She Loves Me…, She Loves Me Not…

A/N: I'm Baccckkkkk! Sorry, I haven't posted in a while. I have been diligently working on this new story. It is going to be an emotional angsty multi-chapter story. I hope you enjoy my newest endeavor. I still have plenty of ideas for even more stories to come.

Thank you, to all my steadfast fans that I have had from day one. And, more thanks to all my new fans that I picked up after posting my last story. Thank you to everyone that read, reviewed and enjoyed "Dreams Really Do Come True!"

I really appreciate all of you and your wonderful support. You guys mean the world to me and are the reason I keep writing. Now, without any further ado, onnnnn with the showwwww!

After an extremely hard and emotional case the team needed some down time so they could recharge. This case was particularly horrendous, before this unsub was caught he managed to kidnap, rape and kill thirteen innocent children. The cases involving children were always the worst, but this was way over the top. It was always heartbreaking and the team always took them bad, especially Derek because of his past. This one was no different, Derek was angry, he blamed himself for not being able to stop the unsub before all those children suffered and died.

Penelope was at BAU headquarters awaiting the return of her family of superheroes. She had briefly spoken with her Hot Stuff and knew he was in an extremely bad place emotionally and psychologically. She decided that her best friend was in desperate need of some of her style of TLC and will need to talk it out when he is ready. She planned one of their famous movie nights and pig out sessions. She already had the necessary supplies at home. She was armed with beer, soda, twizzlers, popcorn, ice cream and would be ordering their usual pizzas.

The elevator doors opened and the team one-by-one stepped off looking like they had been through a war. They all gave her a weak smile and a quick hug. Derek was of course the last one to step off and looked like hell. He couldn't even muster a fake smile. She immediately made a beeline for her Noir Hero and drew him in for a huge bear hug which he readily accepted. They pulled back from each other and she quickly noticed the devastation in his eyes.

She smiled at him and brushed her fingers down his cheek. "Hiya Handsome! How ya holding up?"

He tried to plaster on a fake smile, but failed miserably and leaned in and tenderly kissed her forehead. "I'm okay, Mama Bear!"

"Who are you trying to fool? Yourself or me? Cause you can't fool this oracle of all knowing!"

Derek chuckled and cupped her face in one hand. "I never could fool you, huh Baby Girl?"

Penelope grinned and giggled. "Never in a million years, my love! Never in a million years! So, are we still on for our movie night my sexy Chocolate Drop?"

Derek shook his head with amusement. "You betcha, Beautiful! Savannah is on call tonight. Is this okay with Sam? I don't want you to get into any trouble."

"Sam is just fine with this, I explained to him that my best friend needs company tonight along with a pizza and a movie extravaganza."

Derek flung his arm over his girl's shoulder and they headed towards Penelope's lair. "I have to finish my paperwork, I should be ready in about an hour. Will that work for you Mama?"

"Perfect handsome, perfect! I shall be ready, willing and able, kind sir."

They made it to her office, he opened her door and they exchanged hugs. He gave her a wink as he headed into his office.

An hour later they walked out of the BAU hand in hand. They made the best of their movie night as they only got to enjoy them once in a blue moon, now. They knew that it bothered their significant others if they spent too much time together.

Their time together went reasonably well. Derek finally relaxed enough, it took a while, but he broke down and let out his grief, sorrow and anger. His solace was always there for him in his darkest hours. After their emotional roller coaster evening, Derek had fallen asleep in the arms of his Goddess. He had a rough time sleeping because of a few severe nightmares about his past. She stayed up with him and rocked him back to sleep in her loving arms.

The next morning came far too quickly for Derek and Penelope. They both didn't get too much sleep. He had been fighting off his demons all night and his favorite girl was right by his side through it all. Savannah and Sam could never understand the total realm or true spectrum of their relationship. Derek and Penelope were the only ones that truly understood each other and the ramifications of their jobs. They trusted no one like they trusted each other. They also didn't want to admit their true feelings for one another, because they were each afraid they would lose what they had together now.

When Savannah arrived home early that morning she was quite annoyed. She decided to let herself into Derek's house and her boyfriend was nowhere to be found and his bed had not been slept in. She stomped out his place, slammed the door and marched across the street to her own place. She had no doubts where her wayward boyfriend was. He was at that pathetic, fat, geeky nerd of a best friend's place. She huffed through her door and slammed it shut and went to sulk.

Sam on the other hand decided he would take a drive by Penelope's apartment on his way to work. Much to his chagrin, he ended up spotting his nemesis' SUV parked right outside her building. He slammed his fists onto the steering wheel and let out a primal scream. He was totally pissed and wanted to beat the crap out of Derek. He took some deep breaths and tried to calm himself down. He knew that he would never to be able to defeat Derek, besides that would end up pushing Penelope right into her "Hot Stuff's" arms. He hated that they spent so much time together and was completely jealous of their relationship. He also hated all the pet names and that she would drop everything at a moment's notice to go running to him. Well, no more! He was going to have to outsmart them both and drive her away from Derek. He sped away as he tried to come up with a plan to have her all to himself, no matter what.

Two weeks passed by and Sam had finally put his insidious plan into effect. He waited patiently for the team to be called out of town on another case. He wanted time to start his plan without her muscle-bound bloodhound hero around to sniff out the changes too quickly.

The first step was complete, after much cajoling he convinced Penelope that they both needed to start taking daily vitamins. Of course, he never took any and hers were laced with a drug that would make her very susceptible to the suggestions and orders that he delivered to her subliminally while she slept.

Step two was going to be put into place tonight, while they were having dinner at her place. She needed to stay close to her computers in case the team required her expertise regarding their case. He didn't have a choice, but to wait an extra week to start hypnotizing her to reinforce his subliminal changes.

Sam met Penelope at her apartment and surprised her with her favorite Chinese food and plenty of fortune cookies. He also brought along a nice red wine to get her to relax and hopefully make her more susceptible to being hypnotized.

They were sitting on the couch eating, drinking and watching one of Penelope's favorite old movies. He took her glass and placed it on table and stared into her eyes and began to hypnotize her. Once she was under, he chuckled and grinned.

"Wow, I did it! I can't believe it! Pen can you hear me?"

"Yes, Sam I can hear you. How can I help you?"

"I order you to not have anything to do with Derek Morgan anymore."

"I, I, I can't do that!"

Sam tensed up. "Why not Pen?"

Penelope smiled. "Because I work with him and I love him with all my heart!"

Sam became furious, brought his hands into fists and wanted to scream instead he snarled out. "You may have to work with him for now, but you don't love him anymore! You hear me you don't love him anymore. He is in the way of our happiness. There will be no more movie nights, no more pet names and no spending any more time off with Derek. Is that understood?"

A tear ran down Penelope's cheek. "I don't understand, Sam. He is my best friend. I love him. He would never hurt me."

Sam tried to keep his cool. This was not supposed to be this hard. "Penelope, he does not love you, like I do! He loves Savannah and always will. I am telling you for the last time you don't love Derek you love me. You never loved him and will never remember that you had any feelings for him. You remember what I said, no more movie nights, pet names or hanging out with Derek anymore! These are my orders and they will be followed. If you don't stay away from him I will kill him, understood?"

Penelope flinched as she let more tears slide down her face. "Yes, Sam I understand. No more Derek!"

"At work, it will be Agent Morgan or Morgan. Do you understand that?"

Penelope stared blankly ahead. "Yes, Sam I understand only Agent Morgan or Morgan at work."

Sam grinned evilly and maliciously laughed. "Good girl, Pen! Good girl. Now, I will count backwards from five and when I reach one you will awake and you will have no memory of this. However, you will remember my orders and will follow them without question. Five, four, three, two and one."

Penelope blinked her eyes and became aware again. Sam leaned over and kissed her lips and she responded in kind. "I love you, Pen!"

"I love you too, Sam! You wanna finish the movie?"

Sam grinned totally pleased with himself. "I would love to! How about some more popcorn and wine?"

As he stood up and headed to the kitchen she spoke up. "Popcorn sounds great, but just some soda for me. Bossman, may still call me."

"I understand, soda it is."

He entered the kitchen whistling to himself and grinning widely. He knew he had her right where he wanted her. Soon he would have everything he wanted. He needed to be patient a bit longer and play things just right. He grabbed more popcorn, wine for himself and soda for his lady love.

He headed back into her living room and sat back down. He handed her the soda she requested and placed the popcorn down on the table. They got comfortable and started to watch the movie again.

About twenty minutes later, her cell phone rang. It was Derek and he needed her to run a check on one of their suspects. Here was her first test, Sam eagerly waited and listened.

"Hey Baby Girl, tell me something good!'

"Hiya, Han-, I mean Agent Morgan. What can I help you with?"

Sam was inwardly jumping up and down with joy as he listened to her. He knew that Morgan would be completely confused and keep on trying to reach out to her. He figured, as long as, she kept taking her "vitamins", and he could continue to control her, everything would be fine.

Meantime, Derek scrunched his expressive eyebrows in confusion and frowned. His goddess never called him Agent Morgan, unless she is completely angry with him and he knew that he hadn't done anything recently to make her mad.

"Mama, is everything alright? Did I do something to make you mad?"

"No of course not! Everything is fine, honest. Now, what can I do for you?"

Derek was still not completely convinced. "Okay baby, I need you to get an exact location on John Ivers, we are pretty sure he is our unsub."

Penelope's fingers flew across her keyboard while she tried to locate the unsub. Suddenly her computer pinged, "Gotcha, you can't hide from the oracle. Got him, he as 238 Ridgemont Lane."

Derek chuckled. "Thank you, Sweetness. You are still and will always be the best! We will keep you advised."

"You are welcome and be safe Agent Morgan."

He hung up his phone and stared at it incredulously. He shook his head and decided business first and when he got home he would talk to his girl and figure out what was wrong. He headed to the SUV's with the rest of the team, armed with the address Penelope gave him in hopes of bringing in their potential unsub safely and quickly.