A/N This is my first fanfiction. Would really love your feedback!
Everything, except the plot, is JK Rowlings ideas etc.

After a long day teaching Hogwart's students, Hermione traipsed the floors and stairs down to the dungeons. As she entered the quarters she shared with her husband, a certain Potions Master and Head of Slytherin, she was short of falling asleep. Being out in the night before to gather some moonweed with him, she didn't sleep very much.

Indeed, she had been very tired the past few weeks, though she didn't know the reason. But she had a slight suspicion as she had forgotten her contraceptive potion one time.

After being admitted to her chambers, she collapsed on the nearest couch, closing her eyes to give her head not another reason to ache.
Her husband, sitting in the opposite chair near the fireplace, slowly lowered his magazine and inspected her for a second.
Not shortly afterwards, he thrust a headache and a pepper-up potion in her hand. Hermione hadn't even registered that he moved. Grateful, she swallowed the potions.

"Thank you, Severus. How was your day?", she murmured slowly.

"Wonderful. A Hufflepuff dunderhead blew up his cauldron and I had to give detentions to some Gryffindors for trying to sneak some ingredients out of the classroom."

Hermione opened one eye and looked at her husband. He was smirking, of course. He loved giving detentions to Gryffindors. Nothing much has changed since her own school days at Hogwarts.

"So tell me," Severus said, "why are you so tired you nearly collapsed on the floor?"

"I don't know. I had so many NEWT's to over watch, I think I just worked my body to exhaustion", Hermione answered, turning around so her back was to Severus.

Severus looked unconvinced. He knew his wife was a strong, capable witch who hadn't had any problems conduction the practical Transfiguration exams the previous years. Something was amiss. But he was sure, Hermione would tell him soon if there was something important happening. Nevertheless, he was a little bit restless.


The next evening, Severus laid alone in bed, reading another potions journal while Hermione was out with Ginny and Luna, celebrating the former's Quidditch win of the last weekend.

At the same time in a fancy bar in Diagon Alley, a shocked Hermione was staring at Luna, who was sitting across her. They had been talking about the latest news of their former classmates when the blonde woman congratulated Hermione out of the blue. Hermione and Ginny shared a curious look, wondering why Hermione was congratulated when the obvious reason to celebrate was Ginny's last win.

Luna watched them with glistening eye, smiling slightly. "Oh my…. I'm so sorry Hermione. If I had known that you don't know it yet, I would not have said anything. But really, you must invite me for the christening."

Even though Luna had become a little more down-to-earth after the war, she surprised her friends from times to times with her unnatural statements.

Hermione, the brightest witch of her age, was thinking and concluding very fast. And then, if someone had cast a petrificus totalus on her, she couldn't move. Like an ice rock, she sat between her lively friends; Ginny asking a million questions to Luna. And then Hermione had the feeling that something wasn't right. She couldn't get enough oxygen into her lungs and her vision blurred. Ginny shot her a concerned look - and then everything got black around her.

Ginny and Luna rushed into action as their friend fainted. Luna slowly lowered Hermione onto the floor while Ginny cast a "Rennervate" on her friend.

The first thing, Hermione could feel, was the hard wooden floor under her back. And then her friends were in her vision. A slightly panicked Ginny Weasley gestured wildly, while Luna ran some diagnostic spells over Hermione. She couldn't move yet.

"Hermione, can you hear me?" Ginny shouted right into her ear, "we send a Patronus to Severus. He will be here shortly."

Hermione could only blink once. Ginny took that as an understanding.

Breathe in, breathe out. Everything is ok. Severus will be here. Oh my god, Severus will be here. What will I tell him? He will be so angry. Oh god. Hermione breathe in! What will I say to him because of the…

Suddenly, there was another presence in the room. A furious Severus Snape had apparated straight into their secluded area and was now stalking towards her.

He kneeled down next to her and carefully propped her back a little bit up. Severus took her chin into his large, comforting hands and lifted her head so she had to look him into his eyes.

"He is scared", Hermione thought-
and then he was in her mind, looking through the memories of the past few hours. Hermione had not the energy to block the man.

A stunned Severus Snape looked at his wife. No wonder she was so tired the whole time. But fainting was so unusual of her. Because she had suspected it, she should have been better prepared to get confronted with the matter. Hell, why couldn't she just plainly tell him?

Nevertheless, he smiled at his wife. She looked a little bit scared but relaxed when he gave her the tightest hug he could give without putting too much pressure on her stomach.

A lonely tear ran down his face as he murmured into her hair.
"I love you so much, Hermione. I cannot thank you enough for this gift"

"Congratulations Professor Snape", Luna piped up, "I think you should call him Lysander."