Hiccstrid Week 2017

DAY 5: Favorite Hiccstrid moment - Itchy Armpit

So I imagine that Hiccstrid have had similar cutsie and dorky moments as they had at Itchy Armpit, so here's a little drabble for you to celebrate the event. :D

Whenever Together

Hiccup smiled to himself when he heard the tell tale screech of a Deadly Nadder. Toothless perked up instantly, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he rushed past Hiccup, accidentally hitting the boy in the head and knocking him over onto his back.

"Bud!" Hiccup exclaimed indignantly, trying to flip himself back onto his feet, but his prosthetic slipped, making him fall back while his back end flipped over his head. He looked up when the ground gave a little shake, smiling up at Astrid who was smirking down at him.

"Like the view or something?" Hiccup asked from his awkward position, scrambling to get himself back onto his feet.

"I'm not complaining." Astrid laughed, swinging off the saddle and allowing Stormfly to trot off and join in whatever game it was Toothless was playing. "You ran off early- I was hoping to tag along."

She reached a hand out, allowing him to grip it and stumble to a stand, dusting himself off indignantly. "Well… maybe I like having a beautiful girl chase me down." He teased, giving her furry hood a tug.

"You, sir, are an immense tease." She shot back with a chuckle. She turned and admired the landscape, giving a nod at the view. "It's gorgeous up here."

"Mhm…" Hiccup knelt back down at the edge, picking up the discarded pencil and beginning to sketch again. "Wonder what dragon's are hiding in all those trees."

"Better bring the gang next time if you have a hankering to find out." Astrid suggested, plopping down on the grass beside him, leaning back on the heals of her hands while her legs crossed in front of her. "They'd have a blast- it's been a couple weeks since we've all gone exploring."

"Yeah…" Hiccup looked up, squinting for a better view. "Miss the old gang adventures. Like we had at the Edge."

"Well, we're all growing up- something that can't be avoided." Astrid reasoned. "At least we haven't stopped completely. We just don't do it every day anymore."

"…Except for us." Hiccup grinned over at her, Astrid giving a little laugh in return.

"True- I just can't seem to escape you."

"Hey, hey, wait just a second-" Hiccup leaned back, tilting his head to one side. "Can't escape me? Who's the one who tracked me down, hm?"


"Oh, so Stormfly's the one who's in love with me?"

Astrid broke into an uncontrollable fit of laughter-turned-coughing. Hiccup grinned as she sputtered on her own breath, eyes squeezed shut as she flopped on the ground in her mirth.

"Gods- that- now that's a funny picture…" she wheezed.

"Glad you're amused." Hiccup chuckled, returning to his mapping. "Got any plans for today, milady?"

"Tagging along?" she spoke hopefully, already knowing the answer. Hiccup smiled and wagged his pencil at her.

"Only Stormfly- for she's the one in love with me- apparently…" She swatted his shoulder with her fist. "Right, right! Um… you can both come along."

She leaned forward and quickly kissed his cheek, before tapping his shoulder and crawling to her feet. "We'd best be going, Dragon Boy."

"Nicknames… always with the- hic!" Hiccup froze, frowning in confusion while Astrid paused in mid step, turning to smile widely at him. He swallowed, but it didn't deter another little hic! from escaping.

"Speaking of nicknames, my dear Hiccup…" She emphasized his name, her arms crossed while one hand tapped her chin. He blushed crimson while she laughed softly, Hiccup hiccuping once more.

"This is just- hic!- perfect…" He murmured, folding up his map and placing it back under his armor.

"Come on, babe." She laughed, "It's kinda cute, ya know-"

"Hiccup's are cute?"

"Well… I only know one Hiccup- and he's most definitely cute."

Hiccup grinned, then frowned when he hiccuped again. "Gr, remedies to get rid of hiccup's, know if any?"

"Nope, they're utterly undesposable. Impossible to get rid of, actually… trust me. Dagur's tried, Viggo's tried-"

"Har har." Hiccup replied while she laughed again. He smiled and swallowed back another hiccup, hoping to hold the rest at bay. "Shall we go, milady?"

"Sure, babe."