Sorry for the late, (I guess ill be updating this 3-4 times a month, I didn't like updating it monthly or yearly, I hate being a cruel writer) and I guess this is short ;_;.


While Lambo was rushing to his school, a certain albino haired guy sitting in the roof of the Elem campus eating some marshmallows and holding a phone,

"This school is really a mystery even in parallel worlds eh, ne Tsunayoshi kun?" Byakuran viewed the whole area,

"Yeah," Tsuna said on the phone.

"I shall go explore this place, bye bye~ Tsunayoshi kun!" Byakuran hang up the phone,

Flashback end.


Lambo reached to his first class, the great thing was, the teacher wasn't there yet.

"Good morning Bovino san!" Inchou said,

"Good morning megane! where's frog?" Lambo asked,

"I haven't seen him, wait, where did Mikan chan go?" Inchou replied,

"I don't know, maybe late," Lambo answered,

"Hey stupid cow, why are you a three star?" Sumire said,

"Do you care? ugly dog? gyahahahahah!" Lambo laughed,

"Koko! read his mind!" Sumire commanded,

"He thought I will bite you to death" Koko said,

'Since when did I thought that, oh maybe a while ago,' Lambo thought,

"Since when did I thought that, oh maybe a while ago," Koko repeated what Lambo thought.


Somewhere, that someone sneezed.

'Gotta keep calm...' Lambo thought,

"Gotta keep calm..."Koko repeated again,

"YAMETE!" Lambo shouted,

"Hahahahaha... Stupid cow give up already," Sumire threatened,

'On what?,' Lambo thought, "Only Ahodera will call me that!"

A teacher entered the room, It was Jinno sensei with someone,

"Please sit, we have a new student here," Jinno sensei said, "Please Introduce yourself,"

"Hello, Im Varia Flan, call me Fran, I use Illusion Alice," Flan said,

Whispers were heard,

"Hey, another illusionist,"

"Inchou has a rival"

"Look he's also a three star"

"He's kinda cute but weird"

"tch, that brat again.."

"Another person heh?"

"I'll bring his star rank down"

"Isn't he the one I met that evening?"

"Flan san!"

"Quiet!" Jinno scolded them, "Flan, go seat beside Sumire,"

"Flan! Flan! you're in danger! damee! you'll get bullied!" Lambo whispered,

"I love torturing tiara prince senpai, so I'll pass it on someone right now," Flan silently told Lambo.

'Weird as ever, gyahahahaha" Lambo thought happily.

"Oi, frog, you're weird," Sumire said smirking,

"Who cares anyway," Flan backfired it.

'He's...'Sumire thought angrily, "Er.."

Time skip for 5 minutes of mouthing eachother,

Jinno wrote 100 divided by 5 plus 10=?, "Answer this, Sakura san,", Jinno sensei said as Mikan woke up hastily to stand up and answer it,

Mikan wrote 30 on the blank area,

The bell rang, so there's the next class coming.

And so the it started with this,

-Japanese class-

"Translate 'Who are you' to Japanese" The teacher said,

"Gyahahahahaha, I don't know," Lambo silently said, sweat dropping. Lambo threw something unknownly on one of his classmate's seat,

"What is this pink grenade?" One of his classmates said, "Wait.., That isn't a toy! run!" another of his classmates said.

The desk exploded and so, Lambo got scolded for bringing a grenade and stood up outside the room for the whole Japanese class.

-Science class-

Lambo, Natsume and Flan were partners in this Experiment.

Lambo brought out his weird looking Vial and dropped a bit into the test tube and a weird reaction happened, purple bubbles, red liquid, Natsume looked weirdly at the test tube, Flan was holding Gokudera's Cigarettes in an illusion of a snack called Pocky, then the teacher walked near them looking at the weird liquid,

"What kind of liquid did you three do this time?" The Science teacher said,

"Uhhh, a Potion of Energy!" Lambo said as the one of their group sweat dropped and the other one was silent.

Flan added a bit of Gokudera's Cigarette into the Test tube and the color changed to Gray with red bubbles,

"Frog brat, try it on someone," Natsume stared at the Test tube purplely.

"First test subject, Ruka Nogi," Flan said, 'Hey, not my best friend!' Natsume thought.

"Ruka! try this!" Lambo gave the small glass of their experiment.

"EH!?, s-sure" Ruka drank it and suddenly, he didn't faint and the rabbit he's holding walked away, then Ruka tried to pheromone it but it didn't work, Ruka didn't feel any of his Alice with him, and so Lambo started the stop watch to see how long its effects.

Few minutes later...

"10 minutes duration," Flan said looking at Ruka where his rabbit came back to him.

"I missed you!" Ruka cried in a comical way,

"-Rabbit language- Me too!" the rabbit said,

"I think Ruka is overeacting," Hotaru said,

"Hahaha.. yeah.." Mikan stopped laughing when she noticed the camera held by her best friend.

"This is my first time to see an experiment that can temporarily remove your alice for 10 minutes," The Science teacher said,

"I think Cow brat has another alice," Natsume looked at Lambo, who was proud of his own work.

"What is the ingredients of it anyway?" Fran said to Lambo,

"The Akazu, Ahodera's Cigarettes and some of the ingredients I found here," Lambo answered.

-Break time-

"Hey, Cow, did you notice something about that kuro neko?" Flan asked,

"No, but I noticed him staring at Mikan when we're in the science class," Lambo replied,

"I think Natsume has a crush on her," that someone said.

"Yeah," Lambo said,

"Hey, hey," Flan sweatdropped.

10 seconds had passed,

"GAAH!" Lambo looked at Hotaru in surprise,

'Hahahahaha...' Flan laughed in his head.

"Bovino, can you lend me your TY Bazooka?" Hotaru said,

"Why?" Lambo asked,

"I'll check if its made by a person who had the same Alice as mine," Hotaru replied.

"No! this is the gift i received from my boss back in my Bovino Famiglia!" Lambo panicked,

"Oi, don't say the word Famiglia," Flan hastily said.

"AH gomen gomen, frog," Lambo stopped when he looked at Hotaru, who was wondering what does Famiglia means.

"Famiglia.. Famiglia.., isn't that an Italian word for Family? but there's also another meaning of it, MAFIA FAMIGLIA!?" Hotaru almost shouted the Mafia but Flan covered her mouth,

"Don't say a thing about Mafia, please," Flan treatened nicely,

"Ahh... Ah..." Lambo sweatdropped.

"Its your fauld Cow head, you blurted your own Famiglia," Flan sweat dropped.

"Please don't tell anyone about it," Lambo begged to Hotaru,

"Fine fine, but let me borrow your Bazooka for a while," Hotaru agreed,

"Fine, Here!," Lambo took out his TY Bazooka and gave it to Hotaru.

Hotaru Inspected it and checked,

"It was made by a person with a Mechanical Alice," Hotaru said,

Then someone was peeking through the window, it was a guy with an Albino hair.