Chapter 1

Kaiba stepped out of his limousine and blinked in the harsh sunlight. The paparazzi were crowded around his path, cameras flashing, reporters shouting nonsensical phrases at him. He felt the ground shift beneath him and he blinked again, feeling a dull haze settle over him.
Isono motioned for security to herd the crowd back, and he shut the car door, looking determined, "We'll keep them at a distance, Mr. Kaiba."

Kaiba shook his head and headed into the building where he was to give a press conference about launching a revolutionary AI for mobile phones. Today was too important to screw up, Kaiba thought to himself, feeling his feet grow heavy with each step as he trudged up the stairs of the building, attributing all of these symptoms to his usual, sleep deprivation and over-caffeinated lifestyle.

He stumbled on the top step and felt a a jolt of searing pain as his knee hit the cement, sending a shock wave up his entire being. The shouts and flashes from the swarms of photographers increased tenfold. "Mr. Kaiba are you nervous?! Mr Kaiba how long did it take you to developed this program?! Mr Kaiba-"

"Step back! People, we need you to back up!" His security detail shouted.

"Mr Kaiba!" Isono said, his voice echoing around in Kaiba's head, causing a sharp pain to throb behind his eyes. He could hear his security team yelling at the reporters, the voices sounded tinny and far away. The sides of his vision were turning a bright green. It was getting hard to breathe.

"Sir!" Isono exclaimed, holding firmly onto his elbow, attempting to help him up. "Are you alright sir?"

Kaiba roughly jerked his arm out of his grasp, "I'm fine," he snapped, his head ringing with the clamor of the crowd behind him. He put weight on his bent leg and attempted to stand. Suddenly, the world tilted in a flash of white light, and then, nothing.

"Oh my god!" Yugi exclaimed, staring at the television, "YAMI! Get down here!" he shouted up the stairs towards his twin.

A crescendo rumbling footsteps drew near as Yami came rushing down the stairs, "What is it, Aibou?"

"Look!" Yugi said, pointing at the television sounding horrified, "Kaiba collapsed right before he was about to make a product launch announcement!"

Yami felt dread creep up from within as his eyes widened with shock, "Is he all right?"

"Not sure," Yugi said frowning at the screen, "Watch!"

The news promoters were spitting words out quickly, almost excitedly, "...this afternoon where Seto Kaiba, collapsed right before dozens of people, and was rushed to his private hospital where he is currently in critical condition..."

"What does that mean, Aibou? Critical condition?" Yami asked, his voice constricting in his throat.

Yugi opened his mouth to reply but just as he did so, the phone rang out loudly through the house. "I'll get it," Yugi said quickly and ran to pick up the line. Yami watched his back, frowning.
This was a concerning development.

Seto Kaiba, the most strong-willed individual I have ever encountered, has collapsed? From exhaustion? Yami's frown deepened into a scowl. Mokuba must be so worried.

Yugi hung up the phone breathlessly, "That was Mokuba! He says he sent a car for us, we need to meet him at the hospital!"

Yami folded his arms tightly across his chest and nodded gravely. The twins hurried out of the house and stood by the curb, waiting. It started to rain lightly, and Yami felt the cold, light drops of water sink through his hair and into his scalp. He watched Yugi, fidgeting nervously beside him, looking agitated, his blonde bangs dewy with rain. Yami's stomach curled with displeasure the longer they stood there, waiting.

Before long, a pair of headlights turned the corner and a dark, imposing car stopped before them. The door swung open to reveal a very distressed Mokuba sitting in the backseat, "Get in, guys!"

Yami and Yugi obliged and they sped off into the night.

Watching the large drops of rain glide by outside his window, Yami clenched his fists as he heard the conversation unfold between Yugi and Mokuba.

"Are you okay, Mokuba?" Yugi asked, concerned.

"I-I'm fine," Mokuba stammered, "And Seto...he's ...awake."

"So he's okay, then, right?" Yugi said encouragingly.

Mokuba wrung his hands together tightly in his lap, "You'll see when we get there. It's...bad."

Yami felt his chest tighten with a strange feeling, "What is bad? ...Was his mind affected?"

Mokuba nodded and looked as if he were about to burst into tears. Yugi wrapped him in a reassuring one-armed hug and shot a worried glance at Yami. Yami turned his head to continue moodily observing the rain flying by his window. They rode the rest of the way in silence, with nothing but the sound of rain crashing heavily down onto the windshield as the weather worsened. They pulled into the hospital's private lot and the cold rain instantly soaked his shoulders as Yami climbed out of the car first, followed by Yugi, then Mokuba. Isono ushered them into the building and quickly down a lengthy corridor, dimly lit with flickering florescent bulbs.

Yami looked around, feeling his worry increase with each step he took, the closer they got to their destination. "Through this door here," Isono said and gestured them towards a room to their left. Yami couldn't help but notice, there were men and women dressed in white garb and masks, milling around in a small crowd, scrutinizing black and white images enlarged on a bright screen.

Shaking the water out of his blonde bangs, he followed Yugi and Mokuba into the room where Kaiba sat, upright and alert in the hospital bed, with a several IV lines running out from his arms. He looked even more pale, dressed in a thin, blue hospital gown, and it was a distressing sight to see. The difference between how striking he usually looked in his flowing trench coat on the dueling grounds, compared to him now, lying hooked up to several bags of fluid, was disturbing Yami on a whole other level.

Yami was shocked, but he tried to keep his expressions neutral as he approached the bedside, suddenly realizing how thin his rival looked up close.

"Seto!" Mokuba exclaimed, as he grasped one of Kaiba's pale hands in his smaller ones, "Seto, do you remember...who they are?"

Kaiba turned his gaze to the guests his brother had just brought in with him. Twins. Spiky-haired twins. One of them was shorter, with a round face and large innocent eyes, looking at him with an expression pulled into one of worry and fear. The other one...Kaiba felt his breath catch in his throat. He was slightly taller, his hips tilted at a commanding angle, his arms folded, emitting a mysterious aura. Water dripped alluringly from the tips of his spiky, blonde bangs which framed a delicate face, with intense violent eyes that were staring right into him. Kaiba felt something stirring within him and he gripped the hospital sheets tightly.

"I..." Kaiba started, unsure of what to say.

"Their names, Seto, can you tell me their names?" Mokuba repeated, looking up at him beseechingly.

Yugi turned his head slowly to face Yami, shock painted in every muscle on his face. Yami stood still and kept his gaze firmly on Kaiba, feeling the air grow heavy with tension. He felt a slight shiver run down his spine as he watched Kaiba's blue eyes roam across his face slowly, blankly, not showing a single hint of recognition. Yami felt his face heat up and shifted uncomfortably as he watched Kaiba's eyes travel down his slender frame, as if undressing him with his gaze.

"Seto?!" Mokuba cried distressingly, squeezing his hand so tightly it hurt. "Please, tell me anything you can remember about them!"

Kaiba looked into his younger brother's wet, grey eyes, feeling his head grow heavy as haze of confusion settled at the front of his mind. Who were these people supposed to be? Business associates? God forbid...friends? Friends who look like delinquents? Mokuba's friends?

Kaiba decided to go with the more logical route. If Mokuba brought them, they must be Mokuba's friends.

"They're your friends...", Kaiba said slowly, looking for a positive reaction in his brother's face.

"Yea, sure, of course they are," Mokuba breathed, looking slightly less anxious. "And what are their names? How did we meet them? How long have we known them?"

Kaiba knitted his brows together and felt himself grow hot as the taller twin was staring daggers into him. "I don't remember their names, " Kaiba said blandly. "I'm sorry Mokuba."

Yami felt ice shoot through his core as he stared Kaiba, unable to process what he had just heard. Seto Kaiba has lost his memory?! Was this an act?! No, it's not an act, Yami thought frantically as he watched Kaiba reassuringly pat his younger brother's head. Of all the times he had made eye contact with Seto Kaiba, it was never without intensity. The man who was staring blankly at everyone from the bed was not the Seto Kaiba he knew.

Yugi chose this moment to approach the bed and placed a warm hand on Mokuba's shoulder, "Kaiba," he said firmly, "This isn't funny anymore! You're really worrying your brother, can't you see?"

Mokuba turned tearfully towards Yugi, "He's not faking it Yugi. Ask him anything you want, and see for yourself!"

Kaiba appraised the smaller twin before him, feeling a slight twinge of annoyance at his shrill voice. The taller twin approached the bed and spoke in a gentle, resounding voice, "Kaiba, what's your favorite card?"

Kaiba blanched. Card? What the hell was he talking about? Like, a credit card? Did he have a favorite credit card he enjoyed using? This is ridiculous. He lifted his head and looked defiantly into the dark, violet eyes of the taller twin, "I don't have one."

The twin's eyes widened simultaneously in shock, and Mokuba burst into tears.

"See?! I told you..-hic- I told you guys..!" Mokuba hiccuped, crying and burying his head into his brother's chest.

Kaiba felt a bubble of guilt swell up inside him as he looked down at the mop of dark hair leaning agaisnt his chest, and he raised a hand to gently console his brother. Yugi and Yami exchanged significant looks, and Yugi gripped Mokuba's shoulder tightly.

There was a soft knock at the door and a man draped in a white coat entered the room.

"One visitor at a time," He said sternly, looking at them over his glasses, "Mr. Kaiba needs his rest."

Mokuba pried himself off of his older brother and clutched Yugi's arm tightly, "You guys will help me, won't you? You'll help Seto remember?"

"Maybe, he'll remember if we did this one-on-one." Yugi said gently, "It will less stressful. Do you want to try calling Joey and the others?"

They looked towards Kaiba for a reaction at the name "Joey". Kaiba gazed back at them nonchalantly and then looked down at his slender fingers to examine his manicure lazily.

Yami glanced at teary-eyed Mokuba and his distressed Aibou, and decided he had to to something, anything.

"Mokuba," Yami said deeply, brushing his damp bangs out of his face, turning to face the younger Kaiba brother, "I'll stay here with him while you and Yugi call the others. Don't worry, we will help you."

Mokuba nodded into Kaiba's shirt. He allowed himself to be pulled off of his older brother and was slowly led outside with Yugi wrapping a supporting arm around his shoulder. The doctor followed them out and shut the door behind them.

The silence grew heavy as Yami stared at Kaiba curiously. Kaiba made every point not to make eye contact and continued to stubbornly inspect his nail beds. He could feel the intense stare of the spiky-haired man setting his skin on fire. Yami finally decided to speak up after a long moment, "What happened to you." he said, sounding almost disgusted.

Kaiba slowly turned his hands over and stared at the lines running through his palms, "The doctors say I have mild amnesia. But I'm fine now, clearly."

Yami felt his chest constrict with uncertainty, "I don't know what that means."

Kaiba looked over at the spiky-haired figure and noticed he was wearing steel-belted shoes. Clearly this boy was an uneducated delinquent, however attractive he may be.

"Nice shoes." Kaiba commented, trying to change the subject.

"Kaiba listen to me!" Yami said fiercely, leaning his face in closer, "You really can't remember who I am? What we've been through? Look at me! What do you feel when you look at me?"

Kaiba stared intently down at his palms, opening and closing them slowly, realizing his veins looked really blue underneath his pale skin. What have I "been through" with this individual? Kaiba thought to himself faintly, What do I feel when I look at him? I feel...

Kaiba raised his head and looked into deep, violet eyes framed dramatically with long, dark lashes, and he felt his heart leap into his throat. His eyes traveled down delicate cheekbones and rested on a pair of plump, kissable lips. Kaiba felt his mouth go dry and he struggled to find the right words to use.

Yami noticed this and felt a twinge of triumph rise up. He placed a hand onto the pillow beside Kaiba's head until he was nose to nose with him, and whispered into Kaiba's ear, smirking mischievously, "I'm your lover."

Kaiba clenched his fists as he felt himself shiver involuntarily as Yami's hot breath passed across his ear.

My lover?! Kaiba thought to himself incredulously. My lover is a man?!

Yami watched him curiously with bated breath, as Kaiba blinked rapidly, processing this information. Will he believe me? Yami thought devilishly, if he comes to his senses, he ought to start yelling any minute.

Kaiba eyed the blonde bangs hanging centimeters away from his face, still damp with rain, and felt his hand automatically reach up to caress one of the golden locks between his slender fingers. Was this man telling the truth? Kaiba wondered. Well, I suppose that would explain my current feelings and reactions to his presence.

"Remember? You call me Yami." Yami said, shaking slightly with anticipation as he felt Kaiba's knuckles graze his cheek lightly as Kaiba playfully twirled his fingers in his bangs.

Kaiba suddenly felt a strange mix of curiosity and desire, surge up within him as Yami gazed unblinkingly into his eyes. He leaned upwards and carefully threaded his other hand through the back of Yami's spiky hair, and pulled Yami's face towards his. Yami's eyes widened, "Wh-what are you doing?!"

Kaiba tilted his head and smirked, "Let's see if you're telling the truth. I can't seem to remember you."

Yami swallowed dryly, regretting every word he had just said, "I assure you, I am speaking the tr-" He was cut off mid-sentence as Kaiba pushed his head down towards him, touching their lips together ever so slightly.

Kaiba felt the hot wetness from Yami's mouth, slightly-open, cut-off in mid speech, pressing against his. His held his breath, shocked as the sudden warmth from the stranger's mouth, spread slowly, engulfing his entire body.

Yami blinked wildly, unsure of what to do. Kaiba's lips were soft, but insistent, he could feel Kaiba's teeth pressing agaisnt his upper lip, demanding something...

Kaiba suddenly felt Yami's tongue daringly slide in between the tops of his teeth and sensually lick the roof of his mouth. Electrified and aroused by the sensation, Kaiba lifted his head up and parted his lips, deliberately seeking more of the delicious, foreign sensation. He boldly slid his tongue out, touching Yami's, and he felt a Yami's tremble where he stood, warm saliva lightly coating his lower lip. Kaiba teasingly bit him, then pulled away, breaking contact.

Yami was breathless, "Wha-". Kaiba cut him off again, craving more, pressing his lips firmly onto Yami's, shoving his tongue incessantly back and forth erotically into Yami's mouth, feeling Yami's bottom teeth graze sharply agaisnt the underside of his tongue.

Oh gods, Yami thought blurrily as Kaiba's gently circled the tip of his tongue, sensually and slowly, and then thrusting his tongue assertively in and out of his mouth, again and again.

Feeling his blood rushing loudly through his body, elevating his temperature, Yami pressed himself agaisnt the hard plastic bed frame of the hospital bed, feeling his arousal strain uncomfortably beneath his leather pants.

Yami boldly wrapped his arms around Kaiba's neck and ran his hands upwards, grabbing handfuls of Kaiba's lustrous, dark brown hair.

Oh shit, Kaiba reeled, the rough tugging of his hair was driving him insane, every tug sent a heavenly shiver throughout his body and he felt himself arch forwards to press himself closer to Yami. Kaiba pulled away slightly and buried his face into Yami's slender neck, licking, biting and sucking gently on his hot skin, inhaling his deliciously unique scent.

Kaiba felt Yami shiver and tremble at his ministrations, and he smirked, feeling powerful.
So sensitive. Kaiba felt his own hardness pressing upwards agaisnt the sheets into his thin, hospital gown. The feeling shocked him back into reality. He suddenly realized how inappropriate this was; they were in a hospital, with family, friends and children waiting outside. He reached up and grabbed Yami roughly by the shoulders, pushing him back away from him.

Dizzy and aroused, and upset at the sudden loss of contact, Yami let out a half-sigh, panting, flushed, his lips wet, gazing at Kaiba longingly through half-lidded eyes. Yami could feel his legs giving away, melting like putty into the floor, if it weren't for the strong grip holding him steadily upright.

Kaiba's eyes gleamed as he watched the seductive rise and fall of Yami's chest. Yes, this boy seemed like a nice plaything he would have acquired in passing, probably at a late-night hotel club or bar from one of his business trips. How and where did they meet? Kaiba frowned, his eyes traveling over Yami's wonderfully sun-kissed skin. This boy looks exotic, Mediterranean perhaps? Kaiba mused.

"Calm down, I believe you." Kaiba said evenly, his icy blue eyes boring through Yami's deep violet ones. "Now, this isn't the time or place for ...this. We'll continue this later."

Yami swallowed the lump rising in his throat as he felt his groin pulse painfully with need. He nodded reluctantly, and untangled himself from Kaiba. They heard voices grow louder and multiple shadows fell across the shuttered doorway as a people crowded around outside.

"Compose yourself," Kaiba smirked, looking at Yami's flushed complexion, enjoying the light pink tinge reflecting off his lightly tanned skin. Yami nodded silently again, and hid his erection by facing the bed frame, taking deep breaths, willing it to go away.

There was a loud knock at the door, causing them both to jump. The doctor entered, and behind him, a large group of worried people peered over his shoulder. Mokuba rushed in and grabbed Kaiba's hand firmly, "Seto, I brought more familiar faces, hopefully this will help!"

"Hey rich boy, come play a card game with me!" A blonde male yelled obnoxiously, giving Kaiba the finger.

"Joey, stop that!" A short-haired girl exclaimed.

Kaiba stared at the group in the doorway, registering that, there were too many of them. No one looked familiar. A tall male with brown pointed hair was grinning stupidly at him. A smaller girl with long brown hair was peeking out from behind a crowd of elbows, looking nervous, and a sexy, full-chested woman with long flowing blonde hair was as staring haughtily at him.

Yami edged away from the bed and walked towards the door.

"Yami, where are you going?" Kaiba said, automatically without thinking.

The group of people by the door made noises of amazement. Yami froze and Mokuba looked excitedly between them, "Seto! You remember him?!"

"Of course." Kaiba said headily, "Now who are these clowns?" He watched the blonde male make a continuous stream of ugly faces at him; the pretty blonde female elbowed him, hard, and he doubled over coughing.

"Well he sounds like himself," the pointy-haired brunette male spoke. "Listen to that, Mokuba, he's getting better already. We're clowns."

Mokuba's eyes welled up with emotion again, and Kaiba felt panic rise up in his chest. He hated seeing his brother cry.

"Well, he remembers Yami! That's a start, right Mokuba?" Yugi asked hesitantly, having spent the past 15 minutes trying to calm Mokuba down, he hated seeing the waterworks start again.

"I guess," Mokuba said sullenly, "but of course he'd only remember Yami!"

"Typical." The short-haired female said, and the group nodded in agreement.

Kaiba looked around the room from face to face. So his relationship with this man was...public?!

The doctor took this moment to speak,"If Mr. Kaiba indeed remembers at least one face that isn't Mokuba's, then he ought to spend more time with this individual, any familiar activities to help jog any memories from the past one to five years."

"Five years?" Kaiba echoed, feeling hollow.

"Yea, you've known us for years..." The smaller spiky-haired twin said softly.

"When can I return to work?" Kaiba asked, addressing the doctor pointedly.

The doctor looked strained, "Sir, we're not quite sure yet. You need to make a full recovery to reduce the chances of this ever happening again, so I recommend sorting your affairs and perhaps taking a little vacation."

"A little vacation?!" Kaiba seethed, "I don't take vacations! I have a responsibility to my shareholders! My stocks will plummet and my company will be worthless within the week!"

"Sir..." The doctor continued, "We are willing to leak false information to the media, anything in your favor, of course. Nothing we say will leave this room without your permission."

The group filed into the room and closed the door quietly. Kaiba gripped the sheets anxiously, feeling his self-control slipping away. "What do you suggest," Kaiba growled through gritted teeth.

"The neuro-specialists and I have been analyzing your brain scans, which have shown nothing out of the ordinary. If anything, perhaps this amnesia was stress-induced." The doctor said steadily.

"I don't care about that!" Kaiba snapped, "What do you suggest I tell the media?"

"Seto..." Mokuba's hand tightened over his. "Please don't'll faint again."

The doctor took a deep breath and said frankly, "Well, a coma sounds better than memory loss at this point."

The group made noises of disapproval and shock.

"How is that better?!" The brown pointy-haired male yelled, "That's like..dead, right?"

Kaiba leaned back into the pillows and evaluated his options. True, if rival companies realized he wasn't completely mentally present, he'd be eaten alive like a small fish in a shark tank. However, if he was presumed ill, in a coma, with Mokuba still positioned to take over the company, investors would be less likely to jump ship, his current contracts wouldn't fall through unexpectedly. This, however, would put a lot of pressure on Mokuba...

"Mokuba." Kaiba said seriously, looking into his brother's round, innocent, grey eyes, "We're going to announce that I'm in a medically induced coma. The media will not leave you alone-"

"I'll do it!" Mokuba interjected tearfully, "I'll do anything until you get better, Seto! So please..." he wiped his nose messily on his sleeve and threw himself into his older brother's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Kaiba felt his heart throb painfully.

"Mr. Kaiba, since your charts look normal, we'll be releasing you tonight. I recommend you spend time with some familiar faces," The doctor glanced at the Yugi-gang and continued, "and we will reconvene next week for well-being check-up." He stood up to leave and no one stopped him.

The group sat silently, staring at him sitting awkwardly in the hospital bed.

"Kaiba," The smaller spiky-haired twin spoke up, "If it'll make things easier, Mokuba can stay with us while you recover. And since Yami is the only one of us you seem to remember we can just do a little swap. "

Mokuba gasped, "Yugi, That's a great idea! The press will literally set up tents outside our property, just waiting for something to happen. If I'm not there at all, it'll help take some of the pressure off...!"

Kaiba made a mental note of Yugi's name, and frowned, folding his arms across his chest, not entertained by the idea of living separately from Mokuba, however, if Yami were to take his place instead...

"Where will he sleep?" Yami asked cautiously.

"In your bed," Yugi replied flatly.

"Then where will I be?" Yami asked, his voice rising with panic.

In my bed, Kaiba thought secretly, but what he said was, "The Kaiba mansion has a multitude of guest rooms, you can choose any one of them."

The group nodded in consensus. "And I'll visit anytime!" Mokuba insisted, "It'll just be like one long sleep over!"

Yami felt his palms sweat. The thought of being alone with Kaiba in his home was too much for him to bear. Kaiba watched in amusement as Yami tapped his foot nervously agaisnt the linoleum tiles. "Sounds good," Kaiba said loudly, smirking. "Yugi, thank you for your hospitality."

Yugi looked at with round eyes, "Yea, I am're..uh, welcome, Kaiba.." He said, reddening a little. Kaiba felt a strange feeling tug at his chest, this twin was definitely more childish.

"Do you remember Yugi?" Mokuba asked hopefully. "I know you just heard me say his name, so that doesn't count."

Kaiba smiled gently at Mokuba, who was sharp as always, "How observant, Mokuba. Now, I'll be fine. Go pack your things and have Isono drive you to their house."

Mokuba gave him a strange look, "Oh Seto, they live above the Kame Game shop. It's not really a house. More like an attachment? An extension?"

Kaiba felt himself shrivel up in horror. Oh god, what did he just agree to?! They lived in a retail extension space?! Were these people poor?!

"Right," Kaiba said, feeling his voice catch in his throat. Everyone watched as Mokuba embraced his older brother as tightly as he could, pulled out his cell phone and dialed Isono.

Author's Note:

Critiques, suggestions, love, are all welcome! Please let me know how I did! 3

