I'm not really sure how original this idea is. I've seen loads of multiverse SU fics out there though. I don't know how much this one would stand out to be honest. I'm also unsure how well I'll be able to develop this fic either.. Either way, this thing will haunt my dreams if I don't write about it so I must.

Just a fair warning to you guys, there some crack ships here and given the concept combined with the plot I'm planning, OCs are inevitable and this is very dangerous territory I'm treading OCs do tend to get very 'sueish' if you're not careful. Also crackships are hard to write as well. It can get 'cringey' if you're not careful. Let's hope I'm careful enough. Anyway, there's not going to be any ships for this chapter. Now, I'm going to try and make sense of what could potentially be a recipe for disaster.

The bright rays shown through the windows bathing the entire house in a yellowish glow. It was bright enough to wake up the young boy. That is, if he was awake in the first place. Not wanting to rise just yet, he turned away from the window and looked into the rest of the house. Everything was neatly kept in place. It was arranged and kept almost too perfectly. Well, he couldn't really expect anything less from Pearl- one of his caretakers.

He has been awake for hours; staring at the dark ceiling while contemplating on her mother's previous actions. His mother, Rose Quartz-traitor to her own people, shatterer, rebel, great leader, wonderful friend, loving wife and beloved mother, was someone he could never get to know. It's true that he had heard stories of her-both good and bad but that will never be enough. He knows that he may only get to know bits and pieces of Rose's identity but he has accepted this. He no longer doubts the reason behind his creation and he has fully accepted that along with her gem, he has inherited her responsibilities.

However, he sometimes catches himself wondering about the alternative and his mind would wonder about all the 'what ifs'. Will everyone be better off if Rose had stayed and he never existed? He'll never know for sure. It's true that dwelling on the past is no good but sometimes he can't help but wonder.

He looked at the clock and noticed it was a quarter past 9. He heaved a deep sigh before he lifted himself from the bed and wiped the remaining sleep away from his eyes. He slowly got down and walked towards the kitchen counter. He felt he coluld collapse from tiredness at any moment. His eyelids started to drip down but the glow of the warp pad kept him from falling asleep.

His 3 friends emerged soon after the glow dissipated. The three of them walked towards him. Their expressions were unreadable but he felt they had something important to say.

"Steven you haven't had breakfast yet?" Pearl asked, noticing the lack of dirty dishes and food spills in the kitchen.

Steven looked at her with half-shut eyelids. He fought off the urge to fall asleep. He yawned before answering "No… I just gotten up." Steven said. His eyes then shut close and his head dipped down.

"Dang! What kept you from sleeping? Were stray cats fighting on your roof again?" Amethyst asked.

"Amethyst, last time…" Pearl paused for a while. She paused for a brief moment, reluctant on what she was about to say "They were not really fighting..."

"Oooh, I mean the exact opposite of fighting…" She corrected herself as she tried to stifle her laughter.

"No, its not cats. It's just some things were on my mind…" He yawned. Nothing you guys should be worried about..." He said right before his head hit the kitchen counter.

"Steven!" Garnet exclaimed.

"Whoah! I-I'm awake! I'm awake!"

He looked up at the towering gem. Even with her glasses on, he could tell she was looking at him. He couldn't read much of her expression though. The only thing he can be sure of is that she had something important to tell him and it's best if he listens.

"Are you well enough to go on today's mission?" Garnet asked.

He looked up towards the tallest gem. She held her usual neutral expression but something seemed off about her. He couldn't put his finger on it. Her tone of voice also sounded a bit restrained but he couldn't pinpoint why. He tried to think if he should ask them or wait until they say something. However, his tiredness overtook his thoughts and this was immediately forgotten.

"Yes, I'm just a bit sleepy but I'll do fine." He reassured them.

"Are you sure? It looks like you didn't catch any Zs last night." Amethyst commented, noticing his disheveled hair, lethargic movements and large eye bags.

"Yeah, I'm sure…" He said right before he closed his eyes and his head fell against the counter.

The three of them looked down at the sleeping boy sprawled out across the kitchen counter. He snored loudly. Amethyst crouched down next to him and gently poked his side with her finger. No response. She did it again, only this time much harder. He stirred a little and went back right to sleep. "Well, he's definitely going to be out for a while." Amethyst commented as she stood back up.

"Let's give him half an hour." Garnet said.

"I'll go pack him a sandwich." Pearl said right before heading towards the fridge.

"Pack an extra one for me P!" Amethyst called.

The warp pad brought them to another beach; a warm tropical paradise with white sand beaches. Steven was the first one to jump down the warp pad. He rushed towards the edge of the beach and looked beyond the shoreline. He watched the reflected sun's rays dance across the waves of the crystal clear blue waters. There was no sign of another island in sight. He then glanced back and noticed the rich vegetation covering the landscape of the rest of the place.

"Its pretty here. You guys want to hang around after we're done?" He asked.

"Its very beautiful, but we already live on a beach. I don't see how this one is that much different." Pearl commented.

"It just is. This isn't Beach City." Steven retorted.

"Meh, I rather go get some fry bits after we're done." Amethyst said.

"Alright, everyone, that's enough. Come here and follow me." Garnet instructed.

The three of them walked along the shoreline. The heat of the tropical sun was beating down on them as they crunched the fine sand beneath their didn't take long for him to notice that as they walked across the expanse of the beach, everyone was a lot more quiet than usual. Amethyst and Pearl didn't made any of their usual remarks and Garnet didn't say anything. This is not unusual for her per se, but he still felt something was off with her. He thought again about asking her if something was wrong but this thought once again dissipated as soon as they encountered a large cliff that appeared to be cut by the ocean's waves. It was surrounded by large rough rocks that came a multitude of colors but were all crusted with dirt and moss, dulling their original hues. These were spread throughout this area of the beach and they even extended beyond the shoreline.

"So, which way?" Amethyst asked, thinking they just went to a dead end.

"There's a subterranean cave on the water side of this cliff. That's where the tower is built. We probably have to go through these rocks." Pearl said in reply.

" And what's our mission again?" He asked, suddenly remembering that he couldn't recall whether the gems briefed him on the mission or not.

"We're retrieving the many worlds crystal. Remember? You were still a bit groggy when we told you." Garnet answered with a slight smile on her face.

"And what does it do again?" Steven asked as he approached the water and following the lead of his friends, jumped up into one of the rocks and started to traverse towards another edge of the cliff.

"Well, it's only in legends but apparently the many worlds crystal is essentially a gateway to the multiverse." Pearl answered.

"Multiverse? You mean there are alternate worlds?" Steven asked.

"Yes, there is a possibility." Pearl answered.

"Hey wouldn't it be awesome if we end up in a world where it rained fry bits? Maybe we should hang there for a while" Amethyst said as she helped Steven climb up one of the larger rocks.

"Yeah, that'd be so cool! Is that possible, Pearl?"

"If the multiverse does exist then yes." She answered.

"Can we go to that world, Garnet? Steven asked as he jumped down near the cave's entrance.

"We'll see." Garnet said as she ruffled his hair affectionately.

All of them now stood in front of the cave's entrance. From what Steven can see the cavern was large and deep and it had been flooded in and gotten wet in some areas. He looked down beneath his feet and noticed it was only a matter of a few steps before he would inevitably get them wet. He silently thanked himself for preferring to wear sandals rather than sneakers.

With Garnet leading the entire party, they went further down into the tunnels. Soon they were surrounded by stalagmites, stalactites and a variety of other rock formations. They were moist from the shallow salty waters at their feet, and as a result of condensation, clusters of salt crystals stuck to their surfaces. Dappled lights shown from cracks and crevices from the ceiling, illuminating the cavern in a dim glow. The small amount of sunlight was enough to reflect the radiant colors of the rocks onto the salt crystals, making the entire cave sparkle in a strange iridescent glow.

"Hey P, I found your cousins." Amethyst joked as she pointed to one of the rock formations coated in salt.

"Hahaha, very funny, Amethyst." Pearl answered back sarcastically.

They traversed further into the cave. Soon the hollow openings on the cave's roofs were too far to light their way and they only had the light from Pearl's gem keep them from not seeing anything. The water level also got higher and higher until they were up to Steven's knees. He looked around at the cave and noticed the caverns grew narrower and narrower as well. Steven covered his nose as the smell of guano combined with stagnant sea water became too much for him to handle. The vapors stung his eyes and he squinted them in an attempt to protect his eyes. He continued to follow his friends, however; determined to finish the mission with them. This normally would be the time that Pearl would remark about the horrid stench of the place but she remained quiet. In fact, no one had spoken since they got past one of the larger caverns.

Soon enough the smell disappeared. They've managed to reach an area that even the bats don't want to stay at. They kept going until the water became much more shallow and it seemed to flow now- much like a stream. The walls also seemed to grow smoother and more rounded. Steven suspected this part was artificially made. They soon saw a light in the distance. They followed the light until they managed to reach its source.

They stood in front of a large cavern now, the largest one in the entire cave. Multiple smaller tunnels all connect to this big one. The one they're in has a 20 feet drop from the tunnel's edge to the floor of the cavern. In the middle stood a large ornate tower that's surrounded and supported by multiple glowing pillars that came in a multitude of colors. At the very top was something that was emitting a bright white light. The whole structure almost looked like a really well-decorated lighthouse.

"What is this?" Steven asked as he looked up to the tower with amazement.

"The Many Worlds Tower. At the top, we'll find the crystal. Careful, Steven. Its a long way down." Garnet told him right before jumping down to the bottom of the cavern.

The rest of them followed her lead. Steven was the last one to float down. They then walked towards the tower. Within the massive pillars was an old spiral staircase. It had a few cracks but it was safe enough to climb.

"Race you to the top, dude!" Amethyst said right before racing up the old steps.

"Amethyst, wait for me!" Steven exclaimed right before rushing in pursuit.

"Careful you two, you might trigger a-" Pearl was cut off.

Amethyst then felt a part of the step give under one of her foot. "Oh no..." She commented right before large spikes emerged from the steps. She narrowly dodged them and took a few steps back.

"Amethyst are you ok?" Steven asked as he put a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah dude, I'm fine. Maybe we should go a bit slow, just in case." She said in reply.

They continued to climb the tower. They managed to avoid triggering any further traps for the rest of their climb. They soon reached the top floor. In the middle of the floor stood a large ornately-decorated pedestal and on it sat the object that was emitting the bright white light. They all slowly approached the object. When they were close enough, with Garnet's guidance, Steven slowly reached out to touch the crystal. Its bright white light suddenly dimmed but this was soon replaced by a gentle pink glow.

"Well done, Steven. Now give me the crystal." Garnet said smiling.

Steven handed the gem to her and its pink glow changed in hue. The transparent diamond-shaped crystal emitted a reddish-purple glow in Garnet's hands. Their mission was a success.

Well, there you guys have it. The first of many chapters to this story. Let's hope I won't get lazy in updating this one.

Can you believe I wrote some of this in the bus. Seriously, the traffic in my city is ungodly... Also, there's the threat of a huge earthquake in my area- think 6-7 in magnitude. Some ISIS supporters attacked people in the Southern part of my country. *sigh* Sorry, just needed to get all of that off my chest somehow and well, I did. Actually no... Seriously, it isn't just my country- what is going on in this world? Everything's just so ughhhhh.

Btw, I actually now made an outline for this entire thing *woot* *woot*. Anyway, tell me what you guys think of this first chapter and I'll probably have the next chapter (including the one in my other fic)up by next week.