I do not own any characters, plots, or anything else pertaining to "Greys Anatomy". Japril's wedding day is finally here. This marks the end of this story, but the next chapter for our favorite couple. Let's hope Japril's story never ends and things turn out like this for them at the end of the series. I can't thank you all enough for your support and kind comments throughout this story. I hope you enjoy and review this last chapter.

Chapter 19

Our Someday

April stares at herself in the mirror and can't help but smile. Today is a day she hadn't anticipated happening again. They've had a long road together, but they've finally made it here again. As she had said years ago, fate kept pulling those people that belonged together until they got the hint. Well, they've finally gotten the hint, even if it's taken years to get here. Love had finally helped them to overcome their past issues and move forward together. As April fixes her hair, she hears a knock on the door. She turns to her daughter standing there with a small bouquet of flowers. Her mother gently guides her straight to her and April's ever-present smile grows wider. Harriet runs towards her and gives her a grin. "Mommy, grandma Cathy told me to get you." April fixes her daughter's bow that's askew. "I'm almost ready nugget, tell grandma I'll be out soon." Her daughter giggles and runs out of the room. April turns to her mother in the doorway who's smiling at her. She puts her hands up to her mouth and she knows that the waterworks are coming. Her whole family seems to have a chronic crying problem. "You look beautiful honey, I'm glad we're finally going to see you get married in a wedding dress." April smiles knowing that her parents had spent a lot of money on her first almost wedding to Matthew. She still feels guilty that they had exhausted so much of their savings for that wedding. "I'm glad you get to see me in it too." Her mother steps up to her and smiles. "I'm so happy for you April." April gives her mother a hug and tries to keep herself from crying. It had taken hours for her make-up to get just right and she doesn't want to look a mess. Another knock on the door and it opens to reveal Catherine. April pulls back from her mother and smiles. "I promise I'm coming." Catherine gives her a smile. "I know, but I think my baby is getting nervous since you ran out at your last wedding." April can't help but laugh. "Yeah, but he was the one I ran out with." April follows her mother and Catherine out of the room. She's just as sure today as she was that day that he's the one. He's always been the one.

Jackson stands at the same place he stood several years ago. He is happy that he's finally giving her the wedding that she deserves and that its back here in Lake Tahoe. Jackson was skeptical at first about having the wedding here, but April had convinced him that it was the only place she could picture marrying him now. The place where they had eloped all those years ago and that had always held so much meaning to the both of them. Even when they had been divorced, thoughts of April in that simple white dress with that big smile had often crept into his mind haunting him. He had felt like the happiest man on Earth that day because he was marrying his best friend, person, and soulmate. They had completed each other then and they still do now. He can't help but smile at the thought of being her husband again and treating her with the respect, devotion, and love that she deserves. That he had failed to do during their first marriage.

The piano player begins the classic "Wedding March" and Jackson looks up to see his daughter walking the short distance to the wooden platform. His heart warms at the sight of her. At just five-years-old, she is independent and sweet. When April hovers too much she tells her that she needs her space, which reminds him of himself. He had laughed when Harriet had told April that she had needed space to concentrate on her coloring exercise for kindergarten. April had glared at him when he had done so, but he couldn't help but find it amusing. Harriet reaches the front and releases the last of the white roses from her basket. She gives him the same dimpled smile that April has and he can't help but smile back. Jackson leans down to give her a kiss on the top of her head and then she takes her place next to her Aunts. His eyes wander over to Mark sitting on his mother's lap in the front row. He's got a suit matching his and his smile grows wider. April had insisted that they buy their son a matching suit and he had agreed it was a good idea. Jackson watches Mark play with his favorite toy car, oblivious that that there's a wedding underway.

The music shifts and he stands up straighter in his spot, as he watches April make her way down the aisle. His breath catches and he doesn't think he's ever seen her more beautiful. Her hair is curled and cascading down past her shoulders, her dress is elegant, her eyes are bright, and white lilies are tucked into her hair on both sides of her head. Harriet had told him last week that she had asked April to wear those white lilies for her because she had thought they had looked pretty. She had made him pinky promise that he wouldn't tell her mother that he knew because it was supposed to be a surprise. Jackson smiles as April joins him on the wooden altar. He locks eyes with the only woman he's ever truly loved, the only person that's ever really known all of him.

April gives Jackson a smile and feels herself drawn to his mesmerizing blue eyes. The sunlight makes them gleam and she can't seem to look away. "We are gathered here today in front of God to unite these two people in holy matrimony." Jackson smirks at her and her heart does a flip. "Marriage is a commitment between two souls and is not to be taken lightly. April and Jackson have assured me that their ready to make this commitment to each other again. They say that they've learned how to communicate and stand by each other through thick and thin. Is there anyone here that objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." April looks out at the crowd and remembers the moment Jackson stood up and confessed his undying love for her. Her eyes travel back to the beautiful man in front of her. The minister looks over to her six-year-old nephew Luke. "The rings please." Luke steps forward and hands Jackson the rings. "April and Jackson have prepared their own vows." Jackson locks eyes with her and her heart skips a beat. "April, we've been through a lot and I haven't always been the best partner for you, but I still love everything about you. You mean so much to me. You're the mother of my children, my best friend, my person, and my heart. You're the person that I lean on and confide in, the person that I can't imagine my life without, and the person that knows me better than anyone else. I vow today that I'll be a good husband and father to our beautiful children. It'll always be me and you." April can't help the tears streaming down her face as he slips the ring over her finger where it belongs. She takes a breath to calm her emotions. "Jackson, it seems like I've always loved you. I can't remember a time when I didn't. You were always my person and protector. We're forever attached to each other like two halves of one heart. I can't imagine being without you either and I don't plan to be ever again. You're my soulmate and I love you with everything I am." April sees Jackson's eyes glistening as she slips his ring onto his finger. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." April smiles as he kisses her and twirls her around. It was the same thing he had done at their first wedding and it lights a fire within her heart. After he sets her back down on solid ground, he grabs her hand. April feels a little hand slip into her other hand and she smiles down at her daughter. Jackson picks-up their son from the front row and the four of them walk into their new future together, their someday has finally arrived.