Chapter 5

Early the next morning, Orophin awoke. He smiled at his beloved who was looking up at him.

"Good morning Erestor nin."

Erestor smiled and kissed Orophin lightly, then got up from the bed. Orophin watched him as he went into the bathing chambers and shut the door. He sat up in the bed thinking about what he had heard Haldir and Celeborn talking about the night before. He sighed. What if Haldir was against the ones he thought were going to be apart of the binding? Orophin shook his head. Why would Haldir be AGAINST two elves binding? Did he have a quarrel with one or both in the pair? Orophin was so lost in thought that he did not hear his beloved call his name, which is why he jumped when he felt a hand on his arm. Erestor chuckled.

"It is alright meleth nin. It is only me."

Orophin chuckled and upon a glance at his beloved he noticed Erestor was wearing his advisors robes, which meant he was leaving for the library. Orophin smiled and stood, walking with Erestor through the door, giving him a quick kiss as they parted company. Orophin rushed back to his rooms to bathe and change his clothing. As he had just finished dressing there was a knock at the door. Orophin called for them to enter and smiled when he saw Haldir walk in. His smile fell, however, when he saw the sorrowful look on Haldir's face. Orophin had never seen that look in his eyes before. Somewhere between sorrow and heart broken.

"Haldir? What ails you Toren?"

Haldir let out a breath.

"We need to speak about you and Lord Erestor."

Orophin sat down on the divan, watching as Haldir slowly sat beside him. Orophin had to know what this was about.

"What about myself and Lord Erestor?"

Haldir looked at him.

" Oro, please do not take what I am about to say as me not being happy for you, but what if one day you and Lord Erestor bind to one another? Would he come to Lorien? Would you stay in Imladris?"

The second question sounded a bit sadder than the first. It was then that Orophin realized that the night before Haldir and Celeborn had been speaking of him and Erestor's new love for one another. Orophin smiled and patted Haldir's shoulder.

"Toren, there is no need to worry about that now. Even if we were to bind anytime soon, we would have to have the discussion with each other before we have it with others."

Haldir smiled at his younger brother.

" If you did decide to stay, I would honor your wish Oro."

Orophin nodded with a smile.

"I know. What about Rumil? What does he think?"

Haldir shrugged.

"He has not said much to me. Do not worry, I will speak with him."

Haldir stood.

"Are you ready for our archery duel with Glorfindel?

Orophin rolled his eyes.

"You mean YOUR archery duel with Glorfindel."

Haldir laughed and clapped his brother on the shoulder. They walked past the library on their way to the training grounds. Orophin noticed that Erestor was not in the library, in fact other than a few scribes, the library was bare. When they finally arrived, Orophin decided to go and sit with the other archers while Glorfindel and Haldir did their stupid contest. Every time they came to Imladris or Glorfindel to Lorien, they always had a contest: who can make the middle of the target the most times. Orophin rolled his eyes as the contest began. He looked around him and his eyes fell on his beloved Erestor, who was walking with Lord Elrond and Lord Celeborn. They all seemed to be deep in conversation, but when Erestor noticed Orophin, he excused himself from the elven lords. He walked over and sat by Orophin.

"Are you not practicing today?"

Orophin chuckled, watching his brother and Glorfindel argue, as they always did, over who had won the contest.

"Apparently not."