After about two hours, Dean had gotten sick of his senior prom. He'd been tempted to head back to his friends' place for a few drinks, but he knew Cas was waiting for him outside the school building, and he had a curfew to keep.

So, he loosened his tie as he walked out of the school building and headed out towards the meeting point, spotting the figure of his angel standing near the bleachers of the football field.

"What's the word, Cas?" He said in greeting as he sauntered up to the other man.

"A shortened version of my name. Did you enjoy yourself?" Castiel replied.

"It was fun enough, I guess," Dean said with a shrug. "How much did you miss me?"

"You know I spent every moment worrying about you," Castiel replied, letting Dean pull him into his arms.

"You worry too much about me." Dean hummed, holding Castiel close to himself and knocking their foreheads together.

"I worry a reasonable amount, especially knowing you and the things you get into," Castiel replied, wrapping his arms around Dean's shoulders to hold the human close to himself.

Dean said nothing in reply and just kissed the angel warmly. Castiel returned the kiss in an instant, holding the teenager close against himself. After a few moments, Dean had his tongue in Castiel's mouth, eagerly tasting every bit of the angel as he could.

"We should head home," Castiel said softly as Dean started to kiss his jaw.

"It's not that late yet. We have a few hours, and the weather's not that bad yet. Let's stay out here a while." Dean replied, smirking at the sound Cas made when he sucked at one particular spot on the side of his neck. "Besides, I'm starting to think you want to stay here a while longer, too."

"Dean, please. You know full well how this vessel will react to you." Castiel breathed, moaning softly when Dean bit his neck.

"Oh, I know." Dean chuckled. "And you know how I react to you. Let's react to each other for a little while, Angel."

Castiel didn't say anything, but soon nodded and caught Dean's lips again. The human was safe when they were together. If they wanted to waste a bit of time exploring physical pleasure, that would be fine.

"Do you have everything we'd need?" Castiel asked curiously.

Dean nodded with a big grin, pulling out a small packet of lube, a flavored condom, and a regularly lubricated condom from his wallet. "I always keep emergency supplies. So, how do you want to do this?"

"I have some idea. Let's go back in the shadowy area, though, so we won't be seen." Castiel replied, leading Dean back further into the shadows of the bleachers. With that, the angel took control, kissing Dean carefully and lovingly while his hands went down to the belt around his waist.

Dean hummed, letting Castiel do as he pleased. In a minute, he felt his pants and underwear pooled around his ankles. At some point during the kiss, the angel had plucked the flavored condom from his hand.

He looked down and thanked God for letting his eyes adjust to the dark enough so he could see the way the angel tore open the condom and almost adoringly rolled it onto his cock. His blue eyes were glowing faintly when he looked up and started to lick the cock in front of his face.

Dean groaned. "Jesus, baby…" he sighed.

Castiel smiled at the words he'd learned were meant to be praise. He gently rested his hands on Dean's waist, holding the long button-down shirt up and out of the way. From there, he started to lick up the length of Dean's cock.

Dean sighed happily. Part of him wanted to complain about how much Castiel was teasing him, but he really didn't mind that much. He liked letting the angel have total control over what they did together. Whatever they did, he knew that Cas knew exactly how to make him feel like he'd gone to Heaven.

He wondered if that was what Heaven was. A nice, pretty place where he could have an angel on his cock whenever he wanted. The thought was enough to make him almost want to start taking church more seriously. Almost.

At some point, while he was zoning out, Castiel had shifted one hand to hold Dean's shirt up against his belly, his other hand moving down to start fondling and rolling his balls. He'd started to lightly suck at the head of his cock and was gradually working on taking it further and further into his mouth with each bob of his head.

All of a sudden, Dean wanted Castiel naked. He wanted to be naked with him, and see the moonlight filter through the bleachers and onto their bare skin.

"Fuck, baby…" he moaned, finding it harder and harder to translate his thoughts into words and focus on anything other the way Castiel had his nose buried in the nest of hair just above his cock.

The angel's eyes had fluttered shut, Dean's cock completely wrapped in the sweet warmth of his mouth. Dean reached down to rub the angel's shoulders in silent praise. He fumbled with Castiel's trenchcoat, eventually pushing it down the other's arms. Castiel seemed to get the hint and wiggled out of the coat. He tried to get out of the sweater he was wearing as much as possible without pulling off of Dean.

Dean chuckled when heard the angel give a small huff of frustration before the man reluctantly pulled away from him to pull the sweater off. Dean took the opportunity to step out of his pants, and quickly take off his own jacket, tie, and shirt.

"I don't want to finish just yet. I want you first." Dean said, getting onto his knees on the ground with the angel. "Let me help you out of your pants."

Castiel nodded eagerly and cooperated as Dean slid his pants and underwear down his legs, setting them aside with the rest of their clothes. The grass was cold and wet when he sat down on it, but Dean was warm and strong.

Dean smiled happily at the way Castiel moved to cling to him, letting the angel push him down to lay on the ground. "Do you want me to help you stretch out?"

"Yes, please." Castiel nodded.

"Come here, Angel."

Castiel moved up on Dean's body, letting the human guide him up so he was straddling his face.

"You're so hard already." Dean chuckled, taking hold of Castiel's ass and spreading the cheeks apart.

Castiel could only moan in reply when he felt Dean's tongue start to lick over and prod at his entrance. He grabbed onto the back of one of the metal bleachers for stability. In a few moments, Dean had his tongue inside of him, coaxing his muscles into relaxing so he could work open. With the amount of trust Castiel put in Dean and how comfortable he was with his human, it didn't take him long to relax into putty in Dean's hands.

Out of his mouth came a litany of Dean's name, various praises in Enochian, and moans of ecstasy.

Dean smiled against Castiel's ass at the sound of his rough voice chanting his name like it was a hymn.

"I think you're about ready, Angel." Dean murmured after a while when he could easily fit a couple fingers inside of Cas along with his tongue. "Do you want to stay on top of me, or should we switch?"

"I want to stay on top." Castiel panted, moving to grab the other packet of lube as well as the other condom.

Dean nodded and watched with delight as Castiel moved back down his body, opened up the packet of lube, and poured some onto his fingers. He used his free hand for stability while he bent over and pushed the lubed fingers inside of himself. His blue eyes had started to glow a bit more, and could now illuminate the tops of his cheeks, as well as the way his eyebrows turned up. Dean could only hope they'd start glowing even more so he could clearly see the way his face contorted in pleasure.

Once the angel decided he was ready, he pulled the flavored condom off of Dean's cock and replaced it with the lubricated one. He used the leftover lube from the packet to further lubricate Dean's cock, just for safe measure.

Then he got positioned over Dean's lap and took hold of his human's hands. Dean groaned happily as he watched himself disappear inside of the angel until Castiel was completely seated on top of him.

"Oh, there you go, Angel. Fuck, you look so good like this. You always do." Dean sighed, intertwining their fingers together and squeezing Castiel's hands.

"You feel amazing." Castiel breathed. "Oh, Dean. I love you."

"I love you, too, Cas." Dean replied.

Castiel smiled and leaned down to kiss Dean's lips briefly before he straightened up to start moving his hips. Soon enough, he was bouncing on Dean's cock, shifting his angle just so, so Dean's cock brushed against his prostate with each bounce. His litany of Enochian, Dean's name and moans returned with a vengeance.

Dean grinned and moaned with Castiel, holding onto his hands, happily watching the angel throw himself into ecstasy with him. "That's it, baby. Jesus, fuck, you're so hot." he praised, doing all he could to not finish until Castiel did.

Castiel's eyes started to glow more and more as his orgasm built up further and further in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to ask Dean to touch him, but he knew how happy it made him when he finished from his human's cock alone. So, he willed himself to focus only on Dean and his cock and how amazing it felt inside of him.

"Dean, Dean, Dean…" He keened as he felt himself getting dangerously close to finishing.

"You're close, aren't you, baby? Fuck, so am I." Dean groaned, his balls tightening at the sight of Castiel on top of him, his bliss written all over his face, while precum dripped from his cock.

"Dean… Dean, I'm going to…" Castiel gasped out between heated moans.

"Do it, baby. Fuck, cum for me." Dean groaned out in reply.

Castiel lasted a couple more good bounces before he came, his eyes glowing a bright white-blue as he threw his head back and moaned Dean's name up to Heaven.

Dean came the moment Castiel tightened down around him. He clung to the angel's hands, moaning out Castiel's name in reply.

Once they'd both finished, Castiel lifted off of Dean and moved to lie down on the grass beside him.

Dean moved to take the condom off, tie it up, and tossed it aside. With that, he happily moved to pull the angel into his arms, staying close to his lover.

Castiel smiled and started to pepper soft, chaste kisses all over Dean's face as if he wanted to give him even more freckles. Dean wasn't sure he'd be opposed to that. If his face became so covered in freckles that his face became darker than his neck, he could wake up every morning happily, knowing his angel adored him that much.

"I love you, Dean." Castiel hummed, kissing Dean's nose.

Dean couldn't help but grin at the kiss and hugged Castiel close, pulling the angel on top of him.

"I love you, too, Cas," Dean replied. "Do you wanna get something to eat before we head home? Late night burgers or something?"

"That would be nice." Castiel nodded.

"Great. Let's get you cleaned up, though. You came all over your stomach." Dean laughed. He pulled a small wet wipe from the wallet in his discarded pants that he'd stolen from a chicken wing restaurant. With that, he gently cleaned the semen from Castiel's stomach, and then the remainder of the lube from his ass.

They kissed each other warmly for a little bit longer before finally getting up to get dressed again. Dean let Castiel straighten out his hair for him, even if that entailed the angel licking his hand and using it to smooth down the hair. Once they were both clothed, Dean made sure he had his wallet and the keys to the Impala and took Castiel's hand before walking with him back to the car.

Castiel stayed close to Dean. The angel always got clingy and snuggly after sex, and would probably stay that way well into the next morning. Not that Dean was complaining.

Dean slid into the front seat of the car, letting Cas sit next to him in the passenger seat as he started the engine.

While it would be easier on his wallet to just go to the nearest McDonald's for burgers, it didn't feel good enough. After having sex with an angel, he figured Cas deserved something better than the Golden Arches. Besides, it was prom night, a special occasion. It would be totally fine for him to dip into the money he'd made from doing odd jobs around the neighborhood if it meant a good burger and fries before they went home and crawled into bed together.

So, Dean turned on the cassette tape of Elvis Presley's greatest hits, the one he knew Cas liked and started to drive to a local 24/7 diner. At the red lights, Dean put on a show of lip syncing, which made Castiel smile happily at him. After a little bit, they both started to actually sing along as Dean drove down the streets of Lawrence. Both of them were happy and smiling when they pulled into the parking lot of the diner.

Dean kept close to Cas and held the door open for the angel as they walked inside together, getting them a small booth for two people.

They ordered and ate together happily, chatting contently. When they paid and left, they were both full and happy. Dean was sufficiently tired when they finally got home, so he changed into his pajamas and let Castiel do the same before the angel climbed into his bed to sleep with him through the night.

At about ten the next morning, Sam wandered into the room to wake up his brother and let him know their mom had breakfast ready for everyone downstairs. When he walked in, the only other person in the room showing signs of life was Castiel, who he found quietly lying still while Dean snuggled into his side, holding him like a child holds a stuffed animal.

"Good morning, Sam," Castiel said softly.

"Morning, Cas. You guys have a good night?" Sam replied.

"It was pleasant, yes. What did you do while we were out?" Castiel nodded.

"I found the Breakfast Club playing on TV and watched that with a bag of popcorn," Sam replied. "Oh, some of my friends will be coming over this afternoon so we can all study for finals."

Castiel nodded, vaguely remembering the conversation he'd had with Sam in which the human had explained the concept of final tests at the end of the school year to him. The younger Winchester boy was only a freshman, but he took his finals and midterm tests very seriously, even if it meant Dean calling him a nerd.

"I'll do my best to keep Dean out of your way," Castiel promised.

"Thanks, buddy," Sam said with a warm smile at the angel. "You mind helping me get him up? Mom made chocolate chip pancakes and his are getting cold."

"Of course." Castiel nodded, turning towards Dean a bit and gently shaking the other's shoulder.

"Dean, it's time to wake up," he said, speaking normally.

Dean groaned, squeezed his eyes shut, and then finally opened them a bit. "Hi, Angel," he said drowsily, not aware that they weren't alone yet.

"Hello, Dean," Castiel replied, letting Dean press a drowsy, messy kiss to his cheek. "Your mother has breakfast downstairs for you."

"Mmm, okay…" Dean hummed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before sitting up in the bed. It took him a moment of staring at Sam to register that his brother was in the room. "Sammy, what're you doing in here?"

"Came to wake your ass up. What did you think?" Sam replied with a small shrug. "Hey, I'm gonna have a study group coming this afternoon, so stay out of our way, 'kay?"

"Is that code for you and a bunch of other nerds getting together and playing Dungeons and Dragons in the basement?" Dean teased.

"No, Dean, sometimes people actually take their grades seriously. I'd like to get into a good college, unlike you." Sam replied with a roll of his eyes.

"Do you have to be a little bitch so early in the morning?"

"It's ten, Dean. It's pretty late in the morning."

"Yeah, yeah. Get out of my room before I drop kick your scrawny ass out."

Sam breathed a small laugh before obediently moving to leave the room. "Whatever, Musclehead."

Dean lobbed a pillow at his younger brother's head as Sam left. He sighed and turned his attention to Castiel. "Do you think it would be fine if I just had a pajama day?"

"I'm sure it would be. It's Saturday, I'm sure people would understand." Castiel replied, getting up to pull on his sweater from the previous day over the old t-shirt he'd worn to bed.

"Awesome. Let's go get food." Dean hummed, kissing Castiel one more time on the cheek before they left the room together.