Well I hope this update is enjoyable :) part of me doesn't really care for it but I do hope you readers like it!

Nina opens her eyes, blinks them a couple times to rid her vision of the unwanted clouds and raises her head only to recognize the deep ache in the back of her skull. The smells around her aren't familiar but quite welcoming and the comforting warmth caresses her every cut and bruise. After blinking her eyes one last time, she is finally able to take note of her new unfamiliar surroundings.

"Where the hell am I?" the assassin questions with a raised brow, rubbing at the back of her head, sitting up in which comes to her now as a bed and a very comfortable one; large and warm.

Her arms ache and so do her legs where she had been hurt by the Jack-5's but she leaves them alone and leaves the bed, examining the medium sized bedroom which looks very familiar to her now that her vision is crystal clear. She can't be here, no, not here. As she searches questionably in the overly decorated bedroom, Nina opens the door only to be greeted by the silver-haired playboy Lee Chaolan and the cheesy ass smile across his lips gives her so much grief that she pushes him back with a hand to his chest and walks on by him but he stops her by grabbing her wrist.

Nina catches a surprising glance of Lars right down the long hallway and he sees her, coming toward them. Nina Williams is one of the best assassins around and she's completely dumbfounded on how the hell she ended up here, at Lee's manor. What the fuck happened to Kazuya and her sister, what about Jin? Is he alright? Nina turns her head to shoot an evil look back at Lee and she pulls herself free from his grip making her way to Lars.

"Tell me what the hell is going on Lars, and don't leave anything out!" Nina growls and stops before Lars, looking up into his azure eyes with a scary intensity in her own. Lars' expression is neutral and he keeps his eyes on Nina even as Lee gets closer.

"Mr. Kazama had to be put down with a tranquilizer gun Nina, and Mr. Mishima had fled after I put a few bullets in him," Lars begins and he brings his gaze down, looking at the slight damage that 'Jin' had caused his right forearm. His casual attire is quite eye catching but it's nothing that Nina hasn't seen before. Nina sees the blood stained wrap around Lars' forearm and brings her hand upon it.

Their eyes meet again and Lee decides to leave them alone. "Red wine anyone?" he says out loud with a smile and leaves their space. Nina doesn't mean for the light touch to bring out any feelings Lars might possibly have for her and she is quick to pull it away.

"Is he alright?" Nina asks and the soft tone of her voice has Lars giving her a questioning look but she has a right to worry.

She needs to be close with Jin, to be able to keep him safe. Lars rolls his dark sleeve back down and slides both of his hands into his white pants pockets. "He will be," is all that Lars tells her and he leads her into the massive sized family room of the manor.

Nina is a bit too familiar with this place only because Lee and her dangerous younger sister have been dating for a few good years and back in the day, Nina won't ever admit it to anyone not even herself that she once had a little teenage crush on Lee Chaolan. She wasn't naive, Lee was just the only man Nina knew at the time and knowing that he was just as filthy rich as he is now attracted her more than anything. Now, she couldn't care less about that perverted womanizer. Being in the same room with him just gets under her skin.

"The Zaibatsu is under a lot of construction and Lee offered you and I a place to stay so I took it," Lars explains to Nina as he takes a seat on the blinding white love seat near the large marble fireplace. Nina stands beside him with her arms crossed wondering about many things, thinking about Jin...and that demon she saw who took his place. She could've done something to stop all of that destruction, she knows she could've but she didn't.

Lee returns with two bottles of red wine and a 20 some year old maid carrying a tray with three empty glasses who possesses the same hair color and cut as Anna, which gives Nina the creeps. Lars looks up at Nina and offers her his spot because he knows all too well that Nina doesn't want to be even 10 feet near Lee. She quietly takes it and crosses her leg.

"You two are welcome to stay here for as long as you need," Lee says out loud again and his voice bounces off the marble walls, irritating Nina more than she already is.

The young Japanese Anna look-alike sets the silver tray down onto the long coffee table and bows to the three of them before exiting the room and as she leaves they listen to the sounds of her heels. Lee pops open the one wine bottle and they all watch some of the bubbles float up to the rim and Lee pours a wonderful amount of the wine into the three glasses, gazing over at Nina while finishing up. Lars crosses one ankle over his knee and rests his right arm over the armrest of the pristine couch, taking his glass of wine from Lee.

They both look over at Nina who is busy staring off into space but when Lars reaches out to touch her shoulder, she jerks slightly and gives Lars her eyes. "Are you alright Nina?" the golden blond asks, setting his glass of wine down onto the mini table at his right side. The woman nods her head and stands up without a word, snatching a glass of wine from the tray and leaving the room.

Lee keeps quiet as he sips from his glass and waves his hand for Lars to go after her. The silver haired man takes the spot next to lars' and relaxes into the cushions. Lars finds Nina in the kitchen which is just as large as the family room, leaning forward onto the marble counter, staring out the big window. The sunlight shining through is welcoming and the glistening sight of the pool outside is lovely but it doesn't seem to distract Nina at all. Lars is quickly noticed by the leather clad assassin and she finishes her glass of wine, setting it down with a clack.

He stands beside her, placing his hands out in front of him on the counter. "There wasn't anything that you could've done for Mr. Kazama, he needed to be tranquilized for everyone's safety," Lars explains to the woman the best that he can and without another word, Lars just watches Nina walk away. He looks down at his hands and leaves the kitchen.


5:36 pm

It's been a few hours since Nina last spoke to Lars but she's fine with that. She must have fallen asleep in one of the guest rooms from earlier. She sits up in the large well made bed, rubs the side of her head and looks over at her cell phone beside the frilly pillow. Her thoughts instantly flee to Jin and who he had become. The devil's face won't leave her memory and it makes her palms clammy at just the thought.

There are a few unanswered questions that run through her head; what the hell happened to her when the fight with Kazuya was occurring? Why did it seem too simple to get rid of Kazuya and how the hell are Nina and Lars still walking? Nothing made sense to her at this moment and the more she tried to put the pieces together the more her head throbbed. She has to get out of this fucking place and make sure Jin is alright. Feeling hot and sticky in her damaged leather suit, Nina messes with her ponytail, grabs her phone and leaves the bedroom in a hurry. The hallways are empty, completely empty besides the tacky, over the top decor. The assassin is quiet as she hurries through the halls but when she comes to the family room, she sees Lars supposedly asleep in the love seat.

Lee isn't anywhere in si ght and that makes her a bit leery but creeping towards the front double doors, reaching for the handles, Lars stops her. What the hell? His voice startles her just a bit and she doesn't even bother to turn her head to look back at Lars who is rising to his feet. The assassin swallows a large lump in the back of her throat and slowly lets go of the handle.

"You need to stay here Nina, Mr. Kazama would want me to look after you," Lars admits nonchalantly walking towards her. Nina finally turns to face the man and the look she gives him is anything but sweet.

"You must not know what I am capable of Lars, now I suggest you turn around and forget you ever saw me leave," Nina says sharply and grabs a hold of the bronze handle only to feel a tight grip at her wrist. Nina's eyes are blown wide but she opens the door. Lars uses his other hand to close it and that's when things get serious. Lars notices the slight bruising on Nina's face, her visible creamy collarbone and the few tears in her leather suit. Nina narrows her eyes and the two of them remain in complete silence.

"Who the hell do you think you are Mr. Alexandersson?" the blond assassin breaks the silence with her surprisingly booming voice and yanks her hand from his grip. The woman is impatiently waiting for him to speak and she shoves him, initiating a fight.

Lars continues to silently look at Nina and it only heightens her anger. The man steps forward, grabs both of her wrists this time, and quicker than the assassin's reflexes, Lars pulls her against him with their mouths pressed together in an awkward kiss. Nina is so taken aback by Lars' action and she wiggles against him, hoping the movement doesn't broaden his startling actions. Her eyes are blown wide and she stops moving completely, somehow frozen by the man's kiss. Lars doesn't make an effort to deepen the kiss and he gives Nina the chance to leave by letting go of her wrists.

Once Nina takes a step back, forgetting that she is closer to the door than she thought, Nina wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, gives him a sharp slap across the face and rushes out the door with the lovely scent of her hair falling behind.

Lars rests his fingers against the warm slap print across his cheek and opens the large doors but he isn't able to find the assassin anywhere near the manor. He feels like a total dumbass for kissing such a dangerous woman but for also letting her go. Lars leaves Mr. Chaolan's manor in search of Nina.