Authors Note: Before we get into the story I just want to say that I wrote up the first bit of this as an experiment. I have never done a fanfiction before, but this came to me in a dream. So I would appreciate any and all input as to whether I should continue writing this or not.

I had been preparing for this for months. Meticulously setting things into motion, and directing my energies. I won't go into detail about all of that, as to me it isn't important. It isn't imprtant how I managed it, but I got myself from my timeline and version of Earth into one that I felt had called me. I was willing to leave behind all that I had known in my version of Earth. It was essentially at it's end as it was. It wasn't much of a sacrifice, as I liked to think of it more as moving on to something better.

The day arrived that I had anticipating for countless hours and I knew what to do. It didn't take me long to get to my desired destination, a commercial building. The dusk crawling across the sky making the building look a bit eerie, which only made me smile. The lengthening shadows giving me perfect cover as I approached the building. I had been to the building the day before and watched it for hours, noting the movements of the day crew. The business was currently between Night Guards, but I knew the position would be filled soon. It did give me at least one night without worrying about the cameras and I was going to use any hours I could to my advantage.

Waiting until there was only two employees within the building, I carefully slid inside and extended my field of awareness to avoid the people and the cameras that would still be recording for now. It didn't take me long to find the desired room I was after, as I had mapped out the entire building the night before. After I entered the room I unslung my bag from my shoulder and dropped it to the floor against a wall. It wasn't the greatest of rooms, but there wasn't a camera in it. Not to mention it was one of the furthest points from the security office, which was going to be useful after the new guard starts.

I knew I wasn't alone in the room, but that was what I wanted. Not to mention it was still early, so in a sense I was alone. The other entity in the room was an animatronic, which I know a lot of people would laugh my designating it as an entity off. I knew the truth and that was why I was there. It was this room and this particular soul that called to me through the dimensions. Part of me wondered if I truly knew what I was getting myself into by coming here as I looked at the animatronic.

I was slightly surprised at how accurate the representation of the animatronic was. I stood for a few more minutes, taking in the sight before me. I knew some of the work that was going to be ahead of me, but I also knew that I wouldn't know the true extend until after the animatronic 'woke up' and I got a proper look. I wasn't even sure what the soul would allow me to do even, so many questions that I hoped would get answered.

I checked my watch and let out a soft sigh before moving to take a seat at my bag. I pulled a spiralbound book from my bag and a set of pencils before leaning my back against the wall. I didn't have a problem with bringing my knees to my chest as I was wearing black slacks. Balancing the book against my knees and opening it to a fresh page I got to work on a little project while I waited.