Titan roared. "This is my Fate!" "No!" Annabeth insisted. Her eyes were tearing up, but I didn't know if it was from sadness or pain. "That's not the end, Luke. The prophecy: she saw what you would do. It applies to you!" "I will crush you!" "You won't," Annabeth said. "You promised. You're holding Kronos back rigt now." "LIES!"

Kronos pushed again, and this time Annabeth lost her balanced. With his free hand, Kronos struck her face, and she slid backward. I managed to stand with the help of Percy. "Family, Luke." Annabeth croaked out while Kronos loomed over her, his head raised. "You promised." When she said this, Kronos staggered.

He stared at the knife in Annabeth's hand, then the blood on her face. "Promise." Then he gasped like he couldn't get air. "Annabeth..." But it wasn't the Titan's voice, it was Luke's. He stumbled forward like he couldn't control his own body. "You're bleeding..." I looked at Percy and saw he was more surprised than I was. He looked at me and I nodded.

He released me and ran towards Kronos and slammed into him, knocking Backbiter out of his hands and throwing them both to the floor and breaking the spell. Me and Grover ran towards Annabeth to see Zoe already there while Percy continued to throw Kronos around like a rag doll. "Tyler..." Annabeth tried to hand me her knife but it clattered out of her hand. Her arm was bent at a funny angle.

I glanced back and saw Percy duck under a swing from Kronos and lift him up from behind and slam him into the ground. I turned back towards Annabeth. "Please," she said pleadingly as Percy landed beside us. I spun around and saw anger rippling across his face but I noticed something strange. Was it my imagination or was his whole body glowing, turning gold?

He gasped. Luke's voice: "He's changing. Help. He's...he's almost ready. He won't need my body anymore. Please-" "No!" Kronos bellowed. He looked around for his sword, but it was in the hearth, glowing among the coals. He stumbled toward it. I tried to stop him, but he pushed me out of the way with such force I landed next to Annabeth and cracked my head on the base of Athena's throne, making me lose consciousness for a few seconds.

When I came to, I saw Percy crouching beside Annabeth, her knife in his hands. I didn't know what he was doing till she spoke.

Percy POV

"The prophecy," Annabeth said. "This is what the prophecy means. You have to make a choice," she murmured. "The blade," she pointed at the knife in my hands. "Hero...cursed blade." I looked at Kronos and saw him grasping his sword. Then he bellowed in pain and dropped it. His hands were smoking and seared. The hearth fire had grown red-hot, like the scythe wasn't compatible with it. I saw an image of my mother in the ashes, frowning at Kronos with disapproval.

I looked at Luke and saw him clutching his ruined hands. "Please, Percy," I walked toward him, raising the knife to strike till I stopped, realizing what Annabeth had meant. "Please," Luke groaned. "No time." If Kronos evolved into his true form, there would be no stopping him. He would make Typhon look like a playground bully.

The line from the Great Prophecy rang in my head: A hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap. My world tilted upside down, and I did possibly the most stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. I gave Luke the knife.

Tyler yelped. "Percy? Are you...um..." Crazy. Insane. Off my rocker. Most likely, but I watched as Luke grasped the hilt. Standing before him defenseless. I watched as he unlatched the side straps of his armor, exposing a small bit of his skin just under his left arm, a place that would be very hard to hit. With difficulty, he stabbed himself.

It wasn't a deep cut, but Luke howled. His eyes glowed like lava. The throne room shook, throwing me off my feet. An aura of energy surrounded Luke, growing brighter and brighter, I shut my eyes and felt a force like a nuclear explosion throw me to the ground, blistering my skin and cracking my lips.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Zoe kneeling beside me, staring at me worriedly. "Is it over?" She sighed in relief and hugged me tightly, taking the breath out of me. I smiled and hugged her back, "I'll take that as a yes." She pulled away and I noticed a cut on her forehead. "You're hurt," I said but she rolled her eyes. "I'm fine Percy." "Where's Tyler?" She pointed at a group near the hearth. "Ahh," I nodded and sat up, observing the destruction in the throne room.

"It could've been worse," I said while she rolled her eyes and went to speak, but at that exact moment, the gods arrived in their battle armor, thundering into the throne room and expecting a batle. "Percy," my father called, awe in his voice. "What...what is this?" I stood up and faced the gods. "We need a shroud," I said as they all looked at me.

"A shroud for the son of Hermes."


I left purposely when the Fates arrived to claim Luke's body.

As much as I would love to rip those three old hags to pieces, it wouldn't look good on my part, plus it would be disrespectful to Hermes. Even though Luke hosted Kronos and nearly destroyed Olympus, he saved it and in the end, he has my respect.

When I walked back into the throne room, I saw the Fates gone and the gods repairing the throne room, which went pretty fast. Once the sky bridge re-formed, we greeted our friends who survived. Kyle and David saved Thalia from a statue that fell on her. She was on crutches, but otherwise she was okay. The Stolls made it through with minor injuries.

They promised me they hadn't even looted the city much, but by judging all the clanking sounds of metal and a few candy bars sticking out of their pockets and bags their carrying around, they took more than expected. They told me my mom was fine, though she wasn't allowed into Mount Olympus. Mrs. O'Leary had dug Chiron out of the rubble and rushed him off to camp.

The Stolls looked kind of worried about the old centaur, but at least he was alive. Katie reported that she'd seen Rachel run out of the Empire State Building at the end of the battle. Rachel looked unharmed, but nobody knew where she'd gone, which troubled Tyler.

Nico came into Olympus to a hero's welcome, his father right behind him, despite the fact that Hades was only supposed to visit Olympus on the winter solstice. The god of the dead looked stunned when his relatives clapped him on the back. I doubt he'd ever gotten such an enthusiastic welcome before.

"Tyler, what were the Stolls talking about when they mentioned mom?" I said watching the gods clap their kids on the back. "Travis mentioned a Paul. Who is he?" I said while he raised an eyebrow till he snapped his fingers. "That's right, you weren't here." He said while I looked at him, waiting for an answer. "Paul is mom's boyfriend. He's basically our step-dad." I wanted to ask a few questions till I realized I haven't seen Alexander or the others.

"Thalia," I said looking at her. "Where's Alexander and the others?" She looked around and frowned, like she was just realizing they weren't here. "I don't know, after Kyle and David rescued me. They both disappeared in flashes, I haven't seen them or the others since." I looked around, slightly worried that I lost the remaining friends that are the closest to me.

"Have you seen Serenity?" I looked at her. "No, I haven't," I stared at her, trying to figure out why she would be looking for Serenity. "Is she not with the Hunters?" She shook her head. "Percy!" I heard someone say from behind me. Turning around, I saw Alexander and everyone else.

Relief entered my system. "I'm glad you're all safe." I said hugging Crystal first then the rest of them. "Where's Kyle?" I said as a smirk adorned Alexander's face while he pointed towards the throne room doors.

Confused, I looked at the throne room doors and saw Kyle, but his leg was wrapped and he had an arm slung over Will and Serenity. "Found Serenity, Thalia," I said as they walked towards us. "Hey Kyle," Cameron said grinning. "Looks like you owe us four hundred drachmas." "Fuck off," he said limping past us towards Apollo.

"What are you talking about?" I said while they looked at me. "Before we came here, we all made a bet. Whoever got hurt first owes the rest a hundred drachmas each." David said while I shook my head, chuckling. "Why does he always make these bets when he constantly loses?" "I don't know Perce," Cameron said shaking his head. "I'm fine with it," Derek said shrugging.

I opened my mouth to speak till Ares bellowed. "There's my girl!" Clarisse walked in, still shivering from her time in the ice block. The god of war ruffled her hair and pounded her on the back, calling her the best warrior he'd ever seen. "That drakon-slaying? THAT'S what I'm talking about!" She looked pretty overwhelmed. All she could do was nod and blink, like she was afraid he'd start hitting her, but eventually, she began to smile.

A few gods stopped to talk to me and Tyler, much to my disdain. But, a few exchange of words and threats had them walking back to their thrones.

The army of Poseidon marched in and a thirty foot tall Cyclopes came running towards us. "Tyler!" He yelled. For a second, I was worried he was going to crush us but thankfully, he shrunk down to the normal size of a Cyclopes and tackled Tyler in a hug. "You are not dead!" "Yeah!" Tyler said. "Amazing, huh?" He laughed and clapped his hands happily.

"I am not dead either. Yay! We chained Typhon. It was fun!" He frowned when he saw me. "Tyson," Tyler put his hands on the Cyclopes shoulder. "This is Percy, he's another son of Poseidon." The Cyclopes eyes lit up while he shot me a sly grin. "He's your big brother." Immediately after, the Cyclopes tackled me in a hug, taking the breath out of me.

"Yay! Another big brother!" The conch horn blasted again. The Cyclopes parted and Tyson finally released me, thankfully. Poseidon walked into the throne room, his trident glowing in his hands. "Tyson!" He roared. "Well done, my son. And Tyler-" His face turned stern. He wagged his fingers at him, and Tyler looked afraid. "I even forgave you for sitting in my throne." He looked at me. "You have saved Olympus!" He held his arms out and engulfed me and Tyler in a hug.

I realized, slightly embarrassed. I never hugged my dad. "Dad-" "Shhh," he said smiling at us. "No hero is above fear, boys. And you have risen above evero hero. Not even Hercules-" "POSEIDON!" A voice roared.

Zeus had taken his throne. He glared across the room at our dad while all the other gods filed in and took their seats. Even Hades was present, sitting on a simple stone guest chair at the foot of the hearth. Nico sat cross-legged on the ground at his dad's feet. I also noticed Bianca was there, sitting beside her brother.

"Well Poseidon?" Zeus said annoyed. "Are you too proud to join us in council, my brother?" I thought Poseidon would get mad, but he just looked at us and winked. "I would be honored, Lord Zeus." As he walked towards his throne, I glanced over at Tyler and saw he had teared up slightly. He must've just realize how terrified he actually was these past few days. I thought slinging my arm around his shoulder.

"You did great Tyler," I whispered into his ear as the Olympian Council convened. "And I don't think I could ask for a better brother."


After Zeus gave a super long speech about the bravery of the gods and etc.-he spoke about the bravery of the demigods. "Which leaves us," Zeus said. "Only the matter of thanking our young demigod heroes, who defended Olympus so well-even if there are a few dents in my throne." I snorted, earning a look of annoyance from Zeus.

He called Thalia forward first, since she was his daughter, and promised her help in filling the Hunters' ranks. Artemis smiled. "You have done well, my lieutenant. You have made me proud, and all those Hunters who perished in my service will never be forgotten. They will achieve Elysium, I am sure." She glared pointedly at Hades.

He shrugged. "Probably." "Hades," I said while he sighed. "Fine, I'll streamline their applications in process." Thalia beamed with pride. "Thank you my lady," she bowed to the gods, even Hades and started to limp towards Artemis's throne till she stopped. "Father, I ask for one more thing." Zeus nodded. "Sisters," the remaining Hunters walked towards the middle of the throne room, then bowed to the gods.

"Many of you are wondering who the people are in the white armor," Thalia said gesturing to Alexander, whom was staring at her in surprise while the gods nodded. "Yes, we have been wondering," Zeus said while Thalia nodded. "They are the Army of Light," Thalia said. "They serve Aether, Primordial of Light." The gods eyes widened at this except for Apollo's.

"Aether sent us help when we needed it. He sent one hundred and twenty five of his best fighters to help us defend Olympus." "As you can probably tell," Serenity said. "They suffered more than anyone else did." "If their so skilled," Ares said. "Why are there so little of them left?" Kyle stepped forward, glowing the dark blue aura I've seen many times.

"Because of the Ares cabin," he said while Ares' eyes narrowed. "If they would've stepped up and helped like they should've, my cousins would still be alive." He spat. "Kyle," I said as he looked at me. "Don't start a fight." I said shaking my head while he scowled but nodded, still glaring at Ares.

"Yes, they have little numbers, but that is because they risked their lives for every camper and Hunter here." The gods eyes widened. "Many of us would not be here if it were not for them." Thalia said smiling while the gods still looked shocked till they looked at the Army of Light gratefully. "Well, I suppose we should thank our demigod heroes for going to such great lengths to defend their home." Zeus said while they grimaced.

"Actually, they aren't demigods." Serenity said while the gods stared at her confused. "Then who are they?" Zeus questioned while the demi-Titans shook their heads furiously. "Their demi-Titans." Jennifer said as it fell dead silent. "Children of the Titans?" Athena questioned while Alexander and everyone else looked away. That always was a touchy subject for them. I thought taking Riptide out of my pocket, just incase Zeus and the other Olympians try anything.

Thalia and the Hunters led Alexander and the others towards the middle of the throne room, much to the shock of everyone else but I was focused on Kyle and Serenity. I wonder if Artemis is ready to release a Hunter from her oath. I thought smiling slightly. "Mi'lord," Alexander said bowing while the rest of the demi-Titans followed his lead.

"Is this true?" Zeus questioned while they nodded. "Yes, lord Zeus. We are demi-Titans," Alexander sighed resignedly. "I am a son of Hyperion, Cameron is a son of Koios, Kyle and David are children of Krios, Derek is a son of Perses." He said pointing at each demi-Titan. "They are not like their parents lord Zeus," Maria said. "They've proved that on the battlefield." "Anyone who constantly puts themselves in danger to ensure the safety of the very beings who dislike them have my respect." Thalia said.

"When everyone first found out they were demi-Titans, no one trusted them," Jennifer said. "But they didn't let it stop them. I've personal been saved by them nonstop." Serenity said smiling at Kyle. "When it first happened, I expected them to demand a thank you or something like that but they didn't. They didn't even mention it, just went on like nothing happened. To say I was surprised was an understatement." Thalia looked at Zeus.

"I know you're probably going to try to kill them, but don't. They already have it tough as demi-Titans, knowing they can't find a home amongst children of the gods." She said as it drifted back into silence. It was Artemis who broke the silence. "I am surprised girls, by the action you show for these boys, but I see your reasoning. Their loyalty knows no bounds. They willingly sacrifice their lives to protect those who see them as spies or traitors. I support your reason." "As do I," Apollo said smiling.

"Me too," Poseidon, Aphrodite, and Hermes all nodded their agreement. "Think of it this way father," Apollo said. "If you or anyone else try to kill them, you'll lose more than just your throne." He tossed his head in my direction as everyone looked at me. I smirked, releasing my aura slightly, to show them what will happen if they tried to harm my friends.

They must've realized a super powerful being was standing right in front of them. "Very well," he grumbled. "Your wish is granted." The Hunters all smiled while Alexander and everyone else looked relieved. "Thank you, lord Zeus." Alexander bowed while the rest followed his lead.

The rewad ceremony went smooth after that. Grover became Lord of the Wild and was no longer a outcast. Annabeth was the new architect for Olympus since Kronos destroyed most of it. Tyson wanted a new stick, so Zeus granted him the best stick ever. How dumb that sounded coming out of his mouth. Zoe was called up next.

"My dear friend," Artemis smiled. "You have proved yourself time and time again. Usually, whenever a maiden leaves the Hunt, they cannot join again, but I think I can make an exception. If you wish, you may join the Hunt." My heart stopped. My hands were sweaty. Zoe looked back at me and I gave her a smile. "It's your choice." I mouthed to her but deep inside, I was hoping she would refuse the offer.

She turned back to Artemis. "Lady Artemis, I am sorry but I must decline your offer." Instead of being disappointed like I thought Artemis would've been, she merely smiled and nodded. Zoe bowed in respect than walked back to us. "Why did you do that?" I whispered as she looked at me. "I thought you loved the Hunt?" "I do, but there's a reason I didn't join." I desperately wanted to ask what her reason was but I couldn't because mine and Tyler's names were called.

We walked towards the center of the throne room, but I could sense he was nervous. I looked towards the hearth and saw Hestia smiling at me. "You did great son." She said while I smiled as Tyler bowed but I stood there. "What?" I noticed most were giving me a look. "I'm not bowing. After all the stuff I did for you, I deserve the right to stand before you." I said smirking as Zeus went to speak but Poseidon spoke first.

"Great heroes must be rewarded," Poseidon said. "Is there anyone here who would deny my sons are deserving?" I waited for one of the gods to speak up. They never agreed on anything, and many of them still didn't like me or Tyler, but not a single one protested. "The Council agrees," Zeus said. "You will have one gift from the gods."

Me and Tyler exchanged glances. "Any gift?" Zeus nodded grimly, like it pains him to say what I think he's about to say. "I know what you will ask. The greatest gift of all. Yes, if you want it, it shall be yours. The gods have not bestowed this gift on a mortal hero in many centuries, but, if you wish it-you shall be a god. Immortal. Undying. You both shall serve as your father's lieutenants." Tyler stared at him stunned.

"A god?" Zeus rolled his eyes and went to speak but a portal appeared beside me. Out came all my siblings and Chaos. To say everyone was surprised was an understatement. "And before you say anything Zeus, we can be here." Chaos said looking at Zeus' red face. "If you say anything, you can say goodbye to your throne." That shut Zeus up immediately.

"What are you doing here?" I said as Nyx hugged me. "Gaea couldn't be here," Nyx whispered. "Didn't want the Olympians going into a panic." I nodded. "Rewarding you, of course." Aether said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I looked to Chaos, hoping he'll explain what's going on. "They felt like you deserved a better reward than becoming a minor god." "And what better gift is that?" I questioned. "Becoming a primordial like the rest of your siblings." My eyes widened as did everyone else's.

"You did your job Percy," Aether said. "You've fought their wars, defeated their enemies, and saved their thrones. Your not their little slave. You did it because it was the right thing. Your job here is over." "It's your choice," Chaos said. "If you accept or decline, we will honor it." I nodded. "If I accept?" "If you accept, it is very likely the Fates will have no control over you," I liked the sound of that. "You'll be free of their control."

I looked at Tyler and saw him looking at me in shock. "It's your choice," he said. "You've been wishing for peace your whole life. If accepting a offer like that means you'll have peace, I'll support it." He said trying to fight back the tears. I looked toward the campers and saw them smiling, encouraging me to accept but I saw the sadness in their eyes. Sad that they might never see me again. I looked at Jennifer, but she wasn't looking at me.

I turned to Zoe and saw she was pale, her hands were trembling. I was about to speak till I looked at Tyler to see he was lost in thought. He looked at me and we both made up our minds.

We faced the gods. "No."

Everyone had a different reaction. The Olympians frowned, as if they misheard. The primordials were staring at me in surprise. The campers were staring at us slack-jawed that we declined such a offer. Jennifer was staring at me in shock, but she was smiling. Zoe had her hand over her mouth, her eyes were wide and shining.

The only two who didn't seem surprised were Chaos and Hestia since they were smiling. "What?" Aether said like he couldn't believe what he just heard. "We would like to turn the offer the Olympians gave us into a wish." "You can't do that!" Hera cried. "You had a offer from the primordials!" "But we were offered one wish from the gods," I said smirking.

"And that wish could be anything," Tyler grinned. "Remember?" Hera glared at Zeus but didn't say anything. I knew they weren't happy with what I was doing but I could care less. I have a few things to say. "Very well," Zeus muttered. "As long as the wish is within our power." "Oh it is," Tyler said. "It's not even difficult." "But first I need you to swear on the River Styx you'll grant our request." I got a lot of steely looks but it didn't scare me.

"Very well!" Zeus growled. "In the name of the Council, we swear by the River Styx to grant your reasonable requests as long as they are within our power." The other gods muttered assent. Thunder boomed, shaking the throne room. The deal was made. "Tyler, if you would." "Of course," he said smirking. "First off, from now on, I want you to properly recognize the children of the gods," he said. "All the children...of all the gods." The Olympians shifted uncomfortably.

"What do you mean, son?" Poseidon said. "What he means is Kronos couldn't have risen if it hadn't been for a lot of demigods who felt abandoned by their parents," I said as Tyler continued. "They felt angry, resentful, and unloved, and they had a good reason." Zeus's royal nostrils flared. "You dare accuse-" "Silence Zeus!" Chaos snapped. "They speak the truth, I suggest you shut your mouth and listen." He looked at us. "Continue son."

"No more undetermined children," I said. "I want you to promise to claim your children-all your demigod children-by the time they turn thirteen. They won't be left out in the world on their own at the mercy of monsters. I want them claimed and brought to camp so they can be trained right and survive." "Now, wait just a moment," Apollo started but Tyler spoke.

"And the minor gods," he said. "Hecate, Janus, Hebe, Nemesis-they all deserve a general amnesty and a place at Camp Half-Blood. Their children shouldn't be ignored. Calypso and the other peaceful Titan-kind should be pardoned too. And Hades-" "Are you calling me a minor god?" Hades bellowed. "No." "Yes," I said earning a look of annoyance from Tyler.

"No more unclaimed demigods will be crammed into the Hermes cabin, wondering who their parents are. They'll have their own cabins, for all the gods. And no more pact of the Big Three. We're going to stop trying to get rid of powerful demigods. Instead we're going to accept them and train them. All children of the gods will be welcome and treated with respect. That is my wish." "And now time for my wish." "What!" Zeus demanded. "I thought that was both of your wishes." "Oh no Zeus," I shook my head.

"That's Tyler's wish. My wish is small, only one thing. Not even hard." I said while the gods glared at me but I glared back. "Very well," Zeus hissed. Face red with anger. "Proceed." I nodded and spoke.

"Camp Half-Blood," I said. "For half-bloods. But the way it was before was, 'this camp is only for the Olympian god's children' and you know it's true. You only had cabins for the Olympians. If it was going to be that way, you should've changed the name." I looked at my demi-Titan friends. "I want cabins for the Titans children," everyone's eyes widened at this.

"Like Tyler said, we're going to start accepting powerful half-bloods. The demi-Titans are stronger than the demigods in every way. They were born from the most powerful group to ever rule earth. If the primordials ever had half-blood children, I would kill them." "You can't just let Titan spawn into the camp!" My eyes narrowed at this. "And why not Dionysus? You are useless at that camp. If it were not for the demi-Titans, many of the demigods and Hunters would not be here." I looked at the gods.

"Just because their parents are Oceanus or Hyperion does not mean they are like them. Just like you gods for instance. Poseidon and Athena don't get along at all, yet two children of Poseidon are best friends with a daughter of Athena. We half-bloods are not like you gods. Maybe you could learn a bit from us." I said as it drifted into silence.

"That's it?" Zeus questioned. "That's my wish," I said while the gods stared at me in surprise. "You boys ask for much," Athena stated. "You presume much." "I hold you to your oath," I said. "All of you."

The gods just stared at me till Athena spoke. "As much as I hate saying this, they are correct." Everyone stared at Athena in surprise. "We have been unwise to our children, and it nearly caused our destruction. I had my doubts about you two, but perhaps," she looked like she was trying to swallow a mouse. "Perhaps I was mistaken. I move that we accept their plans." "Hmph, being told what to do by mere mortals." Zeus grumbled. "All in favor?" Hermes said as all the gods raised their hands.

"Thank you, Olympians." I said bowing and heading to the door. "Honor guard!" Poseidon called as the Cyclopes came to attention. "All hail Perseus Jackson, Hero of Olympus...and my big brother!"


I was walking with everyone to the elevator till I saw something that caught my eye. "Tyler, I'll meet you at the camp." I said while he stopped and looked at me. "Why?" I tossed my head and he followed my gaze and nodded. "See you at the camp." I nodded and walked away from everyone else. "Why would he decline such an offer?!" I heard Travis say.

"I mean being offered godhood is rare, but a primordial?! I would've accepted." "That's the thing Travis," Zoe said. "You would've accepted, just like any of the other boys here. But Percy isn't like most boys on the planet." I smiled and made my way to Chaos, Hestia, and the primordials.

"You did excellent son," Chaos said engulfing me in a hug. "Thank you father." I said hugging him back. "Mind telling us why you declined our offer?" Ourea said while I looked at them. "I thought you would honor the choice I made?" I demanded. "We are Percy," Nyx said. "Everyone here is just a little surprised at your request." "After everything they did to you, I would've asked for so much stuff if I were you." Aether said while I smiled.

"There's no reason to." Everyone stared at me in surprise till Nyx went to speak but I spoke first. "You told me all those years ago Nyx who my real enemy is." "Yes Percy, I did. But the Olympians made the choice to start wars. The Fates merely gave them a little push." I nodded. "Yes, but who decided to go and help?" I questioned. "I realize I am stronger than the Fates but it was me who decided to help. I was the one who didn't want anyone to suffer, especially at the hands of gods. So who's really to blame?" I questioned. "Poseidon and his fatal flaw." I rolled my eyes at Tartarus's answer.

"Just say it was me." I said annoyed. They looked like they didn't want to but a glare from father got them saying it. "It was you." Erebus muttered while I smiled. "I love all of you. Very much. But I think my time here on earth really helped me." "So...you're going to stay here then?" Aether said while I nodded. "I'll still come visit, but here I feel more at peace." I said looking at them.

"Very well son," Chaos said smiling. "Do you wish to bring your things from the Void here?" I shook my head. "Leave it there." He nodded as Nyx pulled me into a hug. "Do visit often," she whispered. "I don't know how long I can deal with Erebus without you being there now." I laughed and nodded as she released me. "Do tell Gaea I'll miss her." She nodded.

Once everyone said their goodbyes, they all left, leaving me with my mother. "I'm sorry I didn't visit often like I should've." She waved it off. "You should visit your mortal parents." "What?" "I am your mother Perseus. But I can't replace your true mother. It's best you go see her. After all, it's been nearly a year since you last seen her." I nodded.

"I'll go visit her after I talk with Hermes." She nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I can have two mothers in my life." I smiled. "I'll have my immortal parents and family, then my mortal family." She raised an eyebrow. "And your father?" "Doesn't mean I can't have two fathers in my life either." She smiled. "Take care son." I nodded as she disappeared in a column of flames.

I found Hermes staring at a Iris-message. "Even after three thousand years, it never ceases to amaze me at what the mist can do." He looked at me. "And, of course mortal ignorance." I nodded, watching as army trucks moved down the streets of Manhattan. "Their calling Typhon a freak storm. But in a few days, this will all be behind the mortals, along with my help." I nodded.

"I know you're thinking about how you could've helped Luke," he looked at me. "I could've done something Perseus." I cringed. "Please, just Percy." He nodded. "You couldn't have done anything Hermes, and I'll tell you why." "Why?" "Because, not even a primordial can tamper with Fate, unless the Primordial of Fate spins someone's fate, which is very unlikely." I laughed. "I was born before my time," Hermes raised an eyebrow.

"I was not supposed to be born in the thirteenth century. Chaos and the primordials intefered with my fate. There was supposed to be one child of Poseidon." "Tyler?" I shook my head. "Me." He frowned. "I was supposed to be born in the twentieth century. When I was born in the thirteenth century, I was supposed to die and be reborn as Tyler." His eyes widened.

"When this happened and I was made immortal, the Fates stopped at nothing to kill me and fix fate." "So all your suffering..." He trailed off while I nodded. "It was to kill me so I can be reborn like my mother. The Fates knew they couldn't stop me so they brought forth a new son of Poseidon to fix fate. I changed everything. If things went according to the Fates' plan. Zoe and Bianca would be dead. If the Fates were trying to help me by killing me or not, I don't know." I shook my head.

"Honor Luke by helping your children make it to camp. If you would've intefered like the primordials did, Luke's fate would've been far more worse." He stared at me. "I have two kids in Nevada, one in Florida." I smiled. "I'll get them to camp safely." He smiled. "Percy Jackson, we gods might learn a thing or two from you." I chuckled slightly. "I must ask though, why refuse immortality?" I shrugged. "I didn't want it." He chuckled. "We may learn a few things from you indeed." He said smiling. "You have another guest, best I leave if I know what's good for me." I frowned till I heard my name.

"Perseus," Turning around, I saw Artemis. "Yes lady Artemis?" "Enough with the formalities Perseus," she said while I grinned. "Only when you stop calling me Perseus." I said while she scowled and walked to a bench and gestured for me to join her. "Many of the gods aren't happy with what you did." She said after a moment of silence. "Turning down the offer of godhood, then refusing the offer to become a primordial." "It was the right thing." She eyed me curiously.

"You're quite the person aren't you Percy?" I shrugged. "I guess you could say that." I said looking up at the night sky. "Why did you do it?" "Do what?" I looked at her. "The blessing?" She smiled. "I noticed the silver glow I give off whenever the moon rays touch me. I also noticed Tyler had it, mind explaining?" "You are my champion and Tyler has my blessing." "But why?" She looked thoughtful.

"Because you are not like most boys, nor is your brother. You suffered for eight hundred years from our mistakes, yet you are here, fighting for us again. Plus you saved my friend." I nodded. "Do you think you're ready to release a Hunter from her oath?" Artemis's head snapped towards me. "What?" "Serenity," I said. "She has feelings for Kyle, vice versa." "What makes you think he won't betray her?" She said suspiciously.

"If there's one thing demi-Titans know, it's loyalty. True loyalty. Not that crap Zeus pulls. Kyle has never had romantic feelings for anyone in his five thousand years of life. He won't hurt her, I know that." I said while she hesitated. "I don't know Percy," she said finally. "I had a hard time when Zoe left. I don't like it when I lose my girls." I nodded and stood up.

"Take your time lady Artemis," I said. "Serenity will come to you and ask for you to release her from her oath. It's up to you if you release her or not." Before she could answer, I shadow traveled to a place I haven't seen for nearly a year. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" I heard a male say. Must be Paul. I thought as the door opened, revealing a man with salt and pepper hair, denim clothes and blue eyes. "Tyler!" He exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. Do me and Tyler look that similar? I thought slowly hugging him back as my mom came up. "Uh, Paul," my mom said, trying hard not to laugh. "That isn't Tyler." Paul stiffened and released me, holding me at arms length.

"What are you talking about Sally? That's Tyler, although he looks a lot more muscular and his features are more defined." Paul said moving my face side to side. "Remember Tyler kept mentioning his brother?" Mom said while his eyes widened. "Oh, I am so sorry!" He said releasing me while my mom came up and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." I smiled as she released me. "Paul, this is my son." His eyes widened. "Percy Jackson," I said extending my hand towards him. "Nice to meet you." I said snapping him out of his daze. "Paul Blofis," he said shaking my hand. "You got a strong grip there." He said while I looked at mom. "Did you tell him?" "Partially," she admitted. "I didn't tell him the rest." I nodded and looked at Paul.

"Mr. Blofis-" "Please, just call me Paul." I smiled and nodded. "Paul, I am Percy Jackson." "Are you a son of Poseidon also?" I nodded. "But there's a little more to my story." He frowned and went to speak but my mom spoke first. "We'll explain everything." She led us to the dining table, where we sat down.

"Paul, you know Tyler is a demigod correct?" Paul nodded. "Paul, Percy here is not like the other demigods." He frowned. "How?" "I am not from this timeline, Paul." His frown deepened. "Percy is my son, but not from this timeline." Paul stared at us till he started to laugh. "You make it seem like he's immortal," he said chuckling but it slowly died down when he noticed we weren't laughing.

"I know this is going to sound crazy, but Paul, I'm from the thirteenth century." His jaw dropped and he stared at me in disbelief till he looked at my mom. "Okay," he said slowly. "If you're from the thirteenth century, how is he your son?" "When a person dies Paul, they head to the Underworld, where they are judged if they go to Elysium, the Fields of Asphodel, or the Fields of Punishment-" "What are those?" He said curiously.

"Elysium is where those who did good in their life, the Fields of Asphodel are for those who did a equal amount of good and bad and the Fields of Punishment are for the wicked, those who murder and rape." He looked shaken up but nodded so I took that as my cue to continue. "A person can chose to rebirth, which means they are reincarnated into a different life but have no memory of their past life." He nodded, showing he understood.

My mom spoke. "I chose rebirth, but ended up remembering everything from my past life, that including Percy." Paul looked at me. "If you're from the thirteenth century, how are you here? If my memory serves me correctly, Zeus hates children of Poseidon and Hades." Me and my mom looked at each other. Time for the hard part. "What do you know about primordials?" He frowned. "They are the personifications of...well, everything." I nodded. "I am Percy Jackson, son of Chaos and Hestia, champion of the primordials." He choked on the lemonade he was drinking.

"I was made immortal by the primordials, trained with them, lived with them. They took me under their wing when I was abandoned by my sister." "What happened?" Mom shook her head, telling Paul to stop but I spoke. "When I was five, I ran into the Hunters of Artemis. As the goddess of maidens, she offers them a spot among her Hunters. My sister accepted, leaving me on my own in the wild. I ran away, running into Hestia, Hades, and Apollo. I became their champions then left with Aether, Primordial of Light." He stared at me apologetically. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-" "It's fine," I waved it off.

"So this is Tyler's older brother," my mom said smiling while Paul took a deep breath, shaking his head. "That's something." He said while I nodded, deciding to keep the wars and killing to myself. "Percy, I thought monsters are attracted to powerful auras?" My mom said. "Yes, they are. But my aura is stronger than all the Olympians combined," Paul's eyes widened. "Monsters know I'm stronger than a Olympian and am something powerful so they stay away." "So we're safe from monster attacks?" I nodded.

"I must head back to camp, everyone is looking for me." I stood up as did mom and Paul. "Well Percy," Paul said pulling me into a hug. "You're welcome here anytime. Tyler speaks a lot about you." I smiled and nodded, giving my mom one last hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I will see you soon mother," I said. "After we get camp set up, me and Tyler will come back." I said smiling.

I shadow traveled back to the camp, seeing they were burning the few remaining shrouds. A child of Hermes and a child of Aphrodite.

"Hey guys," I whispered as Kyle and David jumped. "Geez dude, don't do that." David said while I smirked. "Who's shrouds are those?" "Silena's and Cody's." "Cody?" I questioned while they nodded. "He saved me," Kyle said. "After we saved Thalia from the fallen statues, we flashed down to the battlefield. I got distracted and failed to realize the spear sailing towards my chest. He jumped in front of it right as I turned towards him." Kyle didn't seem like he wanted to go into further details so we stood in silence, watching the remaining shrouds burn. Once finished, everyone either headed to bed or went to the dining pavilion. I stayed even though everyone went to bed.

"Hey," I heard as someone sat beside me. "Hey Zoe," I said turning towards her to see a blue cupcake in her hands. "Happy birthday," she said handing me the cupcake. I smiled and took it from her as she sat beside me. "Make a wish," she said. "Did you bake this yourself?" "Tyson helped." "That explains why it looks like a chocolate brick," I said. "With extra blue cement." She laughed and hit me in the shoulder.

"Be nice." I thought of a wish, then blew out the candle. We cut the cupcake in half and shared, just looking out at the ocean. "Why did you do it?" She questioned. "Refusing the offer to become a primordial?" I looked at her. "All you ever wanted was peace. If you would've accepted, you would've been free of the Fates." "And leave my friends behind?" I stared at her astonished.

"I can't do that," I shook my head. "Besides, I had a reason." I said looking back out to the ocean. "What was it?" I looked at her. "You." Mine and her eyes wdened. I didn't mean to say it, it just sort of came out. "Trying to help you out little brother." "Eros! Get out of my head!" She just stared at me in shock till she finally spoke.

"When Lady Artemis offered me a spot back in the Hunt. It was tempting." "Oh, you so wanted to." "Okay," she said annoyed. "But there was a reason I didn't join." I looked towards the ocean, trying to suppress the smile that was threatening to break through. "You're making fun of me!" She accused. "I am not," I said standing up and offering her my hand.

She took it and immediately after, I pulled her toward me till we were face to face. "And what was your reason, Ms. Nightshade?" She wrapped her arms around my neck. "You." She whispered bringing her lips to mine. "Well, it's about time!" We heard as Tyler popped out, grinning with other campers. "What are you doing here?" I demanded till I saw his hand interlaced with Annabeth's.

"Just waiting for you two to finally admit your feelings." He said while Travis spoke. "The lovebirds need to cool off!" "If you know what's good for you-" I got cut off when they picked me and Zoe up and carried us to the lake. "You're all going to get it when I'm-" They threw us in the lake but I created a air bubble for us.

"I'm going to kill them," I growled as Zoe laughed. "So Zoe," she raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" "I know I should've asked this before I kissed you all those times, but, do you love me?" A thoughtful look appeared on her face. "Well..." I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Yes," she said wrapping her arms around my neck. "I do love you." And she kissed me.

It was the best underwater kiss ever.

I knew everyone was waiting for us on shore, but hey, when you're a champion of time like me. You have all the time in the world, literally.


"And that's my story." I said looking at everyone else. The next day, Zoe convinced me not to hurt the campers but that doesn't mean I didn't shock them for throwing me and Zoe in the lake.

She and Tyler convinced me to tell the campers my story, so now I'm waiting for some rude remarks. "You...you aren't mad?" "Gods, no!" Travis exclaimed. "Why would we be mad?" I stared at all of them in shock. "But, I thought-" "Thought we'd be mad at you?" Katie questioned while I nodded. "There's no reason to be mad at you for doing the right thing." "But-" "You were battling the Fates Percy," Annabeth said. "And you won. Something not even the gods can do."

I felt tears forming as I started to chuckle, but I couldn't tell if I was crying or chuckling. "Being around you has made me soft." I muttered, wiping the tears away. "Awwww, let's give the big bad wolf a hug!" Connor said hugging me as everyone else joined up. "I told you Percy," I heard Tyler say. "If you tell them the truth, they'll understand." He said while I desperately tried to stop the tears, but couldn't.

"Thank you," I said as Conner patted my back. "Thank you so much"," I said as everyone pulled away, smiling at me. "Sorry for soaking your shirt," I muttered to Connor, blushing in embarrassment. "It's fine, I was going to change anyway." The conch horn sounded once, signaling lunch. "On second thought, it can wait." He said running to the dining pavilion while we rolled our eyes.

"What'd I tell you?" Tyler said, a smug grin on his face as everyone left except for Zoe and Annabeth. "Don't push your luck Tyler," I warned. "You may be invulnerable but that doesn't mean I won't throw you around this camp like a rag doll." "Is that a challenge?" "Alright, you two." Zoe pushed us away from each other.

"We still don't know Percy's Achilles heel." "Zoe's right," Annabeth said. "Until we find his Achilles heel, no fighting." "That's not going to happen." Tyler said while I nodded. "Best you head to lunch, I'll be there." "Where you going?" Zoe questioned. "To the Poseidon cabin." They nodded as we exited the Big House and headed in different directions.

"Percy!" I heard. Turning around, I saw Serenity walking towards me but the silver aura that usual surrounds heris gone. I smiled. "Looking for Kyle?" I questioned while she looked surprised but nodded. "How did you-" "Champion of Apollo." I winked. "Able to foretell the future." Her cheeks turned red. "He's in the dining pavilion with his cousins." She nodded and quickly walked away, causing me to chuckle.

I opened the door to the Poseidon cabin to see Jennifer sitting on my bed. "Jennifer," I said surprised while she smiled. "Hey Percy." "What brings you here?" I said sitting beside her. "I wanted to talk about some...things." I nodded. "Heard you got together with Zoe," she said. "Yes, last night." She nodded. "That's good. If anyone deserves peace, it's you." "Jennifer," she looked at me. "Something's bothering you. What is it?"

She bit her lip and spoke in a softer tone. "Are we still family?" The question caught me off guard. "What makes you think of a crazy question like that?" She looked at me. "The last yime we talked was eight hundred years ago. The last time I saw you for five hundred years." "Jennifer-" "While I was running around the world, hunting monsters and enjoying immortality. You were doing the Olympian's work, fighting their wars." "Jennifer-" "I looked for you." Her eyes were glistening with tears.

"In the early years, I looked around for you in Europe, searching everywhere and questioning people if they seen a boy with sea green eyes. After fifty years of searching, Artemis and everyone told me you were dead and I started to believe them but I knew deep down you weren't dead. For years, guilt wore down on my heart, because I left you alone." "Jennifer, it's-" "Until World War II." She said furiously wiping away tears that were going down her cheeks.

"When I first saw you, I believed it actually was you. At the time, I wasn't sure but I was one-hundred percent positive it was you. I even told Lady Artemis and the Hunters. The Olympians were so focused on you, they didn't even focus on the war in Japan. I was so happy and shocked it was you. You looked so old, had many of the female minor gods and Aphrodite swooning over you, literally. Everyone on Olympus was focused on you, we knew you weren't a mortal, but a demigod. I was about to ask Lady Artemis if I could see if it was you." She laughed.

"But at the same time, I felt like it wasn't you. There was a moment when the Olympians were watching you fight with your fists." "Eidenhoven," I said. "It was in Eidenhoven." She nodded. "You were fighting someone three times bigger than you. He was just tossing you around, I was so scared. I didn't know if it was you or not but I wanted to find out so bad. He was choking you, I could see your strength fading fast. You should've seen Aphrodite, she looked like she was about to have a heart attack."

"But then you were on top of him. It happened so fast, everyone was surprised, even Lady Artemis. The look in your eyes was wild, showing nothing but pure hate and anger, but I also noticed guilt. I always wondered why. You suffered so much in that war everyone was beginning to wonder if you were a god in disguise. Zeus wanted you on Olympus, to thank you for saving two of his sons. You saved so many demigods that war. All the gods wanted to thank you, Aphrodite wanted to thank you differently." I shuddered, glad I faked my death before I was taken to Olympus.

"But then you died. Aphrodite was so disappointed. After that I gave up hope. I knew you were dead, I was stupid enough to think you were immortal. Till we went to camp. Then I realized it was you." "Jennifer," I said a little loud to snap her out of her memories. "I know you're probably thinking we aren't fsmily but we are," I said.

"I know you think you were being selfish but you weren't. I know the things I said before were harsh and sounded like I wanted nothing to do with you but I was blinded by hate and a broken heart. Family stick together, no matter what happens." She hugged me tightly, taking the breath out of me. "We're always going to be family." I said wrapping my arms around her, smiling softly.


Two weeks later

Percy POV

"Do you think that prophecy's going to be for us?" Tyler questioned while we stood at the top of Half-Blood Hill. "Who knows Tyler," I said shrugging my shoulders. "This Great Prophecy didn't happen for years. Maybe we'll get some peace." "It wouldn't be Camp Half-Blood if it was peaceful." "Use your freaky powers Perce and look into the future," Kyle said walking up.

"Tell us if that prophecy is for us or another group of unlucky half-bloods." I raised an eyebrow at him as Zoe walked up and interlaced her hand with mine. "Percy, you said you have a place for all of us," Serenity said while I nodded. "Yep, my mom's apartment. Upper East side Manhattan." Everyone stared at me in shock and disbelief.

"Percy, our mom's apartment can only hold around four people." I shook my head. "Chaos created extra rooms for all of us. The mist will alternate mortals, beside our parents, they'll never notice." "And monsters?" Derek questioned. "There's six demi-Titans, two former Hunters of Artemis, a daughter of Athena, and two children of Poseidon. We'll be throwing off an aura so strong, we'll attract every monster in a thirty mile radius." "Chaos put a ward around the apartment. As long as we're in the apartment, no monsters will attack." "Unless we step outside?" "Yes Derek."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Kyle said sprinting down the hill while the boys followed, me included. "Morons!" I heard Crystal shout while I laughed.

For once, in my long life of trials and hardships. I found peace.

For once, I didn't look back.

And done! I really enjoyed making this story for you guys! If you want a sequel, let me know. I'll figure out a way to make it work. If you haven't checked out my other stories, go check them out and tell me what you think. I know I have grammer errors in them and I will go fix them, don't worry.

If you want a sequel for this story, it might be a while because people requested a sequel to Chaos Successor but before I make any sequels, I'm finishing up all stories.

Thanks for reading and being super patient with me!